Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

Have you ever read the constitution?? Here is a short list of what the Constitution deems are impeachable offenses...

(1) improperly exceeding or abusing the powers of the office;
(2) behavior incompatible with the function and purpose of the office; and
(3) misusing the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.

Congress than makes the decision that a president is guilty of said offenses and put it to a vote....if you feel only presidents you don't worship should be impeached -- either (a) move to a country ruled by dictatorship -- or (b) change the constitution.....or...(c) shut the fuk up....

But I expect you will do (d) -- keep whining like a bitch....

It is all politics and that is why the votes in the House went the way they did and that is why in the Senate the vote will go the way it is predicted to go.
So therefore, impeachment should be removed from the constitution because after all...its all politics...big deal.....

Until someone you don't worship gets back in office..then suddenly you will be back to carrying around your little pocket constitutions whining about the rule of law...

I see it for what it is. With Clinton it was the same deal. You knew the House would impeach and the Senate didn’t have the votes to convict. Gabbard had the right idea, censure him and put an end to the posturing. The longer this plays out the worse it is for America and if the holds the articles for long, them Democrats will look worse to independents. I’m voting Gabbard, she is at least sane. Trump and the rest of the Democrats are nothing but grandstanders and ego stokers. They are supposed to serve the American people, they only serve themselves.
Oh, so you support her Medicare For All plan...cool...
  • Tulsi strongly supports the Medicare for All Act and serves on the Medicare for All Caucus
  • Tulsi believes that our present healthcare system is organized by and for the benefit of big insurance and pharmaceutical companies and not the American people, which must be changed
  • We pay far more in this country on healthcare costs than any other country in the world and get worse results. Far too many Americans in this country are sick and unable to get the care they need.
  • Tulsi supports Medicare for all to make sure that every American gets quality healthcare - we must also focus on reducing the cost of healthcare overall, preventive health, bring down cost of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate those prices down, and ensure transparency so people know exactly what the cost is and what they’re paying for.
  • Tulsi believes that the Affordable Care act was a step in the right direction, but points out that issues remain with the number of uninsured and high costs related to deductibles, copayments for medical services, and prescription drugs

Medicare for All

She supports bringing America together. She is not going to be abrasive, like Trump and Warren, she is not going to be senile and forgetful like Biden or Sanders. I can see her reaching across the aisle unlike the others. She is willing to compromise, she is willing to work for America. I don't see any other candidate that will work for America.

If she runs as a Democrat she's a Democrat, and would drag the party into office with her, which is unacceptable.
Hey, Bruce_T_Laney, has Trump done something wrong re:Ukraine?

Was he impeached for that?

No, he was Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress!

You have to prove the favor was to investigate Joe Biden and as of now it is just others opinion they thought that is what he wanted but he never said clearly it was.

Rudy need to testify under oath!

You honestly don't think that evidence was provided that proves Trump's intent was to hold aide and a meeting until an announcement of investigations into Biden was made?

Do you care joe Biden did!? Then we don’t care trump did move on
Hey, Bruce_T_Laney, has Trump done something wrong re:Ukraine?

Was he impeached for that?

No, he was Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress!

You have to prove the favor was to investigate Joe Biden and as of now it is just others opinion they thought that is what he wanted but he never said clearly it was.

Rudy need to testify under oath!

You honestly don't think that evidence was provided that proves Trump's intent was to hold aide and a meeting until an announcement of investigations into Biden was made?


My opinion matter not!

You have to prove that was his intent with his own words and there is nothing from him!

The favor was for Crowdstrike and later he spoke of Biden!

What I believe matter not!

Fact is even one witness stated he wanted nothing when pressured into an answer...

So it is the opinion of the witnesses that he wanted it and you have to have Rudy testify under oath to prove he ( Trump ) is lying or Rudy will fall on the sword...

My opinion matter not if I think he is guilty of Obstruction of Congress...

In the end he was not impeached for the bribery but Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress and both will be tossed...


The Democrats jumped too quickly on the Obstruction and did not let it play through the courts...

