Why is the far left so upset that a 17 year old Patriot shoot arsonists and looters?

This boy has the right to self-defense.


So do the guys he's shooting.

not when they are attempting to murder him.

You mean after he attempted to murder them? Oh wait. He did. No attempt about it. The two he killed weren't even armed....(and yes I'm using "murder" loosely because nuance means nothing here).

You are factually wrong. The kid was RUNNING away from the first guy he shot. He was then RUNNING AWAY from the next two guys he shot. What part of RUNNING away is not making it through your head?

What part of he shouldn't have shot them or, IN FACT - let's be FACTUAL - what part of he had no business being there? You know how I feel about vigilantism, and private militias accountable to no one, so I won't go there. But at least the ADULTS who were there protecting private property, managed NOT to kill anyone, NOT to "lose it", NOT to get into a situation like that. Only HE DID. And you can't blame the guys chasing him - he KILLED someone already. And he was armed ILLEGALLY. It should never have happened.
Unfortunately, the intangibles you’ve mentioned are conjecture. It’s more emotion that reality.
This boy has the right to self-defense.


So do the guys he's shooting.

not when they are attempting to murder him.

You mean after he attempted to murder them? Oh wait. He did. No attempt about it. The two he killed weren't even armed....(and yes I'm using "murder" loosely because nuance means nothing here).

You are factually wrong. The kid was RUNNING away from the first guy he shot. He was then RUNNING AWAY from the next two guys he shot. What part of RUNNING away is not making it through your head?

What part of he shouldn't have shot them or, IN FACT - let's be FACTUAL - what part of he had no business being there? You know how I feel about vigilantism, and private militias accountable to no one, so I won't go there. But at least the ADULTS who were there protecting private property, managed NOT to kill anyone, NOT to "lose it", NOT to get into a situation like that. Only HE DID. And you can't blame the guys chasing him - he KILLED someone already. And he was armed ILLEGALLY. It should never have happened.
You’re argument doesn’t hold water simply because it is an opinion. Now, should he have been there? He had every right. It is irrelevant that he was younger, underage, or had a gun illegally. He was attacked by grown adults in a mob as far as I know a this point, without provocation.

I counter with this, the convicted felon with a gun drawn as Kyle was sitting on the ground should not have been there either. Had the savages never advanced at Kyle, nothing would have happened.

A similar case in terms of illegally using or possessing a firearm is happening in Virginia.

An employee used a gun against three people as they broke into his place of employment. He was sleeping there that night and used the gun to defend himself and the property. He cant posses or use a firearm. The firearm was not his, it was his boss who owned it. So, is he justified or does he simply get killed? It’s tough but, I would think the circumstances would allow for defense of ones self. Different but similar to Kenosha.
He was not attacked by anyone. And Coyote was right when she said he should not have been there. He drove up from Illinois to shoot people.
or just tryna be famous. bruh.

View attachment 381452
Kyle wasn’t attacked? At all? You mean never happened at all?

Should I call the authorities on people who want to be famous? Easy to assume he wanted to kill people.

There is no evidence he was attacked. And why did he drive up from Illinois?
Excuse me. He was chased by the same guy who on video, witnesses have verified, kept being aggressive toward the people protecting the store. The witness that was closest too the pedophile with a hole in his head, stated he attempted to grab Kyles gun after Kyle stopped running. Stay in reality.

Example...if you decided to chase me down and I run away with my rifle in hand. Clearly, I’m avoiding confrontation. If i decide I can’t run anymore you’d better stop. The savage got what he deserved.
Bullshit. This boy drove up to Kenosha from Illinois. He was underage and out past curfew. He was not avoiding anything. He was looking for trouble. Because if he wanted to avoid something, his punk ass would have stayed home in Illinois.

He works in Kenosha. He traveled around 20 miles. Much less than the BLM assholes being trucked in from all over the country.
Which BLM assholes, specifically came from outside Kenosha?
Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.

Oh it matters alright--3 able body men---all dems----all convicted criminals---all violently attack a child----and all without jobs. This is the dem party for you...these are the heros of the dem party. Their deaths or handicapping a good thing for society--they won't be able to harm others, steal as much, or beat their families or rape underage boys/girls.

All convicted criminals....

Your credibility just took a deep dive into the shallow end of the gene pool.
Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.

