Why is the left so angry at Trump?

Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.

1. He's an Obama birther.
2. He's a pathological liar.
3. He surrounds himself with pathological liars.
4. He had help winning the election from Putin, Assange, and Comey.
5. He has not divested his business interests and is profiting from the presidency.
6. He is not a legitimate president.

Just all opinions from a cry baby..


Actually, they are all verifiable facts.
Guess you wanted this again
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.

Not True--actually Obama deported more than any other President before him.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Rounding up--or doing ICE raids (which are normal) are much different than actually DEPORTING people.

Most of what you consider Illegal's in this country actually overstayed their Visa's. Typically they have legal family members in this country that they came out to visit, and decided to stay. So the courts will look at them differently, especially if the family still vouches for them and or they are still living with them. IOW--it would be the equivalent of you going to stay with your family in the U.K. and not renewing your VISA. Would they insist that you leave? Probably not.

I doubt this country is really willing to tear apart families. We won't separate husbands from wives, mothers from kids, grandparents from the family circle. That's just not going to happen.

Really the only ones that face immediate deportation are the ones that are actually CAUGHT crossing the border. These people are NOT crossing the border to go from nothing to nothing. There are family members and friends waiting for them on the other side, that are willing to help them, and to establish them into this country. Others are crossing to pick fruit for jobs they have done in the past, and will recross the border, (again illegally) to get back to family members in Mexico. But they will receive their day in court, & receive their due process via immigration lawyers and most of the time new Visa's and or Green Cards will be issued to ones that are no threat to this country, i.e what you consider criminals whom the courts do not.

I doubt many of you live in states where there are a lot of Hispanics. Where I live, this is constant and it's not unusual to see ICE raid Restaurants, Fast food places, and Hotels to round up a bunch, but the overwhelming majority are in fact set free back into their areas.

They're just looking for the violent criminal element--and it will be those that get deported, as Obama did.
Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

In fact the comrade has already stated there will be no mass deportations.
It's not only the left:

@realDonaldTrump can you please just govern and stop picking fights with everyone? I voted for you, but you're managing to piss us all off

Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.
The fact that one of his EO's has been struck down by the courts disproves your inaccurate statement that all of Trump's EOs are following the law.
Why are the left wingers so angry with Trump?
All he is doing is enforcing the laws already in the books that obama failed to ignore and enforce, the same thing goes for ALL of Trump's
executive orders that are just following the law.
The fact that one of his EO's has been struck down by the courts disproves your inaccurate statement that all of Trump's EOs are following the law.
No it doesn't, douche bag. Your theory that the courts are infallible couldn't possibly be more idiotic.
The Left had no problem with him and his donations to Democrats and trashing of Bush. Then they are all of the sudden pissed about and alleged participation by his father at a KKK rally. Double Standards.......as usual.

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