Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??


You poor, triggered cuck. Not even the actual study started, "Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract." Obsma's name doesn't even appear in the study since it encompasses a period of 4 years before he was even president.

What the study actually showed was...


"A striking implication of these estimates is that 94 percent of the net employment growth
in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements."

Poor baby. The years include Obozo’s years too moron. Keep laughing as you get bitch slapped over and over you little yellow coward. Learn how to spell you uneducated eunuch. Then again, a lying, desperate, stupid little yellow coward who’s been beaten down constantly shows he has nothing. As usual. You are dismissed idiot. STILL NOT IMPEACHED!
So what if their study covered part of Obama's time in office? The study covered the years from 2005 to 2015. Good luck showing that a majority of those jobs were attained after the recession and not while Bush was president. Oh wait, look at that, the increase occurred under Bush and decreased under Obama...

part time jobs 2005-2015​

Oh so now it doesn’t matter if Obozo has to take the blame for his failures. What q quick backpedal there by a little yellow coward. Decreased under Obozo? Of course, since more people actually dropped out of the work force under Obozo. Lowest participation rate since the 1970’s. Try again.
Fucking moron, why should Obama take the blame for Bush's failures? As I showed you, that increase of part time jobs between 2005-2015 occurred while Bush was president. It's not Obama's fault you're too rightarded to read a graph.

Making you cry is so easy. So Obozo is blameless despite the study that INCLUDES years he was president. Your utter stupidity is rivaled only by your cowardice. Noting your total dodge of that pesky fact of work force participation rate. Not my fault you’re too uneducated, illiterate, and cowardly to face facts. Try again lifelong loser.

Exactly how fucking nuts are ya, rightard? I even showed you where part time jobs skyrocketed during those study years under Bush and how part time jobs decreased under Obama; and you still don't get it.

Keep coming back for more, cretin, I don't mind bitch-slapping you senseless with the back side of my pimp hand.

The investigations into Benghazi didn't come up with anything? LOL Wow, how soon they forget!

Let me remind you, Biff what the Benghazi investigations DID come up with! They uncovered the pay for play scheme that Hillary Clinton was employing at the State Department. They uncovered her use of two private servers hidden in her private residence to run that scheme. They uncovered that Hillary Clinton paid to have those servers wiped clean...destroying over 30,000 emails. The Benghazi investigations kept Hillary Clinton from becoming President! Didn't come up with anything...now THAT is amusing!
No kidding, what else do we need to know, Hilary was a freaking major screw up.

Don't forget that Hilary's own ARB report unanimously decided that Hilary was incompetent, and I'll add that she was dangerously incompetent:

Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department (the “Department”) resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place.
Conditions are irrelevant in terms of the law. The law simply states one cannot solicit campaign help from a foreign national.
Nowhere did Trump even hint at Biden's primary campaign, much less did Trump make it a point to solicit any help in the matter from Zelensky. This is simply a false assumption on your part.

Joe Biden has always run for public office in some political campaign, during every election cycle. Biden has done so since he was first elected to public office in 1973. So, to try and claim 2019 was significant, is silly; running for office is all Biden does.
It matters not if Zelensky was aware that Biden was also running for president. Impeached Trump knew it when he asked Zelensky to investigate Biden.
Biden is always running for political office, ever since he first entered into politics in 1975. When hasn't he tried to run for president?

It's not as if him trying to run for political office this time around was any different. You folks act as if Biden running for election in the Democratic Party primary was something unusual or unexpected, and something Trump went out of his way to exploit.
Joe says he didn't get his son that job. Unless you have proof he's lying, you're argument is screwed.
And you never seek to investigate anything, which is why all these corrupt politicians feel comfortable with using their positions in high government office to swing all kinds of high paying no-show jobs for their friends, family members and campaign donors.

When did people like you become sellouts to government corruption and crony capitalism?
Then impeached Trump should have followed legal protocol to have him investigated. Instead, he abused the power of his office by violating a law which prohibits soliciting a foreign national to investigate political rivals.

Hysterically, it will be you people freaking out over this is if it's allowed to stand and a Democrat president running for re-election some day starts getting foreign leaders to investigate all of their Republican competitors.
Biden will not be Trump's political rival unless, or until, he wins the Democratic primary, which history has shown us he will never accomplish.
Meanwhile, you still possess zero evidence that Joe got that job for his son.
Yup, it's just a coincidence that Hunter's daddy is the vice president, and the new, unproven, tiny little firm, Rosemont Seneca, takes off like a rocket in 2010, able to secure meetings with largest and most powerful government-fund leaders in China. In 2013 hunter is scoring a $1.5 billion deal, after riding with daddy on Air Force Two.

It's also another freak coincidence that a year later, no talent Hunter lands a sweet job with Burisma.

Imagine that, the two nations where President Obama appointed Joe Biden as the US point man for US foreign relations, and his lands these sweet deals.

