Why is the left still so angry???

Pulling shit out of your ass, a liberal specialty. The next post will not be you backing up this lie, because it's a lie. So go ahead Homey, show where in the Constitution it says that Congresses have to fund programs that prior Congresses said they have to fund.

This is your cue. Now the question is if you'll deflect, make something up or just ignore the question...

Why so angry?

lol. You lost. Get over it.

You get over it. For you this is an empty victory and you know it. What you saw these past two weeks was the reemergence a once dormant political influence in this country: The Tea Party. We are a threat to your tax and spend agenda. We are a threat to the fiscal recklessness people like you espouse. We are aided by the colossal failure that is Obamacare. These affronts to our nation will not go unanswered. Your anger is borne out of fear.

We are angry, just like our founders were at the British King.

The tea party just suffered its worst defeat in its history and you're sufficiently delusional to call it a victory?

Where do you people come from, anyway?
Are you such a retard that you're the one who asked for such a list, and now you're asking me if it makes me happy?

Fuckin' mental cases, LOLberals. Jeebus.
Because we're tired of having to clean up the mess the right makes every time they get the chance. Like the Great Depression, Silverado S&L, Enron, Iran/Contra, the $10 trillion cons added to the debt, the real estate collapse, the global economic collapse, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. And on top of all that, the cons try to default on the debt after running it up. We're really tired of republicans trying to do Al Qaeda's work for them.

so....despite your lies.....it's the nasty Republicans who are forcing you to become a Socialist....?

What is the virtue of the Republican agenda? We did indeed suffer the Great Depression in the 1930s due to Republican indifference to the red hot stock market. We did indeed suffer the effects of business scandals due to Republican indifference to the maleficence. The Real Estate collapse, the global financial collapse were magnified due to Republican indifference. Two wars funded on Chinese credit cards was a Republican tent pole position. Careening from financial crisis to financial crisis is a result of Republican petulance from the Tea Party delegation.

So, I ask again, what is the virtue of Republican policies?

And why should anything that calls Republicans out as indifferent or petty be automatically assumed to be Socialist? Is this just a page from a 60 year old Republican playbook? Or can the Right think no deeper than a bumper sticker?

i don't want to spend all day discussing your fatuous claims....

as a conservative i find virtue in abiding by the Constitution...

if you can't see that Obama and his minions are anti-American marxist ideologues then you need to tune into reality....
Why so angry?

lol. You lost. Get over it.

You get over it. For you this is an empty victory and you know it. What you saw these past two weeks was the reemergence a once dormant political influence in this country: The Tea Party. We are a threat to your tax and spend agenda. We are a threat to the fiscal recklessness people like you espouse. We are aided by the colossal failure that is Obamacare. These affronts to our nation will not go unanswered. Your anger is borne out of fear.

We are angry, just like our founders were at the British King.

The tea party just suffered its worst defeat in its history and you're sufficiently delusional to call it a victory?

Where do you people come from, anyway?

Thank you once again for proving my point. You call us delusional, and you say we suffered a defeat? This isn't a game, Carbine. Our victory was making the establishment bend to our will. You lack such a movement in your party. You reek of stagnation. Your anger is also borne from that realization.

I surmise we come from the same planet you do, Carbine. Earth.

We are not "you people" we are Americans just like you claim to be. Your language betrays your anger. The rage is building within you.
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Why so angry?

lol. You lost. Get over it.

You get over it. For you this is an empty victory and you know it. What you saw these past two weeks was the reemergence a once dormant political influence in this country: The Tea Party. We are a threat to your tax and spend agenda. We are a threat to the fiscal recklessness people like you espouse. We are aided by the colossal failure that is Obamacare. These affronts to our nation will not go unanswered. Your anger is borne out of fear.

We are angry, just like our founders were at the British King.

The tea party just suffered its worst defeat in its history and you're sufficiently delusional to call it a victory?

Where do you people come from, anyway?

The tea party just suffered its worst defeat in its history? Come on! The tea party is like four years old.
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Should i go on?

