Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

Any enemy of the American way of life should be removed including progressive liberals.

ah good, you keep on that, i am sure the FBI will be over shortly you fucking Psycho

At least I don't play with little children toys. If I am psycho for standing up for my right bring'em on. If standing up for your right's is psycho then I am a physco, I am as psycho as the founding fathers were.


You are fixated on other people's avatars and you translate an avatar as "playing with little children toys"....no wonder you're :cuckoo:
Where you stand up for your rights as an American within the law, I will stand with you. Where you have to disagree with nonviolent civil disobedience, I support your moral right to do so. Where you talk about armed insurrection, you will earn your fate.
typical hypocritical left wing homo talking out of hiss bleeding ass.the insurrection will start in the form of flash mobs and riots when you loose in 2012.YOU WILL LOOSE AND YOU WILL RIOT!!!and you will finally understand who the true protectors of freedom are in this country because you will earn your fate!!! talking about non violence with a picture of Palins head mounted above a fire place. if i had a picture of Obama's nappy small peanut head [small container] i would be labeled a racist ,but you know what?? i used to fear being labeled that [ NOT ANYMORE ]it's old and tired and the left has used it as a cowardly weapon so much people don't pay it any attention anymore we expect to be called racist for disagreeing with high spending and raising taxes,things that have nothing to do ..with race,but is slung around by libbtards who have no viable defence for their failed policies.So whats good for the goose is good for the libbs ...........:piss2::afro:........that's for you.

Who has an avatar like that, Skippy? Your powers of observation leave a great deal to be desired, I must say.
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

To answer the question - AIPAC hasn't told Congress to move.
Where you stand up for your rights as an American within the law, I will stand with you. Where you have to disagree with nonviolent civil disobedience, I support your moral right to do so. Where you talk about armed insurrection, you will earn your fate.
typical hypocritical left wing homo talking out of hiss bleeding ass.the insurrection will start in the form of flash mobs and riots when you loose in 2012.YOU WILL LOOSE AND YOU WILL RIOT!!!and you will finally understand who the true protectors of freedom are in this country because you will earn your fate!!! talking about non violence with a picture of Palins head mounted above a fire place. if i had a picture of Obama's nappy small peanut head [small container] i would be labeled a racist ,but you know what?? i used to fear being labeled that [ NOT ANYMORE ]it's old and tired and the left has used it as a cowardly weapon so much people don't pay it any attention anymore we expect to be called racist for disagreeing with high spending and raising taxes,things that have nothing to do ..with race,but is slung around by libbtards who have no viable defence for their failed policies.So whats good for the goose is good for the libbs ...........:piss2::afro:........that's for you.

Stop yelling like a fascist Brownshirt. You Righty Extreme Fascists scare no one now, and you never will. End of your story is already written: failure.
Hitler was a fascist .and even though after Pearl Harbor Roosevelt was [forced ] to finally confront Germany.the vast majority of military defenders in this country now and then are people with honorable conservative values.WE.... defeated fascism not yellow bellied left wing cowards like you!!!! do you honestly think GEN PATTON would agree with the lefts point of view??and as far as # go in the election in 2012 let me enlighten your ignorant ass on a few things.the left will get all the gay vote,the black vote,half of the Hispanic vote,the lazy welfare slob GIBBS MUH DATT vote,and white guilt ridden idiot coward votes,and acooon will help dead people vote again,and a few all the worthless pieces of tootoo wearing freak shits will vote for you.THIS IS YOUR VOTER BASE AND YOU KNOW IT"S TRUE!!!!we on the other hand will have millions of conservatives, and hard working small business owners,white veterans[which out number minority vets 8 to one and that's a damn fact !!!] the elderly[Obama wants to increase spending on medicaid but cut medicare] will turn out in mass droves,and most importantly moderate democrats and indepedents that made the shameful mistake in voting for him in the 1st place are not going to do it again.WE WILL WIN BY A LAND SLIDE!!!!the only accomplishments the looser left will have done is provided America a census on all the freaks, leaches,extreme left wing communist,and frauds we have in this country.SEE YOU AT YOUR RIOTS IN 2012 I'LL BE ONE OF THE PEOPLE KEEPING THE PIECE. P.S.YOUR PEOPLE WILL RIOT!!!:Boom2::piss2:
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The vast majority of America was isolationistic, and FDR moved as quickly as he could through the thirities into the forty and forty-one to educate the fools that America would have to fight Germany.

