Why Is Securing Our Border Controversial? Because Many Dems View Themselves as "Citizens of the World" and See America as Illegitimate


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Many people truly don't understand why securing our border is the least bit controversial. They logically think that controlling your border is a fundamental part of being a sovereign country, that you really don't have a country if people can enter your country whenever they want, without permission, and with minimal accountability after they enter. Imagine "owning" a home but being unable to control who entered your home and how long they stayed.

Most average people do not understand that a growing number of liberal Democrats don't think of themselves as Americans but as "citizens of the world." They do not understand that more and more Democrats view America as an illegitimate country that was stolen from others and does not deserve to exist, and that therefore has no right to keep anyone from crossing its professed borders. That is literally how a growing number of liberal Democrats think.

Do you have a front door because you hate everyone who lives outside your residence? No, you have a front door because you want to control who enters your home. If you technically own a home but cannot control who enters your home and how long they stay, you don't actually own the home but are paying the bill while others occupy what is supposed to be your home.
The country is not like a House, Mormon MIke.

This country was built on Immigration and always has been. The problem is that you want to keep certain kinds of immigrants out for not being white and delightsome enough.

But let's go ahead and take your analogy seriously.

The reason why many undocumented immigrants come here is because white people want to hire them to do unpleasant jobs.

The owner of the farm wants someone to pick lettuce cheaply.
The sweatshop owner wants to produce clothing cheaply and then sell it for a huge profit.
The rich yuppies can't be bothered to raise their own kids, so they hire Lupe, who is just like a member of the family, which is why they don't report her earnings to the IRS.
The middle-class twats who bought a fixer-upper they wanted to flip realized that it wasn't nearly as easy as they made it look on HGTV and hired a truckload of day laborers outside the Home Depot to finish the job.

So the door was opened by someone, maybe you need to take it up with them.
The country is not like a House, Mormon MIke.

This country was built on Immigration and always has been. The problem is that you want to keep certain kinds of immigrants out for not being white and delightsome enough.

But let's go ahead and take your analogy seriously.

The reason why many undocumented immigrants come here is because white people want to hire them to do unpleasant jobs.

The owner of the farm wants someone to pick lettuce cheaply.
The sweatshop owner wants to produce clothing cheaply and then sell it for a huge profit.
The rich yuppies can't be bothered to raise their own kids, so they hire Lupe, who is just like a member of the family, which is why they don't report her earnings to the IRS.
The middle-class twats who bought a fixer-upper they wanted to flip realized that it wasn't nearly as easy as they made it look on HGTV and hired a truckload of day laborers outside the Home Depot to finish the job.

So the door was opened by someone, maybe you need to take it up with them.
The self-loathing here is off the scale...Truly terrifying that couch cases like you have a vote.
The self-loathing here is off the scale...Truly terrifying that couch cases like you have a vote.
Duly noted you couldn't refute the point.

If you wanted to stop illegal immigration, stop hiring them. Problem solved.

We won't do that, because we actually want these things done.
Many people truly don't understand why securing our border is the least bit controversial. They logically think that controlling your border is a fundamental part of being a sovereign country, that you really don't have a country if people can enter your country whenever they want, without permission, and with minimal accountability after they enter. Imagine "owning" a home but being unable to control who entered your home and how long they stayed.

Most average people do not understand that a growing number of liberal Democrats don't think of themselves as Americans but as "citizens of the world." They do not understand that more and more Democrats view America as an illegitimate country that was stolen from others and does not deserve to exist, and that therefore has no right to keep anyone from crossing its professed borders. That is literally how a growing number of liberal Democrats think.

Do you have a front door because you hate everyone who lives outside your residence? No, you have a front door because you want to control who enters your home. If you technically own a home but cannot control who enters your home and how long they stay, you don't actually own the home but are paying the bill while others occupy what is supposed to be your home.

It is Trump and the GOP MAGATS who are refusing to secure the border for their imaginary "crisis."