I know, you want proof.... except when Trump is the subject of speculations and knee-jerk assumptions, then speculation and presumption is good enough to impeach a president with.

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...

Ordinarily, when witnesses are called for a trial, the Defense has the right to talk with the witnesses before hand, find out what they are going to say.

Would you have a problem with that?

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...

Ordinarily, when witnesses are called for a trial, the Defense has the right to talk with the witnesses before hand, find out what they are going to say.

Would you have a problem with that?

Nope not as long as their testimony is not blocked or distorted.
The Stimulus spent nearly a trillion tax dollars and created so few jobs that you progressives had to use "jobs created or saved" to hide how few they DID create!

What did Trump do? He cut frivolous regulations. He let businesses know that they were no longer the enemy of the Federal Government.

Wow did you not read my last post, these economic trends that you pat Trump on the back for today started under Pres. Obama. I know that is hard for a Trump Humper to admit.

I've never denied that the growth of the American economy started under Barack Obama...I simply pointed out that his economic policies not only had little to do with that growth...they generally discouraged it. The main driver of the economy during the Obama years was an energy boom...an energy boom that his administration did everything they could to prevent from happening.

The oil companies did it to themselves with the Gulf disastrous spill.

Obama proved that oil companies could actually prosper without trashing federal land and following regulations.

Trump will return us to more more spills & more pollution for nothing.

Oh, bullshit! The Obama Administration used a tragic disaster to knee cap an entire industry! They waged an eight year war against Big Oil, Gas & Coal! Despite the Obama Administration's opposition...fracking advances brought about an energy boom that created tens of thousands of high paying jobs and drove the economy here in the US. That didn't happen because of Obama economic policies...THAT HAPPENED DESPITE THEM!

So, we had a disaster but lets not do anything to prevent another. Great thinking.

Waging a war against climate change & pollution.

And it was advances in guided drilling that enabled the natural gas boom. We've been fracking for over 50 years.

Obama did little to the drilling industry on private land.

The Oil industry fucked themselves in off shore drilling by lying about their capabilities to stop a blow out in deep water.

What disaster ?

That you missed the toilet bowl ?
What evidence do you think the prosecutors need to present?
What ever they need, to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt.... which is a higher burden than probable cause... to make their case,

As long as their evidence is related to the charges, they should be able to bring it forth..... if it is not related to the charges, they should not be able to bring that evidence or witness forward.

Do you not understand that it was the job of the House to bring forward evidence to make that case and then send that evidence over to the Senate to deliberate on? It's not the job of the Senate to provide evidence...it's their job to rule on the evidence the House provides!

The House was like rthe Grand Jury.

If you assfucks are afraid to provide any witnesses then the Senate will decide based on the evidence provided. That evidence says guilty.

And Trump will need to rely on party loyalty for Republicans to support him & fuck the country.

None of the evidence I've seen says "guilty" at all. Most of the so-called witnesses that appeared before the Pencil Necked Geek didn't witness a dam thing. They just gave their opinions, and obviously felt snubbed by the Trumpster who kept them out of the loop. Since they weren't in the loop, their opinions are worth no more than the man on the street.
It's hard to see much from your vantage point being up Trump's ass.

Your's is no better...being parked up Pelosi's.

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...

Ordinarily, when witnesses are called for a trial, the Defense has the right to talk with the witnesses before hand, find out what they are going to say.

Would you have a problem with that?

Nope not as long as their testimony is not blocked or distorted.
Agree, plus the prosecutors should also have the same time to question them before testifying, on witnesses that have not previously testified....

Though I am not certain it works that way in a real trial.... usually the defense does not get to question the prosecutor's witnesses, until the trial, they can cross examine them there, on the stand, same with defense witnesses, prosecutors cross examine them in the trial.
someone with nothing to hide...

hides nothing.

that says it all.

Is that like "guilty unless you prove you're innocent", Playtime? This is the United States where under our system of justice you're presumed innocent until PROVEN GUILTY! Trump has no duty to prove anything.

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...

Ordinarily, when witnesses are called for a trial, the Defense has the right to talk with the witnesses before hand, find out what they are going to say.

Would you have a problem with that?

Nope not as long as their testimony is not blocked or distorted.
Agree, plus the prosecutors should also have the same time to question them before testifying, on witnesses that have not previously testified....

Though I am not certain it works that way in a real trial.... usually the defense does not get to question the prosecutor's witnesses, until the trial, they can cross examine them there, on the stand, same with defense witnesses, prosecutors cross examine them in the trial.

The questioning in an impeachment is supposed to be done by the House...the Senate then takes what's been shown by the House and rules on it. It's akin to a jury deliberation in an actual trial. You don't get to send additional witnesses into a jury room to affect the ruling...they can ask for testimony to be read back to them but the questioning part is over. The jury...which is the Senate in this case...is there to do one thing and one thing alone...rule on the evidence or lack thereof...that's been presented by the House!
Conditions are irrelevant in terms of the law. The law simply states one cannot solicit campaign help from a foreign national.
Nowhere did Trump even hint at Biden's primary campaign, much less did Trump make it a point to solicit any help in the matter from Zelensky. This is simply a false assumption on your part.

