CDZ Why is the Traditional/Nuclear family so Vilified these days?

She doesn't have that. It doesn't exist. Further, domestic violence as a whole has declined. You are most likely, as a female, to be murdered by your husband when you are leaving him. Secondly, if you are leaving a boyfriend.

Where are your stats?

Because every single study I pull up shows the exact opposite. There was a decline in the 90s, but it was slight, and it still didn't suck down to pre-60s.

And we have the stats SINCE then that support what I'm saying (as do the multiple studies that exist).

In case you missed it:

" Female cohabitors are victims of domestic violence far more often than married women, and children in unmarried households are at much greater risk for physical and sexual abuse than those in intact families. Indeed, the most unsafe of all family environments is that in which the mother is living with someone other than her children's biological father."

The risks of cohabitation Center of the American Experiment

Center of the American Experiment is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation.

Our efforts address both the big policy issues of the day and the tougher, more personal issues impacting the heart and soul of our culture. Center of the American Experiment’s aim is nothing less than shifting Minnesota’s intellectual and political center of gravity to the right by focusing on time-tested principles of free enterprise, limited government, ordered liberty, and traditional American values.

To accomplish our mission, Center of the American Experiment publishes original research, writes commentaries, commissions studies, presents public programs that feature both local and national experts, hosts legislative roundtables, and delivers presentations to students and civic organizations. Each year, through these many outlets, we expose a broad audience to the ideas and solutions we believe will make a positive and lasting impact on Minnesota's future.

Since Center of the American Experiment opened shop in 1990, we have become the premier public policy organization in Minnesota. Today, we continue to be a major force driving Minnesota's transformation from a liberal, high tax, big government state toward a more conservative and free market future.

^^^that's your source.

It's reliant on a paper kicked out to the National Marriage Project.

I gave you stats. Further, you have no data to make your case.

I also used the NIS-4 Report to Congress, which is where the information came from.

Your stats are meaningless.

Women and their children are at increased risk of harm, including death and rape, outside of marriage. So why do you people discourage women from getting married? Why do you pretend it is marriage that is risky, instead of the alternative?

I maintain (and have proven) that it's because that's the best way to funnel children into state-run, state-sanctioned warehouses. What other motive could you possibly have?

You haven't proven anything. You gave some information that came from a report on child abuse.

You're accusations are out of line.

No, they're not. Feel free to offer up some other reason that results in the decades long attack on the nuclear family that the left has engaged in.

Why do you think they're (you're) so adamant that nuclear family is a *bad* thing? Coyote maintains it's because of rape. I think we all agree that's ludicrous. So why do you think it's happening?
She doesn't have that. It doesn't exist. Further, domestic violence as a whole has declined. You are most likely, as a female, to be murdered by your husband when you are leaving him. Secondly, if you are leaving a boyfriend.

Where are your stats?

Because every single study I pull up shows the exact opposite. There was a decline in the 90s, but it was slight, and it still didn't suck down to pre-60s.

And we have the stats SINCE then that support what I'm saying (as do the multiple studies that exist).

In case you missed it:

" Female cohabitors are victims of domestic violence far more often than married women, and children in unmarried households are at much greater risk for physical and sexual abuse than those in intact families. Indeed, the most unsafe of all family environments is that in which the mother is living with someone other than her children's biological father."

The risks of cohabitation Center of the American Experiment

Center of the American Experiment is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation.

Our efforts address both the big policy issues of the day and the tougher, more personal issues impacting the heart and soul of our culture. Center of the American Experiment’s aim is nothing less than shifting Minnesota’s intellectual and political center of gravity to the right by focusing on time-tested principles of free enterprise, limited government, ordered liberty, and traditional American values.

To accomplish our mission, Center of the American Experiment publishes original research, writes commentaries, commissions studies, presents public programs that feature both local and national experts, hosts legislative roundtables, and delivers presentations to students and civic organizations. Each year, through these many outlets, we expose a broad audience to the ideas and solutions we believe will make a positive and lasting impact on Minnesota's future.

Since Center of the American Experiment opened shop in 1990, we have become the premier public policy organization in Minnesota. Today, we continue to be a major force driving Minnesota's transformation from a liberal, high tax, big government state toward a more conservative and free market future.

^^^that's your source.

It's reliant on a paper kicked out to the National Marriage Project.

I gave you stats. Further, you have no data to make your case.

