Why Is Wokeness Winning?

One only needs to read Saul Alinsky. The past 40 years is right out of his playbook

One only needs to read the history of Germany to see the parallels between the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump. Right down to the concentration camps on the Southern Border. Trump even borrowed his "Make Germany Great Again" campaign slogan. Trump borrowed Stalin's "the press are the enemy of the people", line too.

I've never read Alinsky, but I have read William Manchester's brilliant books on NAZI Germany and WWII. The parallels between Hitler's co-opting the NAZI Party, is mirrored by the Trump take over of the Republican Party. Hitler villified the Jews. Trump villifies non-whites, immigrants, and "others" who are not white, male and Christian. That includes women, most of whom have left this toxic party.
/-----/ You mean Obozo and FDR's prison camps.
Because the "wokers" are FAR more determined to take America by any means necessary than "Patriots" are willing to defend the nation.

It really is that simple.

Once again the radical right tries to virtue signal their "patriotism", while supporting white supremacist policies and encouraging the right wing terrorism of the armed thugs calling themselves "militia".

The radical right is using the language of patriotism, "law and order" calling themselves "militias" when in fact they are thugs and killers as their history of violence and death can attest. If you knew anything about the psychometrics of language, you'd realize you're being lied to and manipulated.

In the 1970's the anti-abortion movement was very unpopular with the American public. They hired a PR firm which taught them how to rebrand the movement. "Anti-abortion" was turning people off. Instead, they should re-brand themselves as "pro-life", even though most "pro-lifers" favour the death penalty, and claim to believe in "small government and personal freedom". Suddenly instead of the American were being told the anti-abortionists were the "pro-life" people, and they also tried to re-brand the "pro-choice" movement as "pro-abortion". And it worked. The anti-abortion created an entire propaganda campaign built on the lies of being "pro-life" and caring about the unborn, even as they cut to programs and services for low income families, close public schools in favour of charters, and fight universal health care for mothers and babies.

The whole anti-abortion movement is not "pro-life" at all, and the armed white thugs walking around with AR15's terrorizing and shooting Americans who exercising their First Amendment rights, aren't "patriots" and they sure as hell aren't "militias". A "militia" is formed by and under the leadership of the duly elected government it serves. These are armed gangs of racist and anti-government thugs, cloaking their sedition and crimes as "patriotism".

You can't use language to cloak who and what these people really are, with false claims of patriotism and law and order any more than the anti-abortionists can cloak their hatred of women, with the false claim that they are "pro-life" while they are cutting school lunch programs, and cancelling health insurance in the natioon with the highest infant mortality rate in the first world.
Oh bullshit- propaganda, no matter what political stripe it wears is still propaganda- when you point a finger look at where the other three are pointing- as in back towards the pointer- language is and has been used for "cloaking" since men learned to communicate verbally- the "Public Education" "system" is subscribed to by R and D- that's why dictionary's are important and if need be, self education- of course educating ones self is tied to "want to"- when a mind is made up the heart has to be changed first- demonizing somebody is not winning a heart, though it may garner approval of like minded-

You'd be better served to educate yourself, as would most political message board posters from BOTH sides of the divide- speaking of the divide- to the political class, citizens are one of two things- tools or enemies- neither is very flattering to an Individual, though a group of like minded may praise either- and will ostracize the other- take it to the bank and welcome yourself into the group think group.
on what planet do you live? Do you really believe that USA citizens are too stupid to
see thru euphemistic terminology like "pro-life"
and "choice" ? The violence in USA cities in theUSA is the result of AR armed white militias?----
where do you live? MARS? I have seen lots of violence and its result----up close. Not an AR armed white militia in sight. I have seen lots of USA children------the only ones malnourished are the kids of
either insane or addicted parents. School lunches are a frill ----helpful to women
oppressed by the disorder of hood life
I think it might be called evolution- knowledge evolves- the direction of the evolution is determined by the environment- the environment is created by those occupying the space- it is something to be concerned about- the damage can be minimized, but, only with the Truth- Truth is constant- it doesn't evolve. If it was true yesterday, it is true today and will be true tomorrow- a truth is; seeds bear fruit- we're living the seeds sown in the past- what seeds will you sow?

That's why the toxic lies of the Republican Party have to end. If the only way you can garner public support is to lie to people about what your policies are and who is benefitting from them, it doesn't say much for your policies. Republicans have been lying to the American People ever since Reagan demonized "Welfare Queens", and promised American workers a big raise when the got rid of the unions.

One of advisors of the Reagam/Bush administrations, recently revealled how they used "urban" and "inner city" as cover for their racism, and allowing them to demonize the non-white poor, while denying that they were racists, while telling the "rural" (read "white") Americans that the "urbans" were lazy, criminals who needed to be cut off the public teat.

