Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

The democrats should have heard from all the witnesses they needed BEFORE voting for impeachment

not after
Railroad job.

I wonder if that unfortunate creature is a man or a woman

how sad


Again, Poppy Bush LOATHED Donnie Dumpster. All the Bushes loathe Donnie Dumpster.

They repeat their request of you to remove GHWB's image.

Poppy was a decent man - The Orange Anus is NOT.

HW Bush was attacked by Liberals and called a racist, fascist and homophobe. The liberal media pointed out that George HW Bush was "Literally Hitler" mainly because he allegedly made a deal with the ayatollah during the 1980 campaign and his racist ads about Dukakis and Willie Horton who was Dukakis' BFF.

Lastly, HW was ripped to shreds for not using a prophylactic when Dubya was conceived.

And now you say he was "decent"??
Most of the jobs that Obama created were in the private sector. Not dependent on tax dollars.

Most of the jobs that trump has created are low paying service jobs and jobs dependent on tax dollars in the military industrial complex.

Me thinks you have your presidents confused.

Most of OBAMA'S jobs were low paying jobs and unlike you, I have proof.

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

So while liars like Faun love to look at "jobs created" he'll put his fingers in his ears and his head up his ass when confronted about WHAT KIND OF JOBS.

Obama: part time menial work
Trump: Manufacturing

Manufacturers Added 6 Times More Jobs Under Trump Than Under Obama's Last 2 Years



This chart shows jobs in industries like mining and construction are thriving under Trump
"Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract"

Lying human scum, that was actually a study from 2005-2015. Obama was president from 2009-2017. Rendering that claim false as it includes 4 years under Bush, who produced the fewest jobs since Herbert Hoover, and it doesn't cover Obama's entire presidency.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Says a lying uneducated little yellow coward who has been dismissed as the idiot he is. So you now claim that stat is false because it doesn’t include ALL of Obozo’s FAILURES. You just continue to look stupid. By the way asshole, STILL NOT IMPEACHED! Cue pawn’s idiotic deflection to the House having power though they haven’t finished the process yet.
Most of the jobs that Obama created were in the private sector. Not dependent on tax dollars.

Most of the jobs that trump has created are low paying service jobs and jobs dependent on tax dollars in the military industrial complex.

Me thinks you have your presidents confused.

Most of OBAMA'S jobs were low paying jobs and unlike you, I have proof.

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

So while liars like Faun love to look at "jobs created" he'll put his fingers in his ears and his head up his ass when confronted about WHAT KIND OF JOBS.

Obama: part time menial work
Trump: Manufacturing

Manufacturers Added 6 Times More Jobs Under Trump Than Under Obama's Last 2 Years



This chart shows jobs in industries like mining and construction are thriving under Trump
"Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract"

Lying human scum, that was actually a study from 2005-2015. Obama was president from 2009-2017. Rendering that claim false as it includes 4 years under Bush, who produced the fewest jobs since Herbert Hoover, and it doesn't cover Obama's entire presidency.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Says a lying uneducated little yellow coward who has been dismissed as the idiot he is. So you now claim that stat is false because it doesn’t include ALL of Obozo’s FAILURES. You just continue to look stupid. By the way asshole, STILL NOT IMPEACHED! Cue pawn’s idiotic deflection to the House having power though they haven’t finished the process yet.

You poor, triggered cuck. Not even the actual study started, "Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract." Obsma's name doesn't even appear in the study since it encompasses a period of 4 years before he was even president.

What the study actually showed was...


"A striking implication of these estimates is that 94 percent of the net employment growth
in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements."
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.

Its not Sen. McConnell who will be presenting the case, that will be the House Manager who say they all ready have enough to proceed and prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

What question would liberals want to ask Ambassador Bolton or Mayor Giuliani, if they do take the stand? Remember this is a trial, not an investigation
Please tell me where anyone in the house who voted for the articles of impeachment said we don't need to hear from Pompeo, Bolton, Giuliani and Mulvaney??

