Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

No he isn't he's a piece of shit, and would never be a part of anything the bastard is a part of. I hate progressive liberals all should be given the black flag.
That's not true. Jake Starkey is a very bright and a good man. He just has a strong opinion, and I'd give him some leeway. He may not be far off the mark, and his voice is an important one.
Face it, bigreb. You need to hear the different voices in America, and so do we all. If you don't listen now, you will possibly be hearing a huge groan by a very confused American public at the polls.

That's not true. Jake Starkey is a very bright and a good man.

All I can say is jake is not what he says he is. ask around. Watch who gives him thanks. They will be the far left progressive liberals. You haven't been here that long you'll learn.

You need to hear the different voices in America

What the asshat says I will not listen too. If I want to listen to that I will go read the coummist manofesto He's a progressive liberal, or a troll.

Spoken like a true paranoid.
AmerFascists like littledeb and the others are merely talking. Not one of them would dare do anything that would get them shot down by LEO. Not to worry.
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That's not true. Jake Starkey is a very bright and a good man. He just has a strong opinion, and I'd give him some leeway. He may not be far off the mark, and his voice is an important one.
Face it, bigreb. You need to hear the different voices in America, and so do we all. If you don't listen now, you will possibly be hearing a huge groan by a very confused American public at the polls.

All I can say is jake is not what he says he is. ask around. Watch who gives him thanks. They will be the far left progressive liberals. You haven't been here that long you'll learn.

You need to hear the different voices in America

What the asshat says I will not listen too. If I want to listen to that I will go read the coummist manofesto He's a progressive liberal, or a troll.

you are a dumb fucking piece of shit.
What a waste of resources you are.

Using your post against you stupid boy go play with your transformers.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njPUPo7tCbM]‪Transformers Robots in Disguise Episode 1-1 (HD)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

good for you for finding a clip of RID.

doesnt detract from you being stupid, but keep it up.

maybe next time you can try a clip thats more modern....
snicker, little irrelevant internet poster

Right..... just like the trash you post. One thing though I can back up what I say, can you?
good for you for finding a clip of RID.

doesnt detract from you being stupid, but keep it up.

maybe next time you can try a clip thats more modern....

i havent seen you back up shit. I've seen you run in circles in the face of facts.
What you wanted was for people to come in here, Agree with you, validate your opinion as a fact and make you feel like a champ.

The reality is you are a hack. Just like a lot of other people with the internet. You think you matter, you dont.You dont deserve a seat at the table.You are too stupid to sit at it.

You are exactly what is wrong with this nation and are fucking it over with your stupidity.

Obama has done nothing to bring up Impeachment, but you wont see that because all you have is hate. The world has no use for people like you.

i havent seen you back up shit.

It takes a little common sens and an IQ higher than 65 to understand what you are agruing against You have neither.

You are exactly what is wrong with this nation and are fucking it over with your stupidity.

I'm not a fucking progressive liberal. If you support obama and the rest of the statist you are the fucking problem.
That's not true. Jake Starkey is a very bright and a good man. He just has a strong opinion, and I'd give him some leeway. He may not be far off the mark, and his voice is an important one.
Face it, bigreb. You need to hear the different voices in America, and so do we all. If you don't listen now, you will possibly be hearing a huge groan by a very confused American public at the polls.

All I can say is jake is not what he says he is. ask around. Watch who gives him thanks. They will be the far left progressive liberals. You haven't been here that long you'll learn.

You need to hear the different voices in America

What the asshat says I will not listen too. If I want to listen to that I will go read the coummist manofesto He's a progressive liberal, or a troll.

Spoken like a true paranoid.

You can't see the shit obama ad the government is doing to this country because you are just like obama. You can't help because you have a mental problem.
All I can say is jake is not what he says he is. ask around. Watch who gives him thanks. They will be the far left progressive liberals. You haven't been here that long you'll learn.

What the asshat says I will not listen too. If I want to listen to that I will go read the coummist manofesto He's a progressive liberal, or a troll.

Spoken like a true paranoid.

You can't see the shit obama ad the government is doing to this country because you are just like obama. You can't help because you have a mental problem.

You are a fascist, a traitor, and a coward. Your Alinksy rules for the right makes no sense.
Spoken like a true paranoid.

