Why is the USDA paying for people to get high speed internet?

No, it's a communication medium, which is privately owned.

So, conservative perfection. Instead of government running the operation, it's privatized. Great.

Nowhere in the constitution does it give the federal government the ability to support private business.

It's called the commerce clause.

At best, broadband could be considered an extension of education, even then, that is not a function of the federal government, but of the state government. Broadband is also entertainment, which is not a function of any government.

Just because you only use the internet for entertainment doesn't mean that's the only use for it. Countless people enjoy pleasure riding in their motor vehicles. But that does not mean the highway system was simply entertainment.

So, conservative perfection. Instead of government running the operation, it's privatized. Great.

Well..yes. Is the federal government allowed to operate a business? I could be wrong, but I dont think they are. This is akin to single payer, where the government wants to effectively be a healthcare provider. It's not the job of the government. They are there to enact regulation and pass laws, not be in business, which would directly compete with the private sector.

It's called the commerce clause.

I think the commerce clause just gives the Gov the power to regulate, not support and build private businesses.

Just because you only use the internet for entertainment doesn't mean that's the only use for it. Countless people enjoy pleasure riding in their motor vehicles. But that does not mean the highway system was simply entertainment.

I didnt say that was the only use. I said at best, you could call it an extension of education, and you could ALSO use it for entertainment.

And the highway system is a legitimate function of the federal gov as outlined in the constitution.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????
Because the Federal government has resources state and local jurisdictions do not.

Because such projects benefit rural states and jurisdictions, benefitting local economies, and in turn benefitting the Nation as a whole.

And because Americans pay income taxes for these services.

You're full of shit, Americans pay income taxes for the government to perform enumerated powers and functions, improving the States are States responsibilities.

It doesn't sound like that big of a deal to me. When you consider that the federal government continues to fund colleges that have been caught up in a cheating scandal, a couple of bucks for rural folks to access high speed internet doesn't seem so bad.
We got fiber optic when the feds were here in our neck of the woods..

And who gets paid for the service?

USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.

Perhaps I don't know enough about it since I use cable television, but doesn't the dish networks have internet capability through the dish? I thought they did. And a dish doesn't cost any more in rural country than it does in the city.

Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.

Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

How is it different than any other infrastructure spending, beyond the fact that that you're used to water pipes and road construction in the old fashioned sense of the word and you haven't yet figured out that it's the 21st century, not the 1950s anymore?

The only water pipe I have is the one I ran from my well.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't have high speed internet, what they are saying is, it's not the governments job to help broadband companies expand their business.

I really cant believe lefties are supporting the government handing cash to major corporations. Are we in reverse world???

These broadband companies have been fleecing the Americans for many many years, charging extremely high rates for a product that is inferior to what you can get in many parts of the world.

They've made enough money off of us, they can spend their own money if they want to expand their market.

It's simply the leftist mentality. They believe that because they want to live a certain way, everybody should live the same way whether they want to or not.

People in rural areas never complained about not having the most modern conveniences because they don't want to live that way.

I deliver to a place in Kent, Ohio. Just before you get to Kent State University, the state route takes you through the Twin Lakes. It's absolutely gorgeous there, and I always fantasized that if I ever hit the lottery, I would buy one of those places on the peaceful lake.

It's not rural America, but it's wooded and certainly not in the city. Anyway I asked one of the workers out there if they have any city people buying in the area by the lakes, and how he felt about it?

He said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but yes, we have city people who move here, and we hate it. Don't get me wrong, nice people and all, but they move here with their big city ideas and want to change what we have! They start talking about more parking lots, developments, shopping centers and so on. Look......we don't want that here. If you want that, don't come here. Stay in your city!"

I wasn't offended at all, in fact I agreed with him 100%
I can tell you rural people would like to have great broadband for seven bucks like in Europe many places

And I'd like a new car for two thousand bucks. What's your point?

I remember when you could buy one for that. Of course that was a day or two ago.

USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.

Perhaps I don't know enough about it since I use cable television, but doesn't the dish networks have internet capability through the dish? I thought they did. And a dish doesn't cost any more in rural country than it does in the city.

Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.


To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.
It doesn't sound like that big of a deal to me. When you consider that the federal government continues to fund colleges that have been caught up in a cheating scandal, a couple of bucks for rural folks to access high speed internet doesn't seem so bad.
We got fiber optic when the feds were here in our neck of the woods..

And who gets paid for the service?

Its not for YOU to know. April 15. Dot the "I's"
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.

Perhaps I don't know enough about it since I use cable television, but doesn't the dish networks have internet capability through the dish? I thought they did. And a dish doesn't cost any more in rural country than it does in the city.

Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.


To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.

I just bought a new home, when researching internet only Hughes and Viasat were available for satellite providers. The phone company offered phone, TV and internet for half what I'm paying Xfinity for cable and internet at my mother-in-laws house.

USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.

Perhaps I don't know enough about it since I use cable television, but doesn't the dish networks have internet capability through the dish? I thought they did. And a dish doesn't cost any more in rural country than it does in the city.

Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.


To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.
You can. You pay considerably MORE for service that's barely a step above dial up.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.

Perhaps I don't know enough about it since I use cable television, but doesn't the dish networks have internet capability through the dish? I thought they did. And a dish doesn't cost any more in rural country than it does in the city.

Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.


To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.
You can. You pay considerably MORE for service that's barely a step above dial up.

I don't know, I have cable and never used the dish for internet. I thought it was supposed to be even faster than cable. But again, when you live out in these areas, you can't really expect to be in front of the line with the newest developments, especially when it comes to technology.
Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.

Perhaps I don't know enough about it since I use cable television, but doesn't the dish networks have internet capability through the dish? I thought they did. And a dish doesn't cost any more in rural country than it does in the city.

Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.


To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.
You can. You pay considerably MORE for service that's barely a step above dial up.

I don't know, I have cable and never used the dish for internet. I thought it was supposed to be even faster than cable. But again, when you live out in these areas, you can't really expect to be in front of the line with the newest developments, especially when it comes to technology.
In South Korea and some other countries, you can. But not in save the rich GOP America....
Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.

Perhaps I don't know enough about it since I use cable television, but doesn't the dish networks have internet capability through the dish? I thought they did. And a dish doesn't cost any more in rural country than it does in the city.

Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.


To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.
You can. You pay considerably MORE for service that's barely a step above dial up.

I don't know, I have cable and never used the dish for internet. I thought it was supposed to be even faster than cable. But again, when you live out in these areas, you can't really expect to be in front of the line with the newest developments, especially when it comes to technology.

Yet the modern economy kind of requires you be no in the stone ages either. I mean Hillary was going to kill coal and replace it with high tech jobs. How are you going to have a high tech job if you don't have at least 25M internet at the very least?
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Rural and small markets are not profitable enough for carriers to expand into. It was one of the reasons the Obama era net neutrality rules got shitcanned. They killed expansion into rural and low income urban areas where providers are often mom and pop scale businesses that 1) could not afford the added compliance reporting costs and 2) could not afford the expense of having mandated delivery speeds to all its customers since a tree or building between a customer and the tower could greatly diminish speeds.

Perhaps I don't know enough about it since I use cable television, but doesn't the dish networks have internet capability through the dish? I thought they did. And a dish doesn't cost any more in rural country than it does in the city.

Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.


To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.

I just bought a new home, when researching internet only Hughes and Viasat were available for satellite providers. The phone company offered phone, TV and internet for half what I'm paying Xfinity for cable and internet at my mother-in-laws house.


Verizon's internet is crap unless you are truly on fiber. It is little more than boosted dial up. We had it at one terminal at work simply because it radically reduced the phone bills to bundle in internet. We ended up paying a lot less just by letting them put that one modem in.
Perhaps I don't know enough about it since I use cable television, but doesn't the dish networks have internet capability through the dish? I thought they did. And a dish doesn't cost any more in rural country than it does in the city.

Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.


To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.
You can. You pay considerably MORE for service that's barely a step above dial up.

I don't know, I have cable and never used the dish for internet. I thought it was supposed to be even faster than cable. But again, when you live out in these areas, you can't really expect to be in front of the line with the newest developments, especially when it comes to technology.

Yet the modern economy kind of requires you be no in the stone ages either. I mean Hillary was going to kill coal and replace it with high tech jobs. How are you going to have a high tech job if you don't have at least 25M internet at the very least?

I don't know about tech, but other industries do just fine out there. In fact my last pickup was out in Amish country on Friday, and actually, we have several customers out that way. Like I said, industries that have been there for generations.
Dish internet service was bought by another company, they no longer offer it. But it is available through Hughes Net and Viasat, the folks that took over Dishes network.


To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.
You can. You pay considerably MORE for service that's barely a step above dial up.

I don't know, I have cable and never used the dish for internet. I thought it was supposed to be even faster than cable. But again, when you live out in these areas, you can't really expect to be in front of the line with the newest developments, especially when it comes to technology.

Yet the modern economy kind of requires you be no in the stone ages either. I mean Hillary was going to kill coal and replace it with high tech jobs. How are you going to have a high tech job if you don't have at least 25M internet at the very least?

I don't know about tech, but other industries do just fine out there. In fact my last pickup was out in Amish country on Friday, and actually, we have several customers out that way. Like I said, industries that have been there for generations.
Well rural areas are just fine then.... For the Amish. LOL. Everyone will do just fine, no sacrifice is too great for tax cuts for the rich...
To my knowledge it was bought out by AT&T. My father and his GF switched from U-Verse for lower rates to the dish. He claims she gets her internet service from the dish as well.
You can. You pay considerably MORE for service that's barely a step above dial up.

I don't know, I have cable and never used the dish for internet. I thought it was supposed to be even faster than cable. But again, when you live out in these areas, you can't really expect to be in front of the line with the newest developments, especially when it comes to technology.

Yet the modern economy kind of requires you be no in the stone ages either. I mean Hillary was going to kill coal and replace it with high tech jobs. How are you going to have a high tech job if you don't have at least 25M internet at the very least?

I don't know about tech, but other industries do just fine out there. In fact my last pickup was out in Amish country on Friday, and actually, we have several customers out that way. Like I said, industries that have been there for generations.
Well rural areas are just fine then.... For the Amish. LOL. Everyone will do just fine, no sacrifice is too great for tax cuts for the rich...

Correct, because without those tax cuts for EVERYBODY, the rich would not be investing and creating this great economy we are experiencing today.
You can. You pay considerably MORE for service that's barely a step above dial up.

I don't know, I have cable and never used the dish for internet. I thought it was supposed to be even faster than cable. But again, when you live out in these areas, you can't really expect to be in front of the line with the newest developments, especially when it comes to technology.

Yet the modern economy kind of requires you be no in the stone ages either. I mean Hillary was going to kill coal and replace it with high tech jobs. How are you going to have a high tech job if you don't have at least 25M internet at the very least?

I don't know about tech, but other industries do just fine out there. In fact my last pickup was out in Amish country on Friday, and actually, we have several customers out that way. Like I said, industries that have been there for generations.
Well rural areas are just fine then.... For the Amish. LOL. Everyone will do just fine, no sacrifice is too great for tax cuts for the rich...

Correct, because without those tax cuts for EVERYBODY, the rich would not be investing and creating this great economy we are experiencing today.
Well the GOP has not screwed up Obama's recovery. Only cost a trillion dollars in deficit.

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