I'll wait

I do remember you dic suckers saying "wait until it get to the Senate - that's when Trump's witnesses can testify and prove Trump did nothing wrong" --- now yall are scared to death of any of those witnesses testifying...because you know them lies hit different under oath....
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.

Its not Sen. McConnell who will be presenting the case, that will be the House Manager who say they all ready have enough to proceed and prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

What question would liberals want to ask Ambassador Bolton or Mayor Giuliani, if they do take the stand? Remember this is a trial, not an investigation
Please tell me where anyone in the house who voted for the articles of impeachment said we don't need to hear from Pompeo, Bolton, Giuliani and Mulvaney??

I'll wait

I do remember you dic suckers saying "wait until it get to the Senate - that's when Trump's witnesses can testify and prove Trump did nothing wrong" --- now yall are scared to death of any of those witnesses testifying...because you know them lies hit different under oath....
That's not how American Judicial system works, Komrade. Get a fucking clue!!
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.

Its not Sen. McConnell who will be presenting the case, that will be the House Manager who say they all ready have enough to proceed and prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

What question would liberals want to ask Ambassador Bolton or Mayor Giuliani, if they do take the stand? Remember this is a trial, not an investigation
Please tell me where anyone in the house who voted for the articles of impeachment said we don't need to hear from Pompeo, Bolton, Giuliani and Mulvaney??

I'll wait

I do remember you dic suckers saying "wait until it get to the Senate - that's when Trump's witnesses can testify and prove Trump did nothing wrong" --- now yall are scared to death of any of those witnesses testifying...because you know them lies hit different under oath....
That's not how American Judicial system works, Komrade. Get a fucking clue!!

Cool, because an impeachment trial in the senate isn't the American Judicial system you dunce....
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.

Its not Sen. McConnell who will be presenting the case, that will be the House Manager who say they all ready have enough to proceed and prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

What question would liberals want to ask Ambassador Bolton or Mayor Giuliani, if they do take the stand? Remember this is a trial, not an investigation
Please tell me where anyone in the house who voted for the articles of impeachment said we don't need to hear from Pompeo, Bolton, Giuliani and Mulvaney??

I'll wait

I do remember you dic suckers saying "wait until it get to the Senate - that's when Trump's witnesses can testify and prove Trump did nothing wrong" --- now yall are scared to death of any of those witnesses testifying...because you know them lies hit different under oath....

Actually, we the people thought you libs were going to present a prima facie case that would need to be rebutted.

Maybe some witnesses lying or something.

But instead, you just presented a bunch of folks with opinions who are butt hurt about being left out of the loop.

As it is, there is no reason to present any witnesses, as the libs have nothing at all.
Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.

Its not Sen. McConnell who will be presenting the case, that will be the House Manager who say they all ready have enough to proceed and prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

What question would liberals want to ask Ambassador Bolton or Mayor Giuliani, if they do take the stand? Remember this is a trial, not an investigation
Please tell me where anyone in the house who voted for the articles of impeachment said we don't need to hear from Pompeo, Bolton, Giuliani and Mulvaney??

I'll wait

I do remember you dic suckers saying "wait until it get to the Senate - that's when Trump's witnesses can testify and prove Trump did nothing wrong" --- now yall are scared to death of any of those witnesses testifying...because you know them lies hit different under oath....
That's not how American Judicial system works, Komrade. Get a fucking clue!!

Cool, because an impeachment trial in the senate isn't the American Judicial system you dunce....

It's amazing some of these people can actually function in any manner whatsoever in the real world.
Dems should have called the witnesses to give evidence in the House before voting to impeach

now its too late to demand that the senate do pelosi’s job for her

are you babbling about? Dems called TONS of witnesses including the idiots who claimed "absolute immunity" and didn't show up.

Waiting for Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and the rest of them in court after court after court would have taken months if not years.

We have a president who is openly asking foreign governments for dirt on his opponents and who has done NOTHING to stop Putin from meddling again. Ain't got that kind of time.

