Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity

As next witness I call the President of Egypt:

"In a widely praised January 1 speech, Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi visited Al-Azhar University to address the country’s religious leadership, saying the time had come to reform Islam.
He complained that wrong ideas, which he did not specify, have become sacralized and that the religious leadership dares not criticize them. But Sisi did criticize, and in a colloquial Arabic highly unusual for discussing such topics: “It is inconceivable that the wrong ideas that we sacralize should make the entire umma [Muslim community] a source of concern, danger, killing, and destruction for the whole world.

Nonetheless, that is precisely what has occurred...."
Sisi and the Reform of Islam National Review Online

Yet, as we see in this thread, Liberals/secularists do what Liberals/secularists do.....refuse to recognize evil.
Their rule: "Never, never, be judgmental!!!"
.....to the death.

They should edit their holy book like we did ours.

For those who believe the Bible is the inerrant, unaltered word of God, there will be some very uncomfortable questions to answer. It shows there have been thousands of alterations to today's bible.

Wait a minute! The oldest known bible dates back to 4th century AD? That means Christianity might have been made up in the year 400?

BBC NEWS UK Magazine The rival to the Bible
No wonder the bible accurately prophesied things to come. They say Jesus in the year 1 said things would happen and maybe in the year 100 or 300 those things happened.

How could he have predicted? Because the bible was actually written in the year 400.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.


Post 5 examples from the last 10 years.


Because we ALL know you're lying - especially you.

And that's the point - you of the left love to lie to support your Muslim allies.
I'm pretty sure GW Bush killed more innocent Muslims than Osama Bin Laden killed innocent Christians.

Who wins the most violent member of a faith in that matchup?
Last I knew Haliburton did not have a religious affiliation. Although I am sure they have managed to get tax-exempt status somehow.
There really isn't much of a difference. The difference is that currently fucked up Imams and control freaks are whipping up religious fervor to justify violence and recruit the easily whipped up young adults.

As for your stupid apostasy graphic, we have the death penalty in this country. In the end, it doesn't really matter what crime leads to the death penalty, what matters is that control freaks and big government supporters love the death penalty.

Congratulations are in order. Every time I think I have seen the most absolutely ridiculous attempt at moral equivalence by one of the useful idiots, along comes a posting so absolutely retarded that it reads like parody.

Yes, by all means, killing people for abandoning the faith isn't much different than killing them after they have murdered innocent people.

I weep for this country if children like you are an example of our educational system.
As next witness I call the President of Egypt:

"In a widely praised January 1 speech, Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi visited Al-Azhar University to address the country’s religious leadership, saying the time had come to reform Islam.
He complained that wrong ideas, which he did not specify, have become sacralized and that the religious leadership dares not criticize them. But Sisi did criticize, and in a colloquial Arabic highly unusual for discussing such topics: “It is inconceivable that the wrong ideas that we sacralize should make the entire umma [Muslim community] a source of concern, danger, killing, and destruction for the whole world.

Nonetheless, that is precisely what has occurred...."
Sisi and the Reform of Islam National Review Online

Yet, as we see in this thread, Liberals/secularists do what Liberals/secularists do.....refuse to recognize evil.
Their rule: "Never, never, be judgmental!!!"
.....to the death.

They should edit their holy book like we did ours.

For those who believe the Bible is the inerrant, unaltered word of God, there will be some very uncomfortable questions to answer. It shows there have been thousands of alterations to today's bible.

Wait a minute! The oldest known bible dates back to 4th century AD? That means Christianity might have been made up in the year 400?

BBC NEWS UK Magazine The rival to the Bible
God says he likes the KJV just fine. If you would like a recommendation that is.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but most all terrorists are Muslims. Currently. I do not see Christians cutting off heads anywhere in the world and there is no shortage of Muslims doing so. Muslims slaughter each other.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.


Post 5 examples from the last 10 years.


Because we ALL know you're lying - especially you.

And that's the point - you of the left love to lie to support your Muslim allies.

Don't bother because we won't be able to tie those burnings and lynchings to a church. I read through a few articles about cross burning and they never say what church if any the perp belongs to. I wish it would so people would start seeing a connection between religion and insanity.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but most all terrorists are Muslims. Currently. I do not see Christians cutting off heads anywhere in the world and there is no shortage of Muslims doing so. Muslims slaughter each other.

If they were the superpower and we lived in a small country that they invaded, and we didn't have access to good weapons, we might resort to ied's and suicide bombings.