Oh it matters alright--3 able body men---all dems----all convicted criminals---all violently attack a child----and all without jobs. This is the dem party for you...these are the heros of the dem party. Their deaths or handicapping a good thing for society--they won't be able to harm others, steal as much, or beat their families or rape underage boys/girls.
Nobody attacked that boy. And he was armed. We don't know the political party of the people he murdered. Apparently they were unarmed. But your "hero" wasn't. So it's very clear who came looking for trouble. Your hero might want to start practicing sticking objects up his butt in order to be prepared for his future.
This boy has the right to self-defense.


So do the guys he's shooting.

not when they are attempting to murder him.

You mean after he attempted to murder them? Oh wait. He did. No attempt about it. The two he killed weren't even armed....(and yes I'm using "murder" loosely because nuance means nothing here).

You are factually wrong. The kid was RUNNING away from the first guy he shot. He was then RUNNING AWAY from the next two guys he shot. What part of RUNNING away is not making it through your head?

What part of he shouldn't have shot them or, IN FACT - let's be FACTUAL - what part of he had no business being there? You know how I feel about vigilantism, and private militias accountable to no one, so I won't go there. But at least the ADULTS who were there protecting private property, managed NOT to kill anyone, NOT to "lose it", NOT to get into a situation like that. Only HE DID. And you can't blame the guys chasing him - he KILLED someone already. And he was armed ILLEGALLY. It should never have happened.
Unfortunately, the intangibles you’ve mentioned are conjecture. It’s more emotion that reality.
This boy has the right to self-defense.


So do the guys he's shooting.

not when they are attempting to murder him.

You mean after he attempted to murder them? Oh wait. He did. No attempt about it. The two he killed weren't even armed....(and yes I'm using "murder" loosely because nuance means nothing here).

You are factually wrong. The kid was RUNNING away from the first guy he shot. He was then RUNNING AWAY from the next two guys he shot. What part of RUNNING away is not making it through your head?

What part of he shouldn't have shot them or, IN FACT - let's be FACTUAL - what part of he had no business being there? You know how I feel about vigilantism, and private militias accountable to no one, so I won't go there. But at least the ADULTS who were there protecting private property, managed NOT to kill anyone, NOT to "lose it", NOT to get into a situation like that. Only HE DID. And you can't blame the guys chasing him - he KILLED someone already. And he was armed ILLEGALLY. It should never have happened.
You’re argument doesn’t hold water simply because it is an opinion. Now, should he have been there? He had every right. It is irrelevant that he was younger, underage, or had a gun illegally. He was attacked by grown adults in a mob as far as I know a this point, without provocation.

I counter with this, the convicted felon with a gun drawn as Kyle was sitting on the ground should not have been there either. Had the savages never advanced at Kyle, nothing would have happened.

A similar case in terms of illegally using or possessing a firearm is happening in Virginia.

An employee used a gun against three people as they broke into his place of employment. He was sleeping there that night and used the gun to defend himself and the property. He cant posses or use a firearm. The firearm was not his, it was his boss who owned it. So, is he justified or does he simply get killed? It’s tough but, I would think the circumstances would allow for defense of ones self. Different but similar to Kenosha.
He was not attacked by anyone. And Coyote was right when she said he should not have been there. He drove up from Illinois to shoot people.
or just tryna be famous. bruh.

View attachment 381452
Kyle wasn’t attacked? At all? You mean never happened at all?

Should I call the authorities on people who want to be famous? Easy to assume he wanted to kill people.

There is no evidence he was attacked. And why did he drive up from Illinois?
Excuse me. He was chased by the same guy who on video, witnesses have verified, kept being aggressive toward the people protecting the store. The witness that was closest too the pedophile with a hole in his head, stated he attempted to grab Kyles gun after Kyle stopped running. Stay in reality.

Example...if you decided to chase me down and I run away with my rifle in hand. Clearly, I’m avoiding confrontation. If i decide I can’t run anymore you’d better stop. The savage got what he deserved.
Bullshit. This boy drove up to Kenosha from Illinois. He was underage and out past curfew. He was not avoiding anything. He was looking for trouble. Because if he wanted to avoid something, his punk ass would have stayed home in Illinois.

He works in Kenosha. He traveled around 20 miles. Much less than the BLM assholes being trucked in from all over the country.
Which BLM assholes, specifically came from outside Kenosha?
He doesn't know. That's just an excuse to defend the murder done by an underage kid out after curfew with an assault weapon.
Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.

