Why Is There Controversy Over Confederate Monuments?

Maybe the Con-federates shouldn't have started the war then.
Maybe Lincoln ended it too soon Another month or 2 we might not have problems with racism now
Back to your Death Camp idea for Southerners again? How Socialist of you.

Hmmmmmm.....hadn't thought of it...but....now that you mention it
Good to see you being honest and coming clean about your Final Solution for Southerners.
Let's see....who ran Andersonville???
Red Herring. Andersonville was a Southern POW, not a Death Camp to gas anyone as Edward and Toxic have hinted about doing.

The Union strategy was Scorched Earth. Sherman burned his way across the South to Atlanta. How can CSA prison camps feed prisoners when they can't feed themselves?

Scorched Earth strategies are banned by the Geneva Convention since it is an indiscriminate strategy that starves all; children, noncombatant men and women, everyone.

Andersonville - American Civil War - HISTORY.com
Partly a victim of circumstance,he was given few resources with which to work. As the Confederacy began to dissolve, food and medicine for prisoners were difficult to obtain. When word about Andersonville leaked out, Northerners were horrified. Poet Walt Whitman (1819-92) saw some of the camp survivorsand wrote, “There are deeds, crimes that may be forgiven, but this is not among them.”Wirz was charged with murder and conspiracy to injure the health and lives of Union soldiers. His trial began in August 1865 and ran for two months. During the trial, more than 100 witnesses were called to testify. Though Wirz did demonstrate indifference toward Andersonville’s prisoners, he was, in part, a scapegoat and some evidence against him was fabricated. Nonetheless, he was found guilty and sentenced to death.
Maybe Lincoln ended it too soon Another month or 2 we might not have problems with racism now
Back to your Death Camp idea for Southerners again? How Socialist of you.

Hmmmmmm.....hadn't thought of it...but....now that you mention it
Good to see you being honest and coming clean about your Final Solution for Southerners.
Let's see....who ran Andersonville???
Red Herring. Andersonville was a Southern POW, not a Death Camp to gas anyone as Edward and Toxic have hinted about doing.

The Union strategy was Scorched Earth. Sherman burned his way across the South to Atlanta. How can CSA prison camps feed prisoners when they can't feed themselves?

Andersonville - American Civil War - HISTORY.com
Partly a victim of circumstance,he was given few resources with which to work. As the Confederacy began to dissolve, food and medicine for prisoners were difficult to obtain. When word about Andersonville leaked out, Northerners were horrified. Poet Walt Whitman (1819-92) saw some of the camp survivorsand wrote, “There are deeds, crimes that may be forgiven, but this is not among them.”Wirz was charged with murder and conspiracy to injure the health and lives of Union soldiers. His trial began in August 1865 and ran for two months. During the trial, more than 100 witnesses were called to testify. Though Wirz did demonstrate indifference toward Andersonville’s prisoners, he was, in part, a scapegoat and some evidence against him was fabricated. Nonetheless, he was found guilty and sentenced to death.
Gas in a death camp?? Now you've gone too far Divine You're a liar first class
The South should be celebrating moving beyond their racist past. Embrace the progress that has been made since the Civil Rights era. Make monuments to key Civil Rights leaders not to those who fought to maintain a slave state

And all the bells was ringing........

NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

The only outrage I feel is that the City of NO had to do remove it in the middle of the night, under guard, wearing body armor.

I hope they preserve it and display it. I hope they even restore the inscription too so future generations can marvel at mans inhumanity to man.
The South should be celebrating moving beyond their racist past. Embrace the progress that has been made since the Civil Rights era. Make monuments to key Civil Rights leaders not to those who fought to maintain a slave state

And all the bells was ringing........

NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

Agreed. The problem with racial politics is that, when they win, they lose by virtue of the fact they have nothing left to fight for. Therefore, they must continue to manufacture reasons to generate interest and, of course, funds and donations in which to line their pockets.


