Why is trump so quiet about Stormy Daniels?

Why is trump being so quiet about the Stormy Daniels affair?

  • He is listening to his lawyers....for a change.

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He is afraid of what she has.

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Because he knows there are many more like her out there.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he doesn't think it is important.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he didn't have the affair.....cough....hack....

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other...please specify.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
Not at all, but you do. Why do you avoid answering the question? Why are you calling Trump a liar? He says he did not have sex with that porn star, Stormy Daniels. You say he did. So who’s the liar? You or him?

only the two of them know if he did or did not. I really don't care. Clinton lied under oath, he committed perjury. Trump's tweets are not under oath.

You’re still not answering my question. You claim Trump had sex with that porn star. Trump says they didn’t. One of you is lying. I presume you think you’re not the liar. So why are you calling Trump a liar?

I am not going to play your game. Hillary said she never sent classified data on her private illegal server, Obama said "if you like your plan you can keep it" Bill Clinton said "I never had sex with that woman"--------------------pay attention to my next sentence.

ALL POLITICIANS LIE. Any sane person knows that. What matters is whether they make the country better or worse. History will be the judge of that, not you or me.
What game? You’re claiming Trump lied. I’m asking you why are you calling him a liar. This has nothing to do with Obama or Hillary; your deflections fail you.

Why are you calling Trump a liar?

Last I saw he admitted a one night fling with the porn hooker.
Nah, you're lying again.

Prove he admitted that....
They are also setting the stage for the way the next democrat president will be treated. No, it's not right, but it's reality. At this point in American politics, I wouldn't take the job if I was drafted into it.
Oh? How so?

The cycle is in place. Each president is villified to a greater extreme than the one before, and I don't see the trend changing.

"He deserves it" seems to be the most prevalent excuse.

It's one thing to criticize positions and policies, quite another to lampoon the president's skin color, as was done to Obama and is now done to to Trump.
So nothing new then.

whats new is the desperation of the lib/dems and the grasping at any tiny thing they can come up with to find wrong with Trump, couple that will Hillary blaming everyone but herself and you have the dem party of 2018
Well that’s certainly not new. Shit, the right even made up shit to bitch about Obama. Everything from him being born in Kenya to Marshall Davis is his real dad to the First Lady is a tranny to his mother was a porn star.

Pretty sick shit, really, attacking the parents of a president like that and attacking a First Lady like the right did. Now THAT is new.

Are you aware of how the candidates treated each other in the early days?
only the two of them know if he did or did not. I really don't care. Clinton lied under oath, he committed perjury. Trump's tweets are not under oath.

You’re still not answering my question. You claim Trump had sex with that porn star. Trump says they didn’t. One of you is lying. I presume you think you’re not the liar. So why are you calling Trump a liar?

I am not going to play your game. Hillary said she never sent classified data on her private illegal server, Obama said "if you like your plan you can keep it" Bill Clinton said "I never had sex with that woman"--------------------pay attention to my next sentence.

ALL POLITICIANS LIE. Any sane person knows that. What matters is whether they make the country better or worse. History will be the judge of that, not you or me.
What game? You’re claiming Trump lied. I’m asking you why are you calling him a liar. This has nothing to do with Obama or Hillary; your deflections fail you.

Why are you calling Trump a liar?
C'mon, people all over the world call him a liar every day. And every day he adds to his long list of lies and falsehoods. Average of over 5 per day. They number in the thousands.

Such as? I am really interested in hearing all of these lies. Do you mean exaggerations of the truth, like ALL political rivals do to one another?
No, I meant genuine provable non-debateable falsehoods. How can you possibly be this unaware? Just within the last few days, Trump said he was the first President to put National Guard or Military on the southern border. Lie.
only the two of them know if he did or did not. I really don't care. Clinton lied under oath, he committed perjury. Trump's tweets are not under oath.

You’re still not answering my question. You claim Trump had sex with that porn star. Trump says they didn’t. One of you is lying. I presume you think you’re not the liar. So why are you calling Trump a liar?

I am not going to play your game. Hillary said she never sent classified data on her private illegal server, Obama said "if you like your plan you can keep it" Bill Clinton said "I never had sex with that woman"--------------------pay attention to my next sentence.

ALL POLITICIANS LIE. Any sane person knows that. What matters is whether they make the country better or worse. History will be the judge of that, not you or me.
What game? You’re claiming Trump lied. I’m asking you why are you calling him a liar. This has nothing to do with Obama or Hillary; your deflections fail you.

