Why Isn't Anti-Trump Stuff Considered Illegal Speech?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
It turns out the twice impeached President Trump was a pawn of Zionist interests who tricked White people (including me) into thinking he was not a Europhobe. It is probably impossible for Zionist Christian retards to understand, but normal patriotic Americans need to understand what (((they))) have been doing, particularly post WWII.

...the MSM/etc enable anti-white stuff--especially anti-white Republican
It turns out the twice impeached President Trump was a pawn of Zionist interests who tricked White people (including me) into thinking he was not a Europhobe. It is probably impossible for Zionist Christian retards to understand, but normal patriotic Americans need to understand what (((they))) have been doing, particularly post WWII.

Yes, Trump is a Jew hating person who loves Zionism that hates black people, which caused him to date one for 2 years and also caused him to ask Oprah to run as VP at one time.

It's all a sordid case of hating people but then pretending not to.

If you think he fooled you, he fooled pretty much everyone else as well.
It is because the previous administration have gave permission to spread fake propagandas about Pres. Trump. That is why they have claimed Pres. Trump is a threat to national security that he was colluding with the Russians, so that they can put that defense bill in motion.
That is why they have raided the Russian embassy to hype it up to make it seem real.
In ordered for them to propagandized the public. Obama must of had signed a secret executive order that allowed the intelligence community to receive federal funds to fund this operation while Pres. Trump is in office. But kept it a secret from him.
They have done this to other countries' leaders in the past. Right now they are spreading fake propagandize on Putin. That his political opponent that is apart of the Globalist minions. Trying to make it seem as if Putin political opponent is a sweet little angel.
But Putin publicly admits that if any spies tries to get in his way to takeover. He will locked the away or kill them. That he don't care what the Globalist spread lies about him.
Putin let the Global cabal to know that he isn't a doormat. That they may walked over Pres. Trump's term in office. But he is not going to let them treat him as a fool.

More Links Uncovered Between George Soros and Russiagate through Russian Opposition Official Alexander Navalny

It turns out the twice impeached President Trump was a pawn of Zionist interests who tricked White people (including me) into thinking he was not a Europhobe. It is probably impossible for Zionist Christian retards to understand, but normal patriotic Americans need to understand what (((they))) have been doing, particularly post WWII.

It turns out the twice impeached President Trump was a pawn of Zionist interests who tricked White people (including me) into thinking he was not a Europhobe. It is probably impossible for Zionist Christian retards to understand, but normal patriotic Americans need to understand what (((they))) have been doing, particularly post WWII.

You're a good Democrat.
Well i'm glad to see people are coming around to the reality Trump's foreign policy was far from america first

Obama was a better nationalist than trump in the middle east, better than any president since eisenhower really.
It turns out the twice impeached President Trump was a pawn of Zionist interests who tricked White people (including me) into thinking he was not a Europhobe. It is probably impossible for Zionist Christian retards to understand, but normal patriotic Americans need to understand what (((they))) have been doing, particularly post WWII.

You're a good Democrat.

yea marvin let's all burn cash and blood for isreali and saudi interests

OP has read a little bit it looks like

You should do the same

Jared Kushner the nationalist, hahahahah

Anyone telling you the Iran deal was bad, they're nto a nationalist. Easiest litmus test. Can just hang em for being a traitor right then and there. You'd 100% be right every time.
It turns out the twice impeached President Trump was a pawn of Zionist interests who tricked White people (including me) into thinking he was not a Europhobe. It is probably impossible for Zionist Christian retards to understand, but normal patriotic Americans need to understand what (((they))) have been doing, particularly post WWII.

Its ONLY considered illegal by the government if it ANTI Biden.You can post all the anti trump stuff you want on facebook and you are patted on the back for it,you do that with biden and you are lucky if your post is only deleted and you dont suffer a ban.
Juicin actually Trump cut off aide to the Bankers of Israel.:yes_text12:

Show me where kushner cut off anything


He gave control of basically the whole administration to a zionist jew, who admittedly has some good ideas that don't involve the middle east.
Show me where kushner cut off anything


He gave control of basically the whole administration to a zionist jew, who admittedly has some good ideas that don't involve the middle east.
I said Trump did not Kushner.

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