Interesting how Conservatives now honor the memory of MLK
When he was alive, they called him a commie, a racial agitator, a criminal
When MLK Day was proposed, conservatives fought against it every step of the way
Now they claim MLK as one of their own
By focusing on the bravery of the soldiers and the cultural heritage of the South, and pretty much ignoring the institute of slavery, the southerns of the late 1800s pretty much already made that leap.

What this is really about for you lefties is smearing your modern day enemies and undermining American History.

Seems more like they whitewashed history to create the image of a Grand Confederacy. It was not grand, it was an abomination created to ensure slavery would exist forever.

Their REAL heroes were the blacks and civil rights workers who stood up and risked their lives to put an end to Jim Crow

As a region, the South of that time had taken horrific casualties and were experiencing great and long term economic pain.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Or would be except you are actually managing to divide and damage this nation with your race baiting and finger pointing.

The south paid a heavy price for their little "experiment"
They threw a temper tantrum when Lincoln got elected and tried to take their ball and go home. The rest of the world abandoned slavery without bloodshed.....the South was unwilling to do it without a fight. A fight that cost 600,000 lives for no reason

The Confederacy is not something that should be celebrated

Um, yeah, they paid a heavy price. That was part of my point.

Nothing in the of your post addresses the rest of my point.

Here it is again.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Definitely heal the wounds....celebrating the Confederacy has opened wounds of black Americans for 150 years
Confederate flags were used to taunt blacks and remind them of their former status


Waving a confederate flag and playing "Dixie" as Civil Rights marchers go by

Yet, the majority of African Americans not only rejected moving to Liberia setup for them, but would even stay in the U.S.A South.
Seems more like they whitewashed history to create the image of a Grand Confederacy. It was not grand, it was an abomination created to ensure slavery would exist forever.

Their REAL heroes were the blacks and civil rights workers who stood up and risked their lives to put an end to Jim Crow

As a region, the South of that time had taken horrific casualties and were experiencing great and long term economic pain.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Or would be except you are actually managing to divide and damage this nation with your race baiting and finger pointing.

The south paid a heavy price for their little "experiment"
They threw a temper tantrum when Lincoln got elected and tried to take their ball and go home. The rest of the world abandoned slavery without bloodshed.....the South was unwilling to do it without a fight. A fight that cost 600,000 lives for no reason

The Confederacy is not something that should be celebrated

Um, yeah, they paid a heavy price. That was part of my point.

Nothing in the of your post addresses the rest of my point.

Here it is again.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Definitely heal the wounds....celebrating the Confederacy has opened wounds of black Americans for 150 years
Confederate flags were used to taunt blacks and remind them of their former status


Waving a confederate flag and playing "Dixie" as Civil Rights marchers go by
They do the same thing that N. Irish Orangemen do....marching thru Catholic neighborhoods to taunt.

A lot of Southerners are Northern Irish, or other British ethnic groups.
The South should be celebrating moving beyond their racist past. Embrace the progress that has been made since the Civil Rights era. Make monuments to key Civil Rights leaders not to those who fought to maintain a slave state

And all the bells was ringing........

NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

The only outrage I feel is that the City of NO had to do remove it in the middle of the night, under guard, wearing body armor.

I hope they preserve it and display it. I hope they even restore the inscription too so future generations can marvel at mans inhumanity to man.

Should send a picture of it to Divine so it can be hung in her living room
And all the bells was ringing........

NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

Agreed. The problem with racial politics is that, when they win, they lose by virtue of the fact they have nothing left to fight for. Therefore, they must continue to manufacture reasons to generate interest and, of course, funds and donations in which to line their pockets.


Interesting how Conservatives now honor the memory of MLK
When he was alive, they called him a commie, a racial agitator, a criminal
When MLK Day was proposed, conservatives fought against it every step of the way
Now they claim MLK as one of their own

compare MLK with the radical leftists at Berkley. Then lets talk about which side MLK would be on today.
As a region, the South of that time had taken horrific casualties and were experiencing great and long term economic pain.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Or would be except you are actually managing to divide and damage this nation with your race baiting and finger pointing.