In case you hadn't heard, another court just ruled that "absolute immunity" doesn't exist. Will Moscow Mitch McTurtle call Bolton or anyone else? Doubtful unless three or more Republicans demand it.

what you are babbling is that the house dems did not call all the witnesses they needed or wanted before rushing into impeachment

and now you want the senate to do what the house was supposed to do but didnt

Yes they did. Kindly stop spouting your Trumptardian LIES.

Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The democrats should have heard from all the witnesses they needed BEFORE voting for impeachment

not after

Cool, for that nonsense to get through every court in the land would have only taken us deep into 2020 and possibly deep into 2021.

Sorry man, TOO LATE.

That's not McConnell's problem. The failure on the part of the House does not constitute an emergency on his.
Last edited:
Schumer is guilty of being a Fascist scumbag

Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.

Its not Sen. McConnell who will be presenting the case, that will be the House Manager who say they all ready have enough to proceed and prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

What question would liberals want to ask Ambassador Bolton or Mayor Giuliani, if they do take the stand? Remember this is a trial, not an investigation
Please tell me where anyone in the house who voted for the articles of impeachment said we don't need to hear from Pompeo, Bolton, Giuliani and Mulvaney??

I'll wait

I do remember you dic suckers saying "wait until it get to the Senate - that's when Trump's witnesses can testify and prove Trump did nothing wrong" --- now yall are scared to death of any of those witnesses testifying...because you know them lies hit different under oath....

Actually, we the people thought you libs were going to present a prima facie case that would need to be rebutted.

Maybe some witnesses lying or something.

But instead, you just presented a bunch of folks with opinions who are butt hurt about being left out of the loop.

As it is, there is no reason to present any witnesses, as the libs have nothing at all.
So you thought there were going to be some witnesses that were lying or something?? those are your words, you do understand that, right??

Now lets delve into what those witnesses said....even the witnesses that the republicans called all substantiate the claim that Trump engaged in a quid pro quo......glad you admit that there were no witnesses lying.....thanks
are you babbling about? Dems called TONS of witnesses including the idiots who claimed "absolute immunity" and didn't show up.

Waiting for Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and the rest of them in court after court after court would have taken months if not years.

We have a president who is openly asking foreign governments for dirt on his opponents and who has done NOTHING to stop Putin from meddling again. Ain't got that kind of time.

In case you hadn't heard, another court just ruled that "absolute immunity" doesn't exist. Will Moscow Mitch McTurtle call Bolton or anyone else? Doubtful unless three or more Republicans demand it.

what you are babbling is that the house dems did not call all the witnesses they needed or wanted before rushing into impeachment

and now you want the senate to do what the house was supposed to do but didnt

Yes they did. Kindly stop spouting your Trumptardian LIES.

Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The democrats should have heard from all the witnesses they needed BEFORE voting for impeachment

not after

Cool, for that nonsense to get through every court in the land would have only taken us deep into 2020 and possibly deep into 2021.

Sorry man, TOO LATE.

That's not McConnell's problem. The failure on the part of the House does not constitute an emergency on his.
Only option is the Senate equivalent of a directed verdict of not guilty, the House failed to present a case. Thank the wisdom of the Founding Fathers to set a high bar in the Senate so that a reed slim majority of Jihadists couldn't remove the President from office
what you are babbling is that the house dems did not call all the witnesses they needed or wanted before rushing into impeachment

and now you want the senate to do what the house was supposed to do but didnt

Yes they did. Kindly stop spouting your Trumptardian LIES.

Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The democrats should have heard from all the witnesses they needed BEFORE voting for impeachment

not after

Cool, for that nonsense to get through every court in the land would have only taken us deep into 2020 and possibly deep into 2021.

Sorry man, TOO LATE.

That's not McConnell's problem. The failure on the part of the House does not constitute an emergency on his.
Only option is the Senate equivalent of a directed verdict of not guilty, the House failed to present a case. Thank the wisdom of the Founding Fathers to set a high bar in the Senate so that a reed slim majority of Jihadists couldn't remove the President from office
Cool, the house impeached.....