Democrats have tried for years.
Republicans have refused because

1. Illegal immigrants make for a cheap workforce for mowing their lawns and cleaning their houses.
2. Illegal immigrants make for a cheap workforce for the businesses that own the GOP.
3. Opposing any border reform feeds the racism that is the core of the GOP.
Democrat's irrational guilt, Democrat's dislike of our country, Democrat's lack of logic, Democrat's total disregard for fairness and justice and Democrats sense of right and wrong are all totally out of wack. Most bad things that are happening in our country today originate within the Democrat philosophy, which is looking more Marxist every day. Back to MAGA.
Democrat's irrational guilt, Democrat's dislike of our country, Democrat's lack of logic, Democrat's total disregard for fairness and justice and Democrats sense of right and wrong are all totally out of wack. Most bad things that are happening in our country today originate within the Democrat philosophy, which is looking more Marxist every day. Back to MAGA.

It depends what you consider right and wrong.

I think it's wrong for a country to turn away people in need. It's why we have an asylum law in the first place, because we turned away Jews fleeing Europe and a lot them ended up being killed by Hitler.

Most bad things happening in this country is because the GOP puts the interests of businesses and investors over the interests of consumers and workers. Period.

Everything else - immigration, abortion, guns, gay rights, race - is just noise.
The country is not like a House, Mormon MIke.

This country was built on Immigration and always has been. The problem is that you want to keep certain kinds of immigrants out for not being white and delightsome enough.

But let's go ahead and take your analogy seriously.

The reason why many undocumented immigrants come here is because white people want to hire them to do unpleasant jobs.

The owner of the farm wants someone to pick lettuce cheaply.
The sweatshop owner wants to produce clothing cheaply and then sell it for a huge profit.
The rich yuppies can't be bothered to raise their own kids, so they hire Lupe, who is just like a member of the family, which is why they don't report her earnings to the IRS.
The middle-class twats who bought a fixer-upper they wanted to flip realized that it wasn't nearly as easy as they made it look on HGTV and hired a truckload of day laborers outside the Home Depot to finish the job.

So the door was opened by someone, maybe you need to take it up with them.
As usual, your argument is irrational and extreme. No one denies that America was built on immigration. And, very few people argue that we should have no immigration whatsoever. Nearly everyone favors immigration, but most people want legal, orderly, helpful immigration, and most people believe that we should have much better control over our borders so that drug and human trafficking is stopped or markedly reduced.
You're absolutely right OP and I apologize for marking your OP as funny before because I missed the "they" word in there when you were talking about the democrats thinking that we're hateful people who want a secure border and that it's a very controversial topic to them.
As usual, your argument is irrational and extreme. No one denies that America was built on immigration. And, very few people argue that we should have no immigration whatsoever. Nearly everyone favors immigration, but most people want legal, orderly, helpful immigration, and most people believe that we should have much better control over our borders so that drug and human trafficking is stopped or markedly reduced.

We have drug and human trafficking because Americans want drugs and whores.

If we legalized those things instead of playing morality police, we wouldn't have an issue.

It's pretty clear your side doesn't favor immigration from NON-WHITE countries. Except the White Countries don't want to come here anymore.
You're absolutely right OP and I apologize for marking your OP as funny before because I missed the "they" word in there when you were talking about the democrats thinking that we're hateful people who want a secure border and that it's a very controversial topic to them.

Well, maybe you should talk to people who use hateful rhetoric towards immigrants, then we can talk. You can start with Trump calling them rapists and babbling about Blood Poisoning.

The problem with your notion of a secure border is that you aren't addressing the underlying causes of why people want to cross it.

That there are people here who happily hire illegal immigrants because they work cheaper than Americans and don't complain about those pesky safety issues.
This shows the kind of crazy people who support Trump, but man, I'm not sure what your point is.
More, it reveals just how backwards and ineffective Bidens bill is , and it was Biden who brought up Trump, because Biden is using this bill as a political leg up

More, it reveals just how backwards and ineffective Bidens bill is Joe


Actually, the bill was pretty sensible, and all things we are going to need to do eventually, anyway.

We are going to fund Israel and Ukraine.
We are going to eventually grant status to the millions of undocumented aliens who are already here.

"I don't like reality" isn't a policy stance.
Well, maybe you should talk to people who use hateful rhetoric towards immigrants, then we can talk. You can start with Trump calling them rapists and babbling about Blood Poisoning.

The problem with your notion of a secure border is that you aren't addressing the underlying causes of why people want to cross it.

That there are people here who happily hire illegal immigrants because they work cheaper than Americans and don't complain about those pesky safety issues.

So, how many illegal immigrants are you housing?
So, how many illegal immigrants are you housing?
Well, just one immigrant, but she's legal.

We don't need to house any, they are perfectly willing to work for their keep.


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