It's in the about section of YOUR link. The article referred to the National Marriage Project in the text of the article.

Oh, well. That's why it's important to link. So people know where you get the stuff.

So you aren't going to argue the topic, you're just going to attack the sources. What's your problem with the report to congress? Here's the link:
I'll wait for you to come up with a reason we should ignore that one too. Then I'll find another one.
She doesn't have that. It doesn't exist. Further, domestic violence as a whole has declined. You are most likely, as a female, to be murdered by your husband when you are leaving him. Secondly, if you are leaving a boyfriend.

Where are your stats?

Because every single study I pull up shows the exact opposite. There was a decline in the 90s, but it was slight, and it still didn't suck down to pre-60s.

And we have the stats SINCE then that support what I'm saying (as do the multiple studies that exist).

In case you missed it:

" Female cohabitors are victims of domestic violence far more often than married women, and children in unmarried households are at much greater risk for physical and sexual abuse than those in intact families. Indeed, the most unsafe of all family environments is that in which the mother is living with someone other than her children's biological father."

The risks of cohabitation Center of the American Experiment

Center of the American Experiment is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation.

Our efforts address both the big policy issues of the day and the tougher, more personal issues impacting the heart and soul of our culture. Center of the American Experiment’s aim is nothing less than shifting Minnesota’s intellectual and political center of gravity to the right by focusing on time-tested principles of free enterprise, limited government, ordered liberty, and traditional American values.

To accomplish our mission, Center of the American Experiment publishes original research, writes commentaries, commissions studies, presents public programs that feature both local and national experts, hosts legislative roundtables, and delivers presentations to students and civic organizations. Each year, through these many outlets, we expose a broad audience to the ideas and solutions we believe will make a positive and lasting impact on Minnesota's future.

Since Center of the American Experiment opened shop in 1990, we have become the premier public policy organization in Minnesota. Today, we continue to be a major force driving Minnesota's transformation from a liberal, high tax, big government state toward a more conservative and free market future.

^^^that's your source.

It's reliant on a paper kicked out to the National Marriage Project.

I gave you stats. Further, you have no data to make your case.

I also used the NIS-4 Report to Congress, which is where the information came from.

Your stats are meaningless.

Women and their children are at increased risk of harm, including death and rape, outside of marriage. So why do you people discourage women from getting married? Why do you pretend it is marriage that is risky, instead of the alternative?

I maintain (and have proven) that it's because that's the best way to funnel children into state-run, state-sanctioned warehouses. What other motive could you possibly have?

You haven't proven anything. You gave some information that came from a report on child abuse.

Your accusations are out of line.

And spousal abuse and DV and sexual abuse, and how it relates to family structure. Which is pretty much as pertinent as you can get.

So why should we not consider information about those things, when we're talking about those things again?
She doesn't have that. It doesn't exist. Further, domestic violence as a whole has declined. You are most likely, as a female, to be murdered by your husband when you are leaving him. Secondly, if you are leaving a boyfriend.

Where are your stats?

Because every single study I pull up shows the exact opposite. There was a decline in the 90s, but it was slight, and it still didn't suck down to pre-60s.

And we have the stats SINCE then that support what I'm saying (as do the multiple studies that exist).

In case you missed it:

" Female cohabitors are victims of domestic violence far more often than married women, and children in unmarried households are at much greater risk for physical and sexual abuse than those in intact families. Indeed, the most unsafe of all family environments is that in which the mother is living with someone other than her children's biological father."

The risks of cohabitation Center of the American Experiment

Center of the American Experiment is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation.

Our efforts address both the big policy issues of the day and the tougher, more personal issues impacting the heart and soul of our culture. Center of the American Experiment’s aim is nothing less than shifting Minnesota’s intellectual and political center of gravity to the right by focusing on time-tested principles of free enterprise, limited government, ordered liberty, and traditional American values.

To accomplish our mission, Center of the American Experiment publishes original research, writes commentaries, commissions studies, presents public programs that feature both local and national experts, hosts legislative roundtables, and delivers presentations to students and civic organizations. Each year, through these many outlets, we expose a broad audience to the ideas and solutions we believe will make a positive and lasting impact on Minnesota's future.

Since Center of the American Experiment opened shop in 1990, we have become the premier public policy organization in Minnesota. Today, we continue to be a major force driving Minnesota's transformation from a liberal, high tax, big government state toward a more conservative and free market future.

