Why is the left still so angry???

The left is spitting mad because they hope to drown out the embarrassment that is Obamacare. Every time their is a "glitch" in the Obamacare rollout, the louder the left will scream about the government shutdown. Every time Obamacare is revealed to be NOT what Obama had promised, expect the left to scream even louder about the government shutdown. Defending Obamacare by screaming the loudest about a different topic is already the norm. A year from now expect to be packing your possessions for moving into a smaller place because Obamacare just bitch slapped you into a lower economic status while angry voices from outside the window are screaming... "Teaparty terrorists shut down the government! Teaparty terrorists shut down the government"!
Between Syria and gun legislation and a myriad of other debacles I don't really blame the left for spiking the ball but the rest of the population wants to know why Washington can't build a workable website for 634 million dollars. I have no doubt that the website will eventually be fixed (probably for another 600 million dollars). The worst off America becomes because of Obamacare, the loudest the left will scream. It's a bit like having a prosperous economy and the left screaming about global warming. Anything to keep the eye off the ball.

they are also mad because they didn't get to rollback the sequester....
Well as the Left likes to say

It is the law
that Papa Obama signed

He probably thought the word sequester was a word
for a new gov't program
on Saturday a Conservative called for Obama to be forced out of the White House with his hands up.

sounds like Conservatives are the angry ones.

The left are the ones calling anyone who disagrees with them racists, sexists, anti-immigrant, haters of the poor lovers of the rich and corporations. The level of ad hominem by the left is just unmatched by the right.

However, even if you assume it to be true, the actual point in the op is that you have not only won but obliterated your opposition. Socialists are now over half the country, you are larger than all other groups combined. The point of the question is that you've won, completely. So why are you still so mad? Arguing that your opponents are angry is still irrelevant, they have lost.
on Saturday a Conservative called for Obama to be forced out of the White House with his hands up.

sounds like Conservatives are the angry ones.

The left are the ones calling anyone who disagrees with them racists, sexists, anti-immigrant, haters of the poor lovers of the rich and corporations. The level of ad hominem by the left is just unmatched by the right.

However, even if you assume it to be true, the actual point in the op is that you have not only won but obliterated your opposition. Socialists are now over half the country, you are larger than all other groups combined. The point of the question is that you've won, completely. So why are you still so mad? Arguing that your opponents are angry is still irrelevant, they have lost.
The Tea party faction in congress needs to study a dictionary because the people to whom they wish to appeal are substantially smarter than they.

First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. If the President and all Senate Democrats were to "negotiate" under the Tea Party definition, the fight the Right lost in 2009 as the law was passed and again in 2012 when the law was upheld by the Supreme Court as well as the election in 2012 would be simply scrapped. that is not negotiation, that is capitulation to a demand that negates elections, Supreme Court rulings, and the legislative process.

Second, "the wishes of the American people" is normally something understood to be the 'majority' of the American people. The Tea Party faction seems to think that if two or more American people want something, the "American People" have spoken. Well, the American people have spoken and they said they do not want to roll back the clock to a time when the insurance industry could screw the American people at will. How did they make that statement? By defeating the Romney/Ryan ticket in 2012. As Romney/Ryan used repeal of Obamacare as a tent pole issue in their campaign, the American people had the opportunity to make Obamacare go the way of Prohibition. But they defeated Romney/Ryan. Elections have consequences.

Why are the American people so angry at the Tea Party? It's not hubris. It's not revenge. It's anger over the ham handed political tactics and the stubborn ignorance of simple terms like "negotiation" and "the wishes of the American people".
on Saturday a Conservative called for Obama to be forced out of the White House with his hands up.

sounds like Conservatives are the angry ones.

The left are the ones calling anyone who disagrees with them racists, sexists, anti-immigrant, haters of the poor lovers of the rich and corporations. The level of ad hominem by the left is just unmatched by the right.

However, even if you assume it to be true, the actual point in the op is that you have not only won but obliterated your opposition. Socialists are now over half the country, you are larger than all other groups combined. The point of the question is that you've won, completely. So why are you still so mad? Arguing that your opponents are angry is still irrelevant, they have lost.
The Tea party faction in congress needs to study a dictionary because the people to whom they wish to appeal are substantially smarter than they.

First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. If the President and all Senate Democrats were to "negotiate" under the Tea Party definition, the fight the Right lost in 2009 as the law was passed and again in 2012 when the law was upheld by the Supreme Court as well as the election in 2012 would be simply scrapped. that is not negotiation, that is capitulation to a demand that negates elections, Supreme Court rulings, and the legislative process.