Maybe people are waking up to the racism and hate that pits "rural" voters against "urban" voters is all a big lie. For 40 years Republicans have been pitting whites against minorities, so that poor whites and poor blacks wouldn't team up and vote them out of office. 3 economic crashes in 40 years. Largest wage and wealth gaps between rich and poor, in the first world, and that gap is growing at a faster rate than anywhere else in the world.

8 million Americans have fallen into poverty since the pandemic began, while the 1% have gained trillions of dollars of wealth through Trump's policies.

Yeah, Americans are definitely waking up to what has really been going on.
One only needs to read Saul Alinsky. The past 40 years is right out of his playbook

One only needs to read the history of Germany to see the parallels between the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump. Right down to the concentration camps on the Southern Border. Trump even borrowed his "Make Germany Great Again" campaign slogan. Trump borrowed Stalin's "the press are the enemy of the people", line too.

I've never read Alinsky, but I have read William Manchester's brilliant books on NAZI Germany and WWII. The parallels between Hitler's co-opting the NAZI Party, is mirrored by the Trump take over of the Republican Party. Hitler villified the Jews. Trump villifies non-whites, immigrants, and "others" who are not white, male and Christian. That includes women, most of whom have left this toxic party.

there are people being shipped to concentration camps on the Southern border? ----how---trucks, trains? How are the people chosen for the concentration camps? Trump vilifies
non whites? when and how? Trump vilifies
non-christians? when and how? Trump vilifies women? when and how? In the past was
Ellis Island a concentration camp?
By the way...let’s conduct s poll.
Who is this sites most “WOKE” Whitey?
Is it JoeB131 rightwinger Lysistrata ......there’s so many to choose from.

I never even commented on this thread. It seems to consist of some right-wing ideological crap that you got off the internet. "Wokeness?" Now, seriously. Are you having a bad day? A bit hung over, perhaps? :rolleyes:
Because the "wokers" are FAR more determined to take America by any means necessary than "Patriots" are willing to defend the nation.

It really is that simple.

Once again the radical right tries to virtue signal their "patriotism", while supporting white supremacist policies and encouraging the right wing terrorism of the armed thugs calling themselves "militia".

The radical right is using the language of patriotism, "law and order" calling themselves "militias" when in fact they are thugs and killers as their history of violence and death can attest. If you knew anything about the psychometrics of language, you'd realize you're being lied to and manipulated.

In the 1970's the anti-abortion movement was very unpopular with the American public. They hired a PR firm which taught them how to rebrand the movement. "Anti-abortion" was turning people off. Instead, they should re-brand themselves as "pro-life", even though most "pro-lifers" favour the death penalty, and claim to believe in "small government and personal freedom". Suddenly instead of the American were being told the anti-abortionists were the "pro-life" people, and they also tried to re-brand the "pro-choice" movement as "pro-abortion". And it worked. The anti-abortion created an entire propaganda campaign built on the lies of being "pro-life" and caring about the unborn, even as they cut to programs and services for low income families, close public schools in favour of charters, and fight universal health care for mothers and babies.

The whole anti-abortion movement is not "pro-life" at all, and the armed white thugs walking around with AR15's terrorizing and shooting Americans who exercising their First Amendment rights, aren't "patriots" and they sure as hell aren't "militias". A "militia" is formed by and under the leadership of the duly elected government it serves. These are armed gangs of racist and anti-government thugs, cloaking their sedition and crimes as "patriotism".

You can't use language to cloak who and what these people really are, with false claims of patriotism and law and order any more than the anti-abortionists can cloak their hatred of women, with the false claim that they are "pro-life" while they are cutting school lunch programs, and cancelling health insurance in the natioon with the highest infant mortality rate in the first world.
Oh bullshit- propaganda, no matter what political stripe it wears is still propaganda- when you point a finger look at where the other three are pointing- as in back towards the pointer- language is and has been used for "cloaking" since men learned to communicate verbally- the "Public Education" "system" is subscribed to by R and D- that's why dictionary's are important and if need be, self education- of course educating ones self is tied to "want to"- when a mind is made up the heart has to be changed first- demonizing somebody is not winning a heart, though it may garner approval of like minded-

You'd be better served to educate yourself, as would most political message board posters from BOTH sides of the divide- speaking of the divide- to the political class, citizens are one of two things- tools or enemies- neither is very flattering to an Individual, though a group of like minded may praise either- and will ostracize the other- take it to the bank and welcome yourself into the group think group.