^^^that's your source.

It's reliant on a paper kicked out to the National Marriage Project.

I gave you stats. Further, you have no data to make your case.

It's in the about section of YOUR link. The article referred to the National Marriage Project in the text of the article.

Oh, well. That's why it's important to link. So people know where you get the stuff.

So you aren't going to argue the topic, you're just going to attack the sources. What's your problem with the report to congress? Here's the link:
I'll wait for you to come up with a reason we should ignore that one too. Then I'll find another one.

I did argue the topic. Currently, I am kicking what you're attempting to rely on to the garbage heap where it belongs. The focus of your second source is child abuse.
She doesn't have that. It doesn't exist. Further, domestic violence as a whole has declined. You are most likely, as a female, to be murdered by your husband when you are leaving him. Secondly, if you are leaving a boyfriend.

Where are your stats?

Because every single study I pull up shows the exact opposite. There was a decline in the 90s, but it was slight, and it still didn't suck down to pre-60s.

And we have the stats SINCE then that support what I'm saying (as do the multiple studies that exist).

In case you missed it:

" Female cohabitors are victims of domestic violence far more often than married women, and children in unmarried households are at much greater risk for physical and sexual abuse than those in intact families. Indeed, the most unsafe of all family environments is that in which the mother is living with someone other than her children's biological father."

The risks of cohabitation Center of the American Experiment

Center of the American Experiment is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation.

Our efforts address both the big policy issues of the day and the tougher, more personal issues impacting the heart and soul of our culture. Center of the American Experiment’s aim is nothing less than shifting Minnesota’s intellectual and political center of gravity to the right by focusing on time-tested principles of free enterprise, limited government, ordered liberty, and traditional American values.

To accomplish our mission, Center of the American Experiment publishes original research, writes commentaries, commissions studies, presents public programs that feature both local and national experts, hosts legislative roundtables, and delivers presentations to students and civic organizations. Each year, through these many outlets, we expose a broad audience to the ideas and solutions we believe will make a positive and lasting impact on Minnesota's future.

Since Center of the American Experiment opened shop in 1990, we have become the premier public policy organization in Minnesota. Today, we continue to be a major force driving Minnesota's transformation from a liberal, high tax, big government state toward a more conservative and free market future.

^^^that's your source.

It's reliant on a paper kicked out to the National Marriage Project.

I gave you stats. Further, you have no data to make your case.

I also used the NIS-4 Report to Congress, which is where the information came from.

Your stats are meaningless.

Women and their children are at increased risk of harm, including death and rape, outside of marriage. So why do you people discourage women from getting married? Why do you pretend it is marriage that is risky, instead of the alternative?

I maintain (and have proven) that it's because that's the best way to funnel children into state-run, state-sanctioned warehouses. What other motive could you possibly have?

You haven't proven anything. You gave some information that came from a report on child abuse.

Your accusations are out of line.

And spousal abuse and DV and sexual abuse, and how it relates to family structure. Which is pretty much as pertinent as you can get.

So why should we not consider information about those things, when we're talking about those things again?

We did but you didn't. You don't have anything. You definitely cannot support your comparison to the 50s or that people are out to destroy the nuclear family.
Where are your stats?

Because every single study I pull up shows the exact opposite. There was a decline in the 90s, but it was slight, and it still didn't suck down to pre-60s.

And we have the stats SINCE then that support what I'm saying (as do the multiple studies that exist).

In case you missed it:

" Female cohabitors are victims of domestic violence far more often than married women, and children in unmarried households are at much greater risk for physical and sexual abuse than those in intact families. Indeed, the most unsafe of all family environments is that in which the mother is living with someone other than her children's biological father."

The risks of cohabitation Center of the American Experiment

Center of the American Experiment is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation.

Our efforts address both the big policy issues of the day and the tougher, more personal issues impacting the heart and soul of our culture. Center of the American Experiment’s aim is nothing less than shifting Minnesota’s intellectual and political center of gravity to the right by focusing on time-tested principles of free enterprise, limited government, ordered liberty, and traditional American values.

To accomplish our mission, Center of the American Experiment publishes original research, writes commentaries, commissions studies, presents public programs that feature both local and national experts, hosts legislative roundtables, and delivers presentations to students and civic organizations. Each year, through these many outlets, we expose a broad audience to the ideas and solutions we believe will make a positive and lasting impact on Minnesota's future.

