Why is the USDA paying for people to get high speed internet?

People that move out into the country do so for a reason.

Almost nobody moves out to the country, unless their most recent residence was a uterus.
People move into the country and rural areas all the time. Some people like to get away from the buzz of the city. Take andrive through Arkansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Idaho, Nebraska, you'll find all kinds of people living out in the country.
Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I can tell you rural people would like to have great broadband for seven bucks like in Europe many places

And I'd like a new car for two thousand bucks. What's your point?
Our infrastructure middle class and National IQ are suffering from lack of investment. No sacrifice by the non rich is too much so we can give tax cuts to the rich. A disaster on going...
Yeah, the difference is, taxation is a legitimate function of the government, so cutting taxes is also a legitimate function of the government. There is no call in the constitution for the government to support private business. Again, those companies make huge profits, they can afford to spend the money to expand on their own.

The auto bailout was a prime example of what happens when the government uses taxpayer money to support private business. The government bailed out all those auto companies, and now, the price of vehicles is through the roof, almost prohibitively expensive.

A brand new full size truck, let's say a Silverado 1500 LT stickers for around $40,000 to $45,000. That's insane.

An LT Silverado is a mid line truck, if you want an LTZ, you'll pay over $55,000. Want a f150 platinum or king ranch, you're looking at between $65,000 and $70,000.

The price of vehicles is going up so much, people will get to the point where they can no longer afford to buy new vehicles. When that happens, I suspect another bailout will happen to help keep those auto makers afloat.
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The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Cool story sister.

The country is not beholden to the outliers in each state for a luxury, of which internet connectivity is classified. The responsibility belongs to the Statt, not the Federal government.
People that move out into the country do so for a reason.

Almost nobody moves out to the country, unless their most recent residence was a uterus.

What a stupid thing to say. You just pulled that right out of your ass.

Actually I live in rural America. People who grew up in the city rarely adopt rural living down the road. At most, rural folks who migrated into urban or suburban areas sometimes return, but even that is fairly rare. Most people who live in rural areas have always been from the country.

Besides, basic addition and subtraction would make it pretty obvious. If there were a significant migration from urban to rural, then the country wouldn't be the country anymore. There'd be too many people. How much of an influx can a town of 500 people sustain before it's no longer "the sticks"?
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I can tell you rural people would like to have great broadband for seven bucks like in Europe many places

And I'd like a new car for two thousand bucks. What's your point?
Our infrastructure middle class and National IQ are suffering from lack of investment. No sacrifice by the non rich is too much so we can give tax cuts to the rich. A disaster on going...
Yeah, the difference is, taxation is a legitimate function of the government, so cutting taxes is also a legitimate function of the government. There is no call in the constitution for the government to support private business. Again, those companies make huge profits, they can afford to spend the money to expand on their own.

The auto bailout was a prime example of what happens when the government uses taxpayer money to support private business. The government bailed out all those auto companies, and now, the price of vehicles is through the roof, almost prohibitively expensive.

A brand new full size truck, let's say a Silverado 1500 LT stickers for around $40,000 to $45,000. That's insane.

An LT Silverado is a mid line truck, if you want an LTZ, you'll pay over $55,000. Want a f150 platinum or king ranch, you're looking at between $65,000 and $70,000.

The price of vehicles is going up so much, people will get to the point where they can no longer afford to buy new vehicles. When that happens, I suspect another bailout will happen to help keep those auto makers afloat.
The cost of mandated safety in vehicles is over 5 thousand dollars per. The taxes from the ground up on vehicles is over 20% of the cost. Each GM vehicle has over 3 thousand dollars included in the cost for retirees pensions and benefits. Trucks are a huge moneymaker for the Domestic automakers and cars not so much
It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I can tell you rural people would like to have great broadband for seven bucks like in Europe many places

And I'd like a new car for two thousand bucks. What's your point?
Our infrastructure middle class and National IQ are suffering from lack of investment. No sacrifice by the non rich is too much so we can give tax cuts to the rich. A disaster on going...
Yeah, the difference is, taxation is a legitimate function of the government, so cutting taxes is also a legitimate function of the government. There is no call in the constitution for the government to support private business. Again, those companies make huge profits, they can afford to spend the money to expand on their own.

The auto bailout was a prime example of what happens when the government uses taxpayer money to support private business. The government bailed out all those auto companies, and now, the price of vehicles is through the roof, almost prohibitively expensive.

A brand new full size truck, let's say a Silverado 1500 LT stickers for around $40,000 to $45,000. That's insane.

An LT Silverado is a mid line truck, if you want an LTZ, you'll pay over $55,000. Want a f150 platinum or king ranch, you're looking at between $65,000 and $70,000.

