Why is Trump not at Bob Dole's Funeral service?


New Yorkers can’t stand the asshole

New York is a very democratic city.

But culturally, they have the brash and vulgar aggressiveness that has become associated with Trump.

Indeed, To a great extent, Trump's personal style, is at least partially a regional cultural issue.
Trump was not welcome at Bob Doles funeral because he would have mocked his disability

Hey......anyone want to see me look like Bob Dole?
New York is a very democratic city.

But culturally, they have the brash and vulgar aggressiveness that has become associated with Trump.

Indeed, To a great extent, Trump's personal style, is at least partially a regional cultural issue.

Complete bullshit

Just look at how NY responded to 9-11

New Yorkers aren’t egotistical selfish boors like Trump
Complete bullshit

Just look at how NY responded to 9-11

New Yorkers aren’t egotistical selfish boors like Trump


Fact check: There's no evidence Donald Trump helped with 9/11 response​

Matthew Brown

The claim: Donald Trump helped with the emergency response and cleanup after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, contributing money and hiring workers​

President Donald Trump has made many public comments about his memories of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Some of his claims have become popular memes among his supporters.

“Two days after the 9/11 attack Trump was at Ground Zero with hundreds of workers that he paid of his own pocket to help find and identify victims. He's been a patriot to the country he loves forever,” a viral meme spread widely across Facebook reads.

Trump made a somewhat similar claim himself on Sept. 11, 2019, claiming that after seeing the attacks, he joined support efforts at Ground Zero alongside his employees.

"Soon after, I went down to Ground Zero with men who worked for me to try to help in any little way that we could," the president said during remarks at the Pentagon. "We were not alone. So many others were scattered around trying to do the same. They were all trying to help."

There is no evidence that Trump helped with efforts at Ground Zero. Emergency responders who coordinated response efforts have cast doubt on the president’s claims. The image often used in viral memes is also not at Ground Zero.

Fact check: There's no evidence Donald Trump helped with 9/11 response
Trump was not welcome at Bob Doles funeral because he would have mocked his disability

Hey......anyone want to see me look like Bob Dole?

You are the one using the dead guy for your partisan ends. You are the one not showing proper respect.
People aren’t stupid

If Republicans went into cities offering good paying jobs, voters would love them

They don’t even try

That is simply a lie RW...Here are 5 ways Trump helped blacks, and minorities....

1. Net New Women-Owned Businesses Added Per Day by Black Women Reached a Record High in 2018 and 2019

2. Trump’s EPA Awarded $100 Million to Fix the Broken Water Infrastructure System in Flint, Michigan

3. The Trump Administration Struck a $1 Billion Deal to Provide HIV Prevention Drugs Free to 200,000 Uninsured Americans Every Year for the Next Decade

4. The Poverty Rate for Black Americans Dropped to an All-Time Low in 2018

5. President Trump Has Allocated More Funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities than Any Other President

#1 destroys your pathetic claim off the bat....These 5 things are fact.

Fact check: There's no evidence Donald Trump helped with 9/11 response​

Matthew Brown

The claim: Donald Trump helped with the emergency response and cleanup after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, contributing money and hiring workers​

President Donald Trump has made many public comments about his memories of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Some of his claims have become popular memes among his supporters.

“Two days after the 9/11 attack Trump was at Ground Zero with hundreds of workers that he paid of his own pocket to help find and identify victims. He's been a patriot to the country he loves forever,” a viral meme spread widely across Facebook reads.

Trump made a somewhat similar claim himself on Sept. 11, 2019, claiming that after seeing the attacks, he joined support efforts at Ground Zero alongside his employees.

"Soon after, I went down to Ground Zero with men who worked for me to try to help in any little way that we could," the president said during remarks at the Pentagon. "We were not alone. So many others were scattered around trying to do the same. They were all trying to help."

There is no evidence that Trump helped with efforts at Ground Zero. Emergency responders who coordinated response efforts have cast doubt on the president’s claims. The image often used in viral memes is also not at Ground Zero.

Fact check: There's no evidence Donald Trump helped with 9/11 response
Trumps first response was to brag he now had the tallest building in lower Manhattan
That is simply a lie RW...Here are 5 ways Trump helped blacks, and minorities....

