Why is Trump not at Bob Dole's Funeral service?

Why is Trump not at Bob Dole's Funeral service? Bob Dole is a great American and hew was a great Republican. The top politicians from both parties are honoring him. Why is the last Republican President, Donald Trump, one of them?
/——-/ Because it’s not about Trump. It’s about Bob Dole and his family. It’s called respect. But if he did show up, you’d be first in line screeching TRUMP ATTENTION WHORE PHOTO OP.


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Some Muslims in New Jersey did celebrate the 9/11 terror attacks during rooftop and street parties until they were broken up by the cops, a new report said Monday.

There were at least two celebrations and likely more, with men shouting “Allahu Akbar” and women chanting in Arabic, NJ.com reported.

“Some men were dancing, some held kids on their shoulders,” said retired Jersey City police Capt. Peter Gallagher, who responded to the scene after numerous 911 calls from outraged residents.

“The women were shouting in Arabic and keening in the high-pitched wail of Arabic fashion. They were told to go back to their apartments since a crowd of non-Muslims was gathering on the sidewalk below and we feared for their safety.”

Gallagher said he cleared a rooftop celebration of up to 30 people at 6 Tonnele Ave., a four-story apartment building with a view of Lower Manhattan, after the second tower fell.

Another witness said he saw a celebration on John F. Kennedy Boulevard, a main thoroughfare in the city.

“When I saw they were happy, I was pissed,” said Ron Knight, 56, who also heard cheers of “Allahu Akbar” — “God is great” — from a crowd of about 20 people that morning."

Donald Trump
stated on November 21, 2015 in comments during a speech:
"I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering" as the World Trade Center collapsed.

Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled​

Arguing that there are terrorist sympathizers in the United States, Donald Trump says he saw "thousands" of New Jerseyans celebrating after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

The next day, ABC This Week host George Stephanopoulos asked Trump if he misspoke, noting that "the police say that didn't happen."


PolitiFact - Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled

Trump’s Revised 9/11 Claim

By D'Angelo Gore
Posted on August 5, 2016

Donald Trump said that a reporter was “trying to change his story” after writing an article that Trump said supported the discredited claim that Trump watched “thousands and thousands” of people in New Jersey celebrate the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. But it’s Trump who has changed his story, not the reporter.

However, Kovaleski, an investigative journalist at the New York Times, has not changed his story.

Trump’s original statement was that he saw on TV “thousands and thousands” of people cheering in New Jersey after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. He didn’t simply say that there were “people dancing” in the streets or on rooftops.

A day later, on ABC’s “This Week,” Trump stuck to that story: “It did happen. I saw it. … It was on television. I saw it. … There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down.”

But we and other fact-checkers found no evidence that thousands of people in New Jersey cheered the 9/11 attacks. What is true is that local and national news organizations tried to verify reports of celebrations in New Jersey cities and turned up little or nothing.

Trump's Revised 9/11 Claim - FactCheck.org

The reality is you people had no problem with Trump until he decided he wanted to be President. For all of his racism and sexism, it was never an issue until he switched.

i've seen what a vile scumbag sociopath he's been for 40 years & have always had a problem with him - ever since he splashed his illicit affair with his whore, marla, all over the tabloids; humiliating his wife & 3 young spawn.
Democrats changed voting laws at the last minute to allow unverified mail in voting. One way.
No they didn’t
There was plenty of advanced notice of proposed changes

When Republicans challenged in court....
They lost
i've seen what a vile scumbag sociopath he's been for 40 years & have always had a problem with him - ever since he splashed his illicit affair with his whore, marla, all over the tabloids; humiliating his wife & 3 young spawn.
You are one data point.
No they didn’t
There was plenty of advanced notice of proposed changes

When Republicans challenged in court....
They lost
No they used covid as an excuse to do it. They put mail boxes everywhere so you could fill as many ballot you need to win and the Democrats did it. Hopefully when we get both houses back next year. They will do away with that forever.
Trump is not in government anymore. To go to Dole's funeral, he would have to pay for his own airfare and meals. That is not fair. Trump has a business to run.
Bon Dole is known for voting for legislation for making sure US citizens lost their jobs.
No they used covid as an excuse to do it. They put mail boxes everywhere so you could fill as many ballot you need to win and the Democrats did it. Hopefully when we get both houses back next year. They will do away with that forever.
Covid was a very good reason

More people voted than any time in history and 2020 was the most fair and honest election

Most votes, most recounts, most audits, most legal challenges with no serious findings
Covid was a very good reason

More people voted than any time in history and 2020 was the most fair and honest election

Most votes, most recounts, most audits, most legal challenges with no serious findings
You're delusional, like I said. Biden is your reward for cheating.

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