Why Is The U.S. And Europe Supporting ISIS


Active Member
Nov 6, 2015
Welcome to opposite land. The U.S. and France are both bombing ISIS targets. But at the same time, they are supporting their base. Namely those who call themselves Syran refugees. I have heard the liars say that there are peaceful muslims. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. For a muslim to be against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. They like playing Christians and Whites in particular for saps by appealing to our empathetic nature. I wish they would do so with me. If I had the freedom to impale them on a long stake. Because that is where they would find themselves.

The U.S. failed spectacularly in trying to train and arm Syrians to fight ISIS. Why? Because the rebels feel the Syrian government as a bigger threat. Maybe it was because the Syrian government is more secular and doesn't behead people. They have to be pretty screwed up to support ISIS more than the Syran government. And it is these same kinds of people Europe has allowed to emigrate there. And the same kinds of people our worthless negro president wants to allow refuge here. If this country really wants to help stamp out ISIS, maybe the first thing to do would be to bomb the White House.
Simply put. Our insane western leaders not understanding the havoc they wreaked in Egypt, Libya and Yemen with regime change are determined to depose Assad because Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have deemed that Assad must be removed.

I have no idea why these Sunni Muslim countries keep having us by the short and curlies but they do.
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Simply put. Our insane western leaders not understanding the havoc they wreaked in Egypt, Libya and Yemen with regime change are determined to depose Assad because Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have deemed that Assad must be removed.

I have no idea why these Sunni Muslim countries keep having us by the short and curlies but they do.

Oil has a lot to do with it. Why should we get invilved in a war between the Suni and Shiites. As far as I'm concerned, both sides suck. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia has a lot of money.
Simply put. Our insane western leaders not understanding the havoc they wreaked in Egypt, Libya and Yemen with regime change are determined to depose Assad because Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have deemed that Assad must be removed.

I have no idea why these Sunni Muslim countries keep having us by the short and curlies but they do.

Oil has a lot to do with it. Why should we get invilved in a war between the Suni and Shiites. As far as I'm concerned, both sides suck. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia has a lot of money.

Well dearheart you are probably talking to the worst person on the planet. I'm a canuck. Dual though by the way. Canada is your number one. Obama has been killing Canuck crude.

Go figure.
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Well, Russia has been hit, and I hear China is starting to pay attention.

Let those Rottweilers loose on ISIS. They won't worry about rules of engagement.

We've used up enough body bags.

With Russia, I take it you're talking about their bombed jetliner. Some years ago, something far worse happened in Russia. A group of muslim militants attacked and took over a school in Russia with a lot of small children and their parents there. They showed one of the dead men that the attackers tossed out of a second story window. He had his pants pulled down to his knees. Apparently one of the muslim murderer fags fucked him in the ass before murdering him and tossing his body out a window.

The women and children were treated brutally for days. Eventually, most of them ended up dead. There are those out there who would say that all muslims should be dead. Preferablly through slow torture. As for China, I've heard nothing about what their dealings with muslims are. Though in the Afgan-Russan war, the U.S. stupidly gave Afgan fighters highly advanced stinger missles. Now, from what I hear, the Chinese make a carbon copy of it. No doubt by getting their hands on stinger missles we gave to the Afgans. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

Simply put. Our insane western leaders not understanding the havoc they wreaked in Egypt, Libya and Yemen with regime change are determined to depose Assad because Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have deemed that Assad must be removed.

I have no idea why these Sunni Muslim countries keep having us by the short and curlies but they do.

Oil has a lot to do with it. Why should we get invilved in a war between the Suni and Shiites. As far as I'm concerned, both sides suck. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia has a lot of money.

Well dearheart you are probably talking to the worst person on the planet. I'm a canuck. Dual though by the way. Canada is your number one. Obama has been killing Canuck crude.

Go figure.

Obama has been killing Canadian oil by helping to destroy our environment further by allowing fracking. I don't remember right off hand who created the Tesla electric cars. But he should be president. Not some stump jumpin monkey.

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