Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

Items were redacted from the transcript as they almost always ARE when sensitive topics are being discussed between nations and leaders. What's telling about the transcript is that it contradicts what Adam Schiff was claiming took place during the phone call and backs up both President Trump and the Ukrainian President's claims that no quid pro quo took place! Schiff was shown once again to be a liar...something he's been caught at repeatedly...yet HE was the chosen to run the House investigation?

You're not to be taken seriously. Trump, Rudy, and Mulvaney all admitted it was a quid pro quo in broad daylight. Sondland admitted that it was a quid pro quo. Trump has openly said he'd illegally take dirt from a foreign government in a heartbeat. He even asked China to investigate the Bidens.

Sensitive my ass. Only in the sense that it exposed this president's criminality. And again, THERE WAS NO "TRANSCRIPT".

What a crock. Nobody has admitted there was quid pro quo! It's been alleged by the Left but what the House "trial" made abundantly clear is that you have zero PROOF that the aid was contingent on the Ukrainian President investigating the Biden's!
Meet nobody...

Its utterly pathetic the way people can get on national TV and say it was a quid pro quo -- and you sycophants still pretend it didnt happen....

I repeat...where in any of THAT did Mulvaney admit there was quid pro quo! I heard two different reporters try to put those words in his mouth and both times Mulvaney explained why there wasn't quid pro quo!


"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money." ~ Mick Mulvaney

Attempting to talk to Trumptards is a losing cause. Sad
"Zelensky said he wasn't pressured in the slightest."

Yes, because people typically admit they take bribes. :eusa_doh:
Trumpers are the type who say "Well the guy with the gun being held to his back should have told us he had a gun to his back"

It's almost like they don't understand how coercion works......
They sure don't. It's like they think that after the gun is removed and guy is set free, the bad guy is still there.
But the bad guy is still there.....in fact, most of the people that the coerced guy thought would hold the bad guy accountable are in fact 1000% on the side of the bad guy.....

Leading the coerced guy to realize his best move is to not rock the boat...….

Besides, the coerced guy is the one who cancelled a TV appearance to announce what the bad guy wanted him to announce the minute the bad guy was forced to release the military aid....

Zelensky Nearly Announced The Investigations Trump Wanted -- Then Everything Changed
And now that everyone is watching, the bad guy can't put the gun in his back any more. It is far too easy to simply insist the "victim" is lying because it upsets the narrative, especially when the "victim" has come to no harm.

And interesting that the "victim" is so scared of Trump that he is willing to lie about being pressured, yet so UN-afraid of Trump that he's willing to defy his wishes by not announcing the investigation. Can't really have it both ways, you know.

The "victim" in this case came to PLENTY of harm. They lost dozens of lives and vast amounts of land to Putin's thugs while Dotardo sat on 400 million for over 90 days because they were reluctant to lie for him and say they were investigating a nothingburger.

So they wouldn't lie for him then, but now they ARE lying for him? Talk about twisting logic into pretzel shapes.
"Zelensky said he wasn't pressured in the slightest."

Yes, because people typically admit they take bribes. :eusa_doh:
Bribe = pressure? Not usually. Bribe = temptation, yes. Pressure = extortion, yes, as we saw from Crazy Uncle Joe. Now THAT'S pressure.
Zelensky expressed interest in buying missiles from us and Trump asked for favors. That's a bribe.
Oh, so Zelensky was trying to bribe Trump? That's not pressure, though.
No, Zelensky accepted a bribe from Impeached Trump.

Then it's not pressure.
There's no pressure in violating U.S. law?
You're not to be taken seriously. Trump, Rudy, and Mulvaney all admitted it was a quid pro quo in broad daylight. Sondland admitted that it was a quid pro quo. Trump has openly said he'd illegally take dirt from a foreign government in a heartbeat. He even asked China to investigate the Bidens.

Sensitive my ass. Only in the sense that it exposed this president's criminality. And again, THERE WAS NO "TRANSCRIPT".

What a crock. Nobody has admitted there was quid pro quo! It's been alleged by the Left but what the House "trial" made abundantly clear is that you have zero PROOF that the aid was contingent on the Ukrainian President investigating the Biden's!
Meet nobody...

Its utterly pathetic the way people can get on national TV and say it was a quid pro quo -- and you sycophants still pretend it didnt happen....

I repeat...where in any of THAT did Mulvaney admit there was quid pro quo! I heard two different reporters try to put those words in his mouth and both times Mulvaney explained why there wasn't quid pro quo!


"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money." ~ Mick Mulvaney

Attempting to talk to Trumptards is a losing cause. Sad

You're discounting the entertainment value.
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.
What a crock. Nobody has admitted there was quid pro quo! It's been alleged by the Left but what the House "trial" made abundantly clear is that you have zero PROOF that the aid was contingent on the Ukrainian President investigating the Biden's!
Meet nobody...

Its utterly pathetic the way people can get on national TV and say it was a quid pro quo -- and you sycophants still pretend it didnt happen....