Second, "the wishes of the American people" is normally something understood to be the 'majority' of the American people. The Tea Party faction seems to think that if two or more American people want something, the "American People" have spoken. Well, the American people have spoken and they said they do not want to roll back the clock to a time when the insurance industry could screw the American people at will. How did they make that statement? By defeating the Romney/Ryan ticket in 2012. As Romney/Ryan used repeal of Obamacare as a tent pole issue in their campaign, the American people had the opportunity to make Obamacare go the way of Prohibition. But they defeated Romney/Ryan. Elections have consequences.

Why are the American people so angry at the Tea Party? It's not hubris. It's not revenge. It's anger over the ham handed political tactics and the stubborn ignorance of simple terms like "negotiation" and "the wishes of the American people".

Negotiation also doesn't mean you sit in the White House and keep all of your toys to yourself either. The law was passed and upheld, but still it shows that we were right in trying. It's collapsing before our very eyes, a complete and utter failure. This is doing nothing but proving us right. Kathleen Sebilius' shucking and jiving is proof of that. Elections do have consequences, and I'm responding to one right now. A liberal who thinks anything liberals do is infallible, including but not limited to the ACA.
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on Saturday a Conservative called for Obama to be forced out of the White House with his hands up.

sounds like Conservatives are the angry ones.

The left are the ones calling anyone who disagrees with them racists, sexists, anti-immigrant, haters of the poor lovers of the rich and corporations. The level of ad hominem by the left is just unmatched by the right.

However, even if you assume it to be true, the actual point in the op is that you have not only won but obliterated your opposition. Socialists are now over half the country, you are larger than all other groups combined. The point of the question is that you've won, completely. So why are you still so mad? Arguing that your opponents are angry is still irrelevant, they have lost.
The Tea party faction in congress needs to study a dictionary because the people to whom they wish to appeal are substantially smarter than they.

First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. If the President and all Senate Democrats were to "negotiate" under the Tea Party definition, the fight the Right lost in 2009 as the law was passed and again in 2012 when the law was upheld by the Supreme Court as well as the election in 2012 would be simply scrapped. that is not negotiation, that is capitulation to a demand that negates elections, Supreme Court rulings, and the legislative process.

Second, "the wishes of the American people" is normally something understood to be the 'majority' of the American people. The Tea Party faction seems to think that if two or more American people want something, the "American People" have spoken. Well, the American people have spoken and they said they do not want to roll back the clock to a time when the insurance industry could screw the American people at will. How did they make that statement? By defeating the Romney/Ryan ticket in 2012. As Romney/Ryan used repeal of Obamacare as a tent pole issue in their campaign, the American people had the opportunity to make Obamacare go the way of Prohibition. But they defeated Romney/Ryan. Elections have consequences.

Why are the American people so angry at the Tea Party? It's not hubris. It's not revenge. It's anger over the ham handed political tactics and the stubborn ignorance of simple terms like "negotiation" and "the wishes of the American people".

on Saturday a Conservative called for Obama to be forced out of the White House with his hands up.

sounds like Conservatives are the angry ones.

The left are the ones calling anyone who disagrees with them racists, sexists, anti-immigrant, haters of the poor lovers of the rich and corporations. The level of ad hominem by the left is just unmatched by the right.

However, even if you assume it to be true, the actual point in the op is that you have not only won but obliterated your opposition. Socialists are now over half the country, you are larger than all other groups combined. The point of the question is that you've won, completely. So why are you still so mad? Arguing that your opponents are angry is still irrelevant, they have lost.
The Tea party faction in congress needs to study a dictionary because the people to whom they wish to appeal are substantially smarter than they.

First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. If the President and all Senate Democrats were to "negotiate" under the Tea Party definition, the fight the Right lost in 2009 as the law was passed and again in 2012 when the law was upheld by the Supreme Court as well as the election in 2012 would be simply scrapped. that is not negotiation, that is capitulation to a demand that negates elections, Supreme Court rulings, and the legislative process.

Second, "the wishes of the American people" is normally something understood to be the 'majority' of the American people. The Tea Party faction seems to think that if two or more American people want something, the "American People" have spoken. Well, the American people have spoken and they said they do not want to roll back the clock to a time when the insurance industry could screw the American people at will. How did they make that statement? By defeating the Romney/Ryan ticket in 2012. As Romney/Ryan used repeal of Obamacare as a tent pole issue in their campaign, the American people had the opportunity to make Obamacare go the way of Prohibition. But they defeated Romney/Ryan. Elections have consequences.

