Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

From Alan Dershowitz
Haha, oh yeah? And what is his argument? I asked for a "legal opinion", not just an opinion.

Does he even have one? If he does, why haven't the republicans bothered to try it out? Seems odd, no?
They will if the vote ever goes to the Senate. His opinion is a legal opinion. He is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter and he thinks this is stupid.
Hey, Bruce_T_Laney, has Trump done something wrong re:Ukraine?

Was he impeached for that?

No, he was Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress!

You have to prove the favor was to investigate Joe Biden and as of now it is just others opinion they thought that is what he wanted but he never said clearly it was.

Rudy need to testify under oath!

You honestly don't think that evidence was provided that proves Trump's intent was to hold aide and a meeting until an announcement of investigations into Biden was made?


My opinion matter not!

You have to prove that was his intent with his own words and there is nothing from him!

The favor was for Crowdstrike and later he spoke of Biden!

What I believe matter not!

Fact is even one witness stated he wanted nothing when pressured into an answer...

So it is the opinion of the witnesses that he wanted it and you have to have Rudy testify under oath to prove he ( Trump ) is lying or Rudy will fall on the sword...

My opinion matter not if I think he is guilty of Obstruction of Congress...

In the end he was not impeached for the bribery but Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress and both will be tossed...


The Democrats jumped too quickly on the Obstruction and did not let it play through the courts...

The Abuse of Power, every President since Jefferson has been guilty of that except maybe Madison...

OK. That's enough.

Please remind me if I ever forget myself and respond to something you post in a serious manner. You're not worth it. I misjudged you.

Merry Christmas

What do you mean?

What has Trump ever done that make you believe he should have been impeached?

The Obstruction of Congress is a bullshit charge and will be used in the future when a Democrat is sitting in the Oval Office and Republicans hold the House!

Abuse of Power has been done by every President since Jefferson with maybe the exception of Madison...

FDR, LBJ, Lincoln and yes even Jefferson abused their power and so did Reagan, Bush Jr., and Teddy Roosevelt and yet Trump abuse was far worst than their's?

Was it wrong for Trump to mention Biden?

Yes, and will never deny that but was it wrong enough to Impeach Trump?


Censure was the best course of action and you know this and why?

Senate was never going to Convict and Remove Trump and let be clear more people died from LBJ abuse of power than Trump abuse of power!
There was no obstruction. Only a dispute that the Democrat
Well that was a quick lane change.

So, you claim there was no obstruction. Fascinating! Now, could you argue that claim, as it relates to the letter of the law i posted? Take your time.

No argument is necessary. A co-equal branch of government may challenge another. What do you not understand?
They will if the vote ever goes to the Senate.
Haha...by what reasoning? They have bloviated and speechified their brains out, both in congress and to reporters. Yet not one single dispute of the evidence or one legal argument that trump is not guilty of the charges in the articles. Sorry man, I dont believe that you actually believe that.

Dershowitz's simple opinion is most certainly not a "legal opinion". You should probably abandon that silly point.
Look at the heading of your link......clearly states obstruction of justice
False. Nowehere in the law or the code title of the law is that phrase mentioned. It specifically refers to obstructing various congressional proceedings, to wit: "any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—"

Like I said...you didn't read a word of it. Despite begging for it. Curious.
Nowhere is mentioned Obstruction of Congress.

Go back and you read your source.
They will if the vote ever goes to the Senate.
Haha...by what reasoning? They have bloviated and speechified their brains out, both in congress and to reporters. Yet not one single dispute of the evidence or one legal argument that trump is not guilty of the charges in the articles. Sorry man, I dont believe that you actually believe that.

Dershowitz's simple opinion is most certainly not a "legal opinion". You should probably abandon that silly point.
Not how I saw it. In the end he was convicted on subjectivity. Bush was way worse for lying about WMDs and no impeachment. This was 100% partisan. Now you’re saying my opinion is wrong and that you’re more of a constitutional expert than Alan Dershowitz? Stop it.
I think the better question is why is Pelousy afraid to send the articles of impeachment to the senate?

The answer is simple the Nation is split if Trump should be Convicted and Removed.

Pelosi knows if it get shot down in the Senate most will forget about this and just focus on the 2020 election, so she need to keep this alive as long as she can.

The best thing McConnell and Trump can do is take up all the House Bills sitting in the Senate and vote on them and pass them to Trump to veto and then tell Pelosi they lack the Senate vote to override the Veto...

That will send her into a mental midget fit you will love to watch!
Nowhere is mentioned Obstruction of Congress.
Except for very explicitly, in the law i posted to you, which you not only never read (despite begging for someone to spoonfeed it to you), but which you also have repeatedly attempted to misrepresent.

Hey look, here it is again!:

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

It falls under Obstruction of Justice, which should have been their Article of Impeachment...but, they knew better
Why does the Defendant have to provide the evidence of his or her innocence?
He doesn't. But if he had it, he should and would, don't you think?

So your argument is that all defendant's need to prove their innocence or they are to be presumed guilty? That goes counter to our ENTIRE legal system!

Interesting what you on the left are now willing to flush down the toilet in your jihad against Donald Trump, Fort!
Why does the Defendant have to provide the evidence of his or her innocence?
He doesn't. But if he had it, he should and would, don't you think?

