Why is religion introduced at such a young age?

manu1959 said:
he is intollerant and says stupid shit....that will get you dinged

Ah yeah! Then he called me "sweetheart", so he did get dinged, well he would have, if the anti-semite line hadn't come first...
Abbey Normal said:
Twisting my words doesn't cut it around here; or haven't you noticed? I never said it only applied to primitive people. I used them as an example of how throughout time people feel the need to worship something higher than themselves. I would have thought that you realized that millions upon millions of people around the world today worship God and Allah. If you did not even realize that, then you need to go read up before coming here to debate religion.

I can and will debate anyone, anytime, but I refuse to entertain debate with a person who take words selectively and misleadingly out of a post to bolster their (weak) argument. I have seen that too much to waste my time with it. If you ever decide to debate fully and fairly, let me know. In the meantime, as I said in another post to you, your hatred of all things Christian is as clear as could be. Perhaps someday you may fight your way out of ignorance and hatred and see the truth. Or not. Whatever.

Good lord. This is getting stupid. I wasn't trying to twist your words. I never said that you said that. I was just saying that your examples only provided proof of people being "hard wired" to worship God in primitive times. Millions of people worship God today because they were told to and various religions already exist. I don't know that people in a modern society would feel the need to gravitate towards an invisible being if it wasn't already integrated into our culture via the past. You can't say that they would for certain. If anything it would be less likely that they would and I predict that the number of atheists will increase over the next several decades. The age of reason is upon us and superstition will soon be a thing of the past.
Powerman said:
I don't know that people in a modern society would feel the need to gravitate towards an invisible being if it wasn't already integrated into our culture via the past. You can't say that they would for certain. If anything it would be less likely that they would and I predict that the number of atheists will increase over the next several decades. The age of reason is upon us and superstition will soon be a thing of the past.

How do you explain the rise of fundamentalism here and in the Islamic world? That doesn't fit your theory.
manu1959 said:
he is intollerant and says stupid shit....that will get you dinged

Yep. I would hope he would entertain that there are others of different religions and even no religion that maintain a positive rep on the site. It comes down to respect of others and the intelligence of the posts. Even Bullypulpit has positive rep, his views are almost 100% opposite of the Supermajority of this message board.

Argue with intelligence, a modicum of tolerance, mix in respect, you have positive rep regardless of your opinion.
nucular said:
How do you explain the rise of fundamentalism here and in the Islamic world? That doesn't fit your theory.

It's an act of desperation. They see the writing on the wall. They know that there time is coming to an end so they gather up as many weak minded people as they can brainwash into their cause and crank the fear tactics up a few notches. Makes sense to me. By the way I'm referring ONLY to the fundamentalists here. I'm not lumping all Christians into one pile.
no1tovote4 said:
Yep. I would hope he would entertain that there are others of different religions and even no religion that maintain a positive rep on the site. It comes down to respect of others and the intelligence of the posts. Even Bullypulpit has positive rep, his views are almost 100% opposite of the Supermajority of this message board.

Argue with intelligence, a modicum of tolerance, mix in respect, you have positive rep regardless of your opinion.

Nothing I have said is lacking in truth, intelligence, or respect. My rep has nothing to do with anything and it's childish that you would even bring it up in the middle of a debate in which you can not survive.
Powerman said:
Nothing I have said is lacking in truth, intelligence, or respect. My rep has nothing to do with anything and it's childish that you would even bring it up in the middle of a debate in which you can not survive.

With this post, if I could, I'd ding you again.
Powerman said:
Nothing I have said is lacking in truth, intelligence, or respect. My rep has nothing to do with anything and it's childish that you would even bring it up in the middle of a debate in which you can not survive.

see ....... stupid shit ..... but hey my dad can kick your dad's ass
Powerman said:
Nothing I have said is lacking in truth, intelligence, or respect. My rep has nothing to do with anything and it's childish that you would even bring it up in the middle of a debate in which you can not survive.

Yes, yes, I really felt well-respected the time you told me I must be an f****in idiot. :rolleyes:
Abbey Normal said:
Yes, yes, I really felt well-respected the time you told me I must be an f****in idiot. :rolleyes:

look on the bright side at least you are an idiot that is getting laid
Abbey Normal said:
Yes, yes, I really felt well-respected the time you told me I must be an f****in idiot. :rolleyes:

Hah. I believe that was on the politics board. Sorry about that.
Powerman said:
Nothing I have said is lacking in truth, intelligence, or respect. My rep has nothing to do with anything and it's childish that you would even bring it up in the middle of a debate in which you can not survive.

This in itself is lacking in respect and intelligence. You have no idea who I am or what level of qualifications that I might have. I didn't call you childish, I simply gave advice. Reread the post, there is not even one time when I resulted to Ad Hominem in it, yet you result immediately to it in your post.

This shows a lack of depth in your debating skills, or simply a misunderstanding of what I wrote. By the evidence of resorting to the desperate ad hominem attack, that you have no evidence whatsoever to support, it shows that either you don't understand English and took advice as an attack, or you have no further salient points to add to the argument.

I merely pointed out the fact that there are people on this site with views that are WAAAY opposite to the Supermajority of the board with positive rep and that the words you use and the respect you have for others when arguing your case will net you positive rep regardless of your views. You then showed that you resort mostly to ad hominem by attempting to call me childish and unintelligent.
MissileMan said:
Aww c'mon...you don't think one of the creationists would have identified the God gene by now? :rolleyes:
Besides, you don't prove a negative, you prove a positive...the balls obviously in your court.

...... then you should prositively prove that god doesn't exist .... down the line
manu1959 said:
...... then you should prositively prove that god doesn't exist .... down the line

If there is no proof that something exists then there is no proof that it doesn't exist.

That would be like me saying there is no way you can prove that we weren't created by astronomically large invisible all powerful monkeys that assrape eachother in their spare time. There is no proof that these divine assraping monkeys exist but you can't prove that they don't exist. I could make up anything equally as stupid and you can't prove that it doesn't exist. If something doesn't exist there is no way to prove that it doesn't. If something does exist however you should be able to prove that it does. Not being able to prove that something doesn't exist is clearly not any sort of viable proof that it does. It's nonsense. Sounds like something a kid would say.
Powerman said:
If there is no proof that something exists then there is no proof that it doesn't exist.

That would be like me saying there is no way you can prove that we weren't created by astronomically large invisible all powerful monkeys that assrape eachother in their spare time. There is no proof that these divine assraping monkeys exist but you can't prove that they don't exist. I could make up anything equally as stupid and you can't prove that it doesn't exist. If something doesn't exist there is no way to prove that it doesn't. If something does exist however you should be able to prove that it does. Not being able to prove that something doesn't exist is clearly not any sort of viable proof that it does. It's nonsense. Sounds like something a kid would say.

careful now..... you would not want to start sounding like a little kid and going on a rant about the human race being created by a bunch of fudge packing monkeys....
manu1959 said:
careful now..... you would not want to start sounding like a little kid and going on a rant about the human race being created by a bunch of fudge packing monkeys....

I'm not suggesting that we were and I certainly don't believe it but it must be true since you can't prove that it didn't happen.

See how silly that sounds?

That is exactly the type of stupid logic you were trying to use to benefit you argument.

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