Why is the far left so upset that a 17 year old Patriot shoot arsonists and looters?

This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
There was nothing threatening at all how he handled the rifle he handled it the proper way he held it down until it was necessary to hold up. And he has a statutory right of common law of self-defense there’s nothing you can do about that all the video shows him being chased by a mob being attacked being hit with a skateboard having a gun pulled on him at point-blank range.. he’s going to be released and he’s going to be a billionaire after he sues everybody.. lol
Wrong, he was running away because he ir the group he was in, had already fired a weapon and shot at some one ALREADY. He was being chased because he was an illegal gun carrier involved in a shooting .
Now quibble about his self defense rights.
Yes he was involved in a shooting where he got tired of running and having objects thrown at him and guns shot in the air. That’s called self defense
Pretty poor defense when you have already admitted he was in the act of committing a crime.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
that has yet to be determined and doesnt take away the fact he was defending himself against many attackers,,
so lucky for him he was armed or he would be dead,,,
Nope. He and/or his buddies initiated the incident before he was personally attacked. He was seen running away after shots were fired by group he was with. He was there illegally carrying an illegal weapon. Everything he did, contributed to the ultimate homicide. It’s no different then a group going after some else in the process of committing a crime. Are you going to say it’s ok for a convicted felon who was seen firing his weapon, to then shoot to defend himself when he tried to escape ?
How did he initiate the attack lol
If he had obeyed the law. THIS would never have happened .
the 2nd amendment doesnt have an age limit,,,
you don’t know much do you. That pist proves it.
wheres your link???
I posted mine,,,
I posted one also.
We should see what happens with the case. Many times the legal system backs people up who defend themselves like this. The left likes to hang out in media rooms, virtual or real, shaming anyone who does so. They put people in the position of hesitation to defend their own rights and as a result they are wronged or hurt by it. The best thing to deal with the extreme left is to simply not become concerned about what they think. That's what their constant diarrhea of random outrage is all about.
For years the left has been trying to create the crime of premeditated self defense.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
There was nothing threatening at all how he handled the rifle he handled it the proper way he held it down until it was necessary to hold up. And he has a statutory right of common law of self-defense there’s nothing you can do about that all the video shows him being chased by a mob being attacked being hit with a skateboard having a gun pulled on him at point-blank range.. he’s going to be released and he’s going to be a billionaire after he sues everybody.. lol
Wrong, he was running away because he ir the group he was in, had already fired a weapon and shot at some one ALREADY. He was being chased because he was an illegal gun carrier involved in a shooting .
Now quibble about his self defense rights.
Yes he was involved in a shooting where he got tired of running and having objects thrown at him and guns shot in the air. That’s called self defense
Pretty poor defense when you have already admitted he was in the act of committing a crime.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
that has yet to be determined and doesnt take away the fact he was defending himself against many attackers,,
so lucky for him he was armed or he would be dead,,,
Nope. He and/or his buddies initiated the incident before he was personally attacked. He was seen running away after shots were fired by group he was with. He was there illegally carrying an illegal weapon. Everything he did, contributed to the ultimate homicide. It’s no different then a group going after some else in the process of committing a crime. Are you going to say it’s ok for a convicted felon who was seen firing his weapon, to then shoot to defend himself when he tried to escape ?
How did he initiate the attack lol
If he had obeyed the law. THIS would never have happened .
the 2nd amendment doesnt have an age limit,,,
you don’t know much do you. That pist proves it.
wheres your link???
I posted mine,,,
I posted one also.

I know that because it took you 20 posts to claim you did,,,
The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.

Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
We’re the people that he killed looting and rioting? I haven’t heard. What exactly were they doing?
Setting fire to businesses. Specifically a car dealership.

The case against this kid is falling apart. He did nothing wrong. It's amazing the amount of tripe that's being made up about him.
You’re saying that two guys where setting fire to car dealerships and the kid shot them?
Three guys were setting fire to car dealerships when they saw Rittenhouse and decided to attack him. Likely as an identifying witness. The kid was asked by the dealership owner to go to the dealership and see what was going on.

