Why is trump so quiet about Stormy Daniels?

Why is trump being so quiet about the Stormy Daniels affair?

  • He is listening to his lawyers....for a change.

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He is afraid of what she has.

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Because he knows there are many more like her out there.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he doesn't think it is important.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he didn't have the affair.....cough....hack....

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other...please specify.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
He is being very quiet....WHY?

Because it was a private matter between two consenting adults. Has Trump done anything like Bill Clinton did in the same situation by obstructing Justice or lying under oath? That’s all I would care about.

trump has obstructed & trump will lie under oath when mueller takes him on.

Proof or verifiable irrefutable facts to support your position or is it just a fantasy?

that's mueller's job, not mine. however... i will say it's certainly not looking good for trumpco. i think the pantywaist aka jarrod is next. as for perjury???? LOL. capt crazy pants' own lawyers don't want him to meet with mueller for that very reason.

did i say lawyers? hear who replaced dowd? some dude outa georgia with a doctorate in medieval and byzantine history because nobody will take trump on as a client.
doesn't have even B grade lawyers They're all C' grade And it's no way to run our country with many important positions world wide ,missing and those in our WH all kissing the morons butt ,,,a sick man Thanks Republicans
He is being very quiet....WHY?

Because it was a private matter between two consenting adults. Has Trump done anything like Bill Clinton did in the same situation by obstructing Justice or lying under oath? That’s all I would care about.

trump has obstructed & trump will lie under oath when mueller takes him on.

Proof or verifiable irrefutable facts to support your position or is it just a fantasy?

that's mueller's job, not mine. however... i will say it's certainly not looking good for trumpco. i think the pantywaist aka jarrod is next. as for perjury???? LOL. capt crazy pants' own lawyers don't want him to meet with mueller for that very reason.

did i say lawyers? hear who replaced dowd? some dude outa georgia with a doctorate in medieval and byzantine history because nobody will take trump on as a client.
doesn't have even B grade lawyers They're all C' grade And it's no way to run our country with many important positions world wide ,missing and those in our WH all kissing the morons butt ,,,a sick man Thanks Republicans

trump is a Dictator Wannabe....and 35% of the voters would let him get away with it.....morons....
You are a real F_ _khead aren't you?

uneducated subliterate trumpscum are generally bullies and liars. that's how they voted for a bullying, lying, ignorant sexual predator in the first place.

uneducated? nope, I have an MBA from the liberal bastion of Harvard. Subliterate, not even a word, but no.

Trump is a winner, the USA needs a winner for a change after generations of lying do-nothing corrupt assholes since Reagan.

Your real issue is that somewhere deep down inside you know that we are right, Trump is right, and that crooked Hillary should be in jail with Obama, comey, lynch, and McCabe.

all you have left is juvenile insults hurled at people that are smarter and better informed than you are. You are pathetic in your stupidity.

you may not be uneducated little guppy, but you sure are poorly educated & trump loves you long time.

well, I manage to make fools of you lefties every day as you spout your histrionic nonsense.

I never claimed that Trump was perfect. But he is doing a great job in spite of the lying media, the corrupt dems, and assholes like you.

BTW, I don't give a shit if he screwed a porn slut in a one night consensual tryst.

Do you care the Bill Clinton raped and sexually assaulted numerous women? Do you care the Obama is gay?
You said Harvard?? Did they teach critical thinking??

yes, the did. along with a lot of left wing bullshit. I was able to sort it out, unlike many of you lefties on this message board.
Because it was a private matter between two consenting adults. Has Trump done anything like Bill Clinton did in the same situation by obstructing Justice or lying under oath? That’s all I would care about.

trump has obstructed & trump will lie under oath when mueller takes him on.

Proof or verifiable irrefutable facts to support your position or is it just a fantasy?

that's mueller's job, not mine. however... i will say it's certainly not looking good for trumpco. i think the pantywaist aka jarrod is next. as for perjury???? LOL. capt crazy pants' own lawyers don't want him to meet with mueller for that very reason.

did i say lawyers? hear who replaced dowd? some dude outa georgia with a doctorate in medieval and byzantine history because nobody will take trump on as a client.
doesn't have even B grade lawyers They're all C' grade And it's no way to run our country with many important positions world wide ,missing and those in our WH all kissing the morons butt ,,,a sick man Thanks Republicans

trump is a Dictator Wannabe....and 35% of the voters would let him get away with it.....morons....

Trump is nowhere near dictator wannabe status. Has he pulled the “I have a pen and i’ll Use it”? Has Trump created czars to circumvent Congress and The Constitution? Does Trump’s wife act like Marie Antoinette with egregious lavish vacations with entourage or telling the masses to eat meager portions while she fines on the premium calf?
trump has obstructed & trump will lie under oath when mueller takes him on.

