Why is Trump not at Bob Dole's Funeral service?

Yep.. Trump's influence has been a disaster.
Dole was a RINO. A Neo Con that matches with the Neo Libs who are now the war mongers as we see the easy transition of false Repubs moving into the Prog column. With their snickers and laughs.
When all else fails, cultist cry TDS. :heehee:
Kind of is and it is mainly the left keeping Trump going, so stop it and do what Bolton said and ignore the douche nozzle…

Why is Trump not at Bob Dole's Funeral service? Bob Dole is a great American and hew was a great Republican. The top politicians from both parties are honoring him. Why is the last Republican President, Donald Trump, one of them?
Most likely not invited seeing he ( Trump ) is disliked by many…
Sure he was.

President Clinton added 18.6 million jobs. He was the top job creator in terms of total numbers, but the third-largest percentage increase with a 15.6% increase. There were 119 million employed at the beginning of his term and 137.6 million people employed by the end of his term in December 2000.
Cool story bro. Care to explain exactly what Billy did to create those jobs?

If Republicans could convince city residents they would be better off.... They would vote for them
Democrats have conditioned many in inner cities that government handouts are the way to go. You can’t help people that don’t want help.
Being a failed human lacking in the basic human qualities of empathy and sympathy seem to be defining traits of your cult and its leader.
I have both. You don’t know me pal.

it’s neither a lack of empathy, or sympathy. What it is is leading a horse to water that won’t drink.

Trump did more for inner city minorities than any democrat in the past 50 years. Empowerment zones, fully funding black universities so they wouldn’t have to come begging every year, etc. But, a hack like you will ignore that.
Why is Trump not at Bob Dole's Funeral service? Bob Dole is a great American and hew was a great Republican. The top politicians from both parties are honoring him. Why is the last Republican President, Donald Trump, one of them?
Maybe it is because he didn't know Bod Dole.
Democrats have conditioned many in inner cities that government handouts are the way to go. You can’t help people that don’t want help.
People aren’t stupid

If Republicans went into cities offering good paying jobs, voters would love them

They don’t even try

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