If you have seen videos of the shooting there is a man seen taking off his tshirt to use on the injured arsonist. That man is reporter Ritchie McGinnis who saw the entire thing from beginning to end and has his own films. He's been telling his story everywhere.
Thanks, I’ll check it out
We should see what happens with the case. Many times the legal system backs people up who defend themselves like this. The left likes to hang out in media rooms, virtual or real, shaming anyone who does so. They put people in the position of hesitation to defend their own rights and as a result they are wronged or hurt by it. The best thing to deal with the extreme left is to simply not become concerned about what they think. That's what their constant diarrhea of random outrage is all about.
For years the left has been trying to create the crime of premeditated self defense.
And for years the right has promoted the rights of criminals, the under aged and insane to bear arms
We should see what happens with the case. Many times the legal system backs people up who defend themselves like this. The left likes to hang out in media rooms, virtual or real, shaming anyone who does so. They put people in the position of hesitation to defend their own rights and as a result they are wronged or hurt by it. The best thing to deal with the extreme left is to simply not become concerned about what they think. That's what their constant diarrhea of random outrage is all about.
For years the left has been trying to create the crime of premeditated self defense.
And for years the right has promoted the rights of criminals, the under aged and insane to bear arms
Move out
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
There was nothing threatening at all how he handled the rifle he handled it the proper way he held it down until it was necessary to hold up. And he has a statutory right of common law of self-defense there’s nothing you can do about that all the video shows him being chased by a mob being attacked being hit with a skateboard having a gun pulled on him at point-blank range.. he’s going to be released and he’s going to be a billionaire after he sues everybody.. lol
Wrong, he was running away because he ir the group he was in, had already fired a weapon and shot at some one ALREADY. He was being chased because he was an illegal gun carrier involved in a shooting .
Now quibble about his self defense rights.
Yes he was involved in a shooting where he got tired of running and having objects thrown at him and guns shot in the air. That’s called self defense
Pretty poor defense when you have already admitted he was in the act of committing a crime.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
that has yet to be determined and doesnt take away the fact he was defending himself against many attackers,,
so lucky for him he was armed or he would be dead,,,
Nope. He and/or his buddies initiated the incident before he was personally attacked. He was seen running away after shots were fired by group he was with. He was there illegally carrying an illegal weapon. Everything he did, contributed to the ultimate homicide. It’s no different then a group going after some else in the process of committing a crime. Are you going to say it’s ok for a convicted felon who was seen firing his weapon, to then shoot to defend himself when he tried to escape ?
How did he initiate the attack lol
If he had obeyed the law. THIS would never have happened .
the 2nd amendment doesnt have an age limit,,,
you don’t know much do you. That pist proves it.
wheres your link???
I posted mine,,,
I posted one also.

I know that because it took you 20 posts to claim you did,,,
Took you longer....
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
There was nothing threatening at all how he handled the rifle he handled it the proper way he held it down until it was necessary to hold up. And he has a statutory right of common law of self-defense there’s nothing you can do about that all the video shows him being chased by a mob being attacked being hit with a skateboard having a gun pulled on him at point-blank range.. he’s going to be released and he’s going to be a billionaire after he sues everybody.. lol
Wrong, he was running away because he ir the group he was in, had already fired a weapon and shot at some one ALREADY. He was being chased because he was an illegal gun carrier involved in a shooting .
Now quibble about his self defense rights.
Yes he was involved in a shooting where he got tired of running and having objects thrown at him and guns shot in the air. That’s called self defense
Pretty poor defense when you have already admitted he was in the act of committing a crime.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
that has yet to be determined and doesnt take away the fact he was defending himself against many attackers,,
so lucky for him he was armed or he would be dead,,,
Nope. He and/or his buddies initiated the incident before he was personally attacked. He was seen running away after shots were fired by group he was with. He was there illegally carrying an illegal weapon. Everything he did, contributed to the ultimate homicide. It’s no different then a group going after some else in the process of committing a crime. Are you going to say it’s ok for a convicted felon who was seen firing his weapon, to then shoot to defend himself when he tried to escape ?
How did he initiate the attack lol
If he had obeyed the law. THIS would never have happened .
the 2nd amendment doesnt have an age limit,,,
you don’t know much do you. That pist proves it.
wheres your link???
I posted mine,,,
I posted one also.