I have been well educated. Unlike you, I have been studying politics from all sides all of my adult life. Starting with the history of the Plantagenets. I'm not an American, I am an observer, so the idea that I'm just a partisan Democrat, is false. Nazi Germany has always fascinated me because I could not comprehend how the German people allowed this horror to happen, and let this monster take over their country.

Now I'm watching the same scenario play out all over again. And another white nationalist monster is in power in the USA. Nowhere have I said that Trump is Hitler, but his rise to power has been the mirror image of Hitler's rise to power, using the same tactics, the same lies, and even the same campaign slogan. Ivanna Trump said The Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his night table when they were married.

Every time you fools get called out for your partisanship, your lies, and your demonization of Democrats, you try to turn the argument back on those telling the truth. Like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary" and is now trying to tar Joe Biden with the same lies and the same brush.

The American people are wise to Trump's authoritarian rage, anger and racism. They want competence governance, and an end to the ugliness.
The radical right is using the language of patriotism, "law and order" calling themselves "militias" when in fact they are thugs and killers as their history of violence and death can attest. If you knew anything about the psychometrics of language, you'd realize you're being lied to and manipulated.

“THEY”....this “radical right wing” are the people committing all the murder and violent crime in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York?
That's why the toxic lies of the Republican Party have to end.
Just fucking stop it- being publicly foolish is NOT flattering, no matter what political stripe you wear.

THEN, you ignorant, publicly foolish tramp - READ what I wrote- think about it if you even know what think means!

Once again, you cannot attack the post on the basis of fact, so you attack the poster, with insults abuse, and bullshit. I did READ what you posted. Republican bullshit and talking points is what you posted.

The first post you made had a germ of an idea, had you been talking about Republicans, but bore no relationship with what is happening on the left. What is happening in the USA right now is what happened in the USA in the 1960's. The American people woke up to the evils of Jim Crow and said "enough".

This time, the American people are waking up to the lies to the Republican policies which have essentially turned the USA into Apartheid South Africa, with defacto segregation, and a police state which has incarcertated more Americans than the Chinese Communist police state. It's pretty sad when the USA, the "home of the brave and the land of the free", imprisons more people than the totalitarian communists.
The American people are wise to Trump's authoritarian rage, anger and racism. They want competence governance, and an end to the ugliness.

Hahaha...it’s comedy gold when foreign filth tell Americans what Americans want..thanks for the laugh.
Trump made it very clear from the onset of his candidacy...he refused to govern for wetbacks, for weirdos, for bottom feeding filth...that’s why he was elected. After 8 grueling years under the Kenyan that’s exactly what REAL Americans needed and wanted.
You Loons have twisted his pledge into authoritarianism, anger and racism like the ignorant twisted fools you are.
In this country filthy fucks and foreigners have to fit in with the system already tailored for good real Americans....we dont have to fit in with the filth.
Because the "wokers" are FAR more determined to take America by any means necessary than "Patriots" are willing to defend the nation.

It really is that simple.

Once again the radical right tries to virtue signal their "patriotism", while supporting white supremacist policies and encouraging the right wing terrorism of the armed thugs calling themselves "militia".

The radical right is using the language of patriotism, "law and order" calling themselves "militias" when in fact they are thugs and killers as their history of violence and death can attest. If you knew anything about the psychometrics of language, you'd realize you're being lied to and manipulated.

In the 1970's the anti-abortion movement was very unpopular with the American public. They hired a PR firm which taught them how to rebrand the movement. "Anti-abortion" was turning people off. Instead, they should re-brand themselves as "pro-life", even though most "pro-lifers" favour the death penalty, and claim to believe in "small government and personal freedom". Suddenly instead of the American were being told the anti-abortionists were the "pro-life" people, and they also tried to re-brand the "pro-choice" movement as "pro-abortion". And it worked. The anti-abortion created an entire propaganda campaign built on the lies of being "pro-life" and caring about the unborn, even as they cut to programs and services for low income families, close public schools in favour of charters, and fight universal health care for mothers and babies.

The whole anti-abortion movement is not "pro-life" at all, and the armed white thugs walking around with AR15's terrorizing and shooting Americans who exercising their First Amendment rights, aren't "patriots" and they sure as hell aren't "militias". A "militia" is formed by and under the leadership of the duly elected government it serves. These are armed gangs of racist and anti-government thugs, cloaking their sedition and crimes as "patriotism".