General Patton, as right wing as he was, would put you on night guard for being so stupid.

Run Palin or Bachmann, and Obama will get 48 to 52% of the white vote and more than 80% of the darker vote.

You are a demagogue, a fascist, a racist, and a fool. Dismissed.

Folks like you guarantee an Obama re-election.
Where you stand up for your rights as an American within the law, I will stand with you. Where you have to disagree with nonviolent civil disobedience, I support your moral right to do so. Where you talk about armed insurrection, you will earn your fate.

Doesn't the Constitution mention something about "... whenever any Form of Government becomes becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" ?
Where you stand up for your rights as an American within the law, I will stand with you. Where you have to disagree with nonviolent civil disobedience, I support your moral right to do so. Where you talk about armed insurrection, you will earn your fate.

Doesn't the Constitution mention something about "... whenever any Form of Government becomes becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" ?

But the government is not destructive of these ends, Lasher. You are merely pissed off you are in the minority. This government was constitutionally and electorally validated by the We the People. Your duty is to change it politically, not by violence.
Where you stand up for your rights as an American within the law, I will stand with you. Where you have to disagree with nonviolent civil disobedience, I support your moral right to do so. Where you talk about armed insurrection, you will earn your fate.

Doesn't the Constitution mention something about "... whenever any Form of Government becomes becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" ?

But the government is not destructive of these ends, Lasher. You are merely pissed off you are in the minority. This government was constitutionally and electorally validated by the We the People. Your duty is to change it politically, not by violence.

To which ends are you referring? If they are the ones in the Preamble, it says it is our right, our duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards for our future security; does that sound like voting for such entrenched despots as we are subjected to every election day? To me it sounds like a call to arms just as it did to those who signed that document.
Doesn't the Constitution mention something about "... whenever any Form of Government becomes becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" ?

But the government is not destructive of these ends, Lasher. You are merely pissed off you are in the minority. This government was constitutionally and electorally validated by the We the People. Your duty is to change it politically, not by violence.

To which ends are you referring? If they are the ones in the Preamble, it says it is our right, our duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards for our future security; does that sound like voting for such entrenched despots as we are subjected to every election day? To me it sounds like a call to arms just as it did to those who signed that document.
The Preamble? :lol::lol::lol:

You are quoting the Declaration of Independence....not the Preamble.

BTW...the Dec of Ind also says this:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;

You lack prudence, indeed. You want to have a revolution over light and transient causes.....because YOU don't like the duely elected President. Bummer.
But the government is not destructive of these ends, Lasher. You are merely pissed off you are in the minority. This government was constitutionally and electorally validated by the We the People. Your duty is to change it politically, not by violence.

To which ends are you referring? If they are the ones in the Preamble, it says it is our right, our duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards for our future security; does that sound like voting for such entrenched despots as we are subjected to every election day? To me it sounds like a call to arms just as it did to those who signed that document.
The Preamble? :lol::lol::lol:

You are quoting the Declaration of Independence....not the Preamble.

BTW...the Dec of Ind also says this:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;

You lack prudence, indeed. You want to have a revolution over light and transient causes.....because YOU don't like the duely elected President. Bummer.

I don't know which preamble you are thinking of, old sport, but the one I refer to is the one to that very document - the Declaration of Independence. :lol::lol::lol:

If it is your opinion that the troubles facing America today are light and transient, you must be living with Alice in Wonderland.

The "duly" elected oaf we are presently suffering under is a sham, a mountebank and a charlatan who is being used by the NWO for its nefarious purposes, and those who can't see that are blind.
No, Lasher, you have no cause for revolution.

You are simply unhappy our candidate lost. We try again next year. That's how it is done.

When people stand up in our county and city Republican meetings, we let your type talk for 30 seconds then sit you down, and get about the real meaning of our meetings: how to responsibly push our party's principles without sounding like idiots.
To which ends are you referring? If they are the ones in the Preamble, it says it is our right, our duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards for our future security; does that sound like voting for such entrenched despots as we are subjected to every election day? To me it sounds like a call to arms just as it did to those who signed that document.
The Preamble? :lol::lol::lol:

You are quoting the Declaration of Independence....not the Preamble.

