Why is the left still so angry???

on Saturday a Conservative called for Obama to be forced out of the White House with his hands up.

sounds like Conservatives are the angry ones.
So, republicans did it first? How mature. The Dems are really winning my independent vote with all the blame games and hypocrisy.
Republican's did what first?

Republican's caused all the shit we went through these past few weeks because of these fanatical, bullshit issues they created.

I love how for 6 years from 2000-2006, republicans didn't say shit while the BA was pushing through legislation that nullified the Bill of Rights; started 2 bullshit, immoral and illegal wars that cost us over $4 trillion with nothing in return; politicized the justice dept; started torturing people and made us the most hated nation on earth under his watch. Through all this, not a peep from the right. Not one voice of protest or dissent.

Less than 10 days after Obama was inaugarated in his first term, the republican right opened their mouths and haven't shut them since. What is most disgusting about that is 90% of what the republican's are bitching about, either doesn't exist on planet earth or is blown way out of proportion.

Republicans are fucked and they deserve what they get.

^ that
So, republicans did it first? How mature. The Dems are really winning my independent vote with all the blame games and hypocrisy.
Republican's did what first?

Republican's caused all the shit we went through these past few weeks because of these fanatical, bullshit issues they created.

I love how for 6 years from 2000-2006, republicans didn't say shit while the BA was pushing through legislation that nullified the Bill of Rights; started 2 bullshit, immoral and illegal wars that cost us over $4 trillion with nothing in return; politicized the justice dept; started torturing people and made us the most hated nation on earth under his watch. Through all this, not a peep from the right. Not one voice of protest or dissent.

Less than 10 days after Obama was inaugarated in his first term, the republican right opened their mouths and haven't shut them since. What is most disgusting about that is 90% of what the republican's are bitching about, either doesn't exist on planet earth or is blown way out of proportion.

Republicans are fucked and they deserve what they get.

The debt increases are fanatical creations of the gop?

Good lord, I think we're fucked.
lmao....after Cons closed down the government and flirted with the debt ceiling, they are already playing victim.

You people are disgusting. Never owning up to your actions or your beliefs.

You constantly make shit up in order to make yourselves feel better, all while completely ignoring reality.
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

Even a lot of their propaganda is angry
they like the fist thing, a lot

lmao....after Cons closed down the government and flirted with the debt ceiling, they are already playing victim.

You people are disgusting. Never owning up to your actions or your beliefs.

You constantly make shit up in order to make yourselves feel better, all while completely ignoring reality.

Stop whining, little girl and address the point.

You did catch us in the trap though that people who think government should be smaller were willing to "shut it down" and force them to spend less. Wow, we were hypocritical on that one. I'm so embarrassed...

Funny how the Republicans you are bitching about are indistinguishable from the DNC. ;)

Statist Utopian Totalitarians.
I don't see any real difference between the two.

They're flip-sides of the same coin.

In what they do, absolutely. In fact that's central to the point I've been making. As the differences between them become miniscule, the anger by the left over that they have gotten nothing and they claim to believe they are losing ground intensifies. Look at the resolution, Democrats not only got their own way but a throw in of a Federal employee raise. Republicans are celebrating they stood up to Obama even though they got nothing. Different words, same action.

The only difference is their motivation. The Democrats are unified ideologues, the Republicans are split and rudderless. They both end up going down the same stream.
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Get rid of Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Steve King, Paul Broun, and Rand Paul and we'll be happy

actually Michele Bachmann is dropping out, so I guess that's something

One can only imagine that you'd want all churches burned to the ground and the embarrassment of an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God removed --- also...

Having read some of the posts to this thread one can only asume you are a LIAR. No poster ever put forth about burning down churches.

When in doubt lie, just like every other ConJob/NeoNut/RePug/TeaTerrorist.

Oh, please remember it was the Klu Klux Klan that burned churches and shot men in the back.
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

Even a lot of their propaganda is angry
they like the fist thing, a lot


Very nice poster sad but true.

This is now our new philosophy.