Since Center of the American Experiment opened shop in 1990, we have become the premier public policy organization in Minnesota. Today, we continue to be a major force driving Minnesota's transformation from a liberal, high tax, big government state toward a more conservative and free market future.

^^^that's your source.

It's reliant on a paper kicked out to the National Marriage Project.

I gave you stats. Further, you have no data to make your case.

It's in the about section of YOUR link. The article referred to the National Marriage Project in the text of the article.

Oh, well. That's why it's important to link. So people know where you get the stuff.

So you aren't going to argue the topic, you're just going to attack the sources. What's your problem with the report to congress? Here's the link:
I'll wait for you to come up with a reason we should ignore that one too. Then I'll find another one.

I did argue the topic. Currently, I am kicking what you're attempting to rely on to the garbage heap where it belongs. The focus of your second source is child abuse.
Where are your stats?

Because every single study I pull up shows the exact opposite. There was a decline in the 90s, but it was slight, and it still didn't suck down to pre-60s.

And we have the stats SINCE then that support what I'm saying (as do the multiple studies that exist).

In case you missed it:

" Female cohabitors are victims of domestic violence far more often than married women, and children in unmarried households are at much greater risk for physical and sexual abuse than those in intact families. Indeed, the most unsafe of all family environments is that in which the mother is living with someone other than her children's biological father."

The risks of cohabitation Center of the American Experiment

Center of the American Experiment is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation.

Our efforts address both the big policy issues of the day and the tougher, more personal issues impacting the heart and soul of our culture. Center of the American Experiment’s aim is nothing less than shifting Minnesota’s intellectual and political center of gravity to the right by focusing on time-tested principles of free enterprise, limited government, ordered liberty, and traditional American values.

To accomplish our mission, Center of the American Experiment publishes original research, writes commentaries, commissions studies, presents public programs that feature both local and national experts, hosts legislative roundtables, and delivers presentations to students and civic organizations. Each year, through these many outlets, we expose a broad audience to the ideas and solutions we believe will make a positive and lasting impact on Minnesota's future.

Since Center of the American Experiment opened shop in 1990, we have become the premier public policy organization in Minnesota. Today, we continue to be a major force driving Minnesota's transformation from a liberal, high tax, big government state toward a more conservative and free market future.

^^^that's your source.

It's reliant on a paper kicked out to the National Marriage Project.

I gave you stats. Further, you have no data to make your case.

I also used the NIS-4 Report to Congress, which is where the information came from.

Your stats are meaningless.

Women and their children are at increased risk of harm, including death and rape, outside of marriage. So why do you people discourage women from getting married? Why do you pretend it is marriage that is risky, instead of the alternative?

I maintain (and have proven) that it's because that's the best way to funnel children into state-run, state-sanctioned warehouses. What other motive could you possibly have?

You haven't proven anything. You gave some information that came from a report on child abuse.

Your accusations are out of line.

And spousal abuse and DV and sexual abuse, and how it relates to family structure. Which is pretty much as pertinent as you can get.

So why should we not consider information about those things, when we're talking about those things again?

We did but you didn't. You don't have anything. You definitely cannot support your comparison to the 50s or that people are out to destroy the nuclear family.

Yeah, this is why I hate the CDZ.

you didn't provide anything. You've lied, two of you completely disappeared, after posting garbage..yet you'll claim that I didn't *have anything*. I think I'm the only one who posted (real) information.

I declare victory, and bid you adieu. Anyone who reads this knows the truth.
Center of the American Experiment is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation.

Our efforts address both the big policy issues of the day and the tougher, more personal issues impacting the heart and soul of our culture. Center of the American Experiment’s aim is nothing less than shifting Minnesota’s intellectual and political center of gravity to the right by focusing on time-tested principles of free enterprise, limited government, ordered liberty, and traditional American values.

To accomplish our mission, Center of the American Experiment publishes original research, writes commentaries, commissions studies, presents public programs that feature both local and national experts, hosts legislative roundtables, and delivers presentations to students and civic organizations. Each year, through these many outlets, we expose a broad audience to the ideas and solutions we believe will make a positive and lasting impact on Minnesota's future.

Since Center of the American Experiment opened shop in 1990, we have become the premier public policy organization in Minnesota. Today, we continue to be a major force driving Minnesota's transformation from a liberal, high tax, big government state toward a more conservative and free market future.