I know that because it took you 20 posts to claim you did,,,
Took you longer....
I said it the first time you asked,,,
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
There was nothing threatening at all how he handled the rifle he handled it the proper way he held it down until it was necessary to hold up. And he has a statutory right of common law of self-defense there’s nothing you can do about that all the video shows him being chased by a mob being attacked being hit with a skateboard having a gun pulled on him at point-blank range.. he’s going to be released and he’s going to be a billionaire after he sues everybody.. lol
Wrong, he was running away because he ir the group he was in, had already fired a weapon and shot at some one ALREADY. He was being chased because he was an illegal gun carrier involved in a shooting .
Now quibble about his self defense rights.
Yes he was involved in a shooting where he got tired of running and having objects thrown at him and guns shot in the air. That’s called self defense
Pretty poor defense when you have already admitted he was in the act of committing a crime.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
that has yet to be determined and doesnt take away the fact he was defending himself against many attackers,,
so lucky for him he was armed or he would be dead,,,
Nope. He and/or his buddies initiated the incident before he was personally attacked. He was seen running away after shots were fired by group he was with. He was there illegally carrying an illegal weapon. Everything he did, contributed to the ultimate homicide. It’s no different then a group going after some else in the process of committing a crime. Are you going to say it’s ok for a convicted felon who was seen firing his weapon, to then shoot to defend himself when he tried to escape ?
How did he initiate the attack lol
If he had obeyed the law. THIS would never have happened .
the 2nd amendment doesnt have an age limit,,,
you don’t know much do you. That pist proves it.
wheres your link???
I posted mine,,,
I posted one also.

I know that because it took you 20 posts to claim you did,,,
Took you longer....
I said it the first time you asked,,,
Whaaaa. More pigeon poop.
What I never will be able to understand: A 17 years old late boomer needs a rifle to impress girls so he travels to a trouble spot and makes a small talk with policemen before he murders and hurts some unarmed people. In Germany they normally had arrested such a teenager in the idiot phase of his life and had brought him immediatelly into a psychiatric hospital, because of the risk of harm and self-harm. And his rifle he never had seen again in his whole life.
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an illegal firearm looking for people to shoot. It wasn’t his business to even be there. It’s premeditated homicide. He could and should be in a shit load of trouble.
He went there as a medic with medic gear. And to protect property. Stop making shit up.
He had a fucking assault rifle.

Do you even know what the difference is between an assault rifle and a regular rifle?

Sounds like you have no clue or wouldn't have even mentioned this nonsense.
The difference does not matter, except to stupid Trump supporters.
The difference does matter----------TRUTH always matters. The whole term assault rifle has been spun with so much propaganda and manipulation that even arguing the basic points and imagery have become almost a mute point. AR does not stand for assault rifle......despite popular misconceptions.
You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the head.

The terms Assault Rifle is a short hand for assault style weapon in civilian terms which you military wannabes don’t get and where most aware people are concerned. The idea that Assault style weapons need to have select fire is crazy. In Vietnam, we used m16 MORE in the semi auto mode then auto or select fire. It was still an assault weapon. The Other characteristics of the AR15 make it just as much an assault style rifle as “select fire“.....it’s a military style weapon whose main use is to mass kill People even in semi auto mode.....it’s not self defense except if you’re in the military or police special units or are attacked by rabid pigs in heat.
AR refers to the maker einstein------not to ASSAult RIFLE. They are typically know to have semi automatic and single fire action. GEEBUS CHRISP------military people know this. You aren't what you are pretending to be.

AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle, reflecting the company name ( ArmaLite) of the original manufacturer of the weapon. Although ArmaLite sold the design of the rifle to Colt in 1959, the term “AR-15 ...
The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.

Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
Patriots and defenders do not go searching for someone to shoot. It's premeditated murder. Nothing less.
He didn't, moron.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged. He stands a good chance of getting sued regardless of his criminal trial results. He killed two people, he’ll need copious money for lawyer fees. Trump can’t pardon him for state crimes or civil suits.
His lawyers are doing it probono as he will also be able to sue for being attacked by the dead criminals -----who have nothing and the city of Kenosha for not policing the violent criminals which is their job. Right now the city of Kenosha is negotiations to drop charges against the boy in all liklihood and all they want in exchange is for him not to sue them.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
So what he did was legal?

When you start to support vigilantism like this, you are no different than the looters and rioters. This all is coming together in a really bad way and dangerous way for our country.
Everyone is screaming, no one is actually listening.