Oh it matters alright--3 able body men---all dems----all convicted criminals---all violently attack a child----and all without jobs. This is the dem party for you...these are the heros of the dem party. Their deaths or handicapping a good thing for society--they won't be able to harm others, steal as much, or beat their families or rape underage boys/girls.

All convicted criminals....

Your credibility just took a deep dive into the shallow end of the gene pool.
All those convicted criminals, not in prison, allowed to walk the streets of Kenosha.
Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.

Oh it matters alright--3 able body men---all dems----all convicted criminals---all violently attack a child----and all without jobs. This is the dem party for you...these are the heros of the dem party. Their deaths or handicapping a good thing for society--they won't be able to harm others, steal as much, or beat their families or rape underage boys/girls.
Nobody attacked that boy. And he was armed. We don't know the political party of the people he murdered. Apparently they were unarmed. But your "hero" wasn't. So it's very clear who came looking for trouble. Your hero might want to start practicing sticking objects up his butt in order to be prepared for his future.
Geebus...there are all sorts of videos including from a local media station who were out filming that day----the boy was attacked. And sorry, but this is still a free country and he had every right to be where he was at and every right to be armed-----(even at 17, he was allowed to have the weapon as long as he had adult supervision which he had). He would be dead if he wasn't armed.
The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.

Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
This police reaction to the event of a black man violating a restraining order and a white man who killed 2 people and injured another is a perfect example of why this country is being torn apart by racism.

Kyle Rittenhouse , a 17year old with an AR15, coming from out of town, marched the streets of Kenosha and killed 2 people and injured another person. Police let him go home that night and he was only charged the next morning.

While Jacob Blake, an unarmed black man was shot 7 times in the back in front of his kids, in an arrest for violating a restraining order. He was heavily sedated, paralyzed from the waist down and he was shackled to a hospital bed.

Rittenhouse is a hero to the alt-right white racists while Blake is a martyr to BLM. More to follow, much more.
Blake was in the middle of a violent confrontation with the police. He was supposedly armed with a knife, had been shot with a taser that didn’t faze him and was disregarding lawful orders from the police while he moved away from them to his car and reached in for something. On the other hand Rittenhouse attempted to surrender to the police at the scene and was peacefully arrested later at home. Between the two incidents, it’s easy to see why Blake was shot and Rittenhouse wasn’t.
This boy has the right to self-defense.


So do the guys he's shooting.

not when they are attempting to murder him.

You mean after he attempted to murder them? Oh wait. He did. No attempt about it. The two he killed weren't even armed....(and yes I'm using "murder" loosely because nuance means nothing here).

You are factually wrong. The kid was RUNNING away from the first guy he shot. He was then RUNNING AWAY from the next two guys he shot. What part of RUNNING away is not making it through your head?

What part of he shouldn't have shot them or, IN FACT - let's be FACTUAL - what part of he had no business being there? You know how I feel about vigilantism, and private militias accountable to no one, so I won't go there. But at least the ADULTS who were there protecting private property, managed NOT to kill anyone, NOT to "lose it", NOT to get into a situation like that. Only HE DID. And you can't blame the guys chasing him - he KILLED someone already. And he was armed ILLEGALLY. It should never have happened.
Unfortunately, the intangibles you’ve mentioned are conjecture. It’s more emotion that reality.
This boy has the right to self-defense.


So do the guys he's shooting.

not when they are attempting to murder him.

You mean after he attempted to murder them? Oh wait. He did. No attempt about it. The two he killed weren't even armed....(and yes I'm using "murder" loosely because nuance means nothing here).

You are factually wrong. The kid was RUNNING away from the first guy he shot. He was then RUNNING AWAY from the next two guys he shot. What part of RUNNING away is not making it through your head?

What part of he shouldn't have shot them or, IN FACT - let's be FACTUAL - what part of he had no business being there? You know how I feel about vigilantism, and private militias accountable to no one, so I won't go there. But at least the ADULTS who were there protecting private property, managed NOT to kill anyone, NOT to "lose it", NOT to get into a situation like that. Only HE DID. And you can't blame the guys chasing him - he KILLED someone already. And he was armed ILLEGALLY. It should never have happened.
You’re argument doesn’t hold water simply because it is an opinion. Now, should he have been there? He had every right. It is irrelevant that he was younger, underage, or had a gun illegally. He was attacked by grown adults in a mob as far as I know a this point, without provocation.

