Why is the left so angry at Trump?

Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.
It's pretty simple. The Left is OK with laws, as long as they are not enforced against them. They believe that laws are for others. They believe that they should be allowed to do what they want, no matter who disagrees with them or who is harmed by their behavior. They are selfish, self-centered, bottom feeding scum suckers.
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.
It's pretty simple. The Left is OK with laws, as long as they are not enforced against them. They believe that laws are for others. They believe that they should be allowed to do what they want, no matter who disagrees with them or who is harmed by their behavior. They are selfish, self-centered, bottom feeding scum suckers.
They are angry because the rapists wife did not win. They want to be propelled into hell the fastest way possible and when she lost, that was the trigger event.

View attachment 112018
But your kind couldn't care just how many law suits of sexual harassment trump has, or that he enjoys grabbing pussy whenever he wants. Thats just fine- right
Look out! Here comes Mr. Pussy Whipped.
You know that Hitler LOVES Classical Music and never assaulted a woman.
Does that comment have anything to do with Mr. Pussy grabber
Are you talking about Bill Clinton?
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.

They thought the Hildebeast was a lock and that the Dems were going to win the senate. Neither happened so they are in meltdown mode far worse than the right was when Obama won in 08. Also Clinton winning the popular vote by 3 million give or take to them added fuel to their fire. Of course if the results were reversed ( Clinton winning the EC and losing the popular vote) a good majority of these same lefties would have no problem with the EC.
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.
Liberals by design MUST be angry.
The ideology is based on misery. To the average liberal. there is always an injustice. There is always "unfair". And there is always something about which to complain.
To them, the world sucks and no matter their surroundings, their state of finances, there health of their friends and family, their success, there is ALWAYS something wrong.
In fact the average left winger goes through their daily life looking for things with which to bother themselves. And they have this undying need to believe that if they and those around them are not miserable, something is wrong.
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.
You mean extreme left loon courts.
They sure weren't left loon courts when they failed to uphold Obamas executive orders. Furthermore, there were republicans on the court who also voted against trump
Making up things as you go and living in your own reality does not give you license to demand others go along with your irrational beliefs.
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.
What the hell kind of idiotic question is that?....Other than one which has the sole purpose of deflection, your question is vapid and is summarily dismissed as an accusation.
Your question is in the same vein as "How do you know that you are breathing air?"
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.
First off genius, The ACLU carefully picked the district courts most likely packed with liberal jurists. Seattle is perfect for them to get a favorable ruling. That guaranteed the path to the ultra liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. All of the judges in the 9th are well known for their extreme leftist views of the law.
These rulings are in direct conflict with 240 years of legal precedent. These left wing judges are doing everything in their power to de-legitimize this President. They WILL fail.
The Executive Order is NOT illegal. The judges that have ruled, simply do not like the current POTUS' policies.
At the end of the day, these judges are kicking this can down the road. They want to get a test case before the SCOTUS. They WANT Presidential Executive powers to be challenged. Funny though how they never even blinked at Obama's EO's.....
BTW, if you are not willing to take refugees into your neighborhood and home, you have no right to an opinion.
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.
You must live in a cave and incomunicado or in your mom's basement.
Again how do YOU know that these orders are legal? I will bet you never spent a single day in law school
Have you?....Ok, lets do this.....Since you opened the door, you now have the burden of proof.
You claim the Orders are NOT legal. Therefore YOU must provide PROOF indicating LEGAL precedent that the immigration pause is in violation of either established federal law or is unconstitutional.
Prove your case. We do not have to nor will we make your case for you.
Now, failing the above.....shut the fuck up.....
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.

