Why is the Chinese Virus death rate so much higher in countries with Govt run healthcare?

The virus has overwhelmed healthcare all over the world regardless of who runs it. The main factor in determining how the virus has been managed is the quality of leadership in a country. So for a gold standard you look at New Zealand, Canada, Korea and Singapore. For the pits you look at Italy, UK, US and Spain.

Mortality rates are meaningless until it has run its course. A few weeks ago you idiots were spewing the story that the US was safe because only 6 people had died and they were all old anyway. Obviously they didnt count. And now you have an undereported 40k deaths and you have no idea how many are infected because you dont test people. You have bodies stacked up in garages and health workers working without ppe. On top of this is a madman who is focussed on winning an election rather than managing a crisis.

But you carry on trying to make your petty bullshit points. It obviously amuses you.

As you know, our system has not been overrun. Why spread such lies? Ohhhhhh...right you're a progressive!

Bodies dumped in sheds out the back. Not over-run ?

That's right our healthcare system has not been overrun.
What about Canada. They are next door to you. Granted they have a functioning Prime Minister in charge.

A functioning Prime Minister....is that girlie boy Trudeau?

Well...we all needed a laugh after all this Chinese Virus crap....

What about Canada. They are next door to you. Granted they have a functioning Prime Minister in charge.

Do you mean Prime Minister Coonface?


That's right......I forgot about that.....it is hard to keep all the left wingers who have worn black face straight...

Prime Minister Black Face.......

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