Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

yidnar is projecting far righty extremist crap on those with whom he disagrees. yid up, yidnar.
I don't talk in code dipshit I call it like I see it,

As do I:

Although you’re none of the things you cited in post 485, you do have a comprehensive ignorance of Constitutional case law in general and the impeachment process in particular. You’re a reactionary right-wing extremist who in said ignorance has created this fantasy world of what you think the Constitution means, although this ‘understanding’ has no basis in fact or reality.

You’re a rightist partisan hack who cites no objective evidence in support of your positions (more than likely because there is no evidence to support) and the purpose of this thread was an attempt to disparage Obama that backfired on you miserably when confronted by the fact that Obama committed no impeachable offenses.

Instead of conceding your failure like an adult you continued to indulge yourself in an infantile temper-tantrum insisting the president had indeed committed a crime by violating laws that aren’t even in existence.

One can only hope this thread serves as a reminder to other conservatives and those on the right to research their facts first and get them straight before launching an attack on a hated political opponent.

Although you’re none of the things you cited in post 485, you do have a comprehensive ignorance of Constitutional case law in general and the impeachment process in particular.
It is you who is lacking in understanding the Constitution and laws, Just like the "law professor" obama. Remember when he tried to force the bank to make CEO's give back their binding contract support bonus’s? Why do we have a congress if the president can make the rules as he wishes when amensty was not passed in congress?
Using my hobby against me isn't going to.work.
but you keep trying. Its like watching a retard trying to color in the lines

Your Hobby? You play with children toy's? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yeah so?
Unlike you I don't go around plotting how to remove obama.

No, what he does is whine about Obama breaking laws...but not having the balls to actually report him for these so called crimes.

And then, when called on his lack of back bone, he talks about toys.
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

I know nothing about it but I assume that, if there is such a thing as a "presidential order" it was created to prevent paralysis at federal level.
why isn't congress doing anything to stop him??? what would happen if he were forced from office?? we all know the answer THE RACE CARD!!! RIOTS AND CIVIL UNREST!!!and Obama's sorry ass knows it.When he looses in 2012 the American people are finally going to see how anti American certain supporters of the left wing party really are.Their will be riots and Obama knows it,and he is going to promote it.If you think that arrogant bastard is going to leave office peacefully i've got some free health care for ya!!:piss2::afro:

Ah. The Race Card Card again.
I don't talk in code dipshit I call it like I see it,

As do I:

Although you’re none of the things you cited in post 485, you do have a comprehensive ignorance of Constitutional case law in general and the impeachment process in particular. You’re a reactionary right-wing extremist who in said ignorance has created this fantasy world of what you think the Constitution means, although this ‘understanding’ has no basis in fact or reality.

You’re a rightist partisan hack who cites no objective evidence in support of your positions (more than likely because there is no evidence to support) and the purpose of this thread was an attempt to disparage Obama that backfired on you miserably when confronted by the fact that Obama committed no impeachable offenses.

Instead of conceding your failure like an adult you continued to indulge yourself in an infantile temper-tantrum insisting the president had indeed committed a crime by violating laws that aren’t even in existence.

One can only hope this thread serves as a reminder to other conservatives and those on the right to research their facts first and get them straight before launching an attack on a hated political opponent.
where in the constitution does the government have the power to force bailouts on states and business???where in the constitution is government allowed to force Obama care on people that do not want it. if these are not impeachable violations like you claim they are not,then he should at least be kicked out for incompetence.He will go down as one of the worst US presidents in history all of his policies will be scrapped and very soon even his own party will abandon his sorry ass!!:clap2::dance::dance:
why isn't congress doing anything to stop him??? what would happen if he were forced from office?? we all know the answer THE RACE CARD!!! RIOTS AND CIVIL UNREST!!!and Obama's sorry ass knows it.When he looses in 2012 the American people are finally going to see how anti American certain supporters of the left wing party really are.Their will be riots and Obama knows it,and he is going to promote it.If you think that arrogant bastard is going to leave office peacefully i've got some free health care for ya!!