The Senate voted to acquit....life goes on...

And for time eternal -- you trumpers can claim how wrong Trump was treated and blah blah....

but I think you trumpers will only sing that tune up and until Trump is no longer in power....after that, your Trump sycophancy ends.....have to make room for the next demagogue to worship....

I am pulling for the Duck Dynasty guy myself.....or maybe Ted Nugent...he does hate pretty good
Off topic, irrelevant and ludicrous. A real trifecta of childish gibberish. But I digress, the Question posed in the OP is this:

Q. Why is the GOP afraid of calling witnesses?

A. The truth will cost the GOP the majority in the Senate and many State Legislatures, if the evidence provided by the witnesses is beyond a reasonable doubt, and even if Bolton and others who have been subpoenaed take the 5th Amendment, the GOP will lose the credibility and confidence of the people.

Moscow Mitch had better figure out that 70% of the American people won't buy into his fake trial with no witnesses and no documents ... PRONTO.

Its not Sen. McConnell who will be presenting the case, that will be the House Manager who say they all ready have enough to proceed and prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

What question would liberals want to ask Ambassador Bolton or Mayor Giuliani, if they do take the stand? Remember this is a trial, not an investigation
Please tell me where anyone in the house who voted for the articles of impeachment said we don't need to hear from Pompeo, Bolton, Giuliani and Mulvaney??

I'll wait

I do remember you dic suckers saying "wait until it get to the Senate - that's when Trump's witnesses can testify and prove Trump did nothing wrong" --- now yall are scared to death of any of those witnesses testifying...because you know them lies hit different under oath....

Actually, we the people thought you libs were going to present a prima facie case that would need to be rebutted.

Maybe some witnesses lying or something.

But instead, you just presented a bunch of folks with opinions who are butt hurt about being left out of the loop.

As it is, there is no reason to present any witnesses, as the libs have nothing at all.
So you thought there were going to be some witnesses that were lying or something?? those are your words, you do understand that, right??

Now lets delve into what those witnesses said....even the witnesses that the republicans called all substantiate the claim that Trump engaged in a quid pro quo......glad you admit that there were no witnesses lying.....thanks

The witnesses only gave their opinions that there was a quid pro quo, but they didn't hear anything or speak to the principals or even listen to the phone call. I have to assume that these were their real opinions. After all, they were really hurt about being left out of the loop while the President pursued his job without their help.

But opinions aren't admissible testimony and neither is hearsay, so the Senators will never hear it.
Yes they did. Kindly stop spouting your Trumptardian LIES.

Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The democrats should have heard from all the witnesses they needed BEFORE voting for impeachment

not after

Cool, for that nonsense to get through every court in the land would have only taken us deep into 2020 and possibly deep into 2021.

Sorry man, TOO LATE.

That's not McConnell's problem. The failure on the part of the House does not constitute an emergency on his.
Only option is the Senate equivalent of a directed verdict of not guilty, the House failed to present a case. Thank the wisdom of the Founding Fathers to set a high bar in the Senate so that a reed slim majority of Jihadists couldn't remove the President from office
Cool, the house impeached.....

The Senate voted to acquit....life goes on...

And for time eternal -- you trumpers can claim how wrong Trump was treated and blah blah....

but I think you trumpers will only sing that tune up and until Trump is no longer in power....after that, your Trump sycophancy ends.....have to make room for the next demagogue to worship....

I am pulling for the Duck Dynasty guy myself.....or maybe Ted Nugent...he does hate pretty good
You haven't seen Trump hit back yet. This time next year you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who will admit to belonging to the traitorous, money laundering, human trafficking, pedophile, Stalinist democrat Party
The democrats should have heard from all the witnesses they needed BEFORE voting for impeachment

not after

Cool, for that nonsense to get through every court in the land would have only taken us deep into 2020 and possibly deep into 2021.

Sorry man, TOO LATE.