You can't use language to cloak who and what these people really are, with false claims of patriotism and law and order any more than the anti-abortionists can cloak their hatred of women, with the false claim that they are "pro-life" while they are cutting school lunch programs, and cancelling health insurance in the natioon with the highest infant mortality rate in the first world.
Oh bullshit- propaganda, no matter what political stripe it wears is still propaganda- when you point a finger look at where the other three are pointing- as in back towards the pointer- language is and has been used for "cloaking" since men learned to communicate verbally- the "Public Education" "system" is subscribed to by R and D- that's why dictionary's are important and if need be, self education- of course educating ones self is tied to "want to"- when a mind is made up the heart has to be changed first- demonizing somebody is not winning a heart, though it may garner approval of like minded-

You'd be better served to educate yourself, as would most political message board posters from BOTH sides of the divide- speaking of the divide- to the political class, citizens are one of two things- tools or enemies- neither is very flattering to an Individual, though a group of like minded may praise either- and will ostracize the other- take it to the bank and welcome yourself into the group think group.

I have been well educated. Unlike you, I have been studying politics from all sides all of my adult life. Starting with the history of the Plantagenets. I'm not an American, I am an observer, so the idea that I'm just a partisan Democrat, is false. Nazi Germany has always fascinated me because I could not comprehend how the German people allowed this horror to happen, and let this monster take over their country.

Now I'm watching the same scenario play out all over again. And another white nationalist monster is in power in the USA. Nowhere have I said that Trump is Hitler, but his rise to power has been the mirror image of Hitler's rise to power, using the same tactics, the same lies, and even the same campaign slogan. Ivanna Trump said The Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his night table when they were married.

Every time you fools get called out for your partisanship, your lies, and your demonization of Democrats, you try to turn the argument back on those telling the truth. Like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary" and is now trying to tar Joe Biden with the same lies and the same brush.

The American people are wise to Trump's authoritarian rage, anger and racism. They want competence governance, and an end to the ugliness.

oh Ivanna said that Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his night table. Like a
"holy book" -----all his life? Ivanna said? I am an american person and do not see rage, anger or racism in Donald Trump. I see lots of
violence -----and lots of JUSTIFICATION thereof, by people like you, lysie. Also people like the
Mayor of New York City. I see lots of rage, and anger and racism------but not from Trump.
I also saw lots of rage and anger and racism in the era circa 1970-----and death and vandalism
and violence. That was the era that is being recapitulated now by people like you---down to the same vocabulary-------let's call the cops
'pigs' again. Let's put violent criminals on the streets------there is even an anti-age thing going on ------remember the dictum "don't trust anyone over 30--------its not back in precisely the same form-----now, since there is
property in the hands of many of the elderly----PROUDHON is the fad-----PROPERTY (and 401 K) is THEFT. Stalin ate well, Soros eats well,
Di Blasio eats well------it was ten million kulaks
who starved to death. 'Concentration camps on the southern border' is a LIBEL, something along the lines of cloud theft
One only needs to read Saul Alinsky. The past 40 years is right out of his playbook

One only needs to read the history of Germany to see the parallels between the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump. Right down to the concentration camps on the Southern Border. Trump even borrowed his "Make Germany Great Again" campaign slogan. Trump borrowed Stalin's "the press are the enemy of the people", line too.

I've never read Alinsky, but I have read William Manchester's brilliant books on NAZI Germany and WWII. The parallels between Hitler's co-opting the NAZI Party, is mirrored by the Trump take over of the Republican Party. Hitler villified the Jews. Trump villifies non-whites, immigrants, and "others" who are not white, male and Christian. That includes women, most of whom have left this toxic party.

there are people being shipped to concentration camps on the Southern border? ----how---trucks, trains? How are the people chosen for the concentration camps? Trump vilifies
non whites? when and how? Trump vilifies
non-christians? when and how? Trump vilifies women? when and how? In the past was
Ellis Island a concentration camp?

Leftists need to visit Buchenwald or any other Jew/gypsy/political enemy death camp to really understand what a concentration camp is
The radical right is using the language of patriotism, "law and order" calling themselves "militias" when in fact they are thugs and killers as their history of violence and death can attest. If you knew anything about the psychometrics of language, you'd realize you're being lied to and manipulated.

“THEY”....this “radical right wing” are the people committing all the murder and violent crime in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York?

The murder and the violent crime in the inner cities is an entirely separate issue and is related to the poverty and lack of opportunity in the inner cities. Violent crime is also rising in the US in rural fly-over states, which are now recording higher levels of violent crime than the inner cities. Poverty, unemployement and lack of opportunity in the manufacturing blue collar states. These are also the same states with the highest number of deaths in the opiod crisis, which Trump is also ignoring. Seems that when white people lose all hope, they're just as criminal, violent and prone to drug abuse as urban minorities.

The social unrest is related to the systemic racism and violent police suppression of minorities. Some of these issues overlap with the issues of racism and unemployment, but unarmed white people are not being murdered by police in broad daylight on the city street. There is also the issue of millions of taxpayer dollars being paid out in "excessive force" settlements.