1. Net New Women-Owned Businesses Added Per Day by Black Women Reached a Record High in 2018 and 2019

2. Trump’s EPA Awarded $100 Million to Fix the Broken Water Infrastructure System in Flint, Michigan

3. The Trump Administration Struck a $1 Billion Deal to Provide HIV Prevention Drugs Free to 200,000 Uninsured Americans Every Year for the Next Decade

4. The Poverty Rate for Black Americans Dropped to an All-Time Low in 2018

5. President Trump Has Allocated More Funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities than Any Other President

#1 destroys your pathetic claim off the bat....These 5 things are fact.

Both Obama and Biden had larger gains in Black employment
The entire service would be turned into a communist democrat spectacle all about Trump. Best to keep the attention on the deceased.
Good point.

I remember that when a cast member of the "Golden Girls" died, those fellow cast members who did not attend her funeral said that they did not want to take away the attention on the deceased (although they may have been flattering themselves a bit).

Maybe Mr. Trump did not attend because it would have been too disrespectful toward the Dole family if Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden snubbed each other.
Why is Trump not at Bob Dole's Funeral service? Bob Dole is a great American and hew was a great Republican. The top politicians from both parties are honoring him. Why is the last Republican President, Donald Trump, one of them?

In a farewell letter to the American public, former Senator Bob Dole, who passed away at 98 years old this week of lung cancer, mocked Chicago’s long history of allowing dead people to vote in elections.

Robin Dole, Dole’s daughter, read the tribute during her speech at his funeral in the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on Friday.

“As I make the final walk on my life’s journey, I do so without fear. Because I know that I will, again, not be walking alone. I know that God will be walking with me,” the late senator wrote. “I also confess that I’m a bit curious to learn and find if I am correct in thinking that heaven will look a lot like Kansas and to see, like others who have gone before me, if I will still be able to vote in Chicago.”

The jab at the Democrat-run city’s reputation for keeping messy voter rolls that allow dead people to cast votes in elections past their recorded death date was met with hearty laughs from the crowd.
& then claimed 'thousands of moooooslems were cheering'

another lie.
Some Muslims in New Jersey did celebrate the 9/11 terror attacks during rooftop and street parties until they were broken up by the cops, a new report said Monday.

There were at least two celebrations and likely more, with men shouting “Allahu Akbar” and women chanting in Arabic, NJ.com reported.

“Some men were dancing, some held kids on their shoulders,” said retired Jersey City police Capt. Peter Gallagher, who responded to the scene after numerous 911 calls from outraged residents.

“The women were shouting in Arabic and keening in the high-pitched wail of Arabic fashion. They were told to go back to their apartments since a crowd of non-Muslims was gathering on the sidewalk below and we feared for their safety.”

Gallagher said he cleared a rooftop celebration of up to 30 people at 6 Tonnele Ave., a four-story apartment building with a view of Lower Manhattan, after the second tower fell.

Another witness said he saw a celebration on John F. Kennedy Boulevard, a main thoroughfare in the city.

“When I saw they were happy, I was pissed,” said Ron Knight, 56, who also heard cheers of “Allahu Akbar” — “God is great” — from a crowd of about 20 people that morning."

Some Muslims in New Jersey did celebrate the 9/11 terror attacks during rooftop and street parties until they were broken up by the cops, a new report said Monday.

There were at least two celebrations and likely more, with men shouting “Allahu Akbar” and women chanting in Arabic, NJ.com reported.

“Some men were dancing, some held kids on their shoulders,” said retired Jersey City police Capt. Peter Gallagher, who responded to the scene after numerous 911 calls from outraged residents.

“The women were shouting in Arabic and keening in the high-pitched wail of Arabic fashion. They were told to go back to their apartments since a crowd of non-Muslims was gathering on the sidewalk below and we feared for their safety.”

Gallagher said he cleared a rooftop celebration of up to 30 people at 6 Tonnele Ave., a four-story apartment building with a view of Lower Manhattan, after the second tower fell.

Another witness said he saw a celebration on John F. Kennedy Boulevard, a main thoroughfare in the city.

“When I saw they were happy, I was pissed,” said Ron Knight, 56, who also heard cheers of “Allahu Akbar” — “God is great” — from a crowd of about 20 people that morning."

In a world where everything shows up on video

Nobody has a video record of Muslims celebrating

More fake news from the right

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