Okay so four liberals in America are angry about some aspect of this affair. Does that make you feel better?

No, it makes his point. They aren't the only four who are angry. The whole of their party is angry because they were nearly driven to the brink by "faction" of "terrorists with bombs strapped to their chests." Just the mere name calling they engaged in revealed their anger.

So anger is now an indication of some sort of character flaw, some sort of indication of deficiency?

lol, the whole fucking Tea Party movement was founded on anger. It is the child of anger.

Do you apply your same standard of ridicule of anger to the Tea Party?
You get over it. For you this is an empty victory and you know it. What you saw these past two weeks was the reemergence a once dormant political influence in this country: The Tea Party. We are a threat to your tax and spend agenda. We are a threat to the fiscal recklessness people like you espouse. We are aided by the colossal failure that is Obamacare. These affronts to our nation will not go unanswered. Your anger is borne out of fear.

We are angry, just like our founders were at the British King.

The tea party just suffered its worst defeat in its history and you're sufficiently delusional to call it a victory?

Where do you people come from, anyway?

The tea party just suffered its worst defeat in its history? Come on! The tea party is like four years old.

And they act it.

Actually the tea party is just the far rightwing of the GOP, same as it ever was, and that's been around for decades.
I'm still angry because the tea partiers/Repubs are still manufacturing crisis' almost 5 yrs into the Presidents tenure.
Are you such a retard that you're the one who asked for such a list, and now you're asking me if it makes me happy?

Fuckin' mental cases, LOLberals. Jeebus.

The OP says 'the left' is angry. 4 people do not compose the left.

And btw, who decided that no one should be angry about the mess that the Right created in the past couple weeks?

The Right engages in absolutely inexcusable behaviour, to the detriment of the nation, and then they fold like a soft taco and the next thing you know they're running around,

puzzled that anyone might be anger over their antics?

Okay so four liberals in America are angry about some aspect of this affair. Does that make you feel better?

No, it makes his point. They aren't the only four who are angry. The whole of their party is angry because they were nearly driven to the brink by "faction" of "terrorists with bombs strapped to their chests." Just the mere name calling they engaged in revealed their anger.

1. So anger is now an indication of some sort of character flaw, some sort of indication of deficiency?

2. lol, the whole fucking Tea Party movement was founded on anger. It is the child of anger.

3. Do you apply your same standard of ridicule of anger to the Tea Party?

1. Yep. Your referring to us as "terrorists", "arsonists", "wife beaters", "confederates", "extortionists" and whatever else was the revelation of your character flaws as a party. Only an angry desperate party resorts to such Alinskyist tactics.

2. Yes, and so the American Revolution was borne out of anger.

3. No. Our anger is of a different more directed type, yours is more... unjustified and undefined.

You sit there judging us but then again, that's all you've done. You come with your prejudgements, nothing more. You ridicule us, with none of your assertions based in reality. Did you apply your standards to the Occupy movement when they had their fifteen minutes of infamy? Of course you didn't. Hypocrite. Those standards are reserved for the opposition and not for yourselves or for the negativity which exudes from your 'fringe' element.
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Are you such a retard that you're the one who asked for such a list, and now you're asking me if it makes me happy?

Fuckin' mental cases, LOLberals. Jeebus.

The OP says 'the left' is angry. 4 people do not compose the left.

And btw, who decided that no one should be angry about the mess that the Right created in the past couple weeks?

The Right engages in absolutely inexcusable behaviour, to the detriment of the nation, and then they fold like a soft taco and the next thing you know they're running around,

puzzled that anyone might be anger over their antics?


You're certifiable. Holy hell. Carry on with your mental self.
No, it makes his point. They aren't the only four who are angry. The whole of their party is angry because they were nearly driven to the brink by "faction" of "terrorists with bombs strapped to their chests." Just the mere name calling they engaged in revealed their anger.

1. So anger is now an indication of some sort of character flaw, some sort of indication of deficiency?

2. lol, the whole fucking Tea Party movement was founded on anger. It is the child of anger.