This has been getting worse for a long time, and we've reached a point that was entirely predictable.

We need some honesty and some critical thinking pretty soon, and I don't know that we have that ability any more.

I'm very afraid that out of control processes have begun with each side fully blaming the other and ignoring the bigger picture. Our country is like dry tinder right now....
That's exactly how I see it. Each end of this is now essentially at 100%, with zero consideration being given to the other. None.

Either (a) they foolishly think they can really somehow "beat" the other side, or (b) they really don't care about fixing anything and are fine with destroying everything. This is madness.

It's really hard to discuss this, because the environment of USMB forces me into positions I don't really support. I know that that occurs to other members which is why we set up the invite only debates, to allow some real discussions.

But I agree with you - both sides seem to be in a zero-sum strategy, where there is no middle ground or rationality. And psychologically it creates a self reinforcing death spiral.

You are fed a constant stream of disinformation that feeds the emotions and you react, eventually creating the very event that you are forcasting. Does that make sense?

There are not just "two sides" - the majority of both the left and the right want law and order. The Dem governors don't want riots any more than the Rep governors - they are responsible for these people AND, in a more cynical view, riots aren't going to get them re-elected. But it's a fine line between putting down riots and infringing on legitimate free speech. Most of these events don't START as a riot.

Kenosha was tragic on many levels - but it also represents something that happens too often.

One of the articles I read was interviewing tearful residents - owners of local business begging protestors not to destroy them, because we are YOUR people, these are YOUR businesses. And that is true. And, though this is not morally equivalent, it reminds me of the Bosnian/Serb conflict where villages, who's ethnically different residents had been neighbors and coworkers and friends for generations, rapidly turned on each other and the victim just couldn't understand it - how could you do this to people you had lived with, dined with, gone to school with?

And then these factors make it much worse.

  • The coming in of outside agitators.
  • The role of social media - groups claiming to be other groups, groups setting up violent confrontation based on deliberate disinformation, people unintentionally setting up violent confrontation through unknowingly spreading disinformation.
  • Agendas from extremist groups that have no real affiliation to the mainstream left/right.

I support the police, I always have - two cousins are in law enforcement, but we DO need to do something about the problems in policing whether you call them bad apples or "systemic racism" - something needs to be seen to be done. But is there any space for that now?

I'm sick of this being portrayed as just left/right...that forces people into taking sides and participating in the zero sum game.

What to do? Strict curfews? More national guard presence at the ready since this was set off so quickly? Clamp down on protesters AND militias? Ban guns at protests? (probably not doable given our culture)....and how do we do this while accommodating our rights? Or do we give them up?

I don't have an answer other than fear and frustration at the lack of coherent leadership now and the complete politicization of EVERYTHING.

....thanks for listening to my rant....

So the question is what do you do?
You're wrong. The Dim politicians do want the riots. At least they did until they learned it was hurting them at the polls.
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an illegal firearm looking for people to shoot. It wasn’t his business to even be there. It’s premeditated homicide. He could and should be in a shit load of trouble.
He went there as a medic with medic gear. And to protect property. Stop making shit up.
He had a fucking assault rifle.

Do you even know what the difference is between an assault rifle and a regular rifle?

Sounds like you have no clue or wouldn't have even mentioned this nonsense.
The difference does not matter, except to stupid Trump supporters.
The difference does matter----------TRUTH always matters. The whole term assault rifle has been spun with so much propaganda and manipulation that even arguing the basic points and imagery have become almost a mute point. AR does not stand for assault rifle......despite popular misconceptions.
You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the head.

The terms Assault Rifle is a short hand for assault style weapon in civilian terms which you military wannabes don’t get and where most aware people are concerned. The idea that Assault style weapons need to have select fire is crazy. In Vietnam, we used m16 MORE in the semi auto mode then auto or select fire. It was still an assault weapon. The Other characteristics of the AR15 make it just as much an assault style rifle as “select fire“.....it’s a military style weapon whose main use is to mass kill People even in semi auto mode.....it’s not self defense except if you’re in the military or police special units or are attacked by rabid pigs in heat.
The AR-15 doesn't have an automatic mode. There are a shit ton of guns today which are semi-automatic.

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