Why is the USDA paying for people to get high speed internet?

USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.
Sure, dupes, we are the richest country in the world and the only rich country with crap broadband. In Europe it costs $7 to $15 a month, here 45 to 70....we are falling behind in everything thanks to GOP tax giveaway to the rich. In a million ways.

Has nothing to do with US tax policy. European nations have enacted local loop unbundling to allow anybody who wants to provide internet have access to the existing telcom infrastructure put in place by other providers. It would comparable of forcing Comcast to allow DeksterConnect to sell you internet service over comcast cable lines that comcast pays for and maintains.
Sounds like a plan. And vice-versa of course.and I'm sure with government help. It's called Good government instead of give away to the rich like we have. We have the worst infrastructure roads Bridges etcetera. Reagan cut infrastructure spending by half and it still like that. Brilliant GOP idea. Public Colleges no longer deal n crap minimum wage no Health Care daycare etc etc. You people are morons.

Allegedly if my city ever finishes its fiber network, it will have the ability to inject a virtually unlimited number of internet, television, and telephone providers into the market over the same lines. As is, Verizon gets the telephone lines (though they do license use to other providers) and Comcast gets the cable lines. It is taking forever because 1) it is all going underground which is labor and cost intensive and 2) it is mostly paid for with federal and state money which can be feast or famine.
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I can tell you rural people would like to have great broadband for seven bucks like in Europe many places
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

How is it different than any other infrastructure spending, beyond the fact that that you're used to water pipes and road construction in the old fashioned sense of the word and you haven't yet figured out that it's the 21st century, not the 1950s anymore?
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I agree. People that move out into the country do so for a reason. I'm not at all against having broadband in rural areas, but I don't think the government should be building it.

Think of it like this, if the government lays fiber in those areas, they are not going to let those cable companies run on that fiber for free. The Gov is going to charge them a fee, and the cable companies will pass that fee down to the customers.

Cable is already expensive enough without them adding more fees on top of it, and it wont be just those people in the rural areas having to pay extra, they will tack that fee onto all customers they have, or at least the ones that live in that area and any neighboring cities.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.
Sure, dupes, we are the richest country in the world and the only rich country with crap broadband. In Europe it costs $7 to $15 a month, here 45 to 70....we are falling behind in everything thanks to GOP tax giveaway to the rich. In a million ways.

Has nothing to do with US tax policy. European nations have enacted local loop unbundling to allow anybody who wants to provide internet have access to the existing telcom infrastructure put in place by other providers. It would comparable of forcing Comcast to allow DeksterConnect to sell you internet service over comcast cable lines that comcast pays for and maintains.
Sounds like a plan. And vice-versa of course.and I'm sure with government help. It's called Good government instead of give away to the rich like we have. We have the worst infrastructure roads Bridges etcetera. Reagan cut infrastructure spending by half and it still like that. Brilliant GOP idea. Public Colleges no longer deal n crap minimum wage no Health Care daycare etc etc. You people are morons.

Allegedly if my city ever finishes its fiber network, it will have the ability to inject a virtually unlimited number of internet, television, and telephone providers into the market over the same lines. As is, Verizon gets the telephone lines (though they do license use to other providers) and Comcast gets the cable lines. It is taking forever because 1) it is all going underground which is labor and cost intensive and 2) it is mostly paid for with federal and state money which can be feast or famine.
Sounds like we could finally get some real competition going on here.
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I agree. People that move out into the country do so for a reason. I'm not at all against having broadband in rural areas, but I don't think the government should be building it.

Think of it like this, if the government lays fiber in those areas, they are not going to let those cable companies run on that fiber for free. The Gov is going to charge them a fee, and the cable companies will pass that fee down to the customers.

Cable is already expensive enough without them adding more fees on top of it, and it wont be just those people in the rural areas having to pay extra, they will tack that fee onto all customers they have, or at least the ones that live in that area and any neighboring cities.

Wouldn't having decent internet in rural areas make it easier for people living there to get in on tech jobs without having to uproot their families?
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I can tell you rural people would like to have great broadband for seven bucks like in Europe many places
Yeah, but it wont be $7, it will be $250, and while people in other countries enjoy speeds like 300 down and 100 to 300 up as a common thing, here in America, you get 300 down and maybe 30 up if you're lucky.