The south paid a heavy price for their little "experiment"
They threw a temper tantrum when Lincoln got elected and tried to take their ball and go home. The rest of the world abandoned slavery without bloodshed.....the South was unwilling to do it without a fight. A fight that cost 600,000 lives for no reason

The Confederacy is not something that should be celebrated

Um, yeah, they paid a heavy price. That was part of my point.

Nothing in the of your post addresses the rest of my point.

Here it is again.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Definitely heal the wounds....celebrating the Confederacy has opened wounds of black Americans for 150 years
Confederate flags were used to taunt blacks and remind them of their former status


Waving a confederate flag and playing "Dixie" as Civil Rights marchers go by
They do the same thing that N. Irish Orangemen do....marching thru Catholic neighborhoods to taunt.

A lot of Southerners are Northern Irish, or other British ethnic groups.
The South should be celebrating moving beyond their racist past. Embrace the progress that has been made since the Civil Rights era. Make monuments to key Civil Rights leaders not to those who fought to maintain a slave state

And all the bells was ringing........

NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

The only outrage I feel is that the City of NO had to do remove it in the middle of the night, under guard, wearing body armor.

I hope they preserve it and display it. I hope they even restore the inscription too so future generations can marvel at mans inhumanity to man.

the civil war was a terrible chapter in our country's history. Do you understand that it takes two sides to have a war? Do you understand that the civil war divided families? Do you understand that blacks wore the uniform of the confederacy? Do you understand that Robert E Lee went to West Point? Do you understand that Arlington cemetery sits on land once owned by Lee's family?

The ignorance displayed by those on the left in this thread is simply amazing.
NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

Agreed. The problem with racial politics is that, when they win, they lose by virtue of the fact they have nothing left to fight for. Therefore, they must continue to manufacture reasons to generate interest and, of course, funds and donations in which to line their pockets.


Interesting how Conservatives now honor the memory of MLK
When he was alive, they called him a commie, a racial agitator, a criminal
When MLK Day was proposed, conservatives fought against it every step of the way
Now they claim MLK as one of their own

compare MLK with the radical leftists at Berkley. Then lets talk about which side MLK would be on today.

Hey red maybe if you hurry you can buy a statue or 2 to put in your front yard??
The south paid a heavy price for their little "experiment"
They threw a temper tantrum when Lincoln got elected and tried to take their ball and go home. The rest of the world abandoned slavery without bloodshed.....the South was unwilling to do it without a fight. A fight that cost 600,000 lives for no reason

The Confederacy is not something that should be celebrated

Um, yeah, they paid a heavy price. That was part of my point.

Nothing in the of your post addresses the rest of my point.

Here it is again.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Definitely heal the wounds....celebrating the Confederacy has opened wounds of black Americans for 150 years
Confederate flags were used to taunt blacks and remind them of their former status


Waving a confederate flag and playing "Dixie" as Civil Rights marchers go by
They do the same thing that N. Irish Orangemen do....marching thru Catholic neighborhoods to taunt.

A lot of Southerners are Northern Irish, or other British ethnic groups.
And all the bells was ringing........

NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

The only outrage I feel is that the City of NO had to do remove it in the middle of the night, under guard, wearing body armor.

I hope they preserve it and display it. I hope they even restore the inscription too so future generations can marvel at mans inhumanity to man.

the civil war was a terrible chapter in our country's history. Do you understand that it takes two sides to have a war? Do you understand that the civil war divided families? Do you understand that blacks wore the uniform of the confederacy? Do you understand that Robert E Lee went to West Point? Do you understand that Arlington cemetery sits on land once owned by Lee's family?

The ignorance displayed by those on the left in this thread is simply amazing.