That's not McConnell's problem. The failure on the part of the House does not constitute an emergency on his.
Only option is the Senate equivalent of a directed verdict of not guilty, the House failed to present a case. Thank the wisdom of the Founding Fathers to set a high bar in the Senate so that a reed slim majority of Jihadists couldn't remove the President from office
Cool, the house impeached.....

The Senate voted to acquit....life goes on...

And for time eternal -- you trumpers can claim how wrong Trump was treated and blah blah....

but I think you trumpers will only sing that tune up and until Trump is no longer in power....after that, your Trump sycophancy ends.....have to make room for the next demagogue to worship....

I am pulling for the Duck Dynasty guy myself.....or maybe Ted Nugent...he does hate pretty good
You haven't seen Trump hit back yet. This time next year you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who will admit to belonging to the traitorous, money laundering, human trafficking, pedophile, Stalinist democrat Party

The D's didn't even touch the President in this Fake Impeachment. Trump doesn't have to hit back on this, unless he wants to.

I thought for sure that the Dems would have had some fool come forward and testify in no uncertain terms about a fake conversation they had with the President. Something which would NEED to be rebutted. But really there is nothing but a group of butthurt deep staters whining about have no influence at all in foreign policy
The democrats should have heard from all the witnesses they needed BEFORE voting for impeachment

not after

Cool, for that nonsense to get through every court in the land would have only taken us deep into 2020 and possibly deep into 2021.

Sorry man, TOO LATE.

That's not McConnell's problem. The failure on the part of the House does not constitute an emergency on his.
Only option is the Senate equivalent of a directed verdict of not guilty, the House failed to present a case. Thank the wisdom of the Founding Fathers to set a high bar in the Senate so that a reed slim majority of Jihadists couldn't remove the President from office
Cool, the house impeached.....

The Senate voted to acquit....life goes on...

And for time eternal -- you trumpers can claim how wrong Trump was treated and blah blah....

but I think you trumpers will only sing that tune up and until Trump is no longer in power....after that, your Trump sycophancy ends.....have to make room for the next demagogue to worship....

I am pulling for the Duck Dynasty guy myself.....or maybe Ted Nugent...he does hate pretty good
You haven't seen Trump hit back yet. This time next year you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who will admit to belonging to the traitorous, money laundering, human trafficking, pedophile, Stalinist democrat Party

Yes, the Trump Remorse is palpable - But best of luck on Donnie Dumpsters "hit back" !!

Let’s call it Trump Remorse
102 pages of comments ago - I said....the GOP are afraid to call witnesses.....

and 102 pages later......I am still right.......
102 pages of comments ago - I said....the GOP are afraid to call witnesses.....

and 102 pages later......I am still right.......

102 pages ago, the Dems still don't have any evidence that would need to be rebutted by the President's witnesses.

And here in America, its up to the persecution to prove its case, not the defendant who is entitled to a fair trial and a presumption of innocence.
Bribe = pressure? Not usually. Bribe = temptation, yes. Pressure = extortion, yes, as we saw from Crazy Uncle Joe. Now THAT'S pressure.
Zelensky expressed interest in buying missiles from us and Trump asked for favors. That's a bribe.

It's called negotiating...something that EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT SINCE GEORGE WASHINGTON HAS DONE!!! DUH?

And by "negotiating," you mean withholding financial aid to get him to investigate a political rival.

I mean asking the President of the Ukraine to investigate corruption! Why is that improper? It's done all the time.

What's laughable is listening to them try to make the case that Trump is violating the emoluments clause by having a summit meeting at Doral...a property that he owns! What part of the offer was to do that AT COST didn't they get? Trump offers to give the taxpayers a break by having it at a property he owns but because it's Trump...those liberal mouthpieces in the media immediately declare that it's a violation of the emoluments clause! News flash for you clueless wonders...when you do something "at cost" it means you're not taking a profit while doing it!!!!! Duh?
Show me another president running for re-election asking for a foreign leader to investigate another candidate who's also running for president....

Show me another candidate that was using his office to enrich his family like Joe Biden was! :)

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