3. Do you apply your same standard of ridicule of anger to the Tea Party?

1. Yep. Your referring to us as "terrorists", "arsonists", "wife beaters", "confederates", "extortionists" and whatever else was the revelation of your character flaws as a party. Only an angry desperate party resorts to such Alinskyist tactics.

2. Yes, and so the American Revolution was borne out of anger.

3. No. Our anger is of a different more directed type, yours is more... unjustified and undefined.

You sit there judging us but then again, that's all you've done. You come with your prejudgements, nothing more. You ridicule us, with none of your assertions based in reality. Did you apply your standards to the Occupy movement when they had their fifteen minutes of infamy? Of course you didn't. Hypocrite. Those standards are reserved for the opposition and not for yourselves or for the negativity which exudes from your 'fringe' element.

Could you cite where I called you a wife beater?
I'm still angry because the tea partiers/Repubs are still manufacturing crisis' almost 5 yrs into the Presidents tenure.

But see, you're supposed to follow the Right's example and never get angry.

Happy is the new angry.

No, you two are angry because you are wrong. You keep blaming Bush for just about everything. Are you angry at his mere existence?

And was it not Rahm Emanuel who coined the term "Never let a good crisis go to waste"?
I'm still angry because the tea partiers/Repubs are still manufacturing crisis' almost 5 yrs into the Presidents tenure.

I hear ya man, that is so true. It's not like we're drowning in deficits and debt and had our debt downgraded while Federal spending and Federal power are soaring and our liberty is plummeting to the point that government now even controls our access to healthcare while we have one party rule who destroy anyone who challenges them bolstered by a compliant, unquestioning press.

Wait a second, that did happen. What crisis are they "manufacturing" again?
1. So anger is now an indication of some sort of character flaw, some sort of indication of deficiency?

2. lol, the whole fucking Tea Party movement was founded on anger. It is the child of anger.

3. Do you apply your same standard of ridicule of anger to the Tea Party?

1. Yep. Your referring to us as "terrorists", "arsonists", "wife beaters", "confederates", "extortionists" and whatever else was the revelation of your character flaws as a party. Only an angry desperate party resorts to such Alinskyist tactics.

2. Yes, and so the American Revolution was borne out of anger.

3. No. Our anger is of a different more directed type, yours is more... unjustified and undefined.

You sit there judging us but then again, that's all you've done. You come with your prejudgements, nothing more. You ridicule us, with none of your assertions based in reality. Did you apply your standards to the Occupy movement when they had their fifteen minutes of infamy? Of course you didn't. Hypocrite. Those standards are reserved for the opposition and not for yourselves or for the negativity which exudes from your 'fringe' element.

Could you cite where I called you a wife beater?

My god you are dense. Those were names Liberals in Washington were calling us during the shutdown. That shows you don't pay much attention to the news. Why are you taking this so personally, Carbine? I didn't even refer to you by name once in my response. Is there something you're hiding? Nevermind the rest of my response though, you are too focused on something that I never accused you personally of doing.

Enter liberal paranoia...
Why do I have a feeling that if I had a video of Obama molesting a puppy you would describe it as a normal human way of expressing oneself. Your devotion to Obama is noted.

Why do I have the feeling that if Jesus were to return and embrace Obama as his brother you would immediately find reasons to crucify Jesus again?

What are you talking about? I didn't even crucify him the first time! Oh, I might have thrown a rock or two but that's all!

I am holding up a mirror!
I'm left wing and I'm extatic about the events of this week. Now I hope Obama will be able to replace Scalia sometime in the next 3 years.

the "extatic" candycorn commie is having a good day.....meanwhile stating another hateful destructive goal....

That will be the crown jewel of the Obama administration...he should appoint Sandra Fluke to fill Scalia's. That would be great.
The GOP is charge of the House. Until the mistake of the 2010 election is corrected, our problems will persist.

That isn't the question in the op. Clearly you will not stop being angry if the House goes Democratic next year. What would it take? Your opposition's head on a stick?

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