I repeat...where in any of THAT did Mulvaney admit there was quid pro quo! I heard two different reporters try to put those words in his mouth and both times Mulvaney explained why there wasn't quid pro quo!


"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money." ~ Mick Mulvaney

Attempting to talk to Trumptards is a losing cause. Sad

You're discounting the entertainment value.

Entertainment value is literally the ONLY reason we're here! ;)
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.

Its not Sen. McConnell who will be presenting the case, that will be the House Manager who say they all ready have enough to proceed and prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

What question would liberals want to ask Ambassador Bolton or Mayor Giuliani, if they do take the stand? Remember this is a trial, not an investigation
Q: What do you call a trial with no witnesses and no documents where the judges are colluding with the defense and have already admitted that they wouldn't honor their oath to be fair and impartial?

A: A FAKE Trial

What do you call a trial where none of the witnesses called by the prosecution had first hand knowledge of what happened? The only people who did are Trump...who released the transcript of the call...and the President of the Ukraine who has steadfastly denied there was any quid pro quo in play!

Answer? A trial that the judge would throw out for lack of evidence before it even went to trial!

Where do you Trumpublicans (I'd call ya conservatives but ya ain't) get your news anyway? There were SEVERAL witnesses who were on these calls and smack-dab in the middle of Rudy and Donald's "drug deal".

It should also be noted that Donnie didn't release a "transcript" - We got the Billy Barr SUMMARY which stated right up top that it wasn't a verbatim transcript. It was full of ellipses (dot dot dot) ... meaning paragraphs were cut short. The "transcript" got worm-holed away on a super-secret server.

Learn something .. at SOME point - PLEASE
Dems should have called the witnesses to give evidence in the House before voting to impeach

now its too late to demand that the senate do pelosi’s job for her

are you babbling about? Dems called TONS of witnesses including the idiots who claimed "absolute immunity" and didn't show up.

Waiting for Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and the rest of them in court after court after court would have taken months if not years.

We have a president who is openly asking foreign governments for dirt on his opponents and who has done NOTHING to stop Putin from meddling again. Ain't got that kind of time.

In case you hadn't heard, another court just ruled that "absolute immunity" doesn't exist. Will Moscow Mitch McTurtle call Bolton or anyone else? Doubtful unless three or more Republicans demand it.

what you are babbling is that the house dems did not call all the witnesses they needed or wanted before rushing into impeachment

and now you want the senate to do what the house was supposed to do but didnt
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.
90% of the people already realize the House impeachment was a fucking clown parade.
Q: What do you call a trial with no witnesses and no documents where the judges are colluding with the defense and have already admitted that they wouldn't honor their oath to be fair and impartial?

A: A FAKE Trial

What do you call a trial where none of the witnesses called by the prosecution had first hand knowledge of what happened? The only people who did are Trump...who released the transcript of the call...and the President of the Ukraine who has steadfastly denied there was any quid pro quo in play!

Answer? A trial that the judge would throw out for lack of evidence before it even went to trial!

Where do you Trumpublicans (I'd call ya conservatives but ya ain't) get your news anyway? There were SEVERAL witnesses who were on these calls and smack-dab in the middle of Rudy and Donald's "drug deal".

It should also be noted that Donnie didn't release a "transcript" - We got the Billy Barr SUMMARY which stated right up top that it wasn't a verbatim transcript. It was full of ellipses (dot dot dot) ... meaning paragraphs were cut short. The "transcript" got worm-holed away on a super-secret server.

Learn something .. at SOME point - PLEASE
Dems should have called the witnesses to give evidence in the House before voting to impeach

now its too late to demand that the senate do pelosi’s job for her

are you babbling about? Dems called TONS of witnesses including the idiots who claimed "absolute immunity" and didn't show up.

Waiting for Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and the rest of them in court after court after court would have taken months if not years.

We have a president who is openly asking foreign governments for dirt on his opponents and who has done NOTHING to stop Putin from meddling again. Ain't got that kind of time.

In case you hadn't heard, another court just ruled that "absolute immunity" doesn't exist. Will Moscow Mitch McTurtle call Bolton or anyone else? Doubtful unless three or more Republicans demand it.

what you are babbling is that the house dems did not call all the witnesses they needed or wanted before rushing into impeachment

and now you want the senate to do what the house was supposed to do but didnt

Yes they did. Kindly stop spouting your Trumptardian LIES.

Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.
90% of the people already realize the House impeachment was a fucking clown parade.

Did you pull that 90% figure outta yer butt? Put it back ... IMMEDIATELY!! :lol:
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.
90% of the people already realize the House impeachment was a fucking clown parade.

That must explain why the polls taken since Impeached Trump was impeached show more people want him impeached and removed from office than those who don't.
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.
90% of the people already realize the House impeachment was a fucking clown parade.

That's certainly one way to put it.