But the looting, the burning and the violence was done by the right. They specifically set fire to black owned businesses and they came prepared to do damage to black communities, using the cover of the demonstrations, both to allow them to get away, but also so that the left would be blamed for the violence. Their goal is to incite a race war and you're promoting their agenda, by buying into the lies.
Because the "wokers" are FAR more determined to take America by any means necessary than "Patriots" are willing to defend the nation.

It really is that simple.

Once again the radical right tries to virtue signal their "patriotism", while supporting white supremacist policies and encouraging the right wing terrorism of the armed thugs calling themselves "militia".

The radical right is using the language of patriotism, "law and order" calling themselves "militias" when in fact they are thugs and killers as their history of violence and death can attest. If you knew anything about the psychometrics of language, you'd realize you're being lied to and manipulated.

In the 1970's the anti-abortion movement was very unpopular with the American public. They hired a PR firm which taught them how to rebrand the movement. "Anti-abortion" was turning people off. Instead, they should re-brand themselves as "pro-life", even though most "pro-lifers" favour the death penalty, and claim to believe in "small government and personal freedom". Suddenly instead of the American were being told the anti-abortionists were the "pro-life" people, and they also tried to re-brand the "pro-choice" movement as "pro-abortion". And it worked. The anti-abortion created an entire propaganda campaign built on the lies of being "pro-life" and caring about the unborn, even as they cut to programs and services for low income families, close public schools in favour of charters, and fight universal health care for mothers and babies.

The whole anti-abortion movement is not "pro-life" at all, and the armed white thugs walking around with AR15's terrorizing and shooting Americans who exercising their First Amendment rights, aren't "patriots" and they sure as hell aren't "militias". A "militia" is formed by and under the leadership of the duly elected government it serves. These are armed gangs of racist and anti-government thugs, cloaking their sedition and crimes as "patriotism".

You can't use language to cloak who and what these people really are, with false claims of patriotism and law and order any more than the anti-abortionists can cloak their hatred of women, with the false claim that they are "pro-life" while they are cutting school lunch programs, and cancelling health insurance in the natioon with the highest infant mortality rate in the first world.
Oh bullshit- propaganda, no matter what political stripe it wears is still propaganda- when you point a finger look at where the other three are pointing- as in back towards the pointer- language is and has been used for "cloaking" since men learned to communicate verbally- the "Public Education" "system" is subscribed to by R and D- that's why dictionary's are important and if need be, self education- of course educating ones self is tied to "want to"- when a mind is made up the heart has to be changed first- demonizing somebody is not winning a heart, though it may garner approval of like minded-

You'd be better served to educate yourself, as would most political message board posters from BOTH sides of the divide- speaking of the divide- to the political class, citizens are one of two things- tools or enemies- neither is very flattering to an Individual, though a group of like minded may praise either- and will ostracize the other- take it to the bank and welcome yourself into the group think group.

I have been well educated. Unlike you, I have been studying politics from all sides all of my adult life. Starting with the history of the Plantagenets. I'm not an American, I am an observer, so the idea that I'm just a partisan Democrat, is false. Nazi Germany has always fascinated me because I could not comprehend how the German people allowed this horror to happen, and let this monster take over their country.

Now I'm watching the same scenario play out all over again. And another white nationalist monster is in power in the USA. Nowhere have I said that Trump is Hitler, but his rise to power has been the mirror image of Hitler's rise to power, using the same tactics, the same lies, and even the same campaign slogan. Ivanna Trump said The Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his night table when they were married.

Every time you fools get called out for your partisanship, your lies, and your demonization of Democrats, you try to turn the argument back on those telling the truth. Like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary" and is now trying to tar Joe Biden with the same lies and the same brush.

The American people are wise to Trump's authoritarian rage, anger and racism. They want competence governance, and an end to the ugliness.

oh Ivanna said that Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his night table. Like a
"holy book" -----all his life? Ivanna said? I am an american person and do not see rage, anger or racism in Donald Trump. I see lots of
violence -----and lots of JUSTIFICATION thereof, by people like you, lysie. Also people like the
Mayor of New York City. I see lots of rage, and anger and racism------but not from Trump.
I also saw lots of rage and anger and racism in the era circa 1970-----and death and vandalism
and violence. That was the era that is being recapitulated now by people like you---down to the same vocabulary-------let's call the cops
'pigs' again. Let's put violent criminals on the streets------there is even an anti-age thing going on ------remember the dictum "don't trust anyone over 30--------its not back in precisely the same form-----now, since there is
property in the hands of many of the elderly----PROUDHON is the fad-----PROPERTY (and 401 K) is THEFT. Stalin ate well, Soros eats well,
Di Blasio eats well------it was ten million kulaks
who starved to death. 'Concentration camps on the southern border' is a LIBEL, something along the lines of cloud theft

With your "english as second language" syntax and language, I have difficulty believing you're an American at all. Not to mention you're blithering and not even writing in complete sentences, somewhat like the orange faced baboon you're shilling for.