Joe Biden has always run for public office in some political campaign, during every election cycle. Biden has done so since he was first elected to public office in 1973. So, to try and claim 2019 was significant, is silly; running for office is all Biden does.
It matters not if Zelensky was aware that Biden was also running for president. Impeached Trump knew it when he asked Zelensky to investigate Biden.
Biden is always running for political office, ever since he first entered into politics in 1975. When hasn't he tried to run for president?

It's not as if him trying to run for political office this time around was any different. You folks act as if Biden running for election in the Democratic Party primary was something unusual or unexpected, and something Trump went out of his way to exploit.
It matters not if Biden is always running for something. Biden never before ran for the same office as Impeached Trump. That means Impeached Trump could not solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...

Ordinarily, when witnesses are called for a trial, the Defense has the right to talk with the witnesses before hand, find out what they are going to say.

Would you have a problem with that?

Nope not as long as their testimony is not blocked or distorted.
Agree, plus the prosecutors should also have the same time to question them before testifying, on witnesses that have not previously testified....

Though I am not certain it works that way in a real trial.... usually the defense does not get to question the prosecutor's witnesses, until the trial, they can cross examine them there, on the stand, same with defense witnesses, prosecutors cross examine them in the trial.

The questioning in an impeachment is supposed to be done by the House...the Senate then takes what's been shown by the House and rules on it. It's akin to a jury deliberation in an actual trial. You don't get to send additional witnesses into a jury room to affect the ruling...they can ask for testimony to be read back to them but the questioning part is over. The jury...which is the Senate in this case...is there to do one thing and one thing alone...rule on the evidence or lack thereof...that's been presented by the House!
Nope. Every impeachment trial in our history, has had witnesses and evidence presented in the trial.

The jury, does NOT DELIBERATE until all evidence and witnesses are heard, from both sides, and both sides have given their closing arguments....it's the last thing that happens in any trial or impeachment, the jury's deliberation, and their verdict.
Joe says he didn't get his son that job. Unless you have proof he's lying, you're argument is screwed.
And you never seek to investigate anything, which is why all these corrupt politicians feel comfortable with using their positions in high government office to swing all kinds of high paying no-show jobs for their friends, family members and campaign donors.

When did people like you become sellouts to government corruption and crony capitalism?
Then impeached Trump should have followed legal protocol to have him investigated. Instead, he abused the power of his office by violating a law which prohibits soliciting a foreign national to investigate political rivals.

Hysterically, it will be you people freaking out over this is if it's allowed to stand and a Democrat president running for re-election some day starts getting foreign leaders to investigate all of their Republican competitors.
Biden will not be Trump's political rival unless, or until, he wins the Democratic primary, which history has shown us he will never accomplish.
He's already Impeached Trump's rival as they're both running for the office of the president.
Meanwhile, you still possess zero evidence that Joe got that job for his son.
Yup, it's just a coincidence that Hunter's daddy is the vice president, and the new, unproven, tiny little firm, Rosemont Seneca, takes off like a rocket in 2010, able to secure meetings with largest and most powerful government-fund leaders in China. In 2013 hunter is scoring a $1.5 billion deal, after riding with daddy on Air Force Two.

It's also another freak coincidence that a year later, no talent Hunter lands a sweet job with Burisma.

Imagine that, the two nations where President Obama appointed Joe Biden as the US point man for US foreign relations, and his lands these sweet deals.

I know, you want proof.... except when Trump is the subject of speculations and knee-jerk assumptions, then speculation and presumption is good enough to impeach a president with.
Nice conjecture.
Laws broken, abuses of power

Campaign finance laws on foreign gvt help.

Bribery/extortion, govt corruption.... soliciting help from Velensky, to make an announcement on CNN that the Ukraine was opening an investigation in to the Biden's, in order for the Ukraine to get their congressionally passed military aid, and a coveted white house meeting.... quid pro quo.

The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 - holding back the military aid passed by congress was illegal

Hiding the IG urgent designated whistleblower complaint from congress was illegal.

Refusing to turn over any subpoena documents, breaks the law

Refusing to allow admin witnesses to testify, on this made up "absolute immunity claim" is illegal.

Both, obstruction of congress.

Harassing the whistleblower, illegal

Sending Giuliani and thugs, to the Ukraine is also problematic

All above need witnesses and evidenc
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If we play by the party of INFANTICIDES rules, We get to call this jerk and his son for FULL INTERROGATION!

If we play by the party of INFANTICIDES rules, We get to call this jerk and his son for FULL INTERROGATION!

Have your own impeachment t trial to do it.... Joe can still be impeached I think, and voted to not allow him to ever serve again... can't run for president....

Or get the DOJ to investigate and charge him with a crime..... surely Trump can have Barr make up something...:rolleyes:

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