Why is the left still so angry???

I'm left wing and I'm extatic about the events of this week. Now I hope Obama will be able to replace Scalia sometime in the next 3 years.

the "extatic" candycorn commie is having a good day.....meanwhile stating another hateful destructive goal....
Why is the left still so angry???
Because we're tired of having to clean up the mess the right makes every time they get the chance. Like the Great Depression, Silverado S&L, Enron, Iran/Contra, the $10 trillion cons added to the debt, the real estate collapse, the global economic collapse, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. And on top of all that, the cons try to default on the debt after running it up. We're really tired of republicans trying to do Al Qaeda's work for them.

so....despite your lies.....it's the nasty Republicans who are forcing you to become a Socialist....?


It is the real answer to the question in the op. The left are so angry because hate is the fuel in their tank. They have no positive agenda to offer. Without hate and anger they would be lost.
Passing "partisan budgets" that violate the requirement to fund legislation that is the law of the land does not meet the House's Constitutional obligations

Pulling shit out of your ass, a liberal specialty. The next post will not be you backing up this lie, because it's a lie. So go ahead Homey, show where in the Constitution it says that Congresses have to fund programs that prior Congresses said they have to fund.

This is your cue. Now the question is if you'll deflect, make something up or just ignore the question...

Why so angry?

lol. You lost. Get over it.
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

because they want a one party system with an executive ruler, not a constitutional republic with a democratic porcess. They want drones in every discussion that will mirror the group think mentality they display and nothing short of full dominance will do.

Beyond that, they've spent the last 15 years or more blaming republicans for every single solitary issue or undesirable outcome of policies they too pushed forward. So naturally, they have gone to the extreme with the blaming and shit throwing. They don't realize it, but they are the tru radical extreme fascists in the US. They just blame the "opposition" for it.

They will be happy when everything they want at any time is given without any debate or argument. Not a second sooner. So either conform or soon they will go after not just republicans, but their own. Much like radical jihadists of the past who began offing each other as not radical enough.

Because we're tired of having to clean up the mess the right makes every time they get the chance. Like the Great Depression, Silverado S&L, Enron, Iran/Contra, the $10 trillion cons added to the debt, the real estate collapse, the global economic collapse, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. And on top of all that, the cons try to default on the debt after running it up. We're really tired of republicans trying to do Al Qaeda's work for them.

so....despite your lies.....it's the nasty Republicans who are forcing you to become a Socialist....?


It is the real answer to the question in the op. The left are so angry because hate is the fuel in their tank. They have no positive agenda to offer. Without hate and anger they would be lost.

Yup. They are intolerant e4xtremists that refuse to negotiate or take any responsibility for their part in the problem. They blame republicans for things that in fact, their reps voted for and/or even authored.

These are children we're dealing with. And Im no fan of republicans, but i know both are to blame in these circumstances. They simply refuse to admit their guilt and instead, have takena long running position to blame republicans exclusively in their own mess.
Passing "partisan budgets" that violate the requirement to fund legislation that is the law of the land does not meet the House's Constitutional obligations

Pulling shit out of your ass, a liberal specialty. The next post will not be you backing up this lie, because it's a lie. So go ahead Homey, show where in the Constitution it says that Congresses have to fund programs that prior Congresses said they have to fund.

This is your cue. Now the question is if you'll deflect, make something up or just ignore the question...

Why so angry?

lol. You lost. Get over it.

We haven't heard from derideo_te, so he's going so far with option 3, ignore the question.

You've chosen option 1, deflect.

What about answering the question?
Your point would resonate more if Obama hadn't changed Obamacare after it became law by delaying employer mandates for a year. Where was the legislative process?

Obama did not "change" the ACA law. Only Congress can do that. The Executive branch is responsible for the implementation of the law and has the leeway to change the timetable and the prioritization.

Democratic senator Tom Harkin seems to disagree with your assertion along with many other folks of course. Perhaps you're right, don't know, it does seem to muddy the waters though.