Do you have facts, figures, data to back up your outrage and hysteria? I have links for everything, including Ivanna's Vanity Fair interview prior to her divorce from The Donald. What do you have, aside from faux outrage and hysteria.
The radical right is using the language of patriotism, "law and order" calling themselves "militias" when in fact they are thugs and killers as their history of violence and death can attest. If you knew anything about the psychometrics of language, you'd realize you're being lied to and manipulated.

“THEY”....this “radical right wing” are the people committing all the murder and violent crime in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York?

The murder and the violent crime in the inner cities is an entirely separate issue and is related to the poverty and lack of opportunity in the inner cities. Violent crime is also rising in the US in rural fly-over states, which are now recording higher levels of violent crime than the inner cities. Poverty, unemployement and lack of opportunity in the manufacturing blue collar states. These are also the same states with the highest number of deaths in the opiod crisis, which Trump is also ignoring. Seems that when white people lose all hope, they're just as criminal, violent and prone to drug abuse as urban minorities.

The social unrest is related to the systemic racism and violent police suppression of minorities. Some of these issues overlap with the issues of racism and unemployment, but unarmed white people are not being murdered by police in broad daylight on the city street. There is also the issue of millions of taxpayer dollars being paid out in "excessive force" settlements.

But the looting, the burning and the violence was done by the right. They specifically set fire to black owned businesses and they came prepared to do damage to black communities, using the cover of the demonstrations, both to allow them to get away, but also so that the left would be blamed for the violence. Their goal is to incite a race war and you're promoting their agenda, by buying into the lies.

Haha..that’s a lot of fabricated bullshit to unpack.
Answer me this...
Why are blacks so challenged on so many levels? How do Asians do so much better than blacks and hispanics?
Do you champion and help those poor white folks throughout Appalachia? Why are crime rates so low in nearly all white, all poor Appalachia whereas crime is off the charts high in poor brown and black hoods?
These are questions I beg you to answer with courage.

"the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average"
This is a great article that I found... I copied a bit of it so you could determine if you wanted to read the entire article. I think this frames it better than any other that I've seen. Thoughts?
Why Is Wokeness Winning?
"A question I’ve wrestled with this past year or so is a pretty basic one: if critical race/gender/queer theory is unfalsifiable postmodern claptrap, as I have longcontended, how has it conquered so many institutions so swiftly?
It’s been a staggering achievement, when you come to think of it. Critical theory was once an esoteric academic pursuit. Now it has become the core, underlying philosophy of the majority of American cultural institutions, universities, media, corporations, liberal churches, NGOs, philanthropies, and, of course, mainstream journalism. This summer felt like a psychic break from old-school liberalism, a moment when a big part of the American elite just decided to junk the principles that have long defined American democratic life, and embrace what Bari Weiss calls “a mixture of postmodernism, postcolonialism, identity politics, neo-Marxism, critical race theory, intersectionality, and the therapeutic mentality.”
It’s everywhere. Across the country, schools and colleges are dumping SATs so they can engineer racial equity, and abolish the idea of merit. The Smithsonian backed the idea that working hard, showing up on time and perfecting a task are functions of “whiteness”. In California, there’s a ballot initiative to legalize government discrimination on the basis of race; and a new mandate that company boards add members from under-represented communities. Corporations who haven’t publicly committed themselves to the full woke project are being hounded by their employeesinto doing so, meaning hiring and firing on the basis of race, or forcing employees into re-education sessions, guided by DiAngelo and Kendi. The NBA, for Pete’s sake, is now a festival of wokeness, even as viewership collapses. CRT propaganda like the NYT’s 1619 Project can be exposed as untrue and unethical, but the paper can both debunk it in its own pages and still hail it as a triumph. And the pièce de resistance: 21 percent of liberal students in the Ivy League favor some level of violence to stop campus speech they disapprove of.
There seems no stopping this. But why? Why this powerful, seemingly inevitable shift, especially among white elites? I’d posit some obvious reasons, but this is a rough guess and I hope we can start a conversation here about the reason for this astonishing change — and how better to engage it.
The first, it seems to me, is emotional. The reason so many people marched this summer was because of a righteous revulsion at the visceral image of a black man being murdered slowly on the street by a bad, white cop. This revulsion is a vital and important thing — and it’s completely compatible with a liberal attempt to reform the cops and criminal justice to ensure equal treatment under the law for everyone of every race. In fact, there is considerable bipartisan support for a pragmatic shift."