A new conservative member representing the right well.
yidnar is projecting far righty extremist crap on those with whom he disagrees. yid up, yidnar.
hey dumb ass you know i am right you know blacks are going to riot when he looses fair and square in 2012.name one black leader of a country that was voted out that left peacefully.better yet name one black country that is doing well and is not a 3rd world shithole..::splat:
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I don't talk in code dipshit I call it like I see it,

As do I:

Although you’re none of the things you cited in post 485, you do have a comprehensive ignorance of Constitutional case law in general and the impeachment process in particular. You’re a reactionary right-wing extremist who in said ignorance has created this fantasy world of what you think the Constitution means, although this ‘understanding’ has no basis in fact or reality.

You’re a rightist partisan hack who cites no objective evidence in support of your positions (more than likely because there is no evidence to support) and the purpose of this thread was an attempt to disparage Obama that backfired on you miserably when confronted by the fact that Obama committed no impeachable offenses.

Instead of conceding your failure like an adult you continued to indulge yourself in an infantile temper-tantrum insisting the president had indeed committed a crime by violating laws that aren’t even in existence.

One can only hope this thread serves as a reminder to other conservatives and those on the right to research their facts first and get them straight before launching an attack on a hated political opponent.
where in the constitution does the government have the power to force bailouts on states and business???where in the constitution is government allowed to force Obama care on people that do not want it. if these are not impeachable violations like you claim they are not,then he should at least be kicked out for incompetence.He will go down as one of the worst US presidents in history all of his policies will be scrapped and very soon even his own party will abandon his sorry ass!!:clap2::dance::dance:

The Congress and the Courts jointly make those decisions, with the Courts having the final say.

You don't.
yidnar is projecting far righty extremist crap on those with whom he disagrees. yid up, yidnar.
hey dumb ass you know i am right you know blacks are going to riot when he looses fair and square in 2012.name one black leader of a country that was voted out that left peacefully.better yet name one black country that is doing well and is not a 3rd world shithole..::splat:

Your brains have melted, just like littledebFascist's. This is an American country, kiddo, not black or white or green or yellow or (fascist)brown. No riot will happen. If BHO loses, guess, what a lot of presidents did, and only the fuckin' South acted stupidly about it, stupidly enough to cause 600K deaths.
Yeah so?
Unlike you I don't go around plotting how to remove obama.

Any enemy of the American way of life should be removed including progressive liberals.

ah good, you keep on that, i am sure the FBI will be over shortly you fucking Psycho

At least I don't play with little children toys. If I am psycho for standing up for my right bring'em on. If standing up for your right's is psycho then I am a physco, I am as psycho as the founding fathers were.
Where you stand up for your rights as an American within the law, I will stand with you. Where you have to disagree with nonviolent civil disobedience, I support your moral right to do so. Where you talk about armed insurrection, you will earn your fate.
As do I:

Although you’re none of the things you cited in post 485, you do have a comprehensive ignorance of Constitutional case law in general and the impeachment process in particular. You’re a reactionary right-wing extremist who in said ignorance has created this fantasy world of what you think the Constitution means, although this ‘understanding’ has no basis in fact or reality.

You’re a rightist partisan hack who cites no objective evidence in support of your positions (more than likely because there is no evidence to support) and the purpose of this thread was an attempt to disparage Obama that backfired on you miserably when confronted by the fact that Obama committed no impeachable offenses.

Instead of conceding your failure like an adult you continued to indulge yourself in an infantile temper-tantrum insisting the president had indeed committed a crime by violating laws that aren’t even in existence.

One can only hope this thread serves as a reminder to other conservatives and those on the right to research their facts first and get them straight before launching an attack on a hated political opponent.
where in the constitution does the government have the power to force bailouts on states and business???where in the constitution is government allowed to force Obama care on people that do not want it. if these are not impeachable violations like you claim they are not,then he should at least be kicked out for incompetence.He will go down as one of the worst US presidents in history all of his policies will be scrapped and very soon even his own party will abandon his sorry ass!!:clap2::dance::dance:

The Congress and the Courts jointly make those decisions, with the Courts having the final say.