^^^that's your source.

It's reliant on a paper kicked out to the National Marriage Project.

I gave you stats. Further, you have no data to make your case.

It's in the about section of YOUR link. The article referred to the National Marriage Project in the text of the article.

Oh, well. That's why it's important to link. So people know where you get the stuff.

So you aren't going to argue the topic, you're just going to attack the sources. What's your problem with the report to congress? Here's the link:
I'll wait for you to come up with a reason we should ignore that one too. Then I'll find another one.

I did argue the topic. Currently, I am kicking what you're attempting to rely on to the garbage heap where it belongs. The focus of your second source is child abuse.
Center of the American Experiment is a nonpartisan, tax-exempt, public policy and educational institution that brings conservative and free market ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing Minnesota and the nation.

Our efforts address both the big policy issues of the day and the tougher, more personal issues impacting the heart and soul of our culture. Center of the American Experiment’s aim is nothing less than shifting Minnesota’s intellectual and political center of gravity to the right by focusing on time-tested principles of free enterprise, limited government, ordered liberty, and traditional American values.

To accomplish our mission, Center of the American Experiment publishes original research, writes commentaries, commissions studies, presents public programs that feature both local and national experts, hosts legislative roundtables, and delivers presentations to students and civic organizations. Each year, through these many outlets, we expose a broad audience to the ideas and solutions we believe will make a positive and lasting impact on Minnesota's future.

Since Center of the American Experiment opened shop in 1990, we have become the premier public policy organization in Minnesota. Today, we continue to be a major force driving Minnesota's transformation from a liberal, high tax, big government state toward a more conservative and free market future.

^^^that's your source.

It's reliant on a paper kicked out to the National Marriage Project.

I gave you stats. Further, you have no data to make your case.

I also used the NIS-4 Report to Congress, which is where the information came from.

Your stats are meaningless.

Women and their children are at increased risk of harm, including death and rape, outside of marriage. So why do you people discourage women from getting married? Why do you pretend it is marriage that is risky, instead of the alternative?

I maintain (and have proven) that it's because that's the best way to funnel children into state-run, state-sanctioned warehouses. What other motive could you possibly have?

You haven't proven anything. You gave some information that came from a report on child abuse.

Your accusations are out of line.

And spousal abuse and DV and sexual abuse, and how it relates to family structure. Which is pretty much as pertinent as you can get.

So why should we not consider information about those things, when we're talking about those things again?

We did but you didn't. You don't have anything. You definitely cannot support your comparison to the 50s or that people are out to destroy the nuclear family.

Yeah, this is why I hate the CDZ.

you didn't provide anything. You've lied, two of you completely disappeared, after posting garbage..yet you'll claim that I didn't *have anything*. I think I'm the only one who posted (real) information.

I declare victory, and bid you adieu. Anyone who reads this knows the truth.
You hate the CDZ because your inability to provide a coherent argument to support your claims without violating the rules.. You lost but you dont seem to get it. There is no need to debate further once we put your claims in the bit bucket with all your other errors., I didn't. You tried to change the subject, and you couldn't even support the silliness you dragged into the conversation to do that., I didn't. You tried to change the subject, and you couldn't even support the silliness you dragged into the conversation to do that.
You tried to compare the 50's with present day lacking data and claimed the 50's was better. You lost by a landslide. Practically everyone knows that.
Actually, no, I didn't., I didn't. You tried to change the subject, and you couldn't even support the silliness you dragged into the conversation to do that.
You tried to compare the 50's with present day lacking data and claimed the 50's was better. You lost by a landslide. Practically everyone knows that., I didn't bring it up. See, this is how I know you didn't win. You keep telling me I've lost, by pretending I said stuff I didn't, and pretending that it's *bad* to support your comments with studies and stuff.
Actually, no, I didn't., I didn't. You tried to change the subject, and you couldn't even support the silliness you dragged into the conversation to do that.
You tried to compare the 50's with present day lacking data and claimed the 50's was better. You lost by a landslide. Practically everyone knows that., I didn't bring it up. See, this is how I know you didn't win. You keep telling me I've lost, by pretending I said stuff I didn't, and pretending that it's *bad* to support your comments with studies and stuff.