Get rid of Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Steve King, Paul Broun, and Rand Paul and we'll be happy

actually Michele Bachmann is dropping out, so I guess that's something

Those are precisely the people we can more of.

When did anyone say that making libtards happy is the goal of the Republican Party?
Because they can never get gov't programs to work

In more late-Friday news, the expected rollout of the Spanish-language website and tools has been delayed — with no definite new launch date

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKBaD6ZGZwQ#t=10]NBC: Obama Admin Taking Down ObamaCare Website Again & Delaying Spanish Website - YouTube[/ame]

The reactionary Left's War on Spanish speaking people
]Because they can never get gov't programs to work[/B]

In more late-Friday news, the expected rollout of the Spanish-language website and tools has been delayed — with no definite new launch date

NBC: Obama Admin Taking Down ObamaCare Website Again & Delaying Spanish Website - YouTube

The reactionary Left's War on Spanish speaking people

The purpose of adopting a program is NOT to make it work. The purpose of adopting a program is to create the illusion that the politicians are doing something, that they have good intentions. By the time the people realize that the program doesn't work they will be out of office and it will be up to another demagogue to somehow rectify the harm..

The left is spitting mad because they hope to drown out the embarrassment that is Obamacare. Every time their is a "glitch" in the Obamacare rollout, the louder the left will scream about the government shutdown. Every time Obamacare is revealed to be NOT what Obama had promised, expect the left to scream even louder about the government shutdown. Defending Obamacare by screaming the loudest about a different topic is already the norm. A year from now expect to be packing your possessions for moving into a smaller place because Obamacare just bitch slapped you into a lower economic status while angry voices from outside the window are screaming... "Teaparty terrorists shut down the government! Teaparty terrorists shut down the government"!
Between Syria and gun legislation and a myriad of other debacles I don't really blame the left for spiking the ball but the rest of the population wants to know why Washington can't build a workable website for 634 million dollars. I have no doubt that the website will eventually be fixed (probably for another 600 million dollars). The worst off America becomes because of Obamacare, the loudest the left will scream. It's a bit like having a prosperous economy and the left screaming about global warming. Anything to keep the eye off the ball.
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The left is spitting mad because they hope to drown out the embarrassment that is Obamacare. Every time their is a "glitch" in the Obamacare rollout, the louder the left will scream about the government shutdown. Every time Obamacare is revealed to be NOT what Obama had promised, expect the left to scream even louder about the government shutdown. Defending Obamacare by screaming the loudest about a different topic is already the norm. A year from now expect to be packing your possessions for moving into a smaller place because Obamacare just bitch slapped you into a lower economic status while angry voices from outside the window are screaming... "Teaparty terrorists shut down the government! Teaparty terrorists shut down the government"!
Between Syria and gun legislation and a myriad of other debacles I don't really blame the left for spiking the ball but the rest of the population wants to know why Washington can't build a workable website for 634 million dollars. I have no doubt that the website will eventually be fixed (probably for another 600 million dollars). The worst off America becomes because of Obamacare, the loudest the left will scream. It's a bit like having a prosperous economy and the left screaming about global warming. Anything to keep the eye off the ball.

The left is spitting mad because they hope to drown out the embarrassment that is Obamacare. Every time their is a "glitch" in the Obamacare rollout, the louder the left will scream about the government shutdown. Every time Obamacare is revealed to be NOT what Obama had promised, expect the left to scream even louder about the government shutdown. Defending Obamacare by screaming the loudest about a different topic is already the norm. A year from now expect to be packing your possessions for moving into a smaller place because Obamacare just bitch slapped you into a lower economic status while angry voices from outside the window are screaming... "Teaparty terrorists shut down the government! Teaparty terrorists shut down the government"!
Between Syria and gun legislation and a myriad of other debacles I don't really blame the left for spiking the ball but the rest of the population wants to know why Washington can't build a workable website for 634 million dollars. I have no doubt that the website will eventually be fixed (probably for another 600 million dollars). The worst off America becomes because of Obamacare, the loudest the left will scream. It's a bit like having a prosperous economy and the left screaming about global warming. Anything to keep the eye off the ball.

the truth
straight up

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