Those speeds are just an example, I know you can now get giga service in a lot of areas. I was just pointing out that, for what we pay for internet, we are way behind the curve.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Why is the USDA paying for people to get high speed internet?

because folks in rural areas are typically hicks that like animals a little too much (hint, hint) and they need to be exposed to the rest of the world so they can learn not to be hermit like and homophobes?
Sure, dupes, we are the richest country in the world and the only rich country with crap broadband. In Europe it costs $7 to $15 a month, here 45 to 70....we are falling behind in everything thanks to GOP tax giveaway to the rich. In a million ways.
Because of government subsidies while they spend CHICKEN FEED on their own defense.

The rest of the world needs to pay for our EXPENSIVE AS FUCK military protection or they can all get ass fucked by their neighbors while we watch and laugh.

Sure, dupes, we are the richest country in the world and the only rich country with crap broadband. In Europe it costs $7 to $15 a month, here 45 to 70....we are falling behind in everything thanks to GOP tax giveaway to the rich. In a million ways.
Because of government subsidies while they spend CHICKEN FEED on their own defense.

The rest of the world needs to pay for our EXPENSIVE AS FUCK military protection or they can all get ass fucked by their neighbors while we watch and laugh.

All the major European countries spend what we have asked them to spend and have added since Trump. Plus they have four million refugees from Syria etc while we have 10000 and caused the problem.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Why is the USDA paying for people to get high speed internet?

because folks in rural areas are typically hicks that like animals a little too much (hint, hint) and they need to be exposed to the rest of the world so they can learn not to be hermit like and homophobes?

Yes, that's exactly what the federal government is for. Go back to school.
Personally I think rural Americans deserve a piece of the pie. Better spent on them than fighting other people's wars or whatever other bullshit the govt decides to spend it on. It's not as if they're not gonna tax you anyway!
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I agree. People that move out into the country do so for a reason. I'm not at all against having broadband in rural areas, but I don't think the government should be building it.

Think of it like this, if the government lays fiber in those areas, they are not going to let those cable companies run on that fiber for free. The Gov is going to charge them a fee, and the cable companies will pass that fee down to the customers.

Cable is already expensive enough without them adding more fees on top of it, and it wont be just those people in the rural areas having to pay extra, they will tack that fee onto all customers they have, or at least the ones that live in that area and any neighboring cities.

And that's exactly what happened with the Al Gore tax. We are paying for something other people are getting; just like Obama phones.

Cable is expensive because we all pay for sports programs whether we watch them or not. If networks charged only sports channel users for those programs, it would be unaffordable. So they spread out the cost to all cable and satellite users. After all, when you see a football field of players or a baseball field, you are looking at a group of millionaires playing a child's game.
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I can tell you rural people would like to have great broadband for seven bucks like in Europe many places

And I'd like a new car for two thousand bucks. What's your point?
You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I can tell you rural people would like to have great broadband for seven bucks like in Europe many places

And I'd like a new car for two thousand bucks. What's your point?
Our infrastructure middle class and National IQ are suffering from lack of investment. No sacrifice by the non rich is too much so we can give tax cuts to the rich. A disaster on going...
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

How is it different than any other infrastructure spending, beyond the fact that that you're used to water pipes and road construction in the old fashioned sense of the word and you haven't yet figured out that it's the 21st century, not the 1950s anymore?

Because the government is not mandated to spend on infrastructure, beyond what is set forth in the constitution. Post offices, roads, military and such.

As far as I'm aware, the federal government doesnt install, maintain, or operate any utilities, those are the responsibility of the city.

Aside from that, broadband companies are privately owned corporations, and not government owned. Even though the internet is a useful tool for everybody, the internet we receive at our homes is provided by private businesses. The government has no business in establishing or helping to expand private business. That is why those companies operate off of profit, and they are to use those profits to invest in their business and expand it if they so choose.
You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I agree. People that move out into the country do so for a reason. I'm not at all against having broadband in rural areas, but I don't think the government should be building it.

Think of it like this, if the government lays fiber in those areas, they are not going to let those cable companies run on that fiber for free. The Gov is going to charge them a fee, and the cable companies will pass that fee down to the customers.

Cable is already expensive enough without them adding more fees on top of it, and it wont be just those people in the rural areas having to pay extra, they will tack that fee onto all customers they have, or at least the ones that live in that area and any neighboring cities.

Wouldn't having decent internet in rural areas make it easier for people living there to get in on tech jobs without having to uproot their families?
Yes, it certainly would, and with the huge profits most of these broadband companies make, they can afford to bring that service to rural communities if they want.

Remember, broadband companies are private businesses, if they are propped up by the government, then why wouldn't food manufacturing, auto companies, oil companies, clothing companies, etc. all expect to receive government assistance to expand, as they are all nessecary functions of every day life.

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