Why are you calling Trump a liar?
C'mon, people all over the world call him a liar every day. And every day he adds to his long list of lies and falsehoods. Average of over 5 per day. They number in the thousands.

Such as? I am really interested in hearing all of these lies. Do you mean exaggerations of the truth, like ALL political rivals do to one another?
He said his was the biggest electoral college win since Reagan; when in fact, there were 5 out of 7 bigger than his during that period. Bush41, both oc Clinton's and both of Obama's were bigger.

How is that an exaggeration of the truth when there's no truth in there to begin with?

What I posted was news while what you posted was opinion.

Wow, and all this time I thought you libs said that Fox was a right wing propaganda machine, WTF?

I would give equal weight to an opinion piece in the Wash post as I would to anything that Shep Smith said.

But the truth will eventually come out about the corrupt Clintons, but even then you will continue to worship them. Its amazing how the liberal mind cannot deal with reality. Must be that defective liberal gene (its been identified, its knows as DRD 4, look it up)

Leftists aren't accepting that they don't have monopolistic domination of news coverage anymore. OMG, Fox isn't left. That is so biased! LOL. They aren't bright. They don't know what biased means

you have some serious reading comprehension problems..... I’m the one leaning on Fox News to prove my position.

good, because Fox actually presents both sides and gives voice to all opinions. But tell us why you are dumping on the Washington post. Are they now a biased news outlet?

People being allowed to hear more than one view? What is this, Nazi Germany?
Kazzing again? Who said people should get to hear only one view?
only the two of them know if he did or did not. I really don't care. Clinton lied under oath, he committed perjury. Trump's tweets are not under oath.

You’re still not answering my question. You claim Trump had sex with that porn star. Trump says they didn’t. One of you is lying. I presume you think you’re not the liar. So why are you calling Trump a liar?

I am not going to play your game. Hillary said she never sent classified data on her private illegal server, Obama said "if you like your plan you can keep it" Bill Clinton said "I never had sex with that woman"--------------------pay attention to my next sentence.

ALL POLITICIANS LIE. Any sane person knows that. What matters is whether they make the country better or worse. History will be the judge of that, not you or me.
What game? You’re claiming Trump lied. I’m asking you why are you calling him a liar. This has nothing to do with Obama or Hillary; your deflections fail you.

Why are you calling Trump a liar?
C'mon, people all over the world call him a liar every day. And every day he adds to his long list of lies and falsehoods. Average of over 5 per day. They number in the thousands.

Such as? I am really interested in hearing all of these lies. Do you mean exaggerations of the truth, like ALL political rivals do to one another?
Do you really want folks to start listing Trump falsehoods and lies?
Oh? How so?

The cycle is in place. Each president is villified to a greater extreme than the one before, and I don't see the trend changing.

"He deserves it" seems to be the most prevalent excuse.

It's one thing to criticize positions and policies, quite another to lampoon the president's skin color, as was done to Obama and is now done to to Trump.
So nothing new then.

whats new is the desperation of the lib/dems and the grasping at any tiny thing they can come up with to find wrong with Trump, couple that will Hillary blaming everyone but herself and you have the dem party of 2018
Well that’s certainly not new. Shit, the right even made up shit to bitch about Obama. Everything from him being born in Kenya to Marshall Davis is his real dad to the First Lady is a tranny to his mother was a porn star.

Pretty sick shit, really, attacking the parents of a president like that and attacking a First Lady like the right did. Now THAT is new.

Are you aware of how the candidates treated each other in the early days?
You can find something sicker than accusing the First Lady of being a tranny?

You’re still not answering my question. You claim Trump had sex with that porn star. Trump says they didn’t. One of you is lying. I presume you think you’re not the liar. So why are you calling Trump a liar?

I am not going to play your game. Hillary said she never sent classified data on her private illegal server, Obama said "if you like your plan you can keep it" Bill Clinton said "I never had sex with that woman"--------------------pay attention to my next sentence.

ALL POLITICIANS LIE. Any sane person knows that. What matters is whether they make the country better or worse. History will be the judge of that, not you or me.
What game? You’re claiming Trump lied. I’m asking you why are you calling him a liar. This has nothing to do with Obama or Hillary; your deflections fail you.

Why are you calling Trump a liar?
C'mon, people all over the world call him a liar every day. And every day he adds to his long list of lies and falsehoods. Average of over 5 per day. They number in the thousands.

Such as? I am really interested in hearing all of these lies. Do you mean exaggerations of the truth, like ALL political rivals do to one another?
No, I meant genuine provable non-debateable falsehoods. How can you possibly be this unaware? Just within the last few days, Trump said he was the first President to put National Guard or Military on the southern border. Lie.