And look at how shocked we are to see them cut heads off. BFD I say. Shoot them, cut their heads off, drown them waterboarding them, beat them to death. Cutting a head off is quick and easy and the victim doesn't suffer too long. We tortured men in Abu Grabe for months and those people finally died. That is cruel, no?

If you don't get it out of them after a month of torture, they don't know or they ain't gonna break. Stop it. LOL.

Aren't Russians Christians? Aren't they invading Ukraine right now? Do you approve of Russia's tactics? And lets see how Ukraine reacts if they get desperate enough. They might start buring IUD's and sending in soldiers to do suicide bombs.
As next witness I call the President of Egypt:

"In a widely praised January 1 speech, Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi visited Al-Azhar University to address the country’s religious leadership, saying the time had come to reform Islam.
He complained that wrong ideas, which he did not specify, have become sacralized and that the religious leadership dares not criticize them. But Sisi did criticize, and in a colloquial Arabic highly unusual for discussing such topics: “It is inconceivable that the wrong ideas that we sacralize should make the entire umma [Muslim community] a source of concern, danger, killing, and destruction for the whole world.

Nonetheless, that is precisely what has occurred...."
Sisi and the Reform of Islam National Review Online

Yet, as we see in this thread, Liberals/secularists do what Liberals/secularists do.....refuse to recognize evil.
Their rule: "Never, never, be judgmental!!!"
.....to the death.

They should edit their holy book like we did ours.

For those who believe the Bible is the inerrant, unaltered word of God, there will be some very uncomfortable questions to answer. It shows there have been thousands of alterations to today's bible.

Wait a minute! The oldest known bible dates back to 4th century AD? That means Christianity might have been made up in the year 400?

BBC NEWS UK Magazine The rival to the Bible
God says he likes the KJV just fine. If you would like a recommendation that is.

Radical Christians are not violent, Nosmos. The lukewarm and carnal resort to violence and are in rebellion against God. Such as the KKK who hate those they can see yet claim they love God who they cannot see. The bible is clear they are deceived.

Not all Muslims are violent. I agree with you. A small percentage - according to experts approximately 7% of the Muslim population believe in waging jihad. How do we get the number 7%?

According to the Pew Research Center which published in 2007 the largest most comprehensive study of Muslim American opinions ever done, involving an interview of sixty thousand Muslim Americans conducted in English, Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu - the question was did they believe suicide bombings against civilians was ever justified? Some 13 percent indicated they believed suicide bombings were justified sometimes (7 percent) often (1 percent) or rarely but not never ( 5 percent ) the younger Muslims between ages of eighteen and twenty nine were more religious and more radical in their beliefs. Of that group 7 percent favored Al Qaeda and 15 percent felt that suicide bombings were sometimes or OFTEN justified.

More polling was conducted throughout Europe and over there it was found that 15 percent of the Muslim population ( approx. 16 million Muslims in Europe in 07') 15 percent said sometimes or often justified - suicide bombings - in the UK.. 16 percent said sometimes or often justified - in France and 7 percent in Germany said sometimes or often justified.

Forty percent in Great Britain felt Iran should have nuclear weapons.

The poll did extend to Muslims coming from 35 different nations that are either Islamic or large Muslim populations.

So in closing this is what the polls, questionaire revealed - remember - after surveying 90% of a sample representing more than 90 percent of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims - from 35 nations which were predominantly Muslim - also add in Europe and USA - and the findings were........... 93 percent of the Muslims in the world are defined as non violent and traditionally religious but unlikely to pose a threat.

That is good news.

Here is the bad news:

7 percent were classified as Radical Muslims. This group found 9/11 to be completely justified and view the USA unfavorably. If you do the math on 7 percent of the Worlds Muslim population at 1.3 billion you are faced with the fact that there are 91 Million Radical Muslims in the world today.
91 Million radical Muslims is going by the 2007 report estimating 1.3 billion Muslims. If you go by their claim of 1.5 billion Muslims the number of radical Muslims is higher. That is what the world is facing today, Nosmos.

Thanks for reading.

1. There are some arguments to be made for the effectiveness of suicide bombings especially against a giant like the USA. How else are people in Iraq who hate us going to attack a superpower? And what is the difference between you sending 1000 guys to fight knowing 10% of them are going to die, and maybe they will lose the battle, or sending one person in to take out many of the enemy. I wonder if you were invaded and desperate if you would start seeing this tactic as not such a bad idea. Instead of losing your entire platoon, just find one crazy guy who's willing to blow himself up. You don't like the tactic because it is effective and hard to stop. Seems too you are unable to see things from the arabs eyes. Many arab Americans have empathy for their relatives back home. They also know how things are really going on. Like we didn't know that even years after we got rid of Saddam, the Iraqi citizens lives were worse off than before. Not the people living in the safe zone. But the media didn't tell you that. They only let you talk to people who lived in the safe zone. People benefitting from us being there.

