Why is the USA defending UKRAINE?

God damn kid you really do think putting a daisy in a gun will stop them from killing you don't you?
Czech Choke

That's what the gutless Prague Spring doormats did when the Soviet Union invaded in 1968. They also went Good Soldier Schweik when the Nazis invaded after Munich, which has ever since been misinterpreted as appeasement by those who rightly refused to fight the Czechs' wars for them. Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others.
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Bullshit, it was Ukrainians themselves who over-turned their Russian leaning leadership and saught western support and integration. Nothing in your link suggests Americans somehow did it for them.

Americans of course welcomed pro-democracy change in Ukraine. To do otherwise would be to betray our values. But unlike Putin we are not invading Ukraine and refusing it's right to be a country.

Your justifications for Putin's wreckless, illegal actions are fucking ridiculous.
Sorry you cant accept facts.

And making up positions that I do not hold does not support your lie of a case.

I do not support Russia's actions in any shape or form. But it is outright ignorance to ignore the role that the Obama administration played in forcing Putin's hand in Crimea or how that intrinsically leads to where we are today.

But continue in ignorance, I expect nothing less from the partisan hacks here.
Czech Choke

That's what the gutless Prague Spring doormats did when the Soviet Union invaded in 1968. They also went Good Soldier Schweik when the Nazis invaded after Munich, which has ever since been misinterpreted as appeasement by those who rightly refused to fight the Czechs' wars for them. Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others.
they also wrecked the strong czech defenses....there is bravery and then there is stupidity.....
I do not support Russia's actions in any shape or form. But it is outright ignorance to ignore the role that the Obama administration played in forcing Putin's hand in Crimea
See you say you condemn Putin's attack, BUT THEN YOU SAY SHIT LIKE THIS.

Nobody FORCED Putin, he CHOSE to pronounce Ukraine to be Russian property and to invade it.

How about you stop deflecting and politiking and put the blame WHERE IT BELONGS.
See you say you condemn Putin's attack, BUT THEN YOU SAY SHIT LIKE THIS.

Nobody FORCED Putin, he CHOSE to pronounce Ukraine to be Russian property and to invade it.

How about you stop deflecting and politiking and put the blame WHERE IT BELONGS.
Yes, I can both not support Russian aggression AND point out valid facts.

You should try living in reality rather than a partisan hack construct. Maybe then you will realize that geopolitics is not a 2 dimensional game of checkers.
War is like crack for presidents.

It confers instant gravitas, catapulting them to respectability, bypassing all station stops.

They get to make macho pronouncements on a topic where every utterance is seen as august.
Because western corporations are illegally using western governments and intelligence agencies to pave the way for their presence in foreign countries. Ukraine's pro Russian government was illegally ousted by the CIA during Obama's reign for that reason. Now Russia is simply putting things back the way they were before that illegal meddling took place.
Ukraine is not NATO.

Why is the US meddling in the business of other soverign nations?

Why, specifically, is this good for US citizens?
I suspect Uncle Jojo and the other Democrats are trying to divert attention from their massive failures on inflation, border crisis, Afghanistan(americans are still stuck there), empty shelves and oil shortages.
I suspect Uncle Jojo and the other Democrats are trying to divert attention from their massive failures on inflation, border crisis, Afghanistan(americans are still stuck there), empty shelves and oil shortages.
...wow did you just actually say out loud that Russian invasion of Ukraine...is to divert domestic attention for Biden?

Why would you publicly piss yourself like this?...and what the f is wrong with you rightwingers?
Ukraine is not NATO.

Why is the US meddling in the business of other soverign nations?

Why, specifically, is this good for US citizens?

Biden and his administration are involved because they are in the shitter with Americans.

So they do this sonthey can posture, talk about sovereignty, talk about defending borders (this also distracts from our own border being fucked up), push the idea Russia is bad because they have been saying trump coluded with Russia for years now so they need to homefires burning on that one, they can blame gas prices on the war with Russia, and they can shift focus to Ukraine as to takes people's eyes off the fact they haven't fixed any of their messes here in America.

They will use this during the midterms to distract people also.

This whole mess in Ukraine is a gift from god to Biden and his administration right now. Its a verible gold mine.

And it isn't good for America at all because it takes away from our own problems and increases our inflation we already have. It serves America no purpose at all or Americans.
Biden and his administration are involved because they are in the shitter with Americans.

So they do this sonthey can posture, talk about sovereignty, talk about defending borders (this also distracts from our own border being fucked up), push the idea Russia is bad because they have been saying trump coluded with Russia for years now so they need to homefires burning on that one, they can blame gas prices on the war with Russia, and they can shift focus to Ukraine as to takes people's eyes off the fact they haven't fixed any of their messes here in America.

They will use this during the midterms to distract people also.

This whole mess in Ukraine is a gift from god to Biden and his administration right now. Its a verible gold mine.

And it isn't good for America at all because it takes away from our own problems and increases our inflation we already have. It serves America no purpose at all or Americans.

You make good points and unfortunately,
Much of our electorate is stupid enough to be snowed by the bullshit.
in 19 minutes but like i said

sorry we used to be freedom fighters until the GOP was taken over by mindless rupert murdoch and internet crazies who have the same propaganda as the god dam Putinists....
You don't know very much about Ukraine if you think Ukraine represents freedom. All of you left these are like in a hurry to join a lemming crowd over the cliff. Ukraine has a heinous record of human rights violations.... Hell even Russia has a better record than they do.

France and Great Britain were enemies

Still are. Did you see the boat ramming incident a couple of years ago off the coast of Normandy? :hyper:

And......they hate the way we cook vegetables.

That being said, the South of France is the best place on this earth. :smile:
You don't know very much about Ukraine if you think Ukraine represents freedom. All of you left these are like in a hurry to join a lemming crowd over the cliff. Ukraine has a heinous record of human rights violations.... Hell even Russia has a better record than they do.

Now Ukraine is a democracy and makes Putin look like Hitler.

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