Ewe know that about 90% of the ninth circuits rulings are overturned don't ya?
who is going to overturn it? To say 90% is a massive lie
To say you have an IQ over 90 would also be a lie..
Who?...First it is WHOM....Oh master of the English language.
Next, typically these lower courts are merely stations by which cases pass.
These things go one of three ways. Either the parties no longer pursue the case. appeal to the next highest level in which the higher court may rule further, to affirm or more likely send the case on its way to the next highest court, let the lower ruling stand or refuse to hear the case.
Now this could go to SCOTUS. Trump has already stated he is not going to govern by the Courts. He is however going to the legislative branch to ask Congress to draft a law that essentially bypasses or simply over rules the courts. THAT Is how our government functions. In fact that is the purpose of the Court system. By the rulings of various federal courts, the judges are essentially telling the other two branches to come up with something that will stand up to a challenge in court. In other words "fix the laws or create ones that will go unchallenged"
So that is what the Trump admin is going to do.....And the best part is there is nothing you whiny lefties can do about it.
They are angry because the rapists wife did not win. They want to be propelled into hell the fastest way possible and when she lost, that was the trigger event.

View attachment 112018
But your kind couldn't care just how many law suits of sexual harassment trump has, or that he enjoys grabbing pussy whenever he wants. Thats just fine- right

Remind us again how many sexual harassment lawsuits trump has?

None, moron.

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I've had long term relationships with black women, longest was 8 years.


Again, the sentence is "Who is going to overturn it?"

That puts "who" in the nominative case, not objective.

And it's archaic anyway. I myself am a linguistic archconservative and even I don't use whom.
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.

because he's disgusting... unless you're an angry misogynist white male christian supremacist

why do trump loons keep asking the same idiotic question?
Oh go cram your opinion up your liberal ass.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH.....He's DISGUSTING!!!!!"....This resembles the rantings of an 8th grade girl finding out some classmate of hers likes her
Hey cupcake. Your personal observation of POTUS in the matter of EO's and legal precedent has no bearing....
We keep asking because you refuse to reply with anything substantive. "He's disgusting" is without substance. That is an arbitrary personal observation which no bearing on the facts.
I've had long term relationships with black women, longest was 8 years.


Again, the sentence is "Who is going to overturn it?"

That puts "who" in the nominative case, not objective.

And it's archaic anyway. I myself am a linguistic archconservative and even I don't use whom.
What in the flying fuck are you blabbering about now?
Are you claiming you know enough law to make your post?
To be honest, there are pundits in the media I do NOT like even though I know they know their field of expertise.
Thats exactly the point, you, I, and most of the media have no knowledge of the law. Trump screwed this one up, badly
Incorrect...I do NOT have "no knowledge of the law".
That is your partisanship stepping in.
What then is your legal background
2 years of Legal Forensics courses.
That should give you a wonderful insight into the workings of the 9th circuit court
All we have to do is look at the rulings of the Circuit Court. All with a far left wing interpretation of the law. Time to put the hammer down on left wing activist judges.
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.

1. He's an Obama birther.
2. He's a pathological liar.
3. He surrounds himself with pathological liars.
4. He had help winning the election from Putin, Assange, and Comey.
5. He has not divested his business interests and is profiting from the presidency.
6. He is not a legitimate president.
2 years of Legal Forensics courses.
That should give you a wonderful insight into the workings of the 9th circuit court
Three judges from the court...A joke of a court.
The Supreme Court will rule with Trump.
BTW, according the 9th circuit court, everyone on earth has the right to Due Process.
You know, just like Americans when we go to other countries.
Circuit court judges weren't such a joke when the y ruled against Obama, were they. Such hypocrisy. Even republican judges ruled against trump. How can you take this case to the supreme court, it will be decided 4-4
Obama was thwarted for 7 years by the scumbags on the Right...we all know that.
Obama ran for his 2nd term on Make America Great Again but dropped that the moment he won reelection.
America has alway been great. I am sorry you feel so bad about your country
Uhhh, Michelle Obama...The person who upon learning her husband's political party took huge losses in November claimed to no longer be proud to being an American.....? Genius During the last 8 years, the US maintained its greatness IN SPITE of Obama's policies and poor leadership. The US will be even greater BECAUSE of the policies enacted by the new POTUS...And that is the part that you lefties find the most galling.

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