LINK to full article.
1) Floyd died of an overdose, the police did not murder him
2) People are being fired, their businesses are being destroyed and their lives ruined for slightest opposition or criticism.
3) They are afraid and intimidated by the fanatical SJWs.
4) People have been indoctrinated by our shallow pop culture.
I have been well educated.

Demand a refund.


Unlike you, I have been studying politics from all sides all of my adult life. Starting with the history of the Plantagenets. I'm not an American, I am an observer, so the idea that I'm just a partisan Democrat, is false. Nazi Germany has always fascinated me because I could not comprehend how the German people allowed this horror to happen, and let this monster take over their country.

You are a bigot, smug in your self-congratulatory, haughty superiority. You imagine yourself so very superior to the "unwashed" who question the great truths you bring.

You have zero knowledge of the educational prowess of Gdjjr . He writes well, far better than you do. I suspect he has a fair amount of education.

Now I'm watching the same scenario play out all over again. And another white nationalist monster is in power in the USA. Nowhere have I said that Trump is Hitler, but his rise to power has been the mirror image of Hitler's rise to power, using the same tactics, the same lies, and even the same campaign slogan. Ivanna Trump said The Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his night table when they were married.

Again, you are simply a bigot, and a racist. Though white yourself, you desperately hate white people as the cause of every ill to ever befall humanity.

You besmirch those who oppose the globalist dream you espouse, attempting to turn "nationalism" into an epithet. You look down your nose at those benighted peasants who will not bend the knee to the global elite who will rule the world. The idea of a sovereign nation with a government elected by and for the people of that INDEPENDENT nation offends you. The peasants don't accept the obvious fact that you are FAR better equipped to manage their lives than they are.

Every time you fools get called out for your partisanship, your lies, and your demonization of Democrats, you try to turn the argument back on those telling the truth. Like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary" and is now trying to tar Joe Biden with the same lies and the same brush.

The American people are wise to Trump's authoritarian rage, anger and racism. They want competence governance, and an end to the ugliness.

This election is a plebiscite on whether America will continue as a free and sovereign nation, or takes it's place as a vassal of the global ruling elite you fancy yourself a member of.

Free and independent citizens have been a thorn in the side of the ruling class for 230 years. A Harris/Xiden victory will put an end to that once and for all. Nationalism is a dirty word, globalism is the agenda. One world, one government, one ruler - that is your goal.
The radical right is using the language of patriotism, "law and order" calling themselves "militias" when in fact they are thugs and killers as their history of violence and death can attest. If you knew anything about the psychometrics of language, you'd realize you're being lied to and manipulated.

“THEY”....this “radical right wing” are the people committing all the murder and violent crime in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York?

The murder and the violent crime in the inner cities is an entirely separate issue and is related to the poverty and lack of opportunity in the inner cities. Violent crime is also rising in the US in rural fly-over states, which are now recording higher levels of violent crime than the inner cities. Poverty, unemployement and lack of opportunity in the manufacturing blue collar states. These are also the same states with the highest number of deaths in the opiod crisis, which Trump is also ignoring. Seems that when white people lose all hope, they're just as criminal, violent and prone to drug abuse as urban minorities.

The social unrest is related to the systemic racism and violent police suppression of minorities. Some of these issues overlap with the issues of racism and unemployment, but unarmed white people are not being murdered by police in broad daylight on the city street. There is also the issue of millions of taxpayer dollars being paid out in "excessive force" settlements.

But the looting, the burning and the violence was done by the right. They specifically set fire to black owned businesses and they came prepared to do damage to black communities, using the cover of the demonstrations, both to allow them to get away, but also so that the left would be blamed for the violence. Their goal is to incite a race war and you're promoting their agenda, by buying into the lies.
Because the "wokers" are FAR more determined to take America by any means necessary than "Patriots" are willing to defend the nation.

It really is that simple.

Once again the radical right tries to virtue signal their "patriotism", while supporting white supremacist policies and encouraging the right wing terrorism of the armed thugs calling themselves "militia".

The radical right is using the language of patriotism, "law and order" calling themselves "militias" when in fact they are thugs and killers as their history of violence and death can attest. If you knew anything about the psychometrics of language, you'd realize you're being lied to and manipulated.

In the 1970's the anti-abortion movement was very unpopular with the American public. They hired a PR firm which taught them how to rebrand the movement. "Anti-abortion" was turning people off. Instead, they should re-brand themselves as "pro-life", even though most "pro-lifers" favour the death penalty, and claim to believe in "small government and personal freedom". Suddenly instead of the American were being told the anti-abortionists were the "pro-life" people, and they also tried to re-brand the "pro-choice" movement as "pro-abortion". And it worked. The anti-abortion created an entire propaganda campaign built on the lies of being "pro-life" and caring about the unborn, even as they cut to programs and services for low income families, close public schools in favour of charters, and fight universal health care for mothers and babies.

