Why is the left still so angry???

I'm left wing and I'm extatic about the events of this week. Now I hope Obama will be able to replace Scalia sometime in the next 3 years.

the "extatic" candycorn commie is having a good day.....meanwhile stating another hateful destructive goal....

That will be the crown jewel of the Obama administration...he should appoint Sandra Fluke to fill Scalia's. That would be great.

Her prayers would be answered, a Federal job would pay for her birth control, so she'd be relieved she would not longer experience the humiliation of going into a pharmacy only to suffer the shame and embarrassment of learning she had to pay for her own sex. What a terrible ordeal that poor girl went through.
The GOP is charge of the House. Until the mistake of the 2010 election is corrected, our problems will persist.

That isn't the question in the op. Clearly you will not stop being angry if the House goes Democratic next year. What would it take? Your opposition's head on a stick?

Unconditional surrender, the same as we got the last time the guys with Confederate flags tried to destroy the nation.
I'm still angry because the tea partiers/Repubs are still manufacturing crisis' almost 5 yrs into the Presidents tenure.

I hear ya man, that is so true. It's not like we're drowning in deficits and debt and had our debt downgraded while Federal spending and Federal power are soaring and our liberty is plummeting to the point that government now even controls our access to healthcare while we have one party rule who destroy anyone who challenges them bolstered by a compliant, unquestioning press.

Wait a second, that did happen. What crisis are they "manufacturing" again?

Bush II initiated TARP, started two off-budget wars, created Medicare part D ( :eusa_shhh: unpaid-for as well ;) ), and showered tax-cuts on the rich during those wars. Economic gripes are the last issue you people should be bringing up since you people own most of it :thup:
Why is the left still so angry????

As you know The Communist Manifesto directs the Parasites to WREST BY DEGREE all political power and wealth.

But they want all of it now and the opposition locked up in GITMO.

And so it goes.

While the Constitution of the United States provides for a bi-cameral legislature and rule by majority. If the minority does not have adequate votes, their agenda does not pass.

So, for the past two weeks we saw a political minority attempt to 'WREST BY DEGREE all political power and wealth'.

The Tea Party delegation's irresponsible, petulant political theater clearly illustrates your point.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

I know that the facts are irrlevant because the parasites are now the majority.

But our Constitutional rights are supposed to be secured by the Constitution, It was never intended that Americans acquire rights by voting for a political party.

But enjoy your new "rights" while you can. Enjoy enslaving us so that we can feed and insure you.

I'm still angry because the tea partiers/Repubs are still manufacturing crisis' almost 5 yrs into the Presidents tenure.

But see, you're supposed to follow the Right's example and never get angry.

Happy is the new angry.

No, you two are angry because you are wrong. You keep blaming Bush for just about everything. Are you angry at his mere existence?

And was it not Rahm Emanuel who coined the term "Never let a good crisis go to waste"?

Yes, he did, TK. The crisis was invoked by the Tea Party with the deliberate intent of forcing the Dems to defund the ACA. They fully expected the Dems to give in to their demands rather than allow the government to shut down and the nation fall into default. That strategy was obvious from the outset and is just a manifestation of the long held intention espoused by Grover Norquist to reduce government to the size where it can be "drowned in a bathtub".

With every crisis there are opportunities. Senator Cruz seized upon the opportunity to raise his profile amongst the ranks of the Tea Party membership and he succeeded in that effort.

Once the crisis is over there needs to be a time for "lessons learned". From my perspective as an Independent it appears as though each side gained and lost something. The Tea Party established themselves as a political force to be taken seriously while at the same time incurring some polling damage. The Dems managed to dispel the notion that they will collapse at the first sign of any determined resistance but Obama has been weakened by an apparent unwillingness to negotiate.

What remains to be seen are the long term impacts of this crisis. What lasting impression has it left upon the voters? Right now that appears to be a largely negative one for the Tea Party but things can change quickly when it comes to politics. (Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy for instance.) There is an opportunity in January for the Tea Party to redeem themselves and all of 2014 for them to enact legislation that will benefit the American people. We shall see what happens.
I'm left wing and I'm extatic about the events of this week. Now I hope Obama will be able to replace Scalia sometime in the next 3 years.

the "extatic" candycorn commie is having a good day.....meanwhile stating another hateful destructive goal....

