Why is the left still so angry???

It seems that the Right has been way angrier than the Left the last five years.


Republicans are racist sexists who hate foreigners, love corporations and the rich isn't more "angry" than being upset the left is spending us into the ground and regulating us to death.

Seriously, that's what you hear. Pathetic.
When It Comes To Hate, The Left Beats The Right, Hands Down

Harry Binswanger

My previous Forbes column went viral, attracting 360,000 views. I got some thoughtful objections, and I have replied to many of them in the “called out” comments section.

But I was also called a psychopath, a sociopath, a sick bastard, and “a leech on the ass of humanity.”

And in emails I was told:

“You better watch your effin back wen you leave your house!! matter of fact am pretty sure that you wont be safe inside your house either.” [sic]

“I can already hear the calls of ‘off with his head.’”

“There will be a rope and a lamp post waiting for you.”

Why? What did my “despicable” column call for? The return of slavery? Death to the Jews?

No, I called for two things: 1. a man’s right to what he has earned in free exchange, and 2. honoring the great wealth-creators for what they have given us.

It was the second point that seemed to throw the Left into a rage. You can say anything on the web. You can voice the obscenity that America “had it coming” on 9/11–and no one bats an eye. You can vilify businessmen, call Goldman Sachs a “vampire squid on the face of humanity,” and even the Right remains silent. But standing up for the producers who have created our standard of living–that’s beyond the pale!

There’s a lot of hatred out there in the Angry Left, and a lot of paranoia about sinister figures and corporations who “run things” for their own evil designs. This conspiracy-theory mentality used to be associated with the Right–the vast communist conspiracy, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Illuminati, the Jewish bankers. Now it’s the Left that’s conspiracy-minded.


When It Comes To Hate, The Left Beats The Right, Hands Down - Forbes
There's a fundamental difference in that the left are not only angry at the right but their anger is based on their own greed and demand for our money. We are angry that they are taking our money.

The morality of the thief and the victim being angry at each other are entirely different things.

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