2. Why shouldn't Iran have a nuke? Then maybe we won't invade them. Maybe we'll respect them more. I'd want one if I were them too. Oh relax Israel. Or, none of us should have nukes. We should do away with all of them and then YES go after any country who tries to build nuclear bombs.

3. If you lived in the middle east or came from there maybe you would know what assholes us Americans can be. I can see things from both sides so I get them. Do I agree with them? Fuck no! I am just capable of seeing things from their perspective. Empathy. But make no mistakes about it. My family came from Greece and they hate the USA. What do I say to them? Fuck them! They don't like it that we buddy up with Turkey. We need Turkey, not Greece. Everyone wants to bitch about the superpower policing the world but the minute shit hits the fan they come running or calling. Just like the police in America. LOL. Everyone hates the police until they need one.
Obviously you can not see things from both sides or you would not have said, "just find one crazy guy who's willing to blow himself up". That is not how they see it at all. If you could understand why that is not how they see it then you could understand what makes Islam fundamentally different than any other religion.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but most all terrorists are Muslims. Currently. I do not see Christians cutting off heads anywhere in the world and there is no shortage of Muslims doing so. Muslims slaughter each other.

If they were the superpower and we lived in a small country that they invaded, and we didn't have access to good weapons, we might resort to ied's and suicide bombings.

And look at how shocked we are to see them cut heads off. BFD I say. Shoot them, cut their heads off, drown them waterboarding them, beat them to death. Cutting a head off is quick and easy and the victim doesn't suffer too long. We tortured men in Abu Grabe for months and those people finally died. That is cruel, no?

If you don't get it out of them after a month of torture, they don't know or they ain't gonna break. Stop it. LOL.

Aren't Russians Christians? Aren't they invading Ukraine right now? Do you approve of Russia's tactics? And lets see how Ukraine reacts if they get desperate enough. They might start buring IUD's and sending in soldiers to do suicide bombs.
So you would see the IRA and ISIS as being similar organizations?
God says he likes the KJV just fine. If you would like a recommendation that is.

King James is a dubious source, He was also responsible for producing a book called. 'Daemonologie'.
It just happens that I received a reprint of it from amazon today in the post. published by parchment books.
Radical Christians are not violent, Nosmos. The lukewarm and carnal resort to violence and are in rebellion against God. Such as the KKK who hate those they can see yet claim they love God who they cannot see. The bible is clear they are deceived.

Not all Muslims are violent. I agree with you. A small percentage - according to experts approximately 7% of the Muslim population believe in waging jihad. How do we get the number 7%?

According to the Pew Research Center which published in 2007 the largest most comprehensive study of Muslim American opinions ever done, involving an interview of sixty thousand Muslim Americans conducted in English, Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu - the question was did they believe suicide bombings against civilians was ever justified? Some 13 percent indicated they believed suicide bombings were justified sometimes (7 percent) often (1 percent) or rarely but not never ( 5 percent ) the younger Muslims between ages of eighteen and twenty nine were more religious and more radical in their beliefs. Of that group 7 percent favored Al Qaeda and 15 percent felt that suicide bombings were sometimes or OFTEN justified.

More polling was conducted throughout Europe and over there it was found that 15 percent of the Muslim population ( approx. 16 million Muslims in Europe in 07') 15 percent said sometimes or often justified - suicide bombings - in the UK.. 16 percent said sometimes or often justified - in France and 7 percent in Germany said sometimes or often justified.

Forty percent in Great Britain felt Iran should have nuclear weapons.

The poll did extend to Muslims coming from 35 different nations that are either Islamic or large Muslim populations.

So in closing this is what the polls, questionaire revealed - remember - after surveying 90% of a sample representing more than 90 percent of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims - from 35 nations which were predominantly Muslim - also add in Europe and USA - and the findings were........... 93 percent of the Muslims in the world are defined as non violent and traditionally religious but unlikely to pose a threat.

That is good news.

Here is the bad news:

7 percent were classified as Radical Muslims. This group found 9/11 to be completely justified and view the USA unfavorably. If you do the math on 7 percent of the Worlds Muslim population at 1.3 billion you are faced with the fact that there are 91 Million Radical Muslims in the world today.
91 Million radical Muslims is going by the 2007 report estimating 1.3 billion Muslims. If you go by their claim of 1.5 billion Muslims the number of radical Muslims is higher. That is what the world is facing today, Nosmos.