The Abuse of Power, every President since Jefferson has been guilty of that except maybe Madison...
Subjectivity. You see red and I see green.
Oh, sorry, that's not going to cut it. You either see red, or you see green. So you agree with one of the opposing, mutually exclusive claims. So, which one is it, for you?
I do not see abuse of power and I dont see how an Executive Branch can obstruct Congress. This is a partisan hack job.
Well, now that poor Brucie has stroked out, let's see if someone else wants to tackle the question:

If a defendant did, indeed, possess evidence of his own innocence, shouldn't or wouldn't he present this evidence at trial?
Hey, Bruce_T_Laney, has Trump done something wrong re:Ukraine?

Was he impeached for that?

No, he was Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress!

You have to prove the favor was to investigate Joe Biden and as of now it is just others opinion they thought that is what he wanted but he never said clearly it was.

Rudy need to testify under oath!

You honestly don't think that evidence was provided that proves Trump's intent was to hold aide and a meeting until an announcement of investigations into Biden was made?


My opinion matter not!

You have to prove that was his intent with his own words and there is nothing from him!

The favor was for Crowdstrike and later he spoke of Biden!

What I believe matter not!

Fact is even one witness stated he wanted nothing when pressured into an answer...

So it is the opinion of the witnesses that he wanted it and you have to have Rudy testify under oath to prove he ( Trump ) is lying or Rudy will fall on the sword...

My opinion matter not if I think he is guilty of Obstruction of Congress...

In the end he was not impeached for the bribery but Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress and both will be tossed...


The Democrats jumped too quickly on the Obstruction and did not let it play through the courts...

The Abuse of Power, every President since Jefferson has been guilty of that except maybe Madison...

OK. That's enough.

Please remind me if I ever forget myself and respond to something you post in a serious manner. You're not worth it. I misjudged you.

Merry Christmas
You spoon fed obstruction of justice.
False, and you never read a word of my link, obviously.
Look at the heading of your link......clearly states obstruction of justice
Dude, you have to be precise here as it has relevance. The dems couldn't have won THAT argument
because of the three branches, they just wanted it to remain in the purview of just two branches.
Trump wanted all three which is his prerogative
I do not see abuse of power and I dont see how an Executive Branch can obstruct Congress.
Gotcha. So, you think the republicans are correct. So, not all theater.

An executive branch can obstruct congress by refusing to comply with their subpoenas, of course. From where are you drawing your legal opinion, considering that precedent contradicts you?
Hey, Bruce_T_Laney, has Trump done something wrong re:Ukraine?

Was he impeached for that?

No, he was Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress!

You have to prove the favor was to investigate Joe Biden and as of now it is just others opinion they thought that is what he wanted but he never said clearly it was.

Rudy need to testify under oath!

You honestly don't think that evidence was provided that proves Trump's intent was to hold aide and a meeting until an announcement of investigations into Biden was made?

Do you care joe Biden did!? Then we don’t care trump did move on

Incorrect, there are many that care about if Hunter Biden did something wrong or not when working for the Ukranian company.

As for Joe Biden the order actually never came from him but Obama himself along with members of the E.U., so if you are going after Biden you need to go after Obama.

As for Trump and what he did was wrong when he mentioned Biden in that conversation.

Biden is a political opponent and remember how you and the right are upset with the FBI investigation of Trump campaign, well then you should be upset with Trump mentioning Biden that is a political opponent.

In the end it is my opinion Trump was wrong but should he be impeached?



Simple, if had not Impeached other Presidents that lied us into wars and got millions killed then Trump abuse of power is nothing he should be impeached for...
Look at the heading of your link......clearly states obstruction of justice
False. Nowehere in the law or the code title of the law is that phrase mentioned. It specifically refers to obstructing various congressional proceedings, to wit: "any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—"

Like I said...you didn't read a word of it. Despite begging for it. Curious.
I do not see abuse of power and I dont see how an Executive Branch can obstruct Congress.
Gotcha. So, you think the republicans are correct. So, not all theater.

An executive branch can obstruct congress by refusing to comply with their subpoenas, of course. From where are you drawing your legal opinion, considering that precedent contradicts you?
From Alan Dershowitz. I just think the people should decide.

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