But what I don't understand is what the House Managers and Nervous Nancy hope to prove by presenting "witnesses" that they haven't even interviewed and have no idea what- if anything- they know about the specific charges they intend to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

Sometimes prosecutors have late arriving witnesses that come forward during cases. But they know what they intend to prove by calling them and know that they are actually witnesses.
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.
90% of the people already realize the House impeachment was a fucking clown parade.

That must explain why the polls taken since Impeached Trump was impeached show more people want him impeached and removed from office than those who don't.

Can't make this shit up can ya?

A majority of Americans in a new poll support Trump's impeachment and removal from office
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.
90% of the people already realize the House impeachment was a fucking clown parade.

That must explain why the polls taken since Impeached Trump was impeached show more people want him impeached and removed from office than those who don't.

Can't make this shit up can ya?

A majority of Americans in a new poll support Trump's impeachment and removal from office

Then what are you libs so freaking anxious about? If the people are already convinced that Trump and Pence have got to go, they'll be gone soon enough, and you'll be able to impose all kinds of crazy shit on the people.
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.
90% of the people already realize the House impeachment was a fucking clown parade.

That must explain why the polls taken since Impeached Trump was impeached show more people want him impeached and removed from office than those who don't.
He’s going nowhere and all of this impeachment chicanery helps the GOP to take back the House and re-elect Trump.
What do you call a trial where none of the witnesses called by the prosecution had first hand knowledge of what happened? The only people who did are Trump...who released the transcript of the call...and the President of the Ukraine who has steadfastly denied there was any quid pro quo in play!

Answer? A trial that the judge would throw out for lack of evidence before it even went to trial!

Where do you Trumpublicans (I'd call ya conservatives but ya ain't) get your news anyway? There were SEVERAL witnesses who were on these calls and smack-dab in the middle of Rudy and Donald's "drug deal".

It should also be noted that Donnie didn't release a "transcript" - We got the Billy Barr SUMMARY which stated right up top that it wasn't a verbatim transcript. It was full of ellipses (dot dot dot) ... meaning paragraphs were cut short. The "transcript" got worm-holed away on a super-secret server.

Learn something .. at SOME point - PLEASE
Dems should have called the witnesses to give evidence in the House before voting to impeach

now its too late to demand that the senate do pelosi’s job for her

are you babbling about? Dems called TONS of witnesses including the idiots who claimed "absolute immunity" and didn't show up.

Waiting for Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and the rest of them in court after court after court would have taken months if not years.

We have a president who is openly asking foreign governments for dirt on his opponents and who has done NOTHING to stop Putin from meddling again. Ain't got that kind of time.

In case you hadn't heard, another court just ruled that "absolute immunity" doesn't exist. Will Moscow Mitch McTurtle call Bolton or anyone else? Doubtful unless three or more Republicans demand it.

what you are babbling is that the house dems did not call all the witnesses they needed or wanted before rushing into impeachment

and now you want the senate to do what the house was supposed to do but didnt

Yes they did. Kindly stop spouting your Trumptardian LIES.

Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The democrats should have heard from all the witnesses they needed BEFORE voting for impeachment

not after
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.
90% of the people already realize the House impeachment was a fucking clown parade.

Did you pull that 90% figure outta yer butt? Put it back ... IMMEDIATELY!! :lol:
I’m sorry, 85% of Democrats and 89% of Republicans see it as partisan. Almost 90%. 49% and 49% of public split on impeach and remove or not. Where did you pull 70% out of your ass?
Where do you Trumpublicans (I'd call ya conservatives but ya ain't) get your news anyway? There were SEVERAL witnesses who were on these calls and smack-dab in the middle of Rudy and Donald's "drug deal".

It should also be noted that Donnie didn't release a "transcript" - We got the Billy Barr SUMMARY which stated right up top that it wasn't a verbatim transcript. It was full of ellipses (dot dot dot) ... meaning paragraphs were cut short. The "transcript" got worm-holed away on a super-secret server.

Learn something .. at SOME point - PLEASE
Dems should have called the witnesses to give evidence in the House before voting to impeach

now its too late to demand that the senate do pelosi’s job for her

are you babbling about? Dems called TONS of witnesses including the idiots who claimed "absolute immunity" and didn't show up.

Waiting for Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and the rest of them in court after court after court would have taken months if not years.

We have a president who is openly asking foreign governments for dirt on his opponents and who has done NOTHING to stop Putin from meddling again. Ain't got that kind of time.

In case you hadn't heard, another court just ruled that "absolute immunity" doesn't exist. Will Moscow Mitch McTurtle call Bolton or anyone else? Doubtful unless three or more Republicans demand it.

what you are babbling is that the house dems did not call all the witnesses they needed or wanted before rushing into impeachment

and now you want the senate to do what the house was supposed to do but didnt

Yes they did. Kindly stop spouting your Trumptardian LIES.

Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The democrats should have heard from all the witnesses they needed BEFORE voting for impeachment

not after
Railroad job.

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