Why is the left still so angry???

That was what I asked you for in the first place. You refused to provide the link. Ergo you failed to substantiate your position. Feel free to do so now.

I don't recall you asking for a link but ok
[ame=http://youtu.be/mDo02UOIx9A]Obama: Sequester is 'Meat Cleaver' Approach - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://youtu.be/HxDC6DL3U74]Obama Angry Gun Law Fails in Front of Newtown Parents - YouTube[/ame]


He's angry he got backstabbed by Republicans and pissed that a bunch of kids got shot by a nut who legally acquired assault rifles?

Color me shocked!

How do you do it, Holmes!

Holy jumping Jesus! You got every single thing factually wrong! He got "backstabbed" by republicans and democrats. The Newtown shooter didn't acquire weapons legally and he didn't use "assault" weapons. How can you get so much wrong in such a short post? That is actually kind of impressive. Bravo Watson.
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the Left is always angry because that is their modus operandi....

nothing is acceptable unless they control it.....otherwise they must hate it and then destroy it...
Under Republican control in the House we have careened from fiscal crisis to fiscal crisis , shut down the government, threatened default TWICE and witnessed Biblical tantrums and brinksmanship rather than statesmanship.

All this from the party claiming responsibility as its best virtue.

That's what makes Americans so angry with Republicans.

I copied this from Ann Coulter's column and dare you to read it.

Responding to the people’s will, House Republicans first voted to fund all of government — except Obamacare. Obama refused to negotiate and Senate Democrats refused to pass it.

Then the Republicans voted to fully fund the government, but merely delay the implementation of Obamacare for one year. Obama refused to negotiate and Senate Democrats refused to pass it.

Finally, the Republicans voted to fully fund the government, but added a requirement that everyone live under Obamacare. No more special waivers for Congress and their staff, and no waivers for big business without the same waivers for individuals.

Obama refused to negotiate and Senate Democrats refused to pass it. So as you can see, Republicans are the big holdup here.
The congress PASSED Obamacare, the Supreme Court ruled Obamacare constitutional, Romney ran on repealing Obamacare and was defeated.

What the Tea Party wanted was for us to ignore a law passed by congress, ruled on by the Supreme Court and ignore the results of the election of 2012.

Of course the ransom called for by the Tea Party was non-negotiable. Because it passed, was ruled constitutional and the candidate wanting to repeal it was beaten.

The tactic used by the Tea Party was celebrated by the Tea Party, until it proved to be the debacle it was. Then the Tea Party refused to own its mistake. The blame for the shut down lies completely at the Tea Party doorstep. If they claim responsibility as a prime virtue, why are they trying to deflect blame for their mistake? It's as if they were hijackers, took over the plane and did not know how to fly it!

Obamacare is a TAX law and TAX laws are changed, modified and even deleted all of the time by the Congress. You don't appear to be too stupid to understand that, but it is possible.
I just gave you some numbers.

Seems to me like you're all mouth because your numbers are bull shit.

Why is it the debt, which was around $9 trillion during Bush and Reagan, was directly their fault and the debt, which is currently around $17 trillion, isn't Obama's.

You're fighting from a position of weakness numbnuts, and you're acting like you're winning the argument.

Fact is, to be a believer in Obamination you have to be in complete denial.

like I said you can spew numbers till your blue in the face for all I care ... to validate those numbers that you're so pround of, you need to tell us where the came from ... I've asked several times, cause I know if I use a source you'll say thats a liberal site and you won't accept it ... so where did the trillions of dollars come from

They don't like the answer..which is why they never post it.

It came from 2 wars that were put off track on the general budget and put on a completely new track called "Supplemental Emergency Spending". Obama got rid of that bookkeeping trick.

BS, that is what a continuing resolution really is.
I copied this from Ann Coulter's column and dare you to read it.
The congress PASSED Obamacare, the Supreme Court ruled Obamacare constitutional, Romney ran on repealing Obamacare and was defeated.

What the Tea Party wanted was for us to ignore a law passed by congress, ruled on by the Supreme Court and ignore the results of the election of 2012.

Of course the ransom called for by the Tea Party was non-negotiable. Because it passed, was ruled constitutional and the candidate wanting to repeal it was beaten.