BTW...the Dec of Ind also says this:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;

You lack prudence, indeed. You want to have a revolution over light and transient causes.....because YOU don't like the duely elected President. Bummer.

I don't know which preamble you are thinking of, old sport, but the one I refer to is the one to that very document - the Declaration of Independence. :lol::lol::lol:

If it is your opinion that the troubles facing America today are light and transient, you must be living with Alice in Wonderland.

The "duly" elected oaf we are presently suffering under is a sham, a mountebank and a charlatan who is being used by the NWO for its nefarious purposes, and those who can't see that are blind.

There is only one Preamble...with a capital "P" (as you used) and that is at the beginning of the U.S. Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[note 1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

But, keep whining....it's what people like you seem to have going for you...the only thing you have had going for you the last few years....and whining is SUCH a compelling argument, don't you think? :lmao:
No, Lasher, you have no cause for revolution.

You are simply unhappy our candidate lost. We try again next year. That's how it is done.

When people stand up in our county and city Republican meetings, we let your type talk for 30 seconds then sit you down, and get about the real meaning of our meetings: how to responsibly push our party's principles without sounding like idiots.

John Glenn was no candidate of mine, he was nominated to run against Obama for the very reason he was the weakest, wishy-washiest, most uncommitted one in the field. Unlike you sycophants who vote for party, Lasher is not one to select the better of two evils. If they are both evil, Lash doesn't vote for either.

Lasher would like to see someone without authority to do so try and sit Him down, Starkey. You talk a big talk, but do you walk the walk, old bean?
The Preamble? :lol::lol::lol:

You are quoting the Declaration of Independence....not the Preamble.

BTW...the Dec of Ind also says this:

You lack prudence, indeed. You want to have a revolution over light and transient causes.....because YOU don't like the duely elected President. Bummer.

I don't know which preamble you are thinking of, old sport, but the one I refer to is the one to that very document - the Declaration of Independence. :lol::lol::lol:

If it is your opinion that the troubles facing America today are light and transient, you must be living with Alice in Wonderland.

The "duly" elected oaf we are presently suffering under is a sham, a mountebank and a charlatan who is being used by the NWO for its nefarious purposes, and those who can't see that are blind.

There is only one Preamble...with a capital "P" (as you used) and that is at the beginning of the U.S. Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[note 1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

But, keep whining....it's what people like you seem to have going for you...the only thing you have had going for you the last few years....and whining is SUCH a compelling argument, don't you think? :lmao:

My capitalizing "preamble" is no more indicative of ignorance than your spelling of "duly," so don't get on your high-horse with Lasher.

Most intelligent people know that when someone like you starts resorting to trying to ridicule with words such as "whining," they are admitting they realize they have little knowledge of whatever subject they are defending.

Your obvious anger and state of being upset shows the world just how thin your thoughts are.
Lasher, you have neither wits nor snits. You are here for grin and chuckles.
I don't know which preamble you are thinking of, old sport, but the one I refer to is the one to that very document - the Declaration of Independence. :lol::lol::lol:

If it is your opinion that the troubles facing America today are light and transient, you must be living with Alice in Wonderland.

The "duly" elected oaf we are presently suffering under is a sham, a mountebank and a charlatan who is being used by the NWO for its nefarious purposes, and those who can't see that are blind.

There is only one Preamble...with a capital "P" (as you used) and that is at the beginning of the U.S. Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[note 1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

But, keep whining....it's what people like you seem to have going for you...the only thing you have had going for you the last few years....and whining is SUCH a compelling argument, don't you think? :lmao:

My capitalizing "preamble" is no more indicative of ignorance than your spelling of "duly," so don't get on your high-horse with Lasher.

Most intelligent people know that when someone like you starts resorting to trying to ridicule with words such as "whining," they are admitting they realize they have little knowledge of whatever subject they are defending.

Your obvious anger and state of being upset shows the world just how thin your thoughts are.

I wish to congratulate you for perhaps the most severe case of Reflection I've seen in months here. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

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