Why is the left still so angry???

That will be the crown jewel of the Obama administration...he should appoint Sandra Fluke to fill Scalia's. That would be great.

Her prayers would be answered, a Federal job would pay for her birth control, so she'd be relieved she would not longer experience the humiliation of going into a pharmacy only to suffer the shame and embarrassment of learning she had to pay for her own sex. What a terrible ordeal that poor girl went through.

Your ignorance/conscious repetition of lies is worse. Have a nice weekend.

Can you be more specific?
I'm still angry because the tea partiers/Repubs are still manufacturing crisis' almost 5 yrs into the Presidents tenure.

I hear ya man, that is so true. It's not like we're drowning in deficits and debt and had our debt downgraded while Federal spending and Federal power are soaring and our liberty is plummeting to the point that government now even controls our access to healthcare while we have one party rule who destroy anyone who challenges them bolstered by a compliant, unquestioning press.

Wait a second, that did happen. What crisis are they "manufacturing" again?

Bush II initiated TARP, started two off-budget wars, created Medicare part D ( :eusa_shhh: unpaid-for as well ;) ), and showered tax-cuts on the rich during those wars. Economic gripes are the last issue you people should be bringing up since you people own most of it :thup:

Pot meet kettle.
I'm left wing and I'm extatic about the events of this week. Now I hope Obama will be able to replace Scalia sometime in the next 3 years.

the "extatic" candycorn commie is having a good day.....meanwhile stating another hateful destructive goal....

That will be the crown jewel of the Obama administration...he should appoint Sandra Fluke to fill Scalia's. That would be great.

Fill Obama's cabinet with great libéral minds like Rosie O'Donnell, Joy Beyhar, and Whoopie Goldberg too. That would be so fucken cool.
Just demonstrating the op. They are on the floor in a fetal position while you continue to kick them and pound them with a baseball bat shouting at them to stop attacking you.

Really? The ringleader of this travesty, Ted Cruz, was calling the whole thing a victory yesterday.

Stop lying.
Just demonstrating the op. They are on the floor in a fetal position while you continue to kick them and pound them with a baseball bat shouting at them to stop attacking you.

Really? The ringleader of this travesty, Ted Cruz, was calling the whole thing a victory yesterday.

Stop lying.

So your standard for me is everything I say must be the exact same thing everyone else who disagrees with you says, or I'm "lying."

You're always good for a laugh. That would be at, not with.
I know you're lying in that post because you're claiming to be capable of thinking.

Out of curiosity, how would you be able to tell if he can't think?
You made that assumption about me a few posts back.

I didn't make any "assumptions" in that post. You clearly demonstrated that you didn't know what a tea partier was because you were confusing them with both socons and neocons.

A tea partier could be or not be a socon, they are different things and a tea partier can't be a neocon, they are contradictions.
Out of curiosity, how would you be able to tell if he can't think?
You made that assumption about me a few posts back.

I didn't make any "assumptions" in that post. You clearly demonstrated that you didn't know what a tea partier was because you were confusing them with both socons and neocons.

A tea partier could be or not be a socon, they are different things and a tea partier can't be a neocon, they are contradictions.
But, by contrast, each and every Liberal holds the same political outlook?

Damn! I'm late for the Occupy Pittsburgh organizational meeting!
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Her prayers would be answered, a Federal job would pay for her birth control, so she'd be relieved she would not longer experience the humiliation of going into a pharmacy only to suffer the shame and embarrassment of learning she had to pay for her own sex. What a terrible ordeal that poor girl went through.

Your ignorance/conscious repetition of lies is worse. Have a nice weekend.

Can you be more specific?

Can you quote where she said she wanted the Federal Government to pay for her birth control?
You made that assumption about me a few posts back.

I didn't make any "assumptions" in that post. You clearly demonstrated that you didn't know what a tea partier was because you were confusing them with both socons and neocons.

A tea partier could be or not be a socon, they are different things and a tea partier can't be a neocon, they are contradictions.
But, by contrast, each and every Liberal holds the same political outlook?

Damn! I'm late for the Occupy Pittsburgh organizational meeting!

So you don't see the difference between discussing liberals agreeing with liberals versus non-liberals agreeing with non-liberals who come from different groups?

Well, a socon would agree with a necon to you just because they are not liberal? Seriously?
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Your ignorance/conscious repetition of lies is worse. Have a nice weekend.

Can you be more specific?

Can you quote where she said she wanted the Federal Government to pay for her birth control?

Can you quote where I said she wanted the Federal government to pay for her birth control?

I said she wants her insurance company to, and she wants the federal government to force them to do that. Which is clearly what she did advocate.
and snorting way too much coke off of it.

That you feel an incessant need to toss out gratuitous insults indicates that your positions lack depth and are indefensible. Have a nice day.

Gratuitous insults hell! As soon as you dry your eyes I expect a tip!

If you insist! Enjoy!

I didn't move any goalposts.

Your boy didn't pay for shit. He actually did worse than that..he cut government revenue while larding on expenses.

He left the bill for the next guy..as well as the mess.

Yes, you did. You're just far too stupid and intellectually bankrupt to understand that. But you're a LOLberal, so we can't expecta whole lot. Basically we can expect lying, logical fallacies, moving the goal posts, general blather and spreading disinformation.

Each and every post puts you into a deeper hole man.


You seriously do not know how a functional government..well..functions.

You are with the totalitarians.

AKA my way or highway politics.

How can a gov be functional that's 17T in the hole?
Yes, you did. You're just far too stupid and intellectually bankrupt to understand that. But you're a LOLberal, so we can't expecta whole lot. Basically we can expect lying, logical fallacies, moving the goal posts, general blather and spreading disinformation.

Each and every post puts you into a deeper hole man.


You seriously do not know how a functional government..well..functions.

You are with the totalitarians.

AKA my way or highway politics.

How can a gov be functional that's 17T in the hole?

The 17T hole isn't what is interfering with the functioning of government. It is the dysfunctional Congress that it is the problem.

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