Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity

Question: Relevance?

Answer -- because the thread is about idiots who try to foist the notion that here is little or no discernible differences between Islam and Christianity.

You actually need this explained?
There really isn't much of a difference. The difference is that currently fucked up Imams and control freaks are whipping up religious fervor to justify violence and recruit the easily whipped up young adults.

As for your stupid apostasy graphic, we have the death penalty in this country. In the end, it doesn't really matter what crime leads to the death penalty, what matters is that control freaks and big government supporters love the death penalty.
If Christianity can outlive its horrific violent history, than so can Islam. It is irrational, as well as bigoted, to claim otherwise.
Answer -- because the thread is about idiots who try to foist the notion that here is little or no discernible differences between Islam and Christianity.

You actually need this explained?

No one said there wasnt any difference between the two, If someone did thats dumb, but I havent seen anyone ever say that

You should get out more.

The juxtaposition is the first default of the apologists.

Sorry I dont get out more. Who then said Christianity and Islam are the same?

Post #3
Wrong yet again, although I admire your consistency. I never said Christianity and Islam are the same. I said radicals in all faiths pervert the tenets of the faith to their own violent political goals.

So you tried to equate them.


You are exactly the target for this thread, and trying to lie your way out simply proves what I said earlier...."secular liars.'
Question: Relevance?

Answer -- because the thread is about idiots who try to foist the notion that here is little or no discernible differences between Islam and Christianity.

You actually need this explained?

No one said there wasnt any difference between the two, If someone did thats dumb, but I havent seen anyone ever say that

Post #42....another moron:

"There really isn't much of a difference."

You should get out more.

The juxtaposition is the first default of the apologists.

Sorry I dont get out more. Who then said Christianity and Islam are the same?
No one said there wasnt any difference between the two, If someone did thats dumb, but I havent seen anyone ever say that

You should get out more.

The juxtaposition is the first default of the apologists.

Sorry I dont get out more. Who then said Christianity and Islam are the same?

Post #3
Wrong yet again, although I admire your consistency. I never said Christianity and Islam are the same. I said radicals in all faiths pervert the tenets of the faith to their own violent political goals.

So you tried to equate them.


You are exactly the target for this thread, and trying to lie your way out simply proves what I said earlier...."secular liars.'
You tried and failed to quote me as saying there is no difference between Christianity and Islam. In fact, I said there are radicals in all faiths.

Are you deliberately trying to skate around the issue by painting me with the epithet of 'liar', or are you incapable of understanding an argument much more sophisticated than anything you might conjure?
Wrong yet again, although I admire your consistency. I never said Christianity and Islam are the same. I said radicals in all faiths pervert the tenets of the faith to their own violent political goals.

The point is that violent acts are not a perversion of Islam, they are the basic teachings of it.

8.12 Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."

2.216 Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not.

5.33 The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;

4.74 Let those fight in the cause of God Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of God,- whether he is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value).

4.76 Those who believe fight in the cause of God, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.

9.29 Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that
forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

9.123 O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you: and know that God is with those who fear Him.

48.16 Say to the desert Arabs who lagged behind: "Ye shall be summoned (to fight) against a people given to vehement war: then shall ye fight, or they shall submit. Then if ye show obedience, God will grant you a goodly reward, but if ye turn back as ye did before, He will punish you with a grievous Penalty."
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You should get out more.

The juxtaposition is the first default of the apologists.

Sorry I dont get out more. Who then said Christianity and Islam are the same?

Post #3
Wrong yet again, although I admire your consistency. I never said Christianity and Islam are the same. I said radicals in all faiths pervert the tenets of the faith to their own violent political goals.

So you tried to equate them.


You are exactly the target for this thread, and trying to lie your way out simply proves what I said earlier...."secular liars.'
You tried and failed to quote me as saying there is no difference between Christianity and Islam. In fact, I said there are radicals in all faiths.

Are you deliberately trying to skate around the issue by painting me with the epithet of 'liar', or are you incapable of understanding an argument much more sophisticated than anything you might conjure?

