Why is vilification of men acceptable in Modern Western Society?

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
This forum has Race Section, but no Gender Section, so.

I have been aware of both vilification of men and discrimination against men since 1996. Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty by employers and universities. Male victims of Domestic Violence are more likely to be arrested then helped. Men get 63% more time for the same crime. Extreme vilification of men is common in respectable Mainstream Media. For example

I find myself walking down a street one day, looking at the people around me, and wondering what the world would be like without us. Us men. The abusers, the rapists, the torturers, and the killers.

Wouldn’t it simply be a better world? Could a world without men possibly be any worse? A friend sends me a survey of women that asks them what they would do if there were no men on the streets at night.
This forum has Race Section, but no Gender Section, so.

I have been aware of both vilification of men and discrimination against men since 1996. Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty by employers and universities. Male victims of Domestic Violence are more likely to be arrested then helped. Men get 63% more time for the same crime. Extreme vilification of men is common in respectable Mainstream Media. For example
I think what you mean is "vilification of WHITE men" now it fits with the race forum and it is more like reality.
Considering the number of women who are, or have been, the victims of violence, sexual harassment, or sexual assault, none of this should be surprising.

And while women mourn the deaths of their sons, it is men who send them to war.
Why do you care? Just don't be what the negative stereotypes say you might be. Be what the positive attributes say you should be and screw the victim crap. Man up, chin up and persist.
Considering the number of women who are, or have been, the victims of violence, sexual harassment, or sexual assault, none of this should be surprising.

Very many people were severely physically abused by women as children. I was not abused, but I knew three boys and a girl who were. In many Developing Nations, physical child abuse is acceptable.
I guess, Pelosi, Clinton, Feinstein, Collins, Boxer, and any other of the over 100 women in congress didn't vote to send our troops to war? I believe you have unjustly discriminated against men.
He likes to "beg for pussy" but project onto others for doing it like a typical right-winger.
This forum has Race Section, but no Gender Section, so.

I have been aware of both vilification of men and discrimination against men since 1996. Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty by employers and universities. Male victims of Domestic Violence are more likely to be arrested then helped. Men get 63% more time for the same crime. Extreme vilification of men is common in respectable Mainstream Media. For example
Reality. More often than not, women have been discounted. Now women are taken seriously. That does not mean always believed.

but thanks for the whine.

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