Thanks for reading.

1. There are some arguments to be made for the effectiveness of suicide bombings especially against a giant like the USA. How else are people in Iraq who hate us going to attack a superpower? And what is the difference between you sending 1000 guys to fight knowing 10% of them are going to die, and maybe they will lose the battle, or sending one person in to take out many of the enemy. I wonder if you were invaded and desperate if you would start seeing this tactic as not such a bad idea. Instead of losing your entire platoon, just find one crazy guy who's willing to blow himself up. You don't like the tactic because it is effective and hard to stop. Seems too you are unable to see things from the arabs eyes. Many arab Americans have empathy for their relatives back home. They also know how things are really going on. Like we didn't know that even years after we got rid of Saddam, the Iraqi citizens lives were worse off than before. Not the people living in the safe zone. But the media didn't tell you that. They only let you talk to people who lived in the safe zone. People benefitting from us being there.

2. Why shouldn't Iran have a nuke? Then maybe we won't invade them. Maybe we'll respect them more. I'd want one if I were them too. Oh relax Israel. Or, none of us should have nukes. We should do away with all of them and then YES go after any country who tries to build nuclear bombs.

3. If you lived in the middle east or came from there maybe you would know what assholes us Americans can be. I can see things from both sides so I get them. Do I agree with them? Fuck no! I am just capable of seeing things from their perspective. Empathy. But make no mistakes about it. My family came from Greece and they hate the USA. What do I say to them? Fuck them! They don't like it that we buddy up with Turkey. We need Turkey, not Greece. Everyone wants to bitch about the superpower policing the world but the minute shit hits the fan they come running or calling. Just like the police in America. LOL. Everyone hates the police until they need one.
Obviously you can not see things from both sides or you would not have said, "just find one crazy guy who's willing to blow himself up". That is not how they see it at all. If you could understand why that is not how they see it then you could understand what makes Islam fundamentally different than any other religion.

You are willing to die for your country, no?
As next witness I call the President of Egypt:

"In a widely praised January 1 speech, Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi visited Al-Azhar University to address the country’s religious leadership, saying the time had come to reform Islam.
He complained that wrong ideas, which he did not specify, have become sacralized and that the religious leadership dares not criticize them. But Sisi did criticize, and in a colloquial Arabic highly unusual for discussing such topics: “It is inconceivable that the wrong ideas that we sacralize should make the entire umma [Muslim community] a source of concern, danger, killing, and destruction for the whole world.

Nonetheless, that is precisely what has occurred...."
Sisi and the Reform of Islam National Review Online

Yet, as we see in this thread, Liberals/secularists do what Liberals/secularists do.....refuse to recognize evil.
Their rule: "Never, never, be judgmental!!!"
.....to the death.

They should edit their holy book like we did ours.

For those who believe the Bible is the inerrant, unaltered word of God, there will be some very uncomfortable questions to answer. It shows there have been thousands of alterations to today's bible.

Wait a minute! The oldest known bible dates back to 4th century AD? That means Christianity might have been made up in the year 400?

BBC NEWS UK Magazine The rival to the Bible
God says he likes the KJV just fine. If you would like a recommendation that is.

King James Version.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but most all terrorists are Muslims. Currently. I do not see Christians cutting off heads anywhere in the world and there is no shortage of Muslims doing so. Muslims slaughter each other.

If they were the superpower and we lived in a small country that they invaded, and we didn't have access to good weapons, we might resort to ied's and suicide bombings.

And look at how shocked we are to see them cut heads off. BFD I say. Shoot them, cut their heads off, drown them waterboarding them, beat them to death. Cutting a head off is quick and easy and the victim doesn't suffer too long. We tortured men in Abu Grabe for months and those people finally died. That is cruel, no?

If you don't get it out of them after a month of torture, they don't know or they ain't gonna break. Stop it. LOL.

Aren't Russians Christians? Aren't they invading Ukraine right now? Do you approve of Russia's tactics? And lets see how Ukraine reacts if they get desperate enough. They might start buring IUD's and sending in soldiers to do suicide bombs.
So you would see the IRA and ISIS as being similar organizations?

I could see some similarities but also the differences.
Don't bother because we won't be able to tie those burnings and lynchings to a church. I read through a few articles about cross burning and they never say what church if any the perp belongs to. I wish it would so people would start seeing a connection between religion and insanity.