The whole anti-abortion movement is not "pro-life" at all, and the armed white thugs walking around with AR15's terrorizing and shooting Americans who exercising their First Amendment rights, aren't "patriots" and they sure as hell aren't "militias". A "militia" is formed by and under the leadership of the duly elected government it serves. These are armed gangs of racist and anti-government thugs, cloaking their sedition and crimes as "patriotism".

You can't use language to cloak who and what these people really are, with false claims of patriotism and law and order any more than the anti-abortionists can cloak their hatred of women, with the false claim that they are "pro-life" while they are cutting school lunch programs, and cancelling health insurance in the natioon with the highest infant mortality rate in the first world.
Oh bullshit- propaganda, no matter what political stripe it wears is still propaganda- when you point a finger look at where the other three are pointing- as in back towards the pointer- language is and has been used for "cloaking" since men learned to communicate verbally- the "Public Education" "system" is subscribed to by R and D- that's why dictionary's are important and if need be, self education- of course educating ones self is tied to "want to"- when a mind is made up the heart has to be changed first- demonizing somebody is not winning a heart, though it may garner approval of like minded-

You'd be better served to educate yourself, as would most political message board posters from BOTH sides of the divide- speaking of the divide- to the political class, citizens are one of two things- tools or enemies- neither is very flattering to an Individual, though a group of like minded may praise either- and will ostracize the other- take it to the bank and welcome yourself into the group think group.

I have been well educated. Unlike you, I have been studying politics from all sides all of my adult life. Starting with the history of the Plantagenets. I'm not an American, I am an observer, so the idea that I'm just a partisan Democrat, is false. Nazi Germany has always fascinated me because I could not comprehend how the German people allowed this horror to happen, and let this monster take over their country.

Now I'm watching the same scenario play out all over again. And another white nationalist monster is in power in the USA. Nowhere have I said that Trump is Hitler, but his rise to power has been the mirror image of Hitler's rise to power, using the same tactics, the same lies, and even the same campaign slogan. Ivanna Trump said The Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his night table when they were married.

Every time you fools get called out for your partisanship, your lies, and your demonization of Democrats, you try to turn the argument back on those telling the truth. Like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary" and is now trying to tar Joe Biden with the same lies and the same brush.

The American people are wise to Trump's authoritarian rage, anger and racism. They want competence governance, and an end to the ugliness.

oh Ivanna said that Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his night table. Like a
"holy book" -----all his life? Ivanna said? I am an american person and do not see rage, anger or racism in Donald Trump. I see lots of
violence -----and lots of JUSTIFICATION thereof, by people like you, lysie. Also people like the
Mayor of New York City. I see lots of rage, and anger and racism------but not from Trump.
I also saw lots of rage and anger and racism in the era circa 1970-----and death and vandalism
and violence. That was the era that is being recapitulated now by people like you---down to the same vocabulary-------let's call the cops
'pigs' again. Let's put violent criminals on the streets------there is even an anti-age thing going on ------remember the dictum "don't trust anyone over 30--------its not back in precisely the same form-----now, since there is
property in the hands of many of the elderly----PROUDHON is the fad-----PROPERTY (and 401 K) is THEFT. Stalin ate well, Soros eats well,
Di Blasio eats well------it was ten million kulaks
who starved to death. 'Concentration camps on the southern border' is a LIBEL, something along the lines of cloud theft

With your "english as second language" syntax and language, I have difficulty believing you're an American at all. Not to mention you're blithering and not even writing in complete sentences, somewhat like the orange faced baboon you're shilling for.

Do you have facts, figures, data to back up your outrage and hysteria? I have links for everything, including Ivanna's Vanity Fair interview prior to her divorce from The Donald. What do you have, aside from faux outrage and hysteria.

LOL Ivanna said in the midst of divorce, to Vanity Fair. Please check your writing for
sentence fragments, dragon, dear. I have clinical experience. I dealt with the brain dead bodies of the victims in the inner city. The victims had usually been put down with one shot, at close range, to the head. I have lived in the inner city. I was happy to see a cop----but I had to walk thru neighborhoods where I SAW NONE until I got to my destination where the brain dead victim was lying. Today's murder and crime activity in the cities is nothing new.
It has become more flamboyant and
ACCEPTABLE to ambitious politicians. It is
also ENDORSED and ENCOURAGED by those JERKS like you. My experience goes back decades.

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