Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

I am a patriot. Thanks for recognizing that. You are the Saul Alinksy of the right, for sure. I bet Obama loves America more and worthily than you do.

No you aren't your words give you away. I am straight forword you use code words to get your message accross.

Even in this post you give yourself away.
obama hasn't shown he cares about America and what it stood for. You support him you will get what you deserve.

He's let you live.
I am a patriot. Thanks for recognizing that. You are the Saul Alinksy of the right, for sure. I bet Obama loves America more and worthily than you do.

No you aren't your words give you away. I am straight forword you use code words to get your message accross.

Even in this post you give yourself away.
obama hasn't shown he cares about America and what it stood for. You support him you will get what you deserve.

He's let you live.

No one can take my life but me. I am armed 24/7 and am aware of my surroundings.
Let's go for massive reduction with a ceiling that is feasible. If the GOP does not sign on, the American public will make it pay a horrible price in the fall next year.

We have to do it, Jake.

Here's why: link

We'll pay the price if need be, because it's the right thing to do.
If the GOP blocks it, then the Republican Party will pay the price, all of the price. My Republican Party will have died. We survivors will re-create the pre-Reagan party, and we will be far more responsible than the Party today.
Let's go for massive reduction with a ceiling that is feasible. If the GOP does not sign on, the American public will make it pay a horrible price in the fall next year.

We have to do it, Jake.

Here's why: link

We'll pay the price if need be, because it's the right thing to do.

What obama and the democrats are asking to do would be like me having a credit card owing one million dollars on it and going to the bank and tell them to raise my credit limit on the card
If the GOP blocks it, then the Republican Party will pay the price, all of the price. My Republican Party will have died. We survivors will re-create the pre-Reagan party, and we will be far more responsible than the Party today.

You have no common sense, you can't keep a debt with no way of paying it off and ask for more credit. This is the democrats fault.
I am a patriot. Thanks for recognizing that. You are the Saul Alinksy of the right, for sure. I bet Obama loves America more and worthily than you do.

No you aren't your words give you away. I am straight forword you use code words to get your message accross.

Even in this post you give yourself away.
obama hasn't shown he cares about America and what it stood for. You support him you will get what you deserve.

Jake is a patriot, bigreb. He feels strongly for his party's causes.

Our country allows diversity in liberals and conservatives without questioning allegiance.
No you aren't your words give you away. I am straight forword you use code words to get your message accross.

Even in this post you give yourself away.
obama hasn't shown he cares about America and what it stood for. You support him you will get what you deserve.

He's let you live.

No one can take my life but me. I am armed 24/7 and am aware of my surroundings.

Those were bin Laden's last words.
I am a patriot. Thanks for recognizing that. You are the Saul Alinksy of the right, for sure. I bet Obama loves America more and worthily than you do.

No you aren't your words give you away. I am straight forword you use code words to get your message accross.

Even in this post you give yourself away.
obama hasn't shown he cares about America and what it stood for. You support him you will get what you deserve.

Jake is a patriot, bigreb. He feels strongly for his party's causes.

Our country allows diversity in liberals and conservatives without questioning allegiance.

No he isn't he's a piece of shit, and would never be a part of anything the bastard is a part of. I hate progressive liberals all should be given the black flag.
If the GOP blocks it, then the Republican Party will pay the price, all of the price. My Republican Party will have died. We survivors will re-create the pre-Reagan party, and we will be far more responsible than the Party today.

I don't know what they're going to do up there on the hill, Jake, but I truly didn't care for the excoriation of Republicans for opposing a 2500-page white paper Nancy Pelosi rammed through with the sly remark she made about just voting yes and don't worry about the fine print.

I'm going to support my fellow Republicans to the hilt so that that kind of stuff doesn't happen again. They're done being bullied to death by the left. I'm sorry it's not pleasant, but neither is the national debt.
littledeb, you would never see it coming. As long as you don't rise up, you won't have to fear your neighbors. As $$$ worth, you know you aren't worth a nickel to me, and that is the last I will talk about your near poverty.