I counter with this, the convicted felon with a gun drawn as Kyle was sitting on the ground should not have been there either. Had the savages never advanced at Kyle, nothing would have happened.

A similar case in terms of illegally using or possessing a firearm is happening in Virginia.

An employee used a gun against three people as they broke into his place of employment. He was sleeping there that night and used the gun to defend himself and the property. He cant posses or use a firearm. The firearm was not his, it was his boss who owned it. So, is he justified or does he simply get killed? It’s tough but, I would think the circumstances would allow for defense of ones self. Different but similar to Kenosha.
He was not attacked by anyone. And Coyote was right when she said he should not have been there. He drove up from Illinois to shoot people.
or just tryna be famous. bruh.

View attachment 381452
Kyle wasn’t attacked? At all? You mean never happened at all?

Should I call the authorities on people who want to be famous? Easy to assume he wanted to kill people.

There is no evidence he was attacked. And why did he drive up from Illinois?
Excuse me. He was chased by the same guy who on video, witnesses have verified, kept being aggressive toward the people protecting the store. The witness that was closest too the pedophile with a hole in his head, stated he attempted to grab Kyles gun after Kyle stopped running. Stay in reality.

Example...if you decided to chase me down and I run away with my rifle in hand. Clearly, I’m avoiding confrontation. If i decide I can’t run anymore you’d better stop. The savage got what he deserved.
Bullshit. This boy drove up to Kenosha from Illinois. He was underage and out past curfew. He was not avoiding anything. He was looking for trouble. Because if he wanted to avoid something, his punk ass would have stayed home in Illinois.
Lordy, he had permission to be on the property with the other boys. Don't think a curfew applies to people who are on their property or on the property that they have permission to be there on. The criminals including the blm and other other communist thugs were the only ones breaking curfew.
Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.

Oh it matters alright--3 able body men---all dems----all convicted criminals---all violently attack a child----and all without jobs. This is the dem party for you...these are the heros of the dem party. Their deaths or handicapping a good thing for society--they won't be able to harm others, steal as much, or beat their families or rape underage boys/girls.

All convicted criminals....

Your credibility just took a deep dive into the shallow end of the gene pool.
All those convicted criminals, not in prison, allowed to walk the streets of Kenosha.

It's so amazing isn't it? But, I'll let you in on a secret - they don't BECOME convicted criminals until AFTER they are murdered. And best of all - they don't EVEN have to commit a crime!
  • Funny
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Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.

Oh it matters alright--3 able body men---all dems----all convicted criminals---all violently attack a child----and all without jobs. This is the dem party for you...these are the heros of the dem party. Their deaths or handicapping a good thing for society--they won't be able to harm others, steal as much, or beat their families or rape underage boys/girls.

All convicted criminals....

Your credibility just took a deep dive into the shallow end of the gene pool.
All those convicted criminals, not in prison, allowed to walk the streets of Kenosha.

It's so amazing isn't it? But, I'll let you in on a secret - they don't BECOME convicted criminals until AFTER they are murdered. And best of all - they don't EVEN have to commit a crime!
Yes, it is simply amazing. We have been a watching ourselves get gunned down by police for years but we all still must have the inclination to run to our cars and grab guns knowing that we are going to die. And in every case, we're criminals with records that justifies our deaths. Yep, 12 year old Tamir Rice had a rap sheet that was 11 years long so he deserved too get shot. And this guy, well he just wanted to run to his car and pull out a gun so police could open fire on him and his children who were sitting in the car.

Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.

Oh it matters alright--3 able body men---all dems----all convicted criminals---all violently attack a child----and all without jobs. This is the dem party for you...these are the heros of the dem party. Their deaths or handicapping a good thing for society--they won't be able to harm others, steal as much, or beat their families or rape underage boys/girls.

All convicted criminals....

Your credibility just took a deep dive into the shallow end of the gene pool.
All those convicted criminals, not in prison, allowed to walk the streets of Kenosha.

It's so amazing isn't it? But, I'll let you in on a secret - they don't BECOME convicted criminals until AFTER they are murdered. And best of all - they don't EVEN have to commit a crime!
Yes, it is simply amazing. We have been a watching ourselves get gunned down by police for years but we all still must have the inclination to run to our cars and grab guns knowing that we are going to die. And in every case, we're criminals with records that justifies our deaths. Yep, 12 year old Tamir Rice had a rap sheet that was 11 years long so he deserved too get shot. And this guy, well he just wanted to run to his car and pull out a gun so police could open fire on him and his children who were sitting in the car.