I not only identified you correctly, but revealed you as a liar as well.

You said this:

"Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus."

That's a direct quote, liar.
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?

Think about the truth instead. That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to the Father except through Him. Think about the truth that God said no murderer, no adulterer, no idolater, no homosexual, no liar, no thief, no sorcerer.......can enter the kingdom of heaven. Think about the truth of what Jesus taught and the commandment - thou shalt not kill - think about the truth that those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and when you are finished thinking about that consider that no where in the bible did Jesus ever command his followers to murder in his name. To do jihad, to loot, to take sex slaves - and then consider that the one you have been following is Satan and not God.

Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Baal Allah cannot save you. Mohammad cannot save you. He could not even save himself and today he is in hell. Wake up.

If the Bible is the Truth then one must concede also that God demanded the genocide of the Amalekites

'Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'"

What do you do with that Truth? Ignore it?

You people have invented God in your desired image, and then claimed it as the Truth.
> CORRECTION------------> It is was your own prophet who invented a god designed in his own desired image (with the influence of his wife Khadija) and this was done to justify playing God, justifying sexual sin, adultery (more than one wife) paedophile behavior, beating his wives, theft, looting, sex slavery, beheadings of 900 Jews in Medina, the killing of women and children, and more. Will you now accuse God in order to justify Mohammad for such sins?

If you knew the history of the Amalekites you would not be asking me such a question. Why do you think Saul lost everything for that one act of disobedience? (he didn't obey God 100% on that command) Did not David sin more than once yet still was never removed as King? There is a reason for it. Search the Scriptures.
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Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.
To the comment: 'If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence'
Quickly? No. But if allowed to run its course it will. Where is Sharia law realized? In the most decimated places on the planet. Before Sharia there must be scorched earth. Islam feeds on instability and is a destabilizing force.

Hello, PC. :biggrin: Don't think this makes us friends. :cheeky-smiley-018:
Sorry I dont get out more. Who then said Christianity and Islam are the same?

Post #3
Wrong yet again, although I admire your consistency. I never said Christianity and Islam are the same. I said radicals in all faiths pervert the tenets of the faith to their own violent political goals.

So you tried to equate them.


You are exactly the target for this thread, and trying to lie your way out simply proves what I said earlier...."secular liars.'
You tried and failed to quote me as saying there is no difference between Christianity and Islam. In fact, I said there are radicals in all faiths.

Are you deliberately trying to skate around the issue by painting me with the epithet of 'liar', or are you incapable of understanding an argument much more sophisticated than anything you might conjure?

I not only identified you correctly, but revealed you as a liar as well.

You said this:

"Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus."

That's a direct quote, liar.
What?!? How do you get 'there is no difference between Christianity and Islam' out of that. "Radical" is the comparison, not faith.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.
To the comment: 'If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence'
Quickly? No. But if allowed to run its course it will. Where is Sharia law realized? In the most decimated places on the planet. Before Sharia there must be scorched earth. Islam feeds on instability and is a destabilizing force.

Hello, PC. :biggrin: Don't think this makes us friends. :cheeky-smiley-018:
Only if a radicalized interpretation is allowed to hold sway. People will not easily submit to repression.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.
To the comment: 'If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence'
Quickly? No. But if allowed to run its course it will. Where is Sharia law realized? In the most decimated places on the planet. Before Sharia there must be scorched earth. Islam feeds on instability and is a destabilizing force.

Hello, PC. :biggrin: Don't think this makes us friends. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Has Communism burned out because of it is inherently violent and dangerous? Absolutely not. It's on the rise and working in tandem with Islam and Catholicism.
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?

Think about the truth instead. That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to the Father except through Him. Think about the truth that God said no murderer, no adulterer, no idolater, no homosexual, no liar, no thief, no sorcerer.......can enter the kingdom of heaven. Think about the truth of what Jesus taught and the commandment - thou shalt not kill - think about the truth that those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and when you are finished thinking about that consider that no where in the bible did Jesus ever command his followers to murder in his name. To do jihad, to loot, to take sex slaves - and then consider that the one you have been following is Satan and not God.

Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Baal Allah cannot save you. Mohammad cannot save you. He could not even save himself and today he is in hell. Wake up.

If the Bible is the Truth then one must concede also that God demanded the genocide of the Amalekites

'Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'"

What do you do with that Truth? Ignore it?

You people have invented God in your desired image, and then claimed it as the Truth.
> CORRECTION------------> It is was your own prophet who invented a god designed in his own desired image (with the influence of his wife Khadija) and this was done to justify playing God, justifying sexual sin, adultery (more than one wife) paedophile behavior, beating his wives, theft, looting, sex slavery, beheadings of 900 Jews in Medina, the killing of women and children, and more. Will you now accuse God in order to justify Mohammad for such sins?

If you knew the history of the Amalekites you would not be asking me such a question. Why do you think Saul lost everything for that one act of disobedience? (he didn't obey God 100% on that command) Did not David sin more than once yet still was never removed as King? There is a reason for it. Search the Scriptures.

Stick to the point. Your God commanded a genocide.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.
To the comment: 'If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence'
Quickly? No. But if allowed to run its course it will. Where is Sharia law realized? In the most decimated places on the planet. Before Sharia there must be scorched earth. Islam feeds on instability and is a destabilizing force.

Hello, PC. :biggrin: Don't think this makes us friends. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Hiya, pal

I try not to use emoticons....but I'm stickin' my tongue out right now!

"Don't think this makes us friends."
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong."
Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),
  • Thanks
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Wrong yet again, although I admire your consistency. I never said Christianity and Islam are the same. I said radicals in all faiths pervert the tenets of the faith to their own violent political goals.

So you tried to equate them.


You are exactly the target for this thread, and trying to lie your way out simply proves what I said earlier...."secular liars.'
You tried and failed to quote me as saying there is no difference between Christianity and Islam. In fact, I said there are radicals in all faiths.

Are you deliberately trying to skate around the issue by painting me with the epithet of 'liar', or are you incapable of understanding an argument much more sophisticated than anything you might conjure?

I not only identified you correctly, but revealed you as a liar as well.

You said this:

"Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus."

That's a direct quote, liar.
What?!? How do you get 'there is no difference between Christianity and Islam' out of that. "Radical" is the comparison, not faith.

Tap-dance all you like....you've been nailed.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.
To the comment: 'If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence'
Quickly? No. But if allowed to run its course it will. Where is Sharia law realized? In the most decimated places on the planet. Before Sharia there must be scorched earth. Islam feeds on instability and is a destabilizing force.

Hello, PC. :biggrin: Don't think this makes us friends. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Has Communism burned out because of it is inherently violent and dangerous? Absolutely not. It's on the rise and working in tandem with Islam and Catholicism.

lol. See PoliticalChic? Some will join you in your bigotry against the Muslims and then throw in the Catholics as a bonus.

lol, hate one get one free.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.
To the comment: 'If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence'
Quickly? No. But if allowed to run its course it will. Where is Sharia law realized? In the most decimated places on the planet. Before Sharia there must be scorched earth. Islam feeds on instability and is a destabilizing force.

Hello, PC. :biggrin: Don't think this makes us friends. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Has Communism burned out because of it is inherently violent and dangerous? Absolutely not. It's on the rise and working in tandem with Islam and Catholicism.
Really? Communism is stronger today than it was say thirty years ago? Care to point out how? Start in Warsaw.
Khadija was a devout Catholic and influenced Mohammad in much of the doctrine he came up with. The roots of Communism began in Catholicism. Look up the book by an ex - Jesuit priest who published with Jack Chick publications for the story.

I come from a Catholic family myself and didn't know the true history of it until long after I was saved. It isn't unusual for Catholics to not be aware of the true history - how it began... it's not the early church of the book of Acts. No relationship.

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