That will be the crown jewel of the Obama administration...he should appoint Sandra Fluke to fill Scalia's. That would be great.

Better yet suggest that tries to abolish SCOTUS like FDR did. After all they have been reduced to a cabinet level position.

I'm left wing and I'm extatic about the events of this week. Now I hope Obama will be able to replace Scalia sometime in the next 3 years.

the "extatic" candycorn commie is having a good day.....meanwhile stating another hateful destructive goal....

That will be the crown jewel of the Obama administration...he should appoint Sandra Fluke to fill Scalia's. That would be great.

is Sandra Fuck your hero or something....? :lol:
We're angry because even though the President made monkeys out of a bunch of tea party Congressmen,

the monkeys get to stay in Congress, which makes it an even bigger zoo than it was before.
the "extatic" candycorn commie is having a good day.....meanwhile stating another hateful destructive goal....

That will be the crown jewel of the Obama administration...he should appoint Sandra Fluke to fill Scalia's. That would be great.

Better yet suggest that tries to abolish SCOTUS like FDR did. After all they have been reduced to a cabinet level position.


Actually FDR did not try to "abolish" the SCOTUS at all. Instead he tried to "pack the court" by adding additional justices.

Scalia and Ginsberg are the 2 oldest justices on the court at the present time by my recollection. Holding onto their positions for another 3 years is certainly feasible but sometimes health issues intervene.
That will be the crown jewel of the Obama administration...he should appoint Sandra Fluke to fill Scalia's. That would be great.

Better yet suggest that tries to abolish SCOTUS like FDR did. After all they have been reduced to a cabinet level position.


Actually FDR did not try to "abolish" the SCOTUS at all. Instead he tried to "pack the court" by adding additional justices.

Scalia and Ginsberg are the 2 oldest justices on the court at the present time by my recollection. Holding onto their positions for another 3 years is certainly feasible but sometimes health issues intervene.

There was no "try". He DID pack the court to get his unconstitutional policies deemed constitutional.
I'm still angry because the tea partiers/Repubs are still manufacturing crisis' almost 5 yrs into the Presidents tenure.

I hear ya man, that is so true. It's not like we're drowning in deficits and debt and had our debt downgraded while Federal spending and Federal power are soaring and our liberty is plummeting to the point that government now even controls our access to healthcare while we have one party rule who destroy anyone who challenges them bolstered by a compliant, unquestioning press.

Wait a second, that did happen. What crisis are they "manufacturing" again?

Bush II initiated TARP, started two off-budget wars, created Medicare part D ( :eusa_shhh: unpaid-for as well ;) ), and showered tax-cuts on the rich during those wars. Economic gripes are the last issue you people should be bringing up since you people own most of it :thup:


Another stupid liberal who doesn't know the difference between a Republican and a libertarian. Well, ye of little intelligence, those are examples of the difference...
Because we're tired of having to clean up the mess the right makes every time they get the chance. Like the Great Depression, Silverado S&L, Enron, Iran/Contra, the $10 trillion cons added to the debt, the real estate collapse, the global economic collapse, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. And on top of all that, the cons try to default on the debt after running it up. We're really tired of republicans trying to do Al Qaeda's work for them.

so....despite your lies.....it's the nasty Republicans who are forcing you to become a Socialist....?

What is the virtue of the Republican agenda? We did indeed suffer the Great Depression in the 1930s due to Republican indifference to the red hot stock market. We did indeed suffer the effects of business scandals due to Republican indifference to the maleficence. The Real Estate collapse, the global financial collapse were magnified due to Republican indifference. Two wars funded on Chinese credit cards was a Republican tent pole position. Careening from financial crisis to financial crisis is a result of Republican petulance from the Tea Party delegation.

So, I ask again, what is the virtue of Republican policies?

And why should anything that calls Republicans out as indifferent or petty be automatically assumed to be Socialist? Is this just a page from a 60 year old Republican playbook? Or can the Right think no deeper than a bumper sticker?
And now we have a socialist junior Hitler president that has stacked SEVEN TRILLION onto the debt in FIVE YEARS, due to LIBERAL INDIFFERENCE, and that is topped with a nationalist health care take over that will ensure a collapse to our already crippled economy, due to LIBERAL INDIFFERENCE.