View attachment 381540
In the last six years about five hundred unarmed blacks have been shot by police, that’s about eighty two a year. The last census showed that there were more than forty seven million blacks living in the USA. I can’t even calculate what percentage of 47,000,000 82 is, but it’s vanishingly small. Any unnecessary death is a tragedy, and I agree police need to be better trained, but so do black Americans. DON’T RESIST ARREST. Regardless of your race, if you act like a jackass people will treat you like a jackass.
Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.

Oh it matters alright--3 able body men---all dems----all convicted criminals---all violently attack a child----and all without jobs. This is the dem party for you...these are the heros of the dem party. Their deaths or handicapping a good thing for society--they won't be able to harm others, steal as much, or beat their families or rape underage boys/girls.

All convicted criminals....

Your credibility just took a deep dive into the shallow end of the gene pool.
All those convicted criminals, not in prison, allowed to walk the streets of Kenosha.

It's so amazing isn't it? But, I'll let you in on a secret - they don't BECOME convicted criminals until AFTER they are murdered. And best of all - they don't EVEN have to commit a crime!
Yes, it is simply amazing. We have been a watching ourselves get gunned down by police for years but we all still must have the inclination to run to our cars and grab guns knowing that we are going to die. And in every case, we're criminals with records that justifies our deaths. Yep, 12 year old Tamir Rice had a rap sheet that was 11 years long so he deserved too get shot. And this guy, well he just wanted to run to his car and pull out a gun so police could open fire on him and his children who were sitting in the car.

View attachment 381540
In the last six years about five hundred unarmed blacks have been shot by police, that’s about eighty two a year. The last census showed that there were more than forty seven million blacks living in the USA. I can’t even calculate what percentage of 47,000,000 82 is, but it’s vanishingly small. Any unnecessary death is a tragedy, and I agree police need to be better trained, but so do black Americans. DON’T RESIST ARREST. Regardless of your race, if you act like a jackass people will treat you like a jackass.
Let's not try that argument. Black Americans don't need to be better trained, but it is apparent by your opinion that some in the white community could use better training.
Maybe it's time for us as a country to have a serious conversation about guns and gun rights. Something to think about.

All this unrest over police shootings and brutality, which usually involves a shooting.

Why do many of these police shootings occur? Because the police, in many cases, are genuinely afraid that the victim might have been armed so they shoot first.

Why are there so damn many guns at these demonstrations? How exactly can you have a peaceful demonstration WITH the presence of so many armed people?

Hell - I used to think demonstrations were a bunch of people with signs and chants marching up and down in front of some targeted area. I never saw armed people. I never saw guns. If Kyle hadn't been armed this wouldn't have happened. If the injured guy hadn't had a gun he too might not have been shot.

Guns don't belong in demonstrations period. Unless it's the police. We have a sick gun culture here. Not a practical one. A sick one, that worships one right to the point of drooling insanity. Anywhere else in the world a gun is a tool, a tool to be respected and carefully used when necessary. Not an identity. Not an extension of power. Not a cultural identification. Not something you sling over your shoulder as you walk into the 7-11.

Other comparable western countries deal with police violence, but not anywhere near level of deaths and I'm willing to bet they don't have as many police killed in the line of duty as we do either.

It's crazy.
if more people stopped lying about whats actually happening then we can make progress,,until then the 2nd amendment stands and all criminals and america haters need to know we will fight for our country so our children dont have to,,,


Let's see...the videos don't show the dead guys destroying anything. Strike one for your honesty.

The guy with the skateboard was trying to wrestle gun from Rittenhouse - and was shot in the stomach.

The unknown, unless you've got a video, is the circumstances of the first shooting. The dead guy can't give his account. But there were witnesses. Unknown too is why Kyle was OFF the private property he was supposed to be guarding. Got a video for that?

What's offing outrageous is if this was reversed you would be calling two of those guys HEROS for attempting to stop an ACTIVE SHOOTER who had already SHOT AND KILLED A MAN. You can't even keep your standards consistent can you?

In my opinion - the second and third shootings COULD go as self defense, he was scared, he tripped, he fell, Hubor was trying to wrest his gun from him and the other guy was pointing a gun at him. But both men, from accounts so far, were trying to stop what they saw as an active shooter. They certainly didn't deserve to die but...hey - they are leftists therefore in your mind they deserved it.