The price of vehicles is going up so much, people will get to the point where they can no longer afford to buy new vehicles. When that happens, I suspect another bailout will happen to help keep those auto makers afloat.
The cost of mandated safety in vehicles is over 5 thousand dollars per. The taxes from the ground up on vehicles is over 20% of the cost. Each GM vehicle has over 3 thousand dollars included in the cost for retirees pensions and benefits. Trucks are a huge moneymaker for the Domestic automakers and cars not so much

The USDA pays me nothing for my high speed satellite internet made by Hughes. Honeywell Aerospace paid me top dollar. Yes, I live in farm country and will never leave it and no I never went to College.
It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I can tell you rural people would like to have great broadband for seven bucks like in Europe many places

And I'd like a new car for two thousand bucks. What's your point?
Our infrastructure middle class and National IQ are suffering from lack of investment. No sacrifice by the non rich is too much so we can give tax cuts to the rich. A disaster on going...
Yeah, the difference is, taxation is a legitimate function of the government, so cutting taxes is also a legitimate function of the government. There is no call in the constitution for the government to support private business. Again, those companies make huge profits, they can afford to spend the money to expand on their own.

The auto bailout was a prime example of what happens when the government uses taxpayer money to support private business. The government bailed out all those auto companies, and now, the price of vehicles is through the roof, almost prohibitively expensive.

A brand new full size truck, let's say a Silverado 1500 LT stickers for around $40,000 to $45,000. That's insane.

An LT Silverado is a mid line truck, if you want an LTZ, you'll pay over $55,000. Want a f150 platinum or king ranch, you're looking at between $65,000 and $70,000.

The price of vehicles is going up so much, people will get to the point where they can no longer afford to buy new vehicles. When that happens, I suspect another bailout will happen to help keep those auto makers afloat.
The cost of mandated safety in vehicles is over 5 thousand dollars per. The taxes from the ground up on vehicles is over 20% of the cost. Each GM vehicle has over 3 thousand dollars included in the cost for retirees pensions and benefits. Trucks are a huge moneymaker for the Domestic automakers and cars not so much
People with trucks that don't need them are idiots. The investment is that of an arm filled with tatts.
The truck is a tool. The light truck is for light work.Carpenter, plumber, got some horses etc.
The heavier the truck the more the work. A jacked F350 with 44's is a sure sign of a moron as the pilot.
I don't know how it became the taxpayer's job. That from one who would, in theory, benafit.
I can tell you though that we already bought broadband on the Navajo and Zuni.

Personally I think it is suspect, in that I mean it seems there are ulterior motives.
Like getting the tax payer to pay for running the cable so the providers don’t have to? Nah..! That would be crooked!
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Why would high speed internet be provided to rural dwellers? Uh, the same reason electricity was brought to them. Think of it as the modern Rural Electrification Act.

Tell me, what do YOU pay for internet and what speeds do you get? I'm a rural dweller that relies on satellite for my connection. I pay $100 a month and usually can't get Pandora to load...
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Why would high speed internet be provided to rural dwellers? Uh, the same reason electricity was brought to them. Think of it as the modern Rural Electrification Act.

Tell me, what do YOU pay for internet and what speeds do you get? I'm a rural dweller that relies on satellite for my connection. I pay $100 a month and usually can't get Pandora to load...

you do make a good point about electricity being brought to them, but for the most part is provided by government regulated utility companies while the internet is different.
I don't know how it became the taxpayer's job. That from one who would, in theory, benafit.
I can tell you though that we already bought broadband on the Navajo and Zuni.

Personally I think it is suspect, in that I mean it seems there are ulterior motives.
Like getting the tax payer to pay for running the cable so the providers don’t have to? Nah..! That would be crooked!

I think that being able to spy on us is part of it.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Why would high speed internet be provided to rural dwellers? Uh, the same reason electricity was brought to them. Think of it as the modern Rural Electrification Act.

Tell me, what do YOU pay for internet and what speeds do you get? I'm a rural dweller that relies on satellite for my connection. I pay $100 a month and usually can't get Pandora to load...

So taxpayers are supposed to furnish you with conveniences that you chose not to have for yourself by living there?
Because the government is not mandated to spend on infrastructure, beyond what is set forth in the constitution. Post offices, roads, military and such.

Broadband connectivity is basically just a digital road.
No, it's a communication medium, which is privately owned. Nowhere in the constitution does it give the federal government the ability to support private business.

At best, broadband could be considered an extension of education, even then, that is not a function of the federal government, but of the state government. Broadband is also entertainment, which is not a function of any government.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????
Because business is good for the country?

Because people can become entrepreneurs with internet access?

Because connecting businesses can make them more competitive?

Those are just the obvious things.

In fact, I've been watching the story of King Arthur Flour in Vermont for years. Since Clinton's internet to rural areas initiative.:

Two centuries of flour and baking | King Arthur Flour

They were a tiny specialty flour company in rural Vermont. They make finely ground flour for high end cakes. When they went on line, in just a few years, they want from struggling company to a company that sells all over the world. Especially France. They have a campus now. They do cooking shows online. And all because of the internet to rural areas.

I hope that helped.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????
Because business is good for the country?

Because people can become entrepreneurs with internet access?

Because connecting businesses can make them more competitive?

Those are just the obvious things.

In fact, I've been watching the story of King Arthur Flour in Vermont for years. Since Clinton's internet to rural areas initiative.:

Two centuries of flour and baking | King Arthur Flour

They were a tiny specialty flour company in rural Vermont. They make finely ground flour for high end cakes. When they went on line, in just a few years, they want from struggling company to a company that sells all over the world. Especially France. They have a campus now. They do cooking shows online. And all because of the internet to rural areas.

I hope that helped.

Right, and that's what our founders created a federal government for; so people could sell products and have cooking shows.

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