Given how ignorant so many Republicans are as to how the process works I am not surprised to discover that there are similarly ignorant Democrats.
Why is the left still so angry???
Because we're tired of having to clean up the mess the right makes every time they get the chance. Like the Great Depression, Silverado S&L, Enron, Iran/Contra, the $10 trillion cons added to the debt, the real estate collapse, the global economic collapse, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. And on top of all that, the cons try to default on the debt after running it up. We're really tired of republicans trying to do Al Qaeda's work for them.

so....despite your lies.....it's the nasty Republicans who are forcing you to become a Socialist....?

What is the virtue of the Republican agenda? We did indeed suffer the Great Depression in the 1930s due to Republican indifference to the red hot stock market. We did indeed suffer the effects of business scandals due to Republican indifference to the maleficence. The Real Estate collapse, the global financial collapse were magnified due to Republican indifference. Two wars funded on Chinese credit cards was a Republican tent pole position. Careening from financial crisis to financial crisis is a result of Republican petulance from the Tea Party delegation.

So, I ask again, what is the virtue of Republican policies?

And why should anything that calls Republicans out as indifferent or petty be automatically assumed to be Socialist? Is this just a page from a 60 year old Republican playbook? Or can the Right think no deeper than a bumper sticker?
Pulling shit out of your ass, a liberal specialty. The next post will not be you backing up this lie, because it's a lie. So go ahead Homey, show where in the Constitution it says that Congresses have to fund programs that prior Congresses said they have to fund.

This is your cue. Now the question is if you'll deflect, make something up or just ignore the question...

Why so angry?

lol. You lost. Get over it.

We haven't heard from derideo_te, so he's going so far with option 3, ignore the question.

You've chosen option 1, deflect.

What about answering the question?

The government has been funded. The hostage takers lost. Your question is moot.
These are children we're dealing with. And Im no fan of republicans, but i know both are to blame in these circumstances. They simply refuse to admit their guilt and instead, have takena long running position to blame republicans exclusively in their own mess.


Correct, sir! I really, really hate the Republicans. But this is the issue, the left are just on a scorched earth campaign to win at any cost. They are just stopping any discussion or progress on anything by just endlessly destroying anyone in their path. They just bulldozed a GOP majority congress like a squirrel under a semi. The unquestioning support of the media for anything they demand is pathetic. With the slash and burn left with no party capable of challenging them and no media to question them, they are destroying us.
As I pointed out earlier, I assumed that you would agree with him. However, much of what he said about the sequester was obviously overblown or simply fictitious. Again, fear as a tool for support is Obama's usual strategy.
Obama "cannon gurantee" social security checks - YouTube

In terms of anger. Obama is famously petulant, angry and thin skinned when he is asked questions he doesn't like.
Angry Obama Dares GOP To "Go After Me" Instead of Susan Rice on Benghazi - YouTube

"much of what he said about the sequester was obviously overblown or simply fictitious"

In which case please provide links proving that to be the case.

Your personal dislike of Obama is becoming ever more apparent in that you are finding fault with what are normal human ways of expressing oneself.

You are entitled to your erroneous opinion but so far you haven't substantiated your allegation regarding "fear and anger".

Why do I have a feeling that if I had a video of Obama molesting a puppy you would describe it as a normal human way of expressing oneself. Your devotion to Obama is noted.

Why do I have the feeling that if Jesus were to return and embrace Obama as his brother you would immediately find reasons to crucify Jesus again?
It might be helpful if the author of this thread would name the liberals on USMB who are angry.

Get rid of Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Steve King, Paul Broun, and Rand Paul and we'll be happy

actually Michele Bachmann is dropping out, so I guess that's something

You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?
Could be that cons' stunt cost us $24,000,000,000.

BECAUSE YOU'VE WRECKED THE RECOVERY WITH PHONY CRISES and believe huge amounts of hateful bs...see op...

Pass a jobs bill, an immigration bill that would help the economy, and change the channel, fool.

Im angry cause the Tea Party exists.

Im angry that Ted Cruz isn't in handcuffs.


You closed down our fucking government and brought us on the verge of default....all because of an obsession with Obamacare

Should i go on?
The only real anger in this thread is in post #1; a bitter little man thinking that a dramatic performance of 'Sore Loser' is going to rain on the Democrats's victory parade.
Passing "partisan budgets" that violate the requirement to fund legislation that is the law of the land does not meet the House's Constitutional obligations

Pulling shit out of your ass, a liberal specialty. The next post will not be you backing up this lie, because it's a lie. So go ahead Homey, show where in the Constitution it says that Congresses have to fund programs that prior Congresses said they have to fund.