Rittenhouse had no way of knowing he wouldn't be killed.

Hubor and Grosskreutz had no way of knowing Rittenhouse wasn't going to shoot a bunch more people if he got away.

Rittenhouse was ILLEGALLY armed.

Now, you guys are all about citizen arrest stuff, trying to stop shooters, not waiting for the police. So what's up with that? It only applies to your side?

Ultimately - two people are dead who shouldn't be, who committed no crime that has been presented.
Two families are destroyed, two children are left without a father and step father.
A 17 yr old's life is forever ruined. He was illegally armed, shouldn't have been there, so it's unlikely he will get off with self defense nor should he. He isn't charged with murder (nor should he have been) but he is charged with homicide.
The police are going to come off looking really bad in this.

And you think Rittenhouse is a hero.
Ultimately two violent criminals are dead while a 3rd is gravely wounded.....it is a good day in america and Rittenhouse is a hero. Oh fyi, atleast one was a wife beater so the families are safer and now have a chance.....

BTW, did any of these criminals have an actual JOB?

You guys are unreal. Why the hell does that matter especially given the unemployment rates?

I'm trying to understand your calculous here...and it's not making any sense.

Of course that might be because you are inventing crap about the victims to justify killing them.

You guys take the cake here.

Oh it matters alright--3 able body men---all dems----all convicted criminals---all violently attack a child----and all without jobs. This is the dem party for you...these are the heros of the dem party. Their deaths or handicapping a good thing for society--they won't be able to harm others, steal as much, or beat their families or rape underage boys/girls.

All convicted criminals....

Your credibility just took a deep dive into the shallow end of the gene pool.
All those convicted criminals, not in prison, allowed to walk the streets of Kenosha.

It's so amazing isn't it? But, I'll let you in on a secret - they don't BECOME convicted criminals until AFTER they are murdered. And best of all - they don't EVEN have to commit a crime!
Yes, it is simply amazing. We have been a watching ourselves get gunned down by police for years but we all still must have the inclination to run to our cars and grab guns knowing that we are going to die. And in every case, we're criminals with records that justifies our deaths. Yep, 12 year old Tamir Rice had a rap sheet that was 11 years long so he deserved too get shot. And this guy, well he just wanted to run to his car and pull out a gun so police could open fire on him and his children who were sitting in the car.

View attachment 381540
In the last six years about five hundred unarmed blacks have been shot by police, that’s about eighty two a year. The last census showed that there were more than forty seven million blacks living in the USA. I can’t even calculate what percentage of 47,000,000 82 is, but it’s vanishingly small. Any unnecessary death is a tragedy, and I agree police need to be better trained, but so do black Americans. DON’T RESIST ARREST. Regardless of your race, if you act like a jackass people will treat you like a jackass.
Let's not try that argument. Black Americans don't need to be better trained, but it is apparent by your opinion that some in the white community could use better training.
Perhaps I should have said educated. However a black is far more likely to be shot by another black than a member of all other races combined. That’s not a white, brown, red or yellow problem, it’s a black problem. Why on a per capital basis are blacks more likely to be killed than members of all other races?
This boy has the right to self-defense.


So do the guys he's shooting.

not when they are attempting to murder him.

You mean after he attempted to murder them? Oh wait. He did. No attempt about it. The two he killed weren't even armed....(and yes I'm using "murder" loosely because nuance means nothing here).

You are factually wrong. The kid was RUNNING away from the first guy he shot. He was then RUNNING AWAY from the next two guys he shot. What part of RUNNING away is not making it through your head?

What part of he shouldn't have shot them or, IN FACT - let's be FACTUAL - what part of he had no business being there? You know how I feel about vigilantism, and private militias accountable to no one, so I won't go there. But at least the ADULTS who were there protecting private property, managed NOT to kill anyone, NOT to "lose it", NOT to get into a situation like that. Only HE DID. And you can't blame the guys chasing him - he KILLED someone already. And he was armed ILLEGALLY. It should never have happened.
Unfortunately, the intangibles you’ve mentioned are conjecture. It’s more emotion that reality.
This boy has the right to self-defense.


So do the guys he's shooting.

not when they are attempting to murder him.

You mean after he attempted to murder them? Oh wait. He did. No attempt about it. The two he killed weren't even armed....(and yes I'm using "murder" loosely because nuance means nothing here).