Glad you have your blinders on, or you just might see the truth, and you don't want to see that, that's obvious.

Blaming republicans for this DEMOCRAT ECONOMY is just pure PATHETIC and INSINCERE.
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I hear ya man, that is so true. It's not like we're drowning in deficits and debt and had our debt downgraded while Federal spending and Federal power are soaring and our liberty is plummeting to the point that government now even controls our access to healthcare while we have one party rule who destroy anyone who challenges them bolstered by a compliant, unquestioning press.

Wait a second, that did happen. What crisis are they "manufacturing" again?

Bush II initiated TARP, started two off-budget wars, created Medicare part D ( :eusa_shhh: unpaid-for as well ;) ), and showered tax-cuts on the rich during those wars. Economic gripes are the last issue you people should be bringing up since you people own most of it :thup:


Another stupid liberal who doesn't know the difference between a Republican and a libertarian. Well, ye of little intelligence, those are examples of the difference...
Low information voters.
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Same reason alot of people on the right are angry.

They feel powerless. Why? Because in their pride they expect politicials and bureaucrats to fix their problems instead of realizing that they have the power to fix their own problems.

I mean look at the left. They have the Presidency and the Senate. And yet they are acting like they are victims and there was absolutely nothing they could do to end the government shutdown. They could have done so at any time. But if they had, they would have had their pride hurt.

Apparently, pride on both sides is more important than doing the right thing.
It's not anger, it's determination. When you breach the Siegfried Line, you don't pause for a rest. You exploit the gap and keep driving on Berlin.

Yes, the determination to make everyone part of the hive and leave no agenda item up for discussion. It's working too. But eventually, like other radicals, such as the jihadists, you will turn on each other as not LOLberal enough once you've removed all the oppositon to your Detroit utopian agenda.
It's not anger, it's determination. When you breach the Siegfried Line, you don't pause for a rest. You exploit the gap and keep driving on Berlin.

You've convinced both the country and the Republican party that the Republicans are not the majority party in the House, and if they are it's irrelevant because Obama is emperor. You're not only "in Berlin" but you're sipping a glass of wine on the streets of Berlin in front of a cafe.

Hence the op. Read the comments by liberals, you're still steam out your ears angry. What would it take for you to be happy. You've won utterly. Why are you still so completely freaking angry?

Because we're tired of having to clean up the mess the right makes every time they get the chance. Like the Great Depression, Silverado S&L, Enron, Iran/Contra, the $10 trillion cons added to the debt, the real estate collapse, the global economic collapse, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. And on top of all that, the cons try to default on the debt after running it up. We're really tired of republicans trying to do Al Qaeda's work for them.

so....despite your lies.....it's the nasty Republicans who are forcing you to become a Socialist....?


It is the real answer to the question in the op. The left are so angry because hate is the fuel in their tank. They have no positive agenda to offer. Without hate and anger they would be lost.
Sounds an awful lot like what psychologists call "projecting" to me.

Ask the garden variety Tea Party partisan: same sex marriage? Hate or accept? Environmental safe guards? Hate or accept? Medicare, food stamps, housing subsidies? Hate or accept? The current President of the United States of America? Hate or accept?

The radical Right's message is framed in terms of warfare and carried out in terms of a street fight.

Don't wrap the Tea Party in the cloak of brotherhood, reconciliation and responsibility when they have yet to display any of those virtues.
As you know The Communist Manifesto directs the Parasites to WREST BY DEGREE all political power and wealth.

But they want all of it now and the opposition locked up in GITMO.

And so it goes.

While the Constitution of the United States provides for a bi-cameral legislature and rule by majority. If the minority does not have adequate votes, their agenda does not pass.

So, for the past two weeks we saw a political minority attempt to 'WREST BY DEGREE all political power and wealth'.

The Tea Party delegation's irresponsible, petulant political theater clearly illustrates your point.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

I know that the facts are irrlevant because the parasites are now the majority.

But our Constitutional rights are supposed to be secured by the Constitution, It was never intended that Americans acquire rights by voting for a political party.

But enjoy your new "rights" while you can. Enjoy enslaving us so that we can feed and insure you.

Settle on a point to your argument and we'll discuss it.

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