Why is the far left so upset that a 17 year old Patriot shoot arsonists and looters?

Its a form of complex, repressed envy that someone else has the moral resolve and the balls to fight an immediate threat with finality without being lost in an emotional dilemma. Those who are aligned with the far left are secretly angry with themselves because they cant make a decision without the approval of the collective. They inwardly know theyve given away their individuality and power. Theyre not that different than a priest who takes a vow of celibacy and later molests little boys.
This is a lie.

So let me use your logic. The riots that your side fixates on are people fighting an immediate threat. They are waging war against a system that allows people to be murdered by the state for no reason Those like you ignore the cause of the problem.

I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists". Nowhere did I or even the original post mention "that state". Perhaps you are obsessing over something else in your mind than what I wrote about. If people came to my neighborhood burning and looting I'd probably shoot at them too, and what color or persuasion they were would bear no weight on me pulling the trigger. When someone...ANYONE... is threatening me, I become quite color blind. Things are fairly peaceful and relaxed in my neighborhood without that. So by YOUR logic I should leave the safety of my own house to join a bunch of radical extremists in violent behavior and trashing my own neighborhood. It's sad watching people like you paint yourself into a corner.
Last edited:
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.

If an "underage" kid is being attacked or is with a group being unlawfully attacked he has every right to pull a trigger and courts involving adult juries have determined this in the past. Its not for some schmuck with extremist sentiments who trolls the internet to decide.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.
you'd never invent reasons to justify hate, would you?
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
There was nothing threatening at all how he handled the rifle he handled it the proper way he held it down until it was necessary to hold up. And he has a statutory right of common law of self-defense there’s nothing you can do about that all the video shows him being chased by a mob being attacked being hit with a skateboard having a gun pulled on him at point-blank range.. he’s going to be released and he’s going to be a billionaire after he sues everybody.. lol
Last edited:
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
that has yet to be determined and doesnt take away the fact he was defending himself against many attackers,,
so lucky for him he was armed or he would be dead,,,
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
It is a misdemeanor to carrying a rifle as a minor unless you are hunting.

There is no definition for "Assault Weapon". That is a term made up by the left-tards much as "Climate Denier", "Anti-choice" and other such nonsense. A rifle like that is a tactical weapon and is used for defense by 99.999% of people. Some people (not guns) are assholes and want to kill people because they have mental issues.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.

Hmm... people are chasing me and throwing blunt objects at me, forcing me to cower in fear. I'll just call my Dad from the nearest phone while I get pummeled and ask him if its ok if I use his gun to defend myself and our house. That way I know I wont be demonized by a bunch leftist extremists. That would be so much worse than getting beaten to death.
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
that has yet to be determined and doesnt take away the fact he was defending himself against many attackers,,
so lucky for him he was armed or he would be dead,,,
Nope. He and/or his buddies initiated the incident before he was personally attacked. He was seen running away after shots were fired by group he was with. He was there illegally carrying an illegal weapon. Everything he did, contributed to the ultimate homicide. It’s no different then a group going after some else in the process of committing a crime. Are you going to say it’s ok for a convicted felon who was seen firing his weapon, to then shoot to defend himself when he tried to escape ?
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
that has yet to be determined and doesnt take away the fact he was defending himself against many attackers,,
so lucky for him he was armed or he would be dead,,,
Nope. He and/or his buddies initiated the incident before he was personally attacked. He was seen running away after shots were fired by group he was with. He was there illegally carrying an illegal weapon. Everything he did, contributed to the ultimate homicide. It’s no different then a group going after some else in the process of committing a crime. Are you going to say it’s ok for a convicted felon who was seen firing his weapon, to then shoot to defend himself when he tried to escape ?
got a link to that bullshit,,,cause it goes against every known fact so far,,,
The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.

Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

It is a misdemeanor to carrying a rifle as a minor unless you are huntin
A misdemeanor is not a capital offense, but it’s still a crime. In the commission of a crime, you are immediately illegal.
For example, speeding more then 30 mph over the limit in many states is a misdemeanor too. If you are then involved in an incident while doing it that results in someone’s death, your ass is grass.
so don’t think misdemeanors are not crimes.
He has to be the worst white supremacist of all time. He only shot white people and he offered medical aid to black protestors during the rioting.


The narrative
It is a misdemeanor to carrying a rifle as a minor unless you are huntin
A misdemeanor is not a capital offense, but it’s still a crime. In the commission of a crime, you are immediately illegal.
For example, speeding more then 30 mph over the limit in many states is a misdemeanor too. If you are then involved in an incident while doing it that results in someone’s death, your ass is grass.
so don’t think misdemeanors are not crimes.
so is running a stop sign,,,but none of it means he cant defend himself when being attacked,,,
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
This is from the police report
In the first case, a man had allegedly pursued him, thrown an object at him, and attempted to seize his weapon. In the second case, several people had allegedly chased him; one had allegedly struck him with a skateboard; and another had allegedly approached him with a firearm.
First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm he was prohibited from carrying. Weren’t backing in self defense when they tried to disarm him.

He has common law statutory right to self-defense

First, you’re going to have answer the argument that why an illegal gun carrier underaged kid who threatened others with a firearm, is legal to kill two,people who acted in self defense when they tried to disarm him. he was open carrying an assault weapon and threatening
This kid is going to be so rich
He’s going to need it too, along with a pardon from Trump the idiot.
Why what did he do wrong
He’s underaged.
Oh it’s a misdemeanor lol
He is probably a murderer.
I don’t think murder one is in the books. Maybe manslaughter.
I'm sorry, you sound a little lost. My post was in reply to simply "why the far left would be upset with a 17yr old kid for shooting looters and arsonists".
It ridiculous to put it that simply. No, you don’t allow under age kids to shoot people in their judgement are looters.
he shot them because they were attacking him not because they were looters,,,

do try and keep up with the facts,,,
Try to keep up with the real facts. This 17 year old was in the process of committing a crime. He was the criminal.
There was nothing threatening at all how he handled the rifle he handled it the proper way he held it down until it was necessary to hold up. And he has a statutory right of common law of self-defense there’s nothing you can do about that all the video shows him being chased by a mob being attacked being hit with a skateboard having a gun pulled on him at point-blank range.. he’s going to be released and he’s going to be a billionaire after he sues everybody.. lol
Wrong, he was running away because he ir the group he was in, had already fired a weapon and shot at some one ALREADY. He was being chased because he was an illegal gun carrier involved in a shooting .
Now quibble about his self defense rights.

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