You are factually wrong. The kid was RUNNING away from the first guy he shot. He was then RUNNING AWAY from the next two guys he shot. What part of RUNNING away is not making it through your head?

What part of he shouldn't have shot them or, IN FACT - let's be FACTUAL - what part of he had no business being there? You know how I feel about vigilantism, and private militias accountable to no one, so I won't go there. But at least the ADULTS who were there protecting private property, managed NOT to kill anyone, NOT to "lose it", NOT to get into a situation like that. Only HE DID. And you can't blame the guys chasing him - he KILLED someone already. And he was armed ILLEGALLY. It should never have happened.
You’re argument doesn’t hold water simply because it is an opinion. Now, should he have been there? He had every right. It is irrelevant that he was younger, underage, or had a gun illegally. He was attacked by grown adults in a mob as far as I know a this point, without provocation.

I counter with this, the convicted felon with a gun drawn as Kyle was sitting on the ground should not have been there either. Had the savages never advanced at Kyle, nothing would have happened.

A similar case in terms of illegally using or possessing a firearm is happening in Virginia.

An employee used a gun against three people as they broke into his place of employment. He was sleeping there that night and used the gun to defend himself and the property. He cant posses or use a firearm. The firearm was not his, it was his boss who owned it. So, is he justified or does he simply get killed? It’s tough but, I would think the circumstances would allow for defense of ones self. Different but similar to Kenosha.
He was not attacked by anyone. And Coyote was right when she said he should not have been there. He drove up from Illinois to shoot people.
or just tryna be famous. bruh.

View attachment 381452
Kyle wasn’t attacked? At all? You mean never happened at all?

Should I call the authorities on people who want to be famous? Easy to assume he wanted to kill people.

There is no evidence he was attacked. And why did he drive up from Illinois?
Excuse me. He was chased by the same guy who on video, witnesses have verified, kept being aggressive toward the people protecting the store. The witness that was closest too the pedophile with a hole in his head, stated he attempted to grab Kyles gun after Kyle stopped running. Stay in reality.

Example...if you decided to chase me down and I run away with my rifle in hand. Clearly, I’m avoiding confrontation. If i decide I can’t run anymore you’d better stop. The savage got what he deserved.
Bullshit. This boy drove up to Kenosha from Illinois. He was underage and out past curfew. He was not avoiding anything. He was looking for trouble. Because if he wanted to avoid something, his punk ass would have stayed home in Illinois.

He works in Kenosha. He traveled around 20 miles. Much less than the BLM assholes being trucked in from all over the country.
Which BLM assholes, specifically came from outside Kenosha?

MOST of them. Just like here. Down in Carson City, BLM come in from California to protest. There are very few extremists here in northern Nevada. Most are bussed in from California.

In the last six years about five hundred unarmed blacks have been shot by police, that’s about eighty two a year. ...

From 1970-2020 (50 years) 499 mostly armed criminals have been shot by all policemen together in Germany.
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A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
I suppose he was armed with a M-16 or an M-4. Those are the only “war weapons” based upon the Colt AR-15 platform. And as I understand it he lived in a suburb of Kenosha that happens to be across the state line.

Aha. ... And now you think what about this irreversible deed? ...

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A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an illegal firearm looking for people to shoot. It wasn’t his business to even be there. It’s premeditated homicide. He could and should be in a shit load of trouble.
He went there as a medic with medic gear. And to protect property. Stop making shit up.
He had a fucking assault rifle.

Which in a sane world would deter maniacs from chasing him like a horde from a zombie movie
In a sane country he would not have been there with the weapon.
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an illegal firearm looking for people to shoot. It wasn’t his business to even be there. It’s premeditated homicide. He could and should be in a shit load of trouble.
He went there as a medic with medic gear. And to protect property. Stop making shit up.
He had a fucking assault rifle.
And rioters also had guns. Infact they fired first as videos of the incident prove.
I am not defending them.
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an illegal firearm looking for people to shoot. It wasn’t his business to even be there. It’s premeditated homicide. He could and should be in a shit load of trouble.
He went there as a medic with medic gear. And to protect property. Stop making shit up.
He had a fucking assault rifle.

No....he didn't. 1) it wasn't a "fucking," assault rifle, and 2) it wasn't even an "assault"rifle...it is just a plain old AR-15 civilian rifle....
Oh, is that all? You are really an idiot.

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