This you will listen, hear? Patriots are found from Republican to Independent to Democrat. I don't like you whiny sneezy kind in my GOP, demonizing those with you disagree. You are not mainstream. Your racism is not mainstream. Your political beliefs are not mainstream. You will destroy the GOP if you nuts and extremists keep this up.

If that is you way, so be it. We will simply build a new pre-Reagan party of which would have approved and let you minescule bunch of silly idjits go your merry way. You can't do succeed because you don't have the numbers.
No you aren't your words give you away. I am straight forword you use code words to get your message accross.

Even in this post you give yourself away.
obama hasn't shown he cares about America and what it stood for. You support him you will get what you deserve.

Jake is a patriot, bigreb. He feels strongly for his party's causes.

Our country allows diversity in liberals and conservatives without questioning allegiance.

No he isn't he's a piece of shit, and would never be a part of anything the bastard is a part of. I hate progressive liberals all should be given the black flag.
That's not true. Jake Starkey is a very bright and a good man. He just has a strong opinion, and I'd give him some leeway. He may not be far off the mark, and his voice is an important one.
Face it, bigreb. You need to hear the different voices in America, and so do we all. If you don't listen now, you will possibly be hearing a huge groan by a very confused American public at the polls.
littledeb speaks for almost nobody in numbers. He is a racist and a militia nut who hates Obama and all of those he perceives who somehow have marginalized him and deprived him of his "due", whatever that is.

freedombecki, I applaud your desire to include littledeb in the decision making process, but he won't prove. The rest of America is out of step, not him.
littledeb speaks for almost nobody in numbers. He is a racist and a militia nut who hates Obama and all of those he perceives who somehow have marginalized him and deprived him of his "due", whatever that is.

freedombecki, I applaud your desire to include littledeb in the decision making process, but he won't prove. The rest of America is out of step, not him.

Jake, I come from a long line of military men, schoolmarms, judges, ministers, artillery specialists, native Americans, and revolutionary rabblerousers. I'm not better than a man who spent time taking genuine bologna from a master drill sergeant type in any given branch of the US military. He brings to the table strong opinions and a take-nothing-off-anyone spirit that has made the American military the best the world has ever known.

All I can say is, yes, he will prove. Just not in a way I could predict.

All I can do is pray for a spirit of brotherhood among Americans. We're going to need it if the Iran military follows through with their rhetoric about wiping out American bases in Iraq and Afghanistan with their newly-tested missiles and the type of warheads they are allegedly about a month away from clinching. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to debkafiles dot com.

Best wishes to you in trying to do what you can to bring the dichotomous elements of our board to a meeting place. We're likely to take great casualties in the very near future, and men will be called to replace them from the body of the nation. Some will volunteer. North Carolina has a history of sending more than most states to war, because it's just in their blood to defend the country. I visited a civil war cemetary in Raleigh. I started crying when I read the ages listed on the tombstones.
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Jake is a patriot, bigreb. He feels strongly for his party's causes.

Our country allows diversity in liberals and conservatives without questioning allegiance.

No he isn't he's a piece of shit, and would never be a part of anything the bastard is a part of. I hate progressive liberals all should be given the black flag.
That's not true. Jake Starkey is a very bright and a good man. He just has a strong opinion, and I'd give him some leeway. He may not be far off the mark, and his voice is an important one.
Face it, bigreb. You need to hear the different voices in America, and so do we all. If you don't listen now, you will possibly be hearing a huge groan by a very confused American public at the polls.

That's not true. Jake Starkey is a very bright and a good man.

All I can say is jake is not what he says he is. ask around. Watch who gives him thanks. They will be the far left progressive liberals. You haven't been here that long you'll learn.

You need to hear the different voices in America

What the asshat says I will not listen too. If I want to listen to that I will go read the coummist manofesto He's a progressive liberal, or a troll.
freedombecki, anybody who disagrees with littledeb is a "far left progressive" liberal or a "coummist" (sic). He is simply a Far Righty Extremest Fascist who drinks too much, who is a militia nut, who is a racist, and who drinks far too much. But he does read everything I post.

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