Why is trump so quiet about Stormy Daniels?

Why is trump being so quiet about the Stormy Daniels affair?

  • He is listening to his lawyers....for a change.

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He is afraid of what she has.

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Because he knows there are many more like her out there.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he doesn't think it is important.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he didn't have the affair.....cough....hack....

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other...please specify.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
For the third time, about a trillion dollars of the deficit is attributable to Trump's tax cuts. You can't pass that onto Democrats. That's all Trump's.

technically the tax bill was passed by the house and the senate. the president does not write legislation. Most americans are happy with larger paychecks. I guess your welfare payments did not increase.

^^^ Look at the brain-dead con trying to distance Trump from his own tax plan because they're causing the deficit to blow up.


Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. When trump adds that much, you can crow, until then------------------STFU
Fuck you. Trump’s first budget is heading towards $2 trillion in a good economy. He’s already on pace to come close to passing Obama’s two terms in his first term alone.

as the economy improves, government tax revenues increase, be patient. and stop the juvenile insults. Doing that only makes you look stupid and desperate. debate me civilly or I will put you on ignore.
What a laugh

We will never see that money
fixed it? How? by giving the moron billions to build his wall?

that would be one way. Every other civilized country in the world has secure borders. We spend billions every year on people here illegally, building the wall and securing the border would result in a net saving to the country.
Last wall I remember was torn down by freedom loving people
We will tear down Trumps wall as soon as he is gone

please tell us, in sane English, why you want open borders.
We had them before

Mexicans would cross the border, work, then return home

Once we started building walls, they just stayed

LOL, so the walls kept them here? are you that fricken stupid?
technically the tax bill was passed by the house and the senate. the president does not write legislation. Most americans are happy with larger paychecks. I guess your welfare payments did not increase.

^^^ Look at the brain-dead con trying to distance Trump from his own tax plan because they're causing the deficit to blow up.


Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. When trump adds that much, you can crow, until then------------------STFU
Fuck you. Trump’s first budget is heading towards $2 trillion in a good economy. He’s already on pace to come close to passing Obama’s two terms in his first term alone.

as the economy improves, government tax revenues increase, be patient. and stop the juvenile insults. Doing that only makes you look stupid and desperate. debate me civilly or I will put you on ignore.
What a laugh

We will never see that money

if you are saying that our government wastes our money, I agree 100%.
fixed it? How? by giving the moron billions to build his wall?

that would be one way. Every other civilized country in the world has secure borders. We spend billions every year on people here illegally, building the wall and securing the border would result in a net saving to the country.
Last wall I remember was torn down by freedom loving people
We will tear down Trumps wall as soon as he is gone

please tell us, in sane English, why you want open borders.
We had them before

Mexicans would cross the border, work, then return home

Once we started building walls, they just stayed

so Mexicans taking American jobs is a good thing? exactly why?
We will tear down Trumps wall as soon as he is gone

please tell us, in sane English, why you want open borders.
We don’t have open borders. You’re lying again. We already have much of the border blocked with walls, fences, patrolled border crossings and patrolled non-border crossings.

we don't have secure borders either. A wall in the most insecure areas makes sense. We spend billions every year on people here illegally-------a lot more than a wall or better security would cost.

Let me rephrase the question: why don't you libs want better border security?

I know the answer, I am just curious if any of you is honest enough to admit it.
How many people successfully snuck in across the southern border last year...?

one is too many. what exactly is your objection to a wall in the most vulnerable sections of our border?
Then there is no point in wasting money on the Wall because at least one will still sneak in.
that would be one way. Every other civilized country in the world has secure borders. We spend billions every year on people here illegally, building the wall and securing the border would result in a net saving to the country.
Last wall I remember was torn down by freedom loving people
We will tear down Trumps wall as soon as he is gone

please tell us, in sane English, why you want open borders.
We had them before

Mexicans would cross the border, work, then return home

Once we started building walls, they just stayed

so Mexicans taking American jobs is a good thing? exactly why?
They have done these jobs for generations

But cheer up. With Trump destroying NAFTA, there will be more incentive to cross the border
You voted for the orange clown and you talk about morals...ethics...and common sense? Really?

You realize he has NONE of these...

You voted for a sexual predator and a rapist and his hoe who attacked them again ... three times. And you're talking about ethics? Don't make me laugh ...


Hey, I told you not to make me laugh!
Too bad for your senility Clinton never raped anyone. The one woman who said he did, swore he didn’t. This is merely you, kazzing again.

please give us a cite where Juanita Broderick said she was not raped by Clinton.
This is new to ya, gramps?

Affidavit of Jane Doe #5

that's not what she says now, why hasn't Clinton charged her with perjury?
That’s what she swore to.
To me rape and sexual assaults are worse than being a dog who cheats on his wife. I guess that's just me.

You're a sick fuck that you don't know the difference and you vote for sexual predators, vote for themagain, then vote for their hoe who victimized their victims yet again
Do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??

What sexual predator besides Trump was voted for?

UHH, did you sleep through the Clinton years? did you not hear the testimony of his victims? Consensual sex is not predatory (Trump). Rape and sexual assault is predatory (Clinton).
Only one woman accused Clinton of rape and she swore it never really happened. Only one woman accusing Clinton of assault actually took him to court over it and her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

Paula Jones received a 750K settlement.
So? That wa after her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.

No reason to settle after that happens.
I don't remember that piece of shit Slick Willy saying too much about Paula Jones and the only thing the asshole said about Monica Lewenski was that he didn't have sex with her, which we all found out was a lie.
We will tear down Trumps wall as soon as he is gone

please tell us, in sane English, why you want open borders.
We don’t have open borders. You’re lying again. We already have much of the border blocked with walls, fences, patrolled border crossings and patrolled non-border crossings.

we don't have secure borders either. A wall in the most insecure areas makes sense. We spend billions every year on people here illegally-------a lot more than a wall or better security would cost.