You don't.
BULL SHIT!!!!! they work for the American people and we reject this piece of walking talking lying rev Wright loving anti American piece of SHIT!!! you know he is hurting America and you love it!!It's payback time for intelligent hard working innovative people that constantly out work,out score,out produce animals like you,you think you have us reeling on the ropes,make no mistake the only thing that is reeling and about to go down for the count are socialist,affirmative action loving,pass the plait and raise THEIR TAXES not MINE,libbtards like you.and when you riot in 2012 and you will RIOT it will be the end of your political clout and party as you know it!!!: [they may make the laws but we can vote them out] clap2::piss2::afro:
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Where you stand up for your rights as an American within the law, I will stand with you. Where you have to disagree with nonviolent civil disobedience, I support your moral right to do so. Where you talk about armed insurrection, you will earn your fate.
typical hypocritical left wing homo talking out of hiss bleeding ass.the insurrection will start in the form of flash mobs and riots when you loose in 2012.YOU WILL LOOSE AND YOU WILL RIOT!!!and you will finally understand who the true protectors of freedom are in this country because you will earn your fate!!! talking about non violence with a picture of Palins head mounted above a fire place. if i had a picture of Obama's nappy small peanut head [small container] i would be labeled a racist ,but you know what?? i used to fear being labeled that [ NOT ANYMORE ]it's old and tired and the left has used it as a cowardly weapon so much people don't pay it any attention anymore we expect to be called racist for disagreeing with high spending and raising taxes,things that have nothing to do ..with race,but is slung around by libbtards who have no viable defence for their failed policies.So whats good for the goose is good for the libbs ...........:piss2::afro:........that's for you.
where in the constitution does the government have the power to force bailouts on states and business???where in the constitution is government allowed to force Obama care on people that do not want it. if these are not impeachable violations like you claim they are not,then he should at least be kicked out for incompetence.He will go down as one of the worst US presidents in history all of his policies will be scrapped and very soon even his own party will abandon his sorry ass!!:clap2::dance::dance:

The Congress and the Courts jointly make those decisions, with the Courts having the final say.

You don't.
BULL SHIT!!!!! they work for the American people and we reject this piece of walking talking lying rev Wright loving anti American piece of SHIT!!! you know he is hurting America and you love it!!It's payback time for intelligent hard working innovative people that constantly out work,out score,out produce animals like you,you think you have us reeling on the ropes,make no mistake the only thing that is reeling and about to go down for the count are socialist,affirmative action loving,pass the plait and raise THEIR TAXES not MINE,libbtards like you.and when you riot in 2012 and you will RIOT it will be the end of your political clout and party as you know it!!!: [they may make the laws but we can vote them out] clap2::piss2::afro:

A very, very few of the wacks like you don't approve. You have little or no power about it. The nice thing is that you get to yell about it. Yell all you want. But you won't be voting any laws out after 2012. You don't have the numbers. And, oh? . . . yes, the Courts have the final say, not you.
Where you stand up for your rights as an American within the law, I will stand with you. Where you have to disagree with nonviolent civil disobedience, I support your moral right to do so. Where you talk about armed insurrection, you will earn your fate.
typical hypocritical left wing homo talking out of hiss bleeding ass.the insurrection will start in the form of flash mobs and riots when you loose in 2012.YOU WILL LOOSE AND YOU WILL RIOT!!!and you will finally understand who the true protectors of freedom are in this country because you will earn your fate!!! talking about non violence with a picture of Palins head mounted above a fire place. if i had a picture of Obama's nappy small peanut head [small container] i would be labeled a racist ,but you know what?? i used to fear being labeled that [ NOT ANYMORE ]it's old and tired and the left has used it as a cowardly weapon so much people don't pay it any attention anymore we expect to be called racist for disagreeing with high spending and raising taxes,things that have nothing to do ..with race,but is slung around by libbtards who have no viable defence for their failed policies.So whats good for the goose is good for the libbs ...........:piss2::afro:........that's for you.

Stop yelling like a fascist Brownshirt. You Righty Extreme Fascists scare no one now, and you never will. End of your story is already written: failure.

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