Why are the American people so angry at the Tea Party? It's not hubris. It's not revenge. It's anger over the ham handed political tactics and the stubborn ignorance of simple terms like "negotiation" and "the wishes of the American people".

You left out the fact that the Obamacare that Obama promised and the Obamcare that he gave us are two different Obamacares. Remember when Obama swore up and down that it wasn't a tax? Ah yes, the good ol' days.
The left are the ones calling anyone who disagrees with them racists, sexists, anti-immigrant, haters of the poor lovers of the rich and corporations. The level of ad hominem by the left is just unmatched by the right.

However, even if you assume it to be true, the actual point in the op is that you have not only won but obliterated your opposition. Socialists are now over half the country, you are larger than all other groups combined. The point of the question is that you've won, completely. So why are you still so mad? Arguing that your opponents are angry is still irrelevant, they have lost.
The Tea party faction in congress needs to study a dictionary because the people to whom they wish to appeal are substantially smarter than they.

First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. If the President and all Senate Democrats were to "negotiate" under the Tea Party definition, the fight the Right lost in 2009 as the law was passed and again in 2012 when the law was upheld by the Supreme Court as well as the election in 2012 would be simply scrapped. that is not negotiation, that is capitulation to a demand that negates elections, Supreme Court rulings, and the legislative process.

Second, "the wishes of the American people" is normally something understood to be the 'majority' of the American people. The Tea Party faction seems to think that if two or more American people want something, the "American People" have spoken. Well, the American people have spoken and they said they do not want to roll back the clock to a time when the insurance industry could screw the American people at will. How did they make that statement? By defeating the Romney/Ryan ticket in 2012. As Romney/Ryan used repeal of Obamacare as a tent pole issue in their campaign, the American people had the opportunity to make Obamacare go the way of Prohibition. But they defeated Romney/Ryan. Elections have consequences.

Why are the American people so angry at the Tea Party? It's not hubris. It's not revenge. It's anger over the ham handed political tactics and the stubborn ignorance of simple terms like "negotiation" and "the wishes of the American people".


Listen to the cheerleader! Clap, clap, clap! With no serious argument of her own.
First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. .

And that is their Constitutional right.

The Framers set up a multi level system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny and to allow only absolutely necessary bills to become law.


a Senate controlled by the states
a House controlled by the people

the executive branch


those three CO-EQUAL ----CO-EQUAL ----branches of government are supposed to prevent the concentration of power in any given branch

So the House is free to ignore the fact that SCOTUS ruled that Obama Hellcare is "constitutional.

Only the massively retarded supports the Concentration of power in one branch

First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. .

And that is their Constitutional right.

The Framers set up a multi level system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny and to allow only absolutely necessary bills to become law.


a Senate controlled by the states
a House controlled by the people

the executive branch


those three CO-EQUAL ----CO-EQUAL ----branches of government are supposed to prevent the concentration of power in any given branch

So the House is free to ignore the fact that SCOTUS ruled that Obama Hellcare is "constitutional.

Only the massively retarded supports the Concentration of power in one branch


The ACA is a law, not a fucking bill.
First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. .

And that is their Constitutional right.

The Framers set up a multi level system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny and to allow only absolutely necessary bills to become law.


a Senate controlled by the states
a House controlled by the people

the executive branch


those three CO-EQUAL ----CO-EQUAL ----branches of government are supposed to prevent the concentration of power in any given branch

So the House is free to ignore the fact that SCOTUS ruled that Obama Hellcare is "constitutional.

Only the massively retarded supports the Concentration of power in one branch


The ACA is a law, not a fucking bill.


Health Bill Passes Key Test in the Senate

“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.

The left is not angry

They are Sore winners!

Interestingly true. They were pretty angry back in the 80s when there was still some difference between the parties. However, since the late 80s they have just crushed the Republicans and the difference between them has gotten indistinguishable and they pull the Republicans further and further to the left as they go left and the more they get their way, the angrier they get.

because it is not working and deep inside they feel it :D

generally speaking, collectivists are always sore and unhappy, if they would be happy personalities they would not be collectivists - happy personalities do not need a crowd of similarly unhappy sheep to feel they belong somewhere and they are not abnormal in their eternally unhappy mood.
And that is their Constitutional right.

The Framers set up a multi level system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny and to allow only absolutely necessary bills to become law.


a Senate controlled by the states
a House controlled by the people

the executive branch


those three CO-EQUAL ----CO-EQUAL ----branches of government are supposed to prevent the concentration of power in any given branch

So the House is free to ignore the fact that SCOTUS ruled that Obama Hellcare is "constitutional.

Only the massively retarded supports the Concentration of power in one branch


The ACA is a law, not a fucking bill.