Let me rephrase the question: why don't you libs want better border security?

I know the answer, I am just curious if any of you is honest enough to admit it.
How many people successfully snuck in across the southern border last year...?

one is too many. what exactly is your objection to a wall in the most vulnerable sections of our border?
costing how many billion?
Do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??

What sexual predator besides Trump was voted for?

UHH, did you sleep through the Clinton years? did you not hear the testimony of his victims? Consensual sex is not predatory (Trump). Rape and sexual assault is predatory (Clinton).
Only one woman accused Clinton of rape and she swore it never really happened. Only one woman accusing Clinton of assault actually took him to court over it and her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

Paula Jones received a 750K settlement.
So? That wa after her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.

No reason to settle after that happens.
Why lie?

Of course there was reason. She appealed and his looming impeachment, a more pressing issue, was heating up. He already got her case dismissed due to lack of merit, so he paid her off, in large part with other peoples’ money, to just go away.
I don't remember that piece of shit Slick Willy saying too much about Paula Jones and the only thing the asshole said about Monica Lewenski was that he didn't have sex with her, which we all found out was a lie.
I guess flash you being the lol gentleman you are you'd admit to your wife ,children ,the world that you had sex with an intern?
We will tear down Trumps wall as soon as he is gone

please tell us, in sane English, why you want open borders.
We don’t have open borders. You’re lying again. We already have much of the border blocked with walls, fences, patrolled border crossings and patrolled non-border crossings.

we don't have secure borders either. A wall in the most insecure areas makes sense. We spend billions every year on people here illegally-------a lot more than a wall or better security would cost.

Let me rephrase the question: why don't you libs want better border security?

I know the answer, I am just curious if any of you is honest enough to admit it.
How many people successfully snuck in across the southern border last year...?

one is too many. what exactly is your objection to a wall in the most vulnerable sections of our border?

Man! This is the 21st century. The wall didn't work for China...why would it work for us?
Mods---------------you need to close this thread, it has gotten completely off track,
Yes, because of you. You wanted to talk about the Clinton’s instead of why Trump is refusing to talk about Stormy Daniels.
Shall we discuss the Clinton foundation? the Clinton connections to Russia? the cheating by the DNC?

careful what you ask for, it might bite you in the ass.
So now everyone here sees how you troll threads to divert them and then seek to have the threads closed down because they’re off topic.
no one can be that successful in business without those three attributes. Ask anyone that ever worked for him or did business with him. Tough but fair is what you will hear from them.
Fair Please red you're making a mockery of yourself That POS has been sued for lack of payments ,salaries more times ,than you have hair on your head ,,,and if you're bald ,,hair on your nads

That's what happens in bankruptcy. Geez man, do you know anything about anything?

for the record Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy, some of the companies that he had a financial interest in have. Nothing unusual.

Yes...given a few more years...he will do for this country what he did for his businesses...

Fact-checking claims about Donald Trump's four bankruptcies

Making it a financial success by dumbing non-productive agencies, sounds pretty good to me.

He took the money and ran leaving employees and investors holding the bag.....Yup, Donnie cares about himself and no one else.
You voted for a sexual predator and a rapist and his hoe who attacked them again ... three times. And you're talking about ethics? Don't make me laugh ...


Hey, I told you not to make me laugh!
Too bad for your senility Clinton never raped anyone. The one woman who said he did, swore he didn’t. This is merely you, kazzing again.

please give us a cite where Juanita Broderick said she was not raped by Clinton.
This is new to ya, gramps?

Affidavit of Jane Doe #5

Of course even facts won't stop the nutcases. Just like their uranium claims....even when proven false they will keep repeating them. I wonder if they get their pointers from Russian trolls?

then tell us exactly why Russian interests put 145 million into the Clinton foundation and why bubba was paid 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.

Distract with more Clinton garbage. Your orange king is the one being investigated. Stick to the thread topic or.....go away.
UHH, did you sleep through the Clinton years? did you not hear the testimony of his victims? Consensual sex is not predatory (Trump). Rape and sexual assault is predatory (Clinton).
Only one woman accused Clinton of rape and she swore it never really happened. Only one woman accusing Clinton of assault actually took him to court over it and her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

Paula Jones received a 750K settlement.
So? That wa after her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.

No reason to settle after that happens.
Why lie?

Of course there was reason. She appealed and his looming impeachment, a more pressing issue, was heating up. He already got her case dismissed due to lack of merit, so he paid her off, in large part with other peoples’ money, to just go away.

So, an innocent man, already off the hook legally, pays a woman he did not harass a LOT of money to just go away and be quiet.

And we're all excited because Trump isn't commenting on this issue?
Only one woman accused Clinton of rape and she swore it never really happened. Only one woman accusing Clinton of assault actually took him to court over it and her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

Paula Jones received a 750K settlement.
So? That wa after her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.

No reason to settle after that happens.
Why lie?

Of course there was reason. She appealed and his looming impeachment, a more pressing issue, was heating up. He already got her case dismissed due to lack of merit, so he paid her off, in large part with other peoples’ money, to just go away.

So, an innocent man, already off the hook legally, pays a woman he did not harass a LOT of money to just go away and be quiet.

And we're all excited because Trump isn't commenting on this issue?

It is more that absurd that a man that Tweets with the frequency of a male dog taking a whizz....would stay silent on such a critical issue.

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