Why is there no qualification test for politicians?

Yeah, most of congress and our presidents have been fucking great :lol:
These people arent corrupt! They arent liars!

That's kind of our own damned fault, and it has nothing to do with intelligence, it has to do with our own desires.

The last politician who told us the truth was Walter Mondale in 1984. He honestly said, taxes are going to have to go up. And he lost 49 states.

Then Reagan raised taxes after saying he wouldn't.
Then Bush raised taxes after saying "Read my lips"
Then Clinton raised taxes.

We want government to do stuff for us and we don't want to pay for it.
Yeah, most of congress and our presidents have been fucking great :lol:
These people arent corrupt! They arent liars!
Look at the three potential candidates in 2016 and 2020, Clinton, Trump, Biden. A better trio of incompetence was never assembled before and I believe 2024 will see an increase of incompetent candidates.
Look at the three potential candidates in 2016 and 2020, Clinton, Trump, Biden. A better trio of incompetence was never assembled before and I believe 2024 will see an increase of incompetent candidates.

agree totally

plus drivers on the road are doing really dumbass things.. whereas b4 legalization... not so much
No ody will argue against this. No ody with a brain that is.
One of the biggest problems about democracy, is that even the dumbest idiot can run for election. This is laudatory for the principles of freedom, but it can have disastrous consequences if the dumb nut gets elected. Just look at the range of dingbats that are in the US Congress and Senate, and most likely, other state and local jurisdictions.

If you want to obtain US citizenship, you will have to sit a reasonably difficult test to verify that you understand the basic facts about the US system, From what I have seen, there are elected lawmakers who would fail this test.

Herschel Walker is probably the best (worst) example of what I am trying to illustrate. Just imagine what would happen if the electorate put that guy in the senate.

As a start, Congress should set basic qualifications for representatives. To be a teacher, a lawyer, an engineer, or any other position you have to be qualified. If you are going to be a lawmaker, then prove that you know how the law works, and how government functions. Let's put an end to electing people to congress who only make government more disreputable.

And while we are at it, put in a test to weed out election deniers, conspiracy proponents and people who are proven liars.
Because the Founders believed THE COMMIN MAN should go to Washington for 2, 4, or six years and SERVE and not enrich himself or make a well paying career our of public SERVICE.
That's kind of our own damned fault, and it has nothing to do with intelligence, it has to do with our own desires.

The last politician who told us the truth was Walter Mondale in 1984. He honestly said, taxes are going to have to go up. And he lost 49 states.

Then Reagan raised taxes after saying he wouldn't.
Then Bush raised taxes after saying "Read my lips"
Then Clinton raised taxes.

We want government to do stuff for us and we don't want to pay for it.
No "we" dont. Losers do.
Hey genius, they lied and still got reelected. That would be the electorates fault.
"ZOMG i hate my rep but im going to vote for him anyway DDDDEEEERRRRPPPPP"
Thats why we need tests.
No "we" dont. Losers do.
Hey genius, they lied and still got reelected. That would be the electorates fault.
"ZOMG i hate my rep but im going to vote for him anyway DDDDEEEERRRRPPPPP"
Thats why we need tests.

Actually, you do... you just don't admit it.

People generally tend to like their rep... that's why they get re-elected. Unless they make a complete ass out of themselves like Alan West and Joe Walsh, and get voted out after one term.

Elections work... just fine.
Actually, you do... you just don't admit it.

People generally tend to like their rep... that's why they get re-elected. Unless they make a complete ass out of themselves like Alan West and Joe Walsh, and get voted out after one term.

Elections work... just fine.
No, I dont. Not beyond basic services. The fed gov should be proving roads, a military and naturalization. Looking out and keeping the states in check. Thats it.
Im not a federal supremacist like you.
No, I dont. Not beyond basic services. The fed gov should be proving roads, a military and naturalization. Looking out and keeping the states in check. Thats it.
Im not a federal supremacist like you.

Judging by your AVI of a traitor, you probably miss slavery, too.
Whenever someone whines about Federalism, it's usually because they know they've lost the national debate.
Judging by your AVI of a traitor, you probably miss slavery, too.
Whenever someone whines about Federalism, it's usually because they know they've lost the national debate.
Slavery is a horrible practice. Not sure how you assumed that from the best patriot in American history as my avi.
Mr. John Wilkes Booth

You mean the murderous, traitor racist assassin? That John Wilkes Booth?
It's kind of funny that the party of Lincoln has become the party of John Wilkes Booth.
No, wait, not funny, sad.
You mean the murderous, traitor racist assassin? That John Wilkes Booth?
It's kind of funny that the party of Lincoln has become the party of John Wilkes Booth.
No, wait, not funny, sad.
Lincoln was the traitor. He deserved what he got. Thats why JWB is a great American hero.
It doesnt surprise me federal supremacist scum like you supports the tyranny of dishonest abe.
Im not a Republican.
Lincoln was the traitor. He deserved what he got. Thats why JWB is a great American hero.
It doesnt surprise me federal supremacist scum like you supports the tyranny of dishonest abe.
Im not a Republican.
No, you are a racist moron, which the GOP embraced.

Frankly, I would rather be part of the United States that Lincoln saved than one of the successor states that would have occurred if the US had been allowed to fragment. You have a gratitude problem.

If the South had won, it would be a third world shithole.
No, you are a racist moron, which the GOP embraced.

Frankly, I would rather be part of the United States that Lincoln saved than one of the successor states that would have occurred if the US had been allowed to fragment. You have a gratitude problem.

If the South had won, it would be a third world shithole.
How am I racist, you retarded moonbat?
Is it racist to be against tyranny?
Look at the three potential candidates in 2016 and 2020, Clinton, Trump, Biden. A better trio of incompetence was never assembled before and I believe 2024 will see an increase of incompetent candidates.
Clinton's presidency was largely successful. He presided over economic prosperity, streamlined a more efficient government and balanced the budget.

He was mediocre in the foreign policy department, however. But the masterful foreign policy of George HW Bush was hard to follow.
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