WHY is the DJIA crashing?

The Dow fell because foreign people are scared? What part of the Dow is foreign held? I'm sorry, that is a fail from the start. It is a fact that the DOW has reacted to Portugal and Spain's financial position however.

Rupert Murdoch owns/controls the dow. He is not an American.
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The Dow is falling because RW fanatics have scared the world with their no compromise Rush/Fox IDIOCY. STFU. tyvm.

This is incorrect. People may lack confidence in the government, but Democrats control the WH and the Senate, so they deserve as much if not more blame than the Republicans for that lack of confidence.

So when the repugs say they are going to let American tank and not pay it's debts, that means the stock market doubles overnight & investors walk away with the spoon??:cuckoo:
So the sky is falling and a bunch of stockholding leaches are shitting their pants. Why does that concern me?

It shouldn't concern you...

Open a new bag of Cheetos and go back to World of Warcraft...

Hmm, close as I ever got to pc games was pacman in the original version back in 95'. So did you ever find a cure for con-stupidty Dr., and the risky business of gambling on stocks?

Bonds are a risk in a rising interest rate market.

Homes are a risk in a rising interest rate market or current environment.

Cash is a risk if in an inflationary period.

Assets always have an associated risk.
The Dow is falling because RW fanatics have scared the world with their no compromise Rush/Fox IDIOCY. STFU. tyvm.

This is incorrect. People may lack confidence in the government, but Democrats control the WH and the Senate, so they deserve as much if not more blame than the Republicans for that lack of confidence.

Biden a while back took credit for the dow going up a week.

Well if your going to take credit for the ups you own the downs.

Democrats time to women up.
The Dow is falling because RW fanatics have scared the world with their no compromise Rush/Fox IDIOCY. STFU. tyvm.

This is incorrect. People may lack confidence in the government, but Democrats control the WH and the Senate, so they deserve as much if not more blame than the Republicans for that lack of confidence.

So when the repugs say they are going to let American tank and not pay it's debts, that means the stock market doubles overnight & investors walk away with the spoon??:cuckoo:

Seriously, how old are you? You seem incredibly immature and frankly, pretty damned ignorant. I do hope you're just very young... and if so, this state you're in can be fixed. Otherwise, you're fucked.
I could break you, mate. Two pieces over my knee. you know it. I know it. I could buy you six times over. I could dump the stock just to burn your ass. but i happen to want the company.

I'll enjoy watching you and your giant ego make a go of it.....

Well now considering you brought my mother into it....

Done. You'll hear from my lawyers.8 am Good night.
Can we quit all this partisan BS.
As an article I posted from The Economist stated, it's not just Obama, the Dems or the GOP,,it's ALL of them and their childish behavior when the were working against each other. There's only 836 polls that confirm that.

I'll post the link to the article again, just in case there are people out there who have the ambition and aren't intellectually lazy to read an article from the very respected conservative The Economist.

No thanks to anyone

America has avoided default, but political dysfunction is threatening its chances of economic recovery

The debt-ceiling deal: No thanks to anyone | The Economist
The Dow is falling because RW fanatics have scared the world with their no compromise Rush/Fox IDIOCY. STFU. tyvm.

This is incorrect. People may lack confidence in the government, but Democrats control the WH and the Senate, so they deserve as much if not more blame than the Republicans for that lack of confidence.

So when the repugs say they are going to let American tank and not pay it's debts, that means the stock market doubles overnight & investors walk away with the spoon??:cuckoo:

Did they let America tank and not pay their debts?
Your error is in thinking the economy is driven by Washington Kiwi. It does have influence to be sure and your article in the Economist probably covers that aspect well.
This is incorrect. People may lack confidence in the government, but Democrats control the WH and the Senate, so they deserve as much if not more blame than the Republicans for that lack of confidence.

So when the repugs say they are going to let American tank and not pay it's debts, that means the stock market doubles overnight & investors walk away with the spoon??:cuckoo:

Seriously, how old are you? You seem incredibly immature and frankly, pretty damned ignorant. I do hope you're just very young... and if so, this state you're in can be fixed. Otherwise, you're fucked.

So yeah, I hope you are of age to be sucking my cock, ya dumb fuck.
This is incorrect. People may lack confidence in the government, but Democrats control the WH and the Senate, so they deserve as much if not more blame than the Republicans for that lack of confidence.

So when the repugs say they are going to let American tank and not pay it's debts, that means the stock market doubles overnight & investors walk away with the spoon??:cuckoo:

Did they let America tank and not pay their debts?

When it comes to crazy assed cons, do you know what consumer/investor confidence in the market means? Just making the threat sets wheels in motion, and if you don't get that simple concept, I got a bridge in the Mohave I want to sell you.
So when the repugs say they are going to let American tank and not pay it's debts, that means the stock market doubles overnight & investors walk away with the spoon??:cuckoo:

Did they let America tank and not pay their debts?

When it comes to crazy assed cons, do you know what consumer/investor confidence in the market means? Just making the threat sets wheels in motion, and if you don't get that simple concept, I got a bridge in the Mohave I want to sell you.

It's not the repugs' fault Obama's a pussy.
Can we quit all this partisan BS.
As an article I posted from The Economist stated, it's not just Obama, the Dems or the GOP,,it's ALL of them and their childish behavior when the were working against each other. There's only 836 polls that confirm that.

I'll post the link to the article again, just in case there are people out there who have the ambition and aren't intellectually lazy to read an article from the very respected conservative The Economist.

No thanks to anyone

America has avoided default, but political dysfunction is threatening its chances of economic recovery

The debt-ceiling deal: No thanks to anyone | The Economist

The government in general has proven to be incapable of doing anything competent whatsoever. This would not be that big of a deal except that they do seem focused on doing something and usually doing something very large. It seems they can get nothing right but are happy as long as they do something large.
Wall Street Pummeled: S&P Plunges Into Correction Range - FoxBusiness.com

The liberals on this web site think this stuff is a joke
it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

Which liberals on this board think it's a joke?

as for why it's happening: Bad economic reports and no more QE.


You mean no more printing money?????
The jig is up. We simply have borrowed too much money and can't pay it back. We are bankrupt. People are finally accepting this as a reality. Hang on to your hats.
So when the repugs say they are going to let American tank and not pay it's debts, that means the stock market doubles overnight & investors walk away with the spoon??:cuckoo:

Did they let America tank and not pay their debts?

When it comes to crazy assed cons, do you know what consumer/investor confidence in the market means? Just making the threat sets wheels in motion, and if you don't get that simple concept, I got a bridge in the Mohave I want to sell you.

I've spent my entire career working in the markets. To blame this all on the Republicans is just partisan hackery. This is a failure of politics, not of one party.

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