Well, I'm very sorry, but compared to a POLITICIAN who threatens any of my constitutional rights, I will take the white liar any day of the WEEK!!
The cycle is in place. Each president is villified to a greater extreme than the one before, and I don't see the trend changing.

"He deserves it" seems to be the most prevalent excuse.

It's one thing to criticize positions and policies, quite another to lampoon the president's skin color, as was done to Obama and is now done to to Trump.
So nothing new then.

whats new is the desperation of the lib/dems and the grasping at any tiny thing they can come up with to find wrong with Trump, couple that will Hillary blaming everyone but herself and you have the dem party of 2018
Well that’s certainly not new. Shit, the right even made up shit to bitch about Obama. Everything from him being born in Kenya to Marshall Davis is his real dad to the First Lady is a tranny to his mother was a porn star.

Pretty sick shit, really, attacking the parents of a president like that and attacking a First Lady like the right did. Now THAT is new.

Are you aware of how the candidates treated each other in the early days?
You can find something sicker than accusing the First Lady of being a tranny?

Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”

So nothing new then.

whats new is the desperation of the lib/dems and the grasping at any tiny thing they can come up with to find wrong with Trump, couple that will Hillary blaming everyone but herself and you have the dem party of 2018
Well that’s certainly not new. Shit, the right even made up shit to bitch about Obama. Everything from him being born in Kenya to Marshall Davis is his real dad to the First Lady is a tranny to his mother was a porn star.

Pretty sick shit, really, attacking the parents of a president like that and attacking a First Lady like the right did. Now THAT is new.

Are you aware of how the candidates treated each other in the early days?
You can find something sicker than accusing the First Lady of being a tranny?

Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”


I'm talking about viciously attacking the candidate's family, not just the candidate.
whats new is the desperation of the lib/dems and the grasping at any tiny thing they can come up with to find wrong with Trump, couple that will Hillary blaming everyone but herself and you have the dem party of 2018
Well that’s certainly not new. Shit, the right even made up shit to bitch about Obama. Everything from him being born in Kenya to Marshall Davis is his real dad to the First Lady is a tranny to his mother was a porn star.

Pretty sick shit, really, attacking the parents of a president like that and attacking a First Lady like the right did. Now THAT is new.

Are you aware of how the candidates treated each other in the early days?
You can find something sicker than accusing the First Lady of being a tranny?

Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”


I'm talking about viciously attacking the candidate's family, not just the candidate.

Jackson's wife and mother are not part of his family? I think you're being too particular.

The point is, political insults are not new. What is new is the wide reach of the voices screaming their hate. In the old days, you knew which papers were paid by which candidates (yes, they did that), and you knew what to expect, but it was a handful of voices. Now, everyone with access to an internet browser can add their voice to the cacophony.
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Well that’s certainly not new. Shit, the right even made up shit to bitch about Obama. Everything from him being born in Kenya to Marshall Davis is his real dad to the First Lady is a tranny to his mother was a porn star.

Pretty sick shit, really, attacking the parents of a president like that and attacking a First Lady like the right did. Now THAT is new.

Are you aware of how the candidates treated each other in the early days?
You can find something sicker than accusing the First Lady of being a tranny?

Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”


I'm talking about viciously attacking the candidate's family, not just the candidate.

Jackson's wife and mother are not part of his family? I think you're being too particular.

Ok, you think that as you have to search backwards in time almost 200 years to find a comparison.

Meanwhile, you were blaming the left for "setting the stage for the way the next democrat president will be treated" as though the left is to blame for starting the vicious mudslinging or as though the right won't viciously attack the next Democratic president even if the left never said a negative word about Trump.
Are you aware of how the candidates treated each other in the early days?
You can find something sicker than accusing the First Lady of being a tranny?

Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”


I'm talking about viciously attacking the candidate's family, not just the candidate.

Jackson's wife and mother are not part of his family? I think you're being too particular.

Ok, you think that as you have to search backwards in time almost 200 years to find a comparison.

Meanwhile, you were blaming the left for "setting the stage for the way the next democrat president will be treated" as though the left is to blame for starting the vicious mudslinging or as though the right won't viciously attack the next Democratic president even if the left never said a negative word about Trump.

Each party has the opportunity to set the stage for how their candidate will likely be treated. The louder and more extreme the insults hurled Trump's way, the louder and more extreme will be those hurled at the next democrat. Be honest, how many of those currently screeching about Trump's skin and hair color (as if they are on any way significant) would say they're justified because they saw a Photoshopped picture of Obama and his wife as monkeys?
You can find something sicker than accusing the First Lady of being a tranny?

Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”


I'm talking about viciously attacking the candidate's family, not just the candidate.

Jackson's wife and mother are not part of his family? I think you're being too particular.

Ok, you think that as you have to search backwards in time almost 200 years to find a comparison.

Meanwhile, you were blaming the left for "setting the stage for the way the next democrat president will be treated" as though the left is to blame for starting the vicious mudslinging or as though the right won't viciously attack the next Democratic president even if the left never said a negative word about Trump.

Each party has the opportunity to set the stage for how their candidate will likely be treated. The louder and more extreme the insults hurled Trump's way, the louder and more extreme will be those hurled at the next democrat. Be honest, how many of those currently screeching about Trump's skin and hair color (as if they are on any way significant) would say they're justified because they saw a Photoshopped picture of Obama and his wife as monkeys?
Are you defending the left's attack on Trump's skin color because the right attacked Obama for his?

As far as photoshopped images of Obama and his wife being portrayed as monkeys, those who did that insisted it wasn't about race. I'm talking about people on the right attacking Obama for being black, not for being accused of resembling a monkey.
You can find something sicker than accusing the First Lady of being a tranny?

Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”


I'm talking about viciously attacking the candidate's family, not just the candidate.

Jackson's wife and mother are not part of his family? I think you're being too particular.

Ok, you think that as you have to search backwards in time almost 200 years to find a comparison.

Meanwhile, you were blaming the left for "setting the stage for the way the next democrat president will be treated" as though the left is to blame for starting the vicious mudslinging or as though the right won't viciously attack the next Democratic president even if the left never said a negative word about Trump.

Each party has the opportunity to set the stage for how their candidate will likely be treated. The louder and more extreme the insults hurled Trump's way, the louder and more extreme will be those hurled at the next democrat. Be honest, how many of those currently screeching about Trump's skin and hair color (as if they are on any way significant) would say they're justified because they saw a Photoshopped picture of Obama and his wife as monkeys?

Actually, the chimp thing was also pulled on George Bush. I remember seeing those pictures circulating around the net.


There are thousands if not millions of them in circulation.
Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”


I'm talking about viciously attacking the candidate's family, not just the candidate.

Jackson's wife and mother are not part of his family? I think you're being too particular.

Ok, you think that as you have to search backwards in time almost 200 years to find a comparison.

Meanwhile, you were blaming the left for "setting the stage for the way the next democrat president will be treated" as though the left is to blame for starting the vicious mudslinging or as though the right won't viciously attack the next Democratic president even if the left never said a negative word about Trump.

Each party has the opportunity to set the stage for how their candidate will likely be treated. The louder and more extreme the insults hurled Trump's way, the louder and more extreme will be those hurled at the next democrat. Be honest, how many of those currently screeching about Trump's skin and hair color (as if they are on any way significant) would say they're justified because they saw a Photoshopped picture of Obama and his wife as monkeys?
Are you defending the left's attack on Trump's skin color because the right attacked Obama for his?

As far as photoshopped images of Obama and his wife being portrayed as monkeys, those who did that insisted it wasn't about race. I'm talking about people on the right attacking Obama for being black, not for being accused of resembling a monkey.

You mean like Joe Biden and Bill Clinton? :D

  • In Pennsylvania, using the race card to attract white voters by attacking Obama for his membership in Rev. Jerimiah Wright’s church saying she “would have left” such a church.
  • Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, who ran her campaign in the state, saying that white voters probably would not vote for Obama because of his race.
  • After the South Carolina primary, husband Bill equating Obama’s campaign with the past Presidential campaigns of Jesse Jackson implying Obama was just a marginal black candidate.
  • Bill Clinton’s reported comments to Sen. Ted Kennedy that a “few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
In all of the reporting of Democrats calling Trump racist, there were few reminders of Vice President Joe Biden’s comment on Obama saying: “I mean you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guy.”

And how could we forget or ignore, as the “drive by media” apparently has, former President Jimmy Carter’s reference to Obama as “this black boy?”
Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”


I'm talking about viciously attacking the candidate's family, not just the candidate.

Jackson's wife and mother are not part of his family? I think you're being too particular.

Ok, you think that as you have to search backwards in time almost 200 years to find a comparison.

Meanwhile, you were blaming the left for "setting the stage for the way the next democrat president will be treated" as though the left is to blame for starting the vicious mudslinging or as though the right won't viciously attack the next Democratic president even if the left never said a negative word about Trump.