So your argument is that all defendant's need to prove their innocence or they are to be presumed guilty? That goes counter to our ENTIRE legal system!

Interesting what you on the left are now willing to flush down the toilet in your jihad against Donald Trump, Fort!

No, he is just saying " Trump " has to and no one else or he is asking shouldn't they prove they are innocent...

Now let you play his stupid game...
Why does the Defendant have to provide the evidence of his or her innocence?
He doesn't. But if he had it, he should and would, don't you think?

So your argument is that all defendant's need to prove their innocence or they are to be presumed guilty? That goes counter to our ENTIRE legal system!

Interesting what you on the left are now willing to flush down the toilet in your jihad against Donald Trump, Fort!

No, he is just saying " Trump " has to and no one else or he is asking shouldn't they prove they are innocent...

Now let you play his stupid game...

Ah, so certain people are granted the legal rights that all Americans have...but not conservatives?
Why does the Defendant have to provide the evidence of his or her innocence?
He doesn't. But if he had it, he should and would, don't you think?

So your argument is that all defendant's need to prove their innocence or they are to be presumed guilty? That goes counter to our ENTIRE legal system!

Interesting what you on the left are now willing to flush down the toilet in your jihad against Donald Trump, Fort!

No, he is just saying " Trump " has to and no one else or he is asking shouldn't they prove they are innocent...

Now let you play his stupid game...

Ah, so certain people are granted the legal rights that all Americans have...but not conservatives?

BINGO, we have a winner!

If you are a Conservative then your rights are voided and whatever crime happen you are guilty and must provide the evidence you are innocent and even then that evidence that exonerates you can be rejected if the left just want someone to hang for their enjoyment...

The left believe in guilty and do not care if you are or not...
Anybody explain why Trumpers are backtracking on calling all of those witnesses they were talking about calling??

Or are they still trying to claim that trials aren't for witnesses??
Hey, Bruce_T_Laney, has Trump done something wrong re:Ukraine?

Was he impeached for that?

No, he was Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress!

You have to prove the favor was to investigate Joe Biden and as of now it is just others opinion they thought that is what he wanted but he never said clearly it was.

Rudy need to testify under oath!

You honestly don't think that evidence was provided that proves Trump's intent was to hold aide and a meeting until an announcement of investigations into Biden was made?

Do you care joe Biden did!? Then we don’t care trump did move on

Sure, move on. And take Impeached Trump with ya.

Democrats Are Daring Mitch McConnell to Call Impeachment Witnesses

Less than a couple of months ago -- Trump's BFF at Fox & Friends said this....

"If the president said, I'll give you the money, but you've got to investigate Joe Biden, that'd be off the rails wrong" --- and thru the UNDER OATH TESTIMONIES of Trump's own officials, they proved that is exactly what happened....and what did Steve Doocy do?? Pretend that he never said what he said, why?? Because he and most other Trumpers are full of shit.....

View attachment 295699

And in the spirit of being full of shit, Mitch McConnell doesn't want to call any witnesses..even tho Trump wants to have a long drawn out trial with lots of witnesses, even tho Democrats wants to call witnesses who Trump claims will exonerate him -- it is the GOP who is refusing to call any witnesses, why??

"Chuck Schumer on Thursday tore into Mitch McConnell for “breaking precedent” in announcing he will be in lock step with Donald Trump’s legal team throughout an impeachment trial, accusing him of helping the president skirt accountability. “We ask: Is the president’s case so weak that none of the president’s men can defend him under oath?” Schumer said on the Senate floor, after McConnell dismissed the historic vote to impeach Trump as a “partisan crusade.” “If the House case is so weak, why is Leader McConnell so afraid of witnesses and documents?”

For months, all I have seen from you trumpers was "just wait until it gets to the Senate, then Trump can present his case" …"just wait until Trump presents his secret evidence that will totally own the Dems" --

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...

Why didn't the democrats go to court to get more witnesses...what are they afraid of?
Is that what Republicans had to do during the Clinton impeachment?

What happened to all this talk from you dic suckers about calling all of these witnesses??

And why hasn't the Civil War happened yet?? Wasn't that what you morons promised if Trump got impeached??
Hey, Bruce_T_Laney, has Trump done something wrong re:Ukraine?

Was he impeached for that?

No, he was Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress!

You have to prove the favor was to investigate Joe Biden and as of now it is just others opinion they thought that is what he wanted but he never said clearly it was.

Rudy need to testify under oath!

You honestly don't think that evidence was provided that proves Trump's intent was to hold aide and a meeting until an announcement of investigations into Biden was made?

Do you care joe Biden did!? Then we don’t care trump did move on

Sure, move on. And take Impeached Trump with ya.

Will you charge Biden with bribery?
Hey, Bruce_T_Laney, has Trump done something wrong re:Ukraine?

Was he impeached for that?

No, he was Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress!

You have to prove the favor was to investigate Joe Biden and as of now it is just others opinion they thought that is what he wanted but he never said clearly it was.

Rudy need to testify under oath!

You honestly don't think that evidence was provided that proves Trump's intent was to hold aide and a meeting until an announcement of investigations into Biden was made?

Do you care joe Biden did!? Then we don’t care trump did move on

Sure, move on. And take Impeached Trump with ya.


Why should Trump move on?

He has yet to have a trial in the Senate, so until then he stays until convicted and removed, elected out or term limits catch him...

That is America...

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