The tactic used by the Tea Party was celebrated by the Tea Party, until it proved to be the debacle it was. Then the Tea Party refused to own its mistake. The blame for the shut down lies completely at the Tea Party doorstep. If they claim responsibility as a prime virtue, why are they trying to deflect blame for their mistake? It's as if they were hijackers, took over the plane and did not know how to fly it!

Obamacare is a TAX law and TAX laws are changed, modified and even deleted all of the time by the Congress. You don't appear to be too stupid to understand that, but it is possible.
The shutdown was supposed to repeal, defund, delay or modify Obamacare. But even during the shutdown, Obamacare was being implemented. Are the Tea Party types too stupid to understand that?

And when congress changes, modifies or deletes tax laws, they do it through the legislative process, not by holding the whole of the government hostage.
Why is the left still so angry???
Because we're tired of having to clean up the mess the right makes every time they get the chance. Like the Great Depression, Silverado S&L, Enron, Iran/Contra, the $10 trillion cons added to the debt, the real estate collapse, the global economic collapse, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. And on top of all that, the cons try to default on the debt after running it up. We're really tired of republicans trying to do Al Qaeda's work for them.
The congress PASSED Obamacare, the Supreme Court ruled Obamacare constitutional, Romney ran on repealing Obamacare and was defeated.

What the Tea Party wanted was for us to ignore a law passed by congress, ruled on by the Supreme Court and ignore the results of the election of 2012.

Of course the ransom called for by the Tea Party was non-negotiable. Because it passed, was ruled constitutional and the candidate wanting to repeal it was beaten.

The tactic used by the Tea Party was celebrated by the Tea Party, until it proved to be the debacle it was. Then the Tea Party refused to own its mistake. The blame for the shut down lies completely at the Tea Party doorstep. If they claim responsibility as a prime virtue, why are they trying to deflect blame for their mistake? It's as if they were hijackers, took over the plane and did not know how to fly it!

Obamacare is a TAX law and TAX laws are changed, modified and even deleted all of the time by the Congress. You don't appear to be too stupid to understand that, but it is possible.
The shutdown was supposed to repeal, defund, delay or modify Obamacare. But even during the shutdown, Obamacare was being implemented. Are the Tea Party types too stupid to understand that?

And when congress changes, modifies or deletes tax laws, they do it through the legislative process, not by holding the whole of the government hostage.

Your point would resonate more if Obama hadn't changed Obamacare after it became law by delaying employer mandates for a year. Where was the legislative process?
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Under Republican control in the House we have careened from fiscal crisis to fiscal crisis , shut down the government, threatened default TWICE and witnessed Biblical tantrums and brinksmanship rather than statesmanship.

All this from the party claiming responsibility as its best virtue.

That's what makes Americans so angry with Republicans.

I copied this from Ann Coulter's column and dare you to read it.

Responding to the people’s will, House Republicans first voted to fund all of government — except Obamacare. Obama refused to negotiate and Senate Democrats refused to pass it.

Then the Republicans voted to fully fund the government, but merely delay the implementation of Obamacare for one year. Obama refused to negotiate and Senate Democrats refused to pass it.

Finally, the Republicans voted to fully fund the government, but added a requirement that everyone live under Obamacare. No more special waivers for Congress and their staff, and no waivers for big business without the same waivers for individuals.

Obama refused to negotiate and Senate Democrats refused to pass it. So as you can see, Republicans are the big holdup here.

Too bad Coulter deliberately omitted the part about the prior 6 months when the Republicans flatly refused to negotiate on the budget at all. Instead they kept on passing those time wasting "repeal Obamacare" bills that they already knew were going nowhere. They could have used that time way more effectively by reaching a compromise with certain concessions on the ACA in return for other aspects that the Dems wanted. That is how the process was supposed to work but the Republicans choose to throw the rule book out of the window and use extortion instead to get their way. In the process they caused a great deal of harm to the American people and the reputation of this nation. Did Coulter omit that aspect too?

I am sure she did, since those 'repeal obamacare bills' are separate from the budget. Since you seem to have a rather severe lapse in memory, let me remind you that the Republican House passed a budget every year. They were declared DOA in the Democrat controlled Senate. Are you beginning to get the picture?
Obamacare is a TAX law and TAX laws are changed, modified and even deleted all of the time by the Congress. You don't appear to be too stupid to understand that, but it is possible.
The shutdown was supposed to repeal, defund, delay or modify Obamacare. But even during the shutdown, Obamacare was being implemented. Are the Tea Party types too stupid to understand that?