I think it would have been better if the South had seceded, then the South wouldn't have sent it's Blacks, and Gays to the North, Mexicans would have to cross 2 borders, and we wouldn't be indebted to the wars, and higher welfare of the South.
Um, yeah, they paid a heavy price. That was part of my point.

Nothing in the of your post addresses the rest of my point.

Here it is again.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Definitely heal the wounds....celebrating the Confederacy has opened wounds of black Americans for 150 years
Confederate flags were used to taunt blacks and remind them of their former status


Waving a confederate flag and playing "Dixie" as Civil Rights marchers go by
They do the same thing that N. Irish Orangemen do....marching thru Catholic neighborhoods to taunt.

A lot of Southerners are Northern Irish, or other British ethnic groups.
NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

The only outrage I feel is that the City of NO had to do remove it in the middle of the night, under guard, wearing body armor.

I hope they preserve it and display it. I hope they even restore the inscription too so future generations can marvel at mans inhumanity to man.

the civil war was a terrible chapter in our country's history. Do you understand that it takes two sides to have a war? Do you understand that the civil war divided families? Do you understand that blacks wore the uniform of the confederacy? Do you understand that Robert E Lee went to West Point? Do you understand that Arlington cemetery sits on land once owned by Lee's family?

The ignorance displayed by those on the left in this thread is simply amazing.

I think it would have been better if the South had seceded, then the South wouldn't have sent it's Blacks, and Gays to the North, Mexicans would have to cross 2 borders, and we wouldn't be indebted to the wars, and higher welfare of the South.

If they'd only not gone Stupid and fired on a Federal Installation out on an island not doing anything to them.........
The south paid a heavy price for their little "experiment"
They threw a temper tantrum when Lincoln got elected and tried to take their ball and go home. The rest of the world abandoned slavery without bloodshed.....the South was unwilling to do it without a fight. A fight that cost 600,000 lives for no reason

The Confederacy is not something that should be celebrated

Um, yeah, they paid a heavy price. That was part of my point.

Nothing in the of your post addresses the rest of my point.

Here it is again.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Definitely heal the wounds....celebrating the Confederacy has opened wounds of black Americans for 150 years
Confederate flags were used to taunt blacks and remind them of their former status


Waving a confederate flag and playing "Dixie" as Civil Rights marchers go by
They do the same thing that N. Irish Orangemen do....marching thru Catholic neighborhoods to taunt.

A lot of Southerners are Northern Irish, or other British ethnic groups.
And all the bells was ringing........

NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

The only outrage I feel is that the City of NO had to do remove it in the middle of the night, under guard, wearing body armor.

I hope they preserve it and display it. I hope they even restore the inscription too so future generations can marvel at mans inhumanity to man.

the civil war was a terrible chapter in our country's history. Do you understand that it takes two sides to have a war? Do you understand that the civil war divided families? Do you understand that blacks wore the uniform of the confederacy? Do you understand that Robert E Lee went to West Point? Do you understand that Arlington cemetery sits on land once owned by Lee's family?

The ignorance displayed by those on the left in this thread is simply amazing.

Do you understand that the monument the City of New Orleans removed was about an event that occurred 25 years after the end of the war that celebrated a White Supremacist bloody victory?
Seems more like they whitewashed history to create the image of a Grand Confederacy. It was not grand, it was an abomination created to ensure slavery would exist forever.

Their REAL heroes were the blacks and civil rights workers who stood up and risked their lives to put an end to Jim Crow

As a region, the South of that time had taken horrific casualties and were experiencing great and long term economic pain.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Or would be except you are actually managing to divide and damage this nation with your race baiting and finger pointing.

The south paid a heavy price for their little "experiment"
They threw a temper tantrum when Lincoln got elected and tried to take their ball and go home. The rest of the world abandoned slavery without bloodshed.....the South was unwilling to do it without a fight. A fight that cost 600,000 lives for no reason

The Confederacy is not something that should be celebrated

Um, yeah, they paid a heavy price. That was part of my point.