All you can do is lie - all you Communists ever do is lie to protect your terrorist buddies.

Burnings - come on you lying asswipe, post a "burning" of any sort in this nation in last decade?

You can't? Oh, that's because you're lying for Allah.

Lynching? Come on, show us these lynchings you lying fuck, let's see them?

No? You can't point to any lynchings in the last decade?

More lying for Allah.
Radical Christians are not violent, Nosmos. The lukewarm and carnal resort to violence and are in rebellion against God. Such as the KKK who hate those they can see yet claim they love God who they cannot see. The bible is clear they are deceived.

Not all Muslims are violent. I agree with you. A small percentage - according to experts approximately 7% of the Muslim population believe in waging jihad. How do we get the number 7%?

According to the Pew Research Center which published in 2007 the largest most comprehensive study of Muslim American opinions ever done, involving an interview of sixty thousand Muslim Americans conducted in English, Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu - the question was did they believe suicide bombings against civilians was ever justified? Some 13 percent indicated they believed suicide bombings were justified sometimes (7 percent) often (1 percent) or rarely but not never ( 5 percent ) the younger Muslims between ages of eighteen and twenty nine were more religious and more radical in their beliefs. Of that group 7 percent favored Al Qaeda and 15 percent felt that suicide bombings were sometimes or OFTEN justified.

More polling was conducted throughout Europe and over there it was found that 15 percent of the Muslim population ( approx. 16 million Muslims in Europe in 07') 15 percent said sometimes or often justified - suicide bombings - in the UK.. 16 percent said sometimes or often justified - in France and 7 percent in Germany said sometimes or often justified.

Forty percent in Great Britain felt Iran should have nuclear weapons.

The poll did extend to Muslims coming from 35 different nations that are either Islamic or large Muslim populations.

So in closing this is what the polls, questionaire revealed - remember - after surveying 90% of a sample representing more than 90 percent of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims - from 35 nations which were predominantly Muslim - also add in Europe and USA - and the findings were........... 93 percent of the Muslims in the world are defined as non violent and traditionally religious but unlikely to pose a threat.

That is good news.

Here is the bad news:

7 percent were classified as Radical Muslims. This group found 9/11 to be completely justified and view the USA unfavorably. If you do the math on 7 percent of the Worlds Muslim population at 1.3 billion you are faced with the fact that there are 91 Million Radical Muslims in the world today.
91 Million radical Muslims is going by the 2007 report estimating 1.3 billion Muslims. If you go by their claim of 1.5 billion Muslims the number of radical Muslims is higher. That is what the world is facing today, Nosmos.

Thanks for reading.

1. There are some arguments to be made for the effectiveness of suicide bombings especially against a giant like the USA. How else are people in Iraq who hate us going to attack a superpower? And what is the difference between you sending 1000 guys to fight knowing 10% of them are going to die, and maybe they will lose the battle, or sending one person in to take out many of the enemy. I wonder if you were invaded and desperate if you would start seeing this tactic as not such a bad idea. Instead of losing your entire platoon, just find one crazy guy who's willing to blow himself up. You don't like the tactic because it is effective and hard to stop. Seems too you are unable to see things from the arabs eyes. Many arab Americans have empathy for their relatives back home. They also know how things are really going on. Like we didn't know that even years after we got rid of Saddam, the Iraqi citizens lives were worse off than before. Not the people living in the safe zone. But the media didn't tell you that. They only let you talk to people who lived in the safe zone. People benefitting from us being there.

2. Why shouldn't Iran have a nuke? Then maybe we won't invade them. Maybe we'll respect them more. I'd want one if I were them too. Oh relax Israel. Or, none of us should have nukes. We should do away with all of them and then YES go after any country who tries to build nuclear bombs.

3. If you lived in the middle east or came from there maybe you would know what assholes us Americans can be. I can see things from both sides so I get them. Do I agree with them? Fuck no! I am just capable of seeing things from their perspective. Empathy. But make no mistakes about it. My family came from Greece and they hate the USA. What do I say to them? Fuck them! They don't like it that we buddy up with Turkey. We need Turkey, not Greece. Everyone wants to bitch about the superpower policing the world but the minute shit hits the fan they come running or calling. Just like the police in America. LOL. Everyone hates the police until they need one.
Obviously you can not see things from both sides or you would not have said, "just find one crazy guy who's willing to blow himself up". That is not how they see it at all. If you could understand why that is not how they see it then you could understand what makes Islam fundamentally different than any other religion.

You are willing to die for your country, no?
I've worn it before and I will wear it again should the need arise. U.S. Army

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