And when congress changes, modifies or deletes tax laws, they do it through the legislative process, not by holding the whole of the government hostage.

Your point would resonate more if Obama hadn't changed Obamacare after it became law by delaying employer mandates for a year.
And that change merits a repeal of the law?
I copied this from Ann Coulter's column and dare you to read it.

Too bad Coulter deliberately omitted the part about the prior 6 months when the Republicans flatly refused to negotiate on the budget at all. Instead they kept on passing those time wasting "repeal Obamacare" bills that they already knew were going nowhere. They could have used that time way more effectively by reaching a compromise with certain concessions on the ACA in return for other aspects that the Dems wanted. That is how the process was supposed to work but the Republicans choose to throw the rule book out of the window and use extortion instead to get their way. In the process they caused a great deal of harm to the American people and the reputation of this nation. Did Coulter omit that aspect too?

I am sure she did, since those 'repeal obamacare bills' are separate from the budget. Since you seem to have a rather severe lapse in memory, let me remind you that the Republican House passed a budget every year. They were declared DOA in the Democrat controlled Senate. Are you beginning to get the picture?

The picture that is abundantly clear is: the Republicans simply don't have the votes. They are NOT speaking on behalf of the American people. Well, a few American people, but under our system of government, the majority rules.
I'm happy

The shutdown was supposed to repeal, defund, delay or modify Obamacare. But even during the shutdown, Obamacare was being implemented. Are the Tea Party types too stupid to understand that?

And when congress changes, modifies or deletes tax laws, they do it through the legislative process, not by holding the whole of the government hostage.

Your point would resonate more if Obama hadn't changed Obamacare after it became law by delaying employer mandates for a year.
And that change merits a repeal of the law?

I don't know. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of Obama saying we can only change laws through a legislative process when he changed the law without a legislative process.
If you disagree with my opinion you could simply say so. No need to get pissy. I'm still more than happy to show you statements that Obama has made in the past which I consider divisive and petty which leads me to believe that he uses anger and fear to gain support from his followers. This includes stoking fear about the effects of sequester to accusing republicans of being the enemy. Yes, I'm sure you agree with him but then again that was my original point. Obama leads by anger and fear.

That was what I asked you for in the first place. You refused to provide the link. Ergo you failed to substantiate your position. Feel free to do so now.

I don't recall you asking for a link but ok
[ame=http://youtu.be/mDo02UOIx9A]Obama: Sequester is 'Meat Cleaver' Approach - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://youtu.be/HxDC6DL3U74]Obama Angry Gun Law Fails in Front of Newtown Parents - YouTube[/ame]

Post #129...
Quote: Originally Posted by JohnL.Burke View Post
The left is angry because Obama tells them to be angry. Fear and anger is his only source of power.
Got a link for that allegation?

As far as "anger" goes the opening statement in the first 20 seconds by Brian Williams calls it as a "RARE flash of anger".

The "fear" allegation is simply a clear warning of what would, and did, happen because of the Republican sequester.

So when Obama does his job by pointing out to the the American people the consequences of Republican economic intransigence this is "fear" mongering in your opinion? Does it rise to the level of claiming that there will be "mushroom clouds" over US cities? Something that was never going to happen.

Obviously what constitutes "fear" to you is nothing more that reality to the rest of the nation.
Too bad Coulter deliberately omitted the part about the prior 6 months when the Republicans flatly refused to negotiate on the budget at all. Instead they kept on passing those time wasting "repeal Obamacare" bills that they already knew were going nowhere. They could have used that time way more effectively by reaching a compromise with certain concessions on the ACA in return for other aspects that the Dems wanted. That is how the process was supposed to work but the Republicans choose to throw the rule book out of the window and use extortion instead to get their way. In the process they caused a great deal of harm to the American people and the reputation of this nation. Did Coulter omit that aspect too?

Too bad you don't realize the House legislated a reasonable House Budget Bill back in March 2013.......flatly rejected by the Democrat Senate from that day forward....

In which case you should be able to provide a link establishing that this "reasonable House Budget Bill" actually existed and that it did not contain any attempt to "defund Obamacare".