Each party has the opportunity to set the stage for how their candidate will likely be treated. The louder and more extreme the insults hurled Trump's way, the louder and more extreme will be those hurled at the next democrat. Be honest, how many of those currently screeching about Trump's skin and hair color (as if they are on any way significant) would say they're justified because they saw a Photoshopped picture of Obama and his wife as monkeys?
Are you defending the left's attack on Trump's skin color because the right attacked Obama for his?

As far as photoshopped images of Obama and his wife being portrayed as monkeys, those who did that insisted it wasn't about race. I'm talking about people on the right attacking Obama for being black, not for being accused of resembling a monkey.

I'm not defending either of them. I'm saying that the current political climate is very poisonous and that piling on Tump and his family like I've seen being done is just going to ramp up the poison another level the next go around.

As for racists, they'll always be there, unfortunately. They're wrong, but you won't be able to convince them they are.
Nothing new.

"Written attacks by Jefferson supporters claimed Adams was a “hideous hermaphrodital character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

"Jackson’s enemies called his wife a bigamist and his mother a “common prostitute.”


I'm talking about viciously attacking the candidate's family, not just the candidate.

Jackson's wife and mother are not part of his family? I think you're being too particular.

Ok, you think that as you have to search backwards in time almost 200 years to find a comparison.

Meanwhile, you were blaming the left for "setting the stage for the way the next democrat president will be treated" as though the left is to blame for starting the vicious mudslinging or as though the right won't viciously attack the next Democratic president even if the left never said a negative word about Trump.

Each party has the opportunity to set the stage for how their candidate will likely be treated. The louder and more extreme the insults hurled Trump's way, the louder and more extreme will be those hurled at the next democrat. Be honest, how many of those currently screeching about Trump's skin and hair color (as if they are on any way significant) would say they're justified because they saw a Photoshopped picture of Obama and his wife as monkeys?

Actually, the chimp thing was also pulled on George Bush. I remember seeing those pictures circulating around the net.


There are thousands if not millions of them in circulation.

True that. I had forgotten about that one.
What matters is that he is the president, and you all need to deal with it. He isn't going to be impeached. He is going to serve out his entire term. Better get used to it because the only ones you hurt are yourselves and your own reputations.

They are also setting the stage for the way the next democrat president will be treated. No, it's not right, but it's reality. At this point in American politics, I wouldn't take the job if I was drafted into it.
Oh? How so?

The cycle is in place. Each president is villified to a greater extreme than the one before, and I don't see the trend changing.

"He deserves it" seems to be the most prevalent excuse.

It's one thing to criticize positions and policies, quite another to lampoon the president's skin color, as was done to Obama and is now done to to Trump.

Obama was not vilified because of his skin color, it was because of his failed liberal socialist ideology.
If Obama's policies failed why is Trump following and copying so many of them?

obamacare? no
reducing the military? no
denigrating police? no
hating America? no
dividing us by race, age, religion, ethnicity, sex, etc ? no
catering to our potential enemies? no
encouraging illegal immigration? no

which obozo policies do you think Trump is copying?
Not at all, but you do. Why do you avoid answering the question? Why are you calling Trump a liar? He says he did not have sex with that porn star, Stormy Daniels. You say he did. So who’s the liar? You or him?

only the two of them know if he did or did not. I really don't care. Clinton lied under oath, he committed perjury. Trump's tweets are not under oath.

You’re still not answering my question. You claim Trump had sex with that porn star. Trump says they didn’t. One of you is lying. I presume you think you’re not the liar. So why are you calling Trump a liar?

then you should have no trouble giving us a list.

while you are at it, give a list of the lies by Obama, Hillary, bubba Clinton, Pelosi, Gore, Reid, Schumer, Jackson-Lee, Waters, Rangle, Sharpton, et. al.
I am not going to play your game. Hillary said she never sent classified data on her private illegal server, Obama said "if you like your plan you can keep it" Bill Clinton said "I never had sex with that woman"--------------------pay attention to my next sentence.

ALL POLITICIANS LIE. Any sane person knows that. What matters is whether they make the country better or worse. History will be the judge of that, not you or me.
What game? You’re claiming Trump lied. I’m asking you why are you calling him a liar. This has nothing to do with Obama or Hillary; your deflections fail you.

Why are you calling Trump a liar?
C'mon, people all over the world call him a liar every day. And every day he adds to his long list of lies and falsehoods. Average of over 5 per day. They number in the thousands.

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