Proof or verifiable irrefutable facts to support your position or is it just a fantasy?

that's mueller's job, not mine. however... i will say it's certainly not looking good for trumpco. i think the pantywaist aka jarrod is next. as for perjury???? LOL. capt crazy pants' own lawyers don't want him to meet with mueller for that very reason.

did i say lawyers? hear who replaced dowd? some dude outa georgia with a doctorate in medieval and byzantine history because nobody will take trump on as a client.
doesn't have even B grade lawyers They're all C' grade And it's no way to run our country with many important positions world wide ,missing and those in our WH all kissing the morons butt ,,,a sick man Thanks Republicans

trump is a Dictator Wannabe....and 35% of the voters would let him get away with it.....morons....

Trump is nowhere near dictator wannabe status. Has he pulled the “I have a pen and i’ll Use it”? Has Trump created czars to circumvent Congress and The Constitution? Does Trump’s wife act like Marie Antoinette with egregious lavish vacations with entourage or telling the masses to eat meager portions while she fines on the premium calf?

Trump's entire presidency so far has been by fiat through EOs!

Trump and his family have also run up a YUGE travel tab on the American taxpayer. Where have you been, tard?

Proof or verifiable irrefutable facts to support your position or is it just a fantasy?

that's mueller's job, not mine. however... i will say it's certainly not looking good for trumpco. i think the pantywaist aka jarrod is next. as for perjury???? LOL. capt crazy pants' own lawyers don't want him to meet with mueller for that very reason.

did i say lawyers? hear who replaced dowd? some dude outa georgia with a doctorate in medieval and byzantine history because nobody will take trump on as a client.
doesn't have even B grade lawyers They're all C' grade And it's no way to run our country with many important positions world wide ,missing and those in our WH all kissing the morons butt ,,,a sick man Thanks Republicans

trump is a Dictator Wannabe....and 35% of the voters would let him get away with it.....morons....

Trump is nowhere near dictator wannabe status. Has he pulled the “I have a pen and i’ll Use it”? Has Trump created czars to circumvent Congress and The Constitution? Does Trump’s wife act like Marie Antoinette with egregious lavish vacations with entourage or telling the masses to eat meager portions while she fines on the premium calf?

Trump's entire presidency so far has been by fiat through EOs!

Trump and his family have also run up a YUGE travel tab on the American taxpayer. Where have you been, tard?

And the slimebag has spent more time at his properties and golf courses than he has in our WH
It should be obvious to his cult members that he is a certified, serial liar....yet they keep claiming ignorance or make excuses...
It should be obvious to his cult members that he is a certified, serial liar....yet they keep claiming ignorance or make excuses...
even charlie manson had followers as does the murderer of the 17 at the HS Must be all republicans
It should be obvious to his cult members that he is a certified, serial liar....yet they keep claiming ignorance or make excuses...
even charlie manson had followers as does the murderer of the 17 at the HS Must be all republicans

You need to meet some real people.
LOL the republicans I read here don't quite make it ,,thank you

Please tell me you're not so naive as to think people on a debate board represent any kind of majority.
It should be obvious to his cult members that he is a certified, serial liar....yet they keep claiming ignorance or make excuses...
even charlie manson had followers as does the murderer of the 17 at the HS Must be all republicans

You need to meet some real people.
LOL the republicans I read here don't quite make it ,,thank you

what you don't get is that most of the conservatives on this board are NOT republicans or democrats. They are independent thinking patriotic American taxpayers who vote in their and the country's best interests.

Everything is not about party, fool. Trump was elected because he is NOT a partisan, he was elected because he is a successful businessman who knows how to get things done and what is needed to fix the mess created by generations of liberals from both parties.
He is being very quiet....WHY?

Uhhhh, maybe because for him, as with most other Americans, this is a dead, pointless issue. Just because the liberal news media are obsessed with it does not mean it's important or that anyone else cares about it. Most of us have moved on.
He is being very quiet....WHY?

Uhhhh, maybe because for him, as with most other Americans, this is a dead, pointless issue. Just because the liberal news media are obsessed with it does not mean it's important or that anyone else cares about it. Most of us have moved on.

correct, but its all the dems have. Their candidates are losers, their ideology is bullshit, their programs are failures, and their media mouthpieces have been outted as blatant liars. So, bring in a porn slut, scream Russia did it!, they are pathetic and don't even realize it.
It should be obvious to his cult members that he is a certified, serial liar....yet they keep claiming ignorance or make excuses...
even charlie manson had followers as does the murderer of the 17 at the HS Must be all republicans

You need to meet some real people.
LOL the republicans I read here don't quite make it ,,thank you

what you don't get is that most of the conservatives on this board are NOT republicans or democrats. They are independent thinking patriotic American taxpayers who vote in their and the country's best interests.

Everything is not about party, fool. Trump was elected because he is NOT a partisan, he was elected because he is a successful businessman who knows how to get things done and what is needed to fix the mess created by generations of liberals from both parties.
Successful only over the bodies of others and how's that mess he's fixing coming along ?? Seems like he steps in doo doo with ever move he makes
He is being very quiet....WHY?

Why would he talk about her? She's also a known liar who's changed her story. She has no credibility.

Why do you care about an affair? You voted for a guy who raped and assaulted women twice, then her hoe who attacked them again. That makes Trump about a two on the scale of one to a guy you voted for

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