The House budget bill does not have to be reasonable, although I considered them to be. The Senate Majority Leader is supposed to present the budget bill to the floor of the Senate, allow motions to vote for amendments, and then vote to pass or reject it. If it passes, and has been amended it is sent back to the House, and then to a bipartisan conference committee for the problems to be resolved.

None of the above happened on most budgets sent to the Senate because the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, labeled them DOA.
Obamacare is a TAX law and TAX laws are changed, modified and even deleted all of the time by the Congress. You don't appear to be too stupid to understand that, but it is possible.
The shutdown was supposed to repeal, defund, delay or modify Obamacare. But even during the shutdown, Obamacare was being implemented. Are the Tea Party types too stupid to understand that?

And when congress changes, modifies or deletes tax laws, they do it through the legislative process, not by holding the whole of the government hostage.

Your point would resonate more if Obama hadn't changed Obamacare after it became law by delaying employer mandates for a year. Where was the legislative process?

Obama did not "change" the ACA law. Only Congress can do that. The Executive branch is responsible for the implementation of the law and has the leeway to change the timetable and the prioritization.
Your point would resonate more if Obama hadn't changed Obamacare after it became law by delaying employer mandates for a year.
And that change merits a repeal of the law?

I don't know. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of Obama saying we can only change laws through a legislative process when he changed the law without a legislative process.

He didn't change the law...he delayed the enactment of the law.
I copied this from Ann Coulter's column and dare you to read it.
The congress PASSED Obamacare, the Supreme Court ruled Obamacare constitutional, Romney ran on repealing Obamacare and was defeated.

What the Tea Party wanted was for us to ignore a law passed by congress, ruled on by the Supreme Court and ignore the results of the election of 2012.

Of course the ransom called for by the Tea Party was non-negotiable. Because it passed, was ruled constitutional and the candidate wanting to repeal it was beaten.

The tactic used by the Tea Party was celebrated by the Tea Party, until it proved to be the debacle it was. Then the Tea Party refused to own its mistake. The blame for the shut down lies completely at the Tea Party doorstep. If they claim responsibility as a prime virtue, why are they trying to deflect blame for their mistake? It's as if they were hijackers, took over the plane and did not know how to fly it!

Obamacare is a TAX law and TAX laws are changed, modified and even deleted all of the time by the Congress. You don't appear to be too stupid to understand that, but it is possible.

There weren't the votes to change the law.
Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money. The CBO estimated that of the $2.4 trillion long-term price tag for the war, about $1.9 trillion of that would be spent on Iraq, or $6,300 per U.S. citizen.[9][10]

Even IF you suggested that Obama didn't continue these wars, it only accounts for about 2.5 trillion by 2017.

You guys are retarded.

And that doesn't take into account the fact that he's added more wars over seas which aren't being watch dogged by LOLberal fucktards since Bush left office. They were anti-war with Bush and now they are all pro-war with Obama. Just like republicans became the anti-war group under Obama while they were pro-war under Bush.

It's that partisan log jam both sides are stuck in. In the end, you've failed to show that all the increased debt is a result of Bush and republicans. But that wont stop you from repeating it ad neaseum. Because that is your main and most important political tactic. Blame republicans for everything. Even though LOLberals voted to go into Iraq too. Its still all republicans an bush.

That doesn't even begin to cover the cost of veterans benefits to the 30,000 or so that were wounded in Iraq..which of course isn't tacked to the military cost.

And you've forgotten to add in TARP, The Department of Homeland Security and the brand new Medicare Drug benefit.

That..and No Child Left Behind.

Are you talking about all of those bills that were passed by the Congress with BI-PARTISAN support? That means some Democrats voted FOR them, unlike the ACA where not a single Republican voted FOR it.

BTW, No Child Left Behind was authored by none other than Ted Kennedy in Bush's first attempt to have a civil relationship with the Democrats. Did a poor old dead Kennedy back stab Bush?
Your point would resonate more if Obama hadn't changed Obamacare after it became law by delaying employer mandates for a year.
And that change merits a repeal of the law?

I don't know. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of Obama saying we can only change laws through a legislative process when he changed the law without a legislative process.
While you're busy considering Obama's hypocrisy, chew on this: The Republican Party holds "responsibility" as one of its prime virtues. Was it responsible to shut down the government, cost the American economy $22 billion in the process, threaten credit default and wreck the credibility of their own party just to do something no one thought should be done?

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