This is your cue. Now the question is if you'll deflect, make something up or just ignore the question...

Why so angry?

lol. You lost. Get over it.

You get over it. For you this is an empty victory and you know it. What you saw these past two weeks was the reemergence a once dormant political influence in this country: The Tea Party. We are a threat to your tax and spend agenda. We are a threat to the fiscal recklessness people like you espouse. We are aided by the colossal failure that is Obamacare. These affronts to our nation will not go unanswered. Your anger is borne out of fear.

We are angry, just like our founders were at the British King.
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These are children we're dealing with. And Im no fan of republicans, but i know both are to blame in these circumstances. They simply refuse to admit their guilt and instead, have takena long running position to blame republicans exclusively in their own mess.


Correct, sir! I really, really hate the Republicans. But this is the issue, the left are just on a scorched earth campaign to win at any cost. They are just stopping any discussion or progress on anything by just endlessly destroying anyone in their path. They just bulldozed a GOP majority congress like a squirrel under a semi. The unquestioning support of the media for anything they demand is pathetic. With the slash and burn left with no party capable of challenging them and no media to question them, they are destroying us.

Like I said in my OP in this thread. They will not tolerate anything less than complete unanimous agreement to their agenda. No arguments, no debates. They want drones at every turn to praise them regardless of the issue or legislative outcome. Like i said, they've become the radical extremists thery project onto republicans. They will end up going the way of radical Muslims in years prior. When jihadists turned on each other as not radical enough and began their own extermination process.

They want everyone to be just like them and think just like thema dn they will not stop until they achieve this goal. In the end they will go after each other.
"much of what he said about the sequester was obviously overblown or simply fictitious"

In which case please provide links proving that to be the case.

Your personal dislike of Obama is becoming ever more apparent in that you are finding fault with what are normal human ways of expressing oneself.

You are entitled to your erroneous opinion but so far you haven't substantiated your allegation regarding "fear and anger".

Why do I have a feeling that if I had a video of Obama molesting a puppy you would describe it as a normal human way of expressing oneself. Your devotion to Obama is noted.

Why do I have the feeling that if Jesus were to return and embrace Obama as his brother you would immediately find reasons to crucify Jesus again?

Because you're an


and you know nothing about Christianity except your liberal bigotry and sanctimonious view of it.
It might be helpful if the author of this thread would name the liberals on USMB who are angry.

Get rid of Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Steve King, Paul Broun, and Rand Paul and we'll be happy

actually Michele Bachmann is dropping out, so I guess that's something

Im angry that Ted Cruz isn't in handcuffs.


You closed down our fucking government and brought us on the verge of default....all because of an obsession with Obamacare

Should i go on?

Okay so four liberals in America are angry about some aspect of this affair. Does that make you feel better?
It might be helpful if the author of this thread would name the liberals on USMB who are angry.


You closed down our fucking government and brought us on the verge of default....all because of an obsession with Obamacare

Should i go on?

Okay so four liberals in America are angry about some aspect of this affair. Does that make you feel better?

No, it makes his point. They aren't the only four who are angry. The whole of their party is angry because they were nearly driven to the brink by "faction" of "terrorists with bombs strapped to their chests." Just the mere name calling they engaged in revealed their anger.
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"much of what he said about the sequester was obviously overblown or simply fictitious"

In which case please provide links proving that to be the case.

Your personal dislike of Obama is becoming ever more apparent in that you are finding fault with what are normal human ways of expressing oneself.

You are entitled to your erroneous opinion but so far you haven't substantiated your allegation regarding "fear and anger".

Why do I have a feeling that if I had a video of Obama molesting a puppy you would describe it as a normal human way of expressing oneself. Your devotion to Obama is noted.

Why do I have the feeling that if Jesus were to return and embrace Obama as his brother you would immediately find reasons to crucify Jesus again?

What are you talking about? I didn't even crucify him the first time! Oh, I might have thrown a rock or two but that's all!

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