Health Bill Passes Key Test in the Senate

“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.


So says a major player in the opposition.

It's a law.
on Saturday a Conservative called for Obama to be forced out of the White House with his hands up.

sounds like Conservatives are the angry ones.

The left are the ones calling anyone who disagrees with them racists, sexists, anti-immigrant, haters of the poor lovers of the rich and corporations. The level of ad hominem by the left is just unmatched by the right.

However, even if you assume it to be true, the actual point in the op is that you have not only won but obliterated your opposition. Socialists are now over half the country, you are larger than all other groups combined. The point of the question is that you've won, completely. So why are you still so mad? Arguing that your opponents are angry is still irrelevant, they have lost.
The Tea party faction in congress needs to study a dictionary because the people to whom they wish to appeal are substantially smarter than they.

First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. If the President and all Senate Democrats were to "negotiate" under the Tea Party definition, the fight the Right lost in 2009 as the law was passed and again in 2012 when the law was upheld by the Supreme Court as well as the election in 2012 would be simply scrapped. that is not negotiation, that is capitulation to a demand that negates elections, Supreme Court rulings, and the legislative process.

Second, "the wishes of the American people" is normally something understood to be the 'majority' of the American people. The Tea Party faction seems to think that if two or more American people want something, the "American People" have spoken. Well, the American people have spoken and they said they do not want to roll back the clock to a time when the insurance industry could screw the American people at will. How did they make that statement? By defeating the Romney/Ryan ticket in 2012. As Romney/Ryan used repeal of Obamacare as a tent pole issue in their campaign, the American people had the opportunity to make Obamacare go the way of Prohibition. But they defeated Romney/Ryan. Elections have consequences.

Why are the American people so angry at the Tea Party? It's not hubris. It's not revenge. It's anger over the ham handed political tactics and the stubborn ignorance of simple terms like "negotiation" and "the wishes of the American people".

I do love a good liberal rant. Deflection, evasion, begging the question, strawmen all wrapped up in a nice little bow of anger and hate and immediately backed up by a liberal circle jerk as if you'd made an actual point. However, demonstrating my point doesn't address the question.

My favorite part was how you're smarter than them. Wow, what morons, anyone who believes the government is spending too much money's just a dolt, aren't they Nosmo? I mean wow, they really aren't bright. Who could possibly believe our government spends too much. Clueless, just clueless.
First, "negotiation" does not mean capitulation. The Tea Party faction wanted to defund, delay, repeal and obliterate Obamacare. .

And that is their Constitutional right.

The Framers set up a multi level system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny and to allow only absolutely necessary bills to become law.


a Senate controlled by the states
a House controlled by the people

the executive branch


those three CO-EQUAL ----CO-EQUAL ----branches of government are supposed to prevent the concentration of power in any given branch

So the House is free to ignore the fact that SCOTUS ruled that Obama Hellcare is "constitutional.

Only the massively retarded supports the Concentration of power in one branch


The ACA is a law, not a fucking bill.

True. On the other hand, funding the ACA is a fucking bill, not the law.
And that is their Constitutional right.

The Framers set up a multi level system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny and to allow only absolutely necessary bills to become law.


a Senate controlled by the states
a House controlled by the people

the executive branch


those three CO-EQUAL ----CO-EQUAL ----branches of government are supposed to prevent the concentration of power in any given branch

So the House is free to ignore the fact that SCOTUS ruled that Obama Hellcare is "constitutional.

Only the massively retarded supports the Concentration of power in one branch


The ACA is a law, not a fucking bill.

True. On the other hand, funding the ACA is a fucking bill, not the law.

of course, using their approach

the sequester is the law, as well
The ACA is a law, not a fucking bill.


Health Bill Passes Key Test in the Senate

“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.


So says a major player in the opposition.

It's a law.

OK fucktard

if it imposes a tax it must ORIGINATE AND PASS THE HOUSE. Did it?

How the fuck did a 1700 page bill is introduced at 1 AM and passed in its entirety in the same night without allowing the opposition to debate?


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Per the Constitution, all taxes should originate in the House
that's the law, as well.

But being only the Constitution, their confusion is understandable
The ACA is a law, not a fucking bill.

True. On the other hand, funding the ACA is a fucking bill, not the law.

of course, using their approach

the sequester is the law, as well

That doesn't count, liberals don't want sequester. Don't you see right in the Constitution that anything liberals want is Constitutionally required to be funded, but anything they don't want has no funding requirement? It's right there, Nosmo, BDBoop, Seawytch, Ericthered, they all see it just fine...

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