Nothing in the of your post addresses the rest of my point.

Here it is again.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Definitely heal the wounds....celebrating the Confederacy has opened wounds of black Americans for 150 years
Confederate flags were used to taunt blacks and remind them of their former status


Waving a confederate flag and playing "Dixie" as Civil Rights marchers go by

Yet, the majority of African Americans not only rejected moving to Liberia setup for them, but would even stay in the U.S.A South.

You expect me to listen to a Nazi's point of view?
Go away Hitler
As a region, the South of that time had taken horrific casualties and were experiencing great and long term economic pain.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Or would be except you are actually managing to divide and damage this nation with your race baiting and finger pointing.

The south paid a heavy price for their little "experiment"
They threw a temper tantrum when Lincoln got elected and tried to take their ball and go home. The rest of the world abandoned slavery without bloodshed.....the South was unwilling to do it without a fight. A fight that cost 600,000 lives for no reason

The Confederacy is not something that should be celebrated

Um, yeah, they paid a heavy price. That was part of my point.

Nothing in the of your post addresses the rest of my point.

Here it is again.

That they and the NOrth were able to heal those wounds and put the past behind them, is a masterpiece of political brilliance and goodwill.

For you, many generations after the fact, to monday morning quarterback on how they did it, and how well they did it, is laughably arrogant and stupid.

Definitely heal the wounds....celebrating the Confederacy has opened wounds of black Americans for 150 years
Confederate flags were used to taunt blacks and remind them of their former status


Waving a confederate flag and playing "Dixie" as Civil Rights marchers go by

Yet, the majority of African Americans not only rejected moving to Liberia setup for them, but would even stay in the U.S.A South.

You expect me to listen to a Nazi's point of view?
Go away Hitler

The majority of African Americans still live in Southern states, the big question is how come?
NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

Agreed. The problem with racial politics is that, when they win, they lose by virtue of the fact they have nothing left to fight for. Therefore, they must continue to manufacture reasons to generate interest and, of course, funds and donations in which to line their pockets.


Interesting how Conservatives now honor the memory of MLK
When he was alive, they called him a commie, a racial agitator, a criminal
When MLK Day was proposed, conservatives fought against it every step of the way
Now they claim MLK as one of their own

compare MLK with the radical leftists at Berkley. Then lets talk about which side MLK would be on today.

Conservatives opposed MLK his whole life, they put him in jail, harassed his home

Stop trying to claim you supported him
New Orleans now be a "Chocolate City", and dey don' want no memory-als to dee evil Tubob hangin' starin' back at dem in dee broad daylights...
Gas in a death camp?? Now you've gone too far Divine You're a liar first class
My apologies. I got my Southerner-haters mixed up.

Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.
And all the bells was ringing........

NOte the focus on the soldiers, the fight, and the complete absence of any racism or reference to slavery.

"Old Dixie" is reference enough. They weren't just defeated they were driven down in a war of attrition.

Here is Joan Baez marching at selma in 1965


Here is JOan Baez covering The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, in 1971

IN 1971, the nation as a whole has for over 100 years, accepted as normal and harmless the South's celebration of various portions of the Confederacy as part of their Heritage.

This "outrage" is the manufacture of modern lefties that are just ginning up bullshit.

Agreed. The problem with racial politics is that, when they win, they lose by virtue of the fact they have nothing left to fight for. Therefore, they must continue to manufacture reasons to generate interest and, of course, funds and donations in which to line their pockets.


Interesting how Conservatives now honor the memory of MLK
When he was alive, they called him a commie, a racial agitator, a criminal
When MLK Day was proposed, conservatives fought against it every step of the way
Now they claim MLK as one of their own

Times change. Sadly, the only thing that stays the same are people like you who spread hatred toward others.

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