It's ok.
Actually, no, I didn't., I didn't. You tried to change the subject, and you couldn't even support the silliness you dragged into the conversation to do that.
You tried to compare the 50's with present day lacking data and claimed the 50's was better. You lost by a landslide. Practically everyone knows that., I didn't bring it up. See, this is how I know you didn't win. You keep telling me I've lost, by pretending I said stuff I didn't, and pretending that it's *bad* to support your comments with studies and stuff.
Er...You lost. Me? There was nothing to win. Its a given you will spout off with stuff and get proven wrong. It happens all the time. You should be used to it by now.
The number one environment argument for black failure is that the kids are raised by one parent. A kid needs both parents to not only have the fiscal resources but to be raised with the right guidance.

Why shouldn't a man have a say within the family? Its his children.
The number one environment argument for black failure is that the kids are raised by one parent. A kid needs both parents to not only have the fiscal resources but to be raised with the right guidance.

Why shouldn't a man have a say within the family? Its his children.
That happens with white kids too. Did you hear about the white drug dealer that shot the woman in a case of road rage?
"Why is the Traditional/Nuclear family so Vilified these days?"

Ridiculous, naïve, reactionary nonsense.

The 'traditional' family is not being 'vilified,' 'these days' or any other 'days'; the notion is unfounded idiocy.
The number one environment argument for black failure is that the kids are raised by one parent. A kid needs both parents to not only have the fiscal resources but to be raised with the right guidance.

Why shouldn't a man have a say within the family? Its his children.

The premise of the thread is unsubstantiated.

I haven't seen anyone here say that 'traditional family' is bad.

I haven't seen any examples to support the claim that the nuclear family is vilified.
For thousands of years people have been complaining about how 'traditional' thus-and-such is being vilified 'these days,' it's the ancient, tedious cycle of reactionaryism.
Through the 1950's and even into the 1960's the Traditional/Nuclear family lifestyle was very common here in the United States. This would be defined as a Single-Income family with or without children where the woman was the homemaker and the man was the breadwinner. These families based their lifestyle on the morals and values that they were taught by their parents and passed on to their children.

This type of lifestyle has slowly eroded over the last half century. Not only has this type of lifestyle become less common, but those people who still engage in it are often Villified. The men are seen as tyranical mysoginists who hate women while the women are presented as brainless twits, automatons, Stepford Wives, and traitors to the great Feminist sisterhood.

Why do you think it is that this lifestyle, which was once the core of American society has now become so hated and villified by such large segments of our society?

I would say because a lot of people couldn't manage to do it --- they had strange sexual preferences, or they made bad sexual decisions and with an illegitimate baby or two they became ineligible for the typical nuclear family. They took drugs or drank or were unemployed and really just couldn't manage a nuclear family. And as standards became looser and looser, it became easier and easier to live just anyway. So there was less and less motivation to try harder to make it. However, the new social fashion is that everyone is supposed to be just fine even if they are failures, so no one is allowed to say, well, you didn't measure up. So envy attacks the people who didn't measure up and they hate and villify those who do.

I am coming to think envy may be the prime mover emotion of humanity.
OK, two sides of the fence.

Some argue that being married, raising families is "bad"... ok, so they don't raise families and their way of thinking disappears from the gene pool.

Others argue that being married, raising families is "good"... ok, so they raise families and their way of thinking dominates the gene pool.

Should work that way right?
And it did, and it will. Consider the 60's-to-now femi-nazi-corporate-commie-capitalist propaganda machine to be a test on human evolution. Lots of groups have an interest in devolving humans into insects. It is what it is.

Best thing to do?
If you think raising families is "bad"... ok, so don't raise families and bow out of the gene pool.
If you think raising families is "good"... ok, so raise families and strengthen the gene pool.
Practice what you preach, it's a win-win for everyone!

What is the point in arguing?
Just live your life according to your own judgement.
OK, two sides of the fence.

Some argue that being married, raising families is "bad"... ok, so they don't raise families and their way of thinking disappears from the gene pool.

Others argue that being married, raising families is "good"... ok, so they raise families and their way of thinking dominates the gene pool.

Should work that way right?
And it did, and it will. Consider the 60's-to-now femi-nazi-corporate-commie-capitalist propaganda machine to be a test on human evolution. Lots of groups have an interest in devolving humans into insects. It is what it is.

Best thing to do?
If you think raising families is "bad"... ok, so don't raise families.
If you think raising families is "good"... ok, so raise families.

Win-win for everyone!

What is the point in arguing?
Just live your life according to your own judgement.

That isn't the argument.

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