You can't see the shit obama ad the government is doing to this country because you are just like obama. You can't help because you have a mental problem.

You are a fascist, a traitor, and a coward. Your Alinksy rules for the right makes no sense.

Can you show one post that I have made that would make me a trator?
Can yoiu show one post that I have made that would make me a facist?
Can you show one post that I have made that would make me a coward?
I am none of the above unlike you I don't use progressive liberal code words.
All I can say is jake is not what he says he is. ask around. Watch who gives him thanks. They will be the far left progressive liberals. You haven't been here that long you'll learn.

What the asshat says I will not listen too. If I want to listen to that I will go read the coummist manofesto He's a progressive liberal, or a troll.

Spoken like a true paranoid.

You can't see the shit obama ad the government is doing to this country because you are just like obama. You can't help because you have a mental problem.

Go ahead and tell us the "shit obama ad the government is doing to this country".

List it. Don't just whine.
You can't see the shit obama ad the government is doing to this country because you are just like obama. You can't help because you have a mental problem.

You are a fascist, a traitor, and a coward. Your Alinksy rules for the right makes no sense.

Can you show one post that I have made that would make me a trator?
Can yoiu show one post that I have made that would make me a facist?
Can you show one post that I have made that would make me a coward?
I am none of the above unlike you I don't use progressive liberal code words.

littldeb, you are fascist code talker. You hate electoral and constitutional process of the United States because it does not fit with what you want. You are not bright enough to make your own decisions, so like a Brownshirt of Germany you are following the rowdy leaders.
You are a fascist, a traitor, and a coward. Your Alinksy rules for the right makes no sense.

Can you show one post that I have made that would make me a trator?
Can yoiu show one post that I have made that would make me a facist?
Can you show one post that I have made that would make me a coward?
I am none of the above unlike you I don't use progressive liberal code words.

littldeb, you are fascist code talker. You hate electoral and constitutional process of the United States because it does not fit with what you want. You are not bright enough to make your own decisions, so like a Brownshirt of Germany you are following the rowdy leaders.

I don't talk in code dipshit I call it like I see it,

Here's the conclusion you're a troll and thats all you post here to piss people off. That is the only thing you live for because everything you have accused me of in the past have never once shown proof. You just post shit with nothing to support what you say. Maybe you should have stayed gone the last tiome I ran you off.
Spoken like a true paranoid.

You can't see the shit obama ad the government is doing to this country because you are just like obama. You can't help because you have a mental problem.

Go ahead and tell us the "shit obama ad the government is doing to this country".

List it. Don't just whine.

14 trillion dollars in debt and wanting to raise the credit limit. Are you that stupid to see he has fucked this country in which he has not lived all his life?
You are a troll code talker who can't tell up from down, you little fascist. The Board is on to what you freaks truly are like. Just like a bunch of creepy men in creepy vans.
You are a troll code talker who can't tell up from down, you little fascist. The Board is on to what you freaks truly are like. Just like a bunch of creepy men in creepy vans.

Then you have proof. What code words have I used?

The Board is on to what you freaks truly are like.

So you speak for the board? Go away troll
Troll fascist code talkers who worship Alinksy's rules for radicals on the right just don't matter.
I don't talk in code dipshit I call it like I see it,

As do I:

Although you’re none of the things you cited in post 485, you do have a comprehensive ignorance of Constitutional case law in general and the impeachment process in particular. You’re a reactionary right-wing extremist who in said ignorance has created this fantasy world of what you think the Constitution means, although this ‘understanding’ has no basis in fact or reality.

You’re a rightist partisan hack who cites no objective evidence in support of your positions (more than likely because there is no evidence to support) and the purpose of this thread was an attempt to disparage Obama that backfired on you miserably when confronted by the fact that Obama committed no impeachable offenses.

Instead of conceding your failure like an adult you continued to indulge yourself in an infantile temper-tantrum insisting the president had indeed committed a crime by violating laws that aren’t even in existence.

One can only hope this thread serves as a reminder to other conservatives and those on the right to research their facts first and get them straight before launching an attack on a hated political opponent.
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

I know nothing about it but I assume that, if there is such a thing as a "presidential order" it was created to prevent paralysis at federal level.
why isn't congress doing anything to stop him??? what would happen if he were forced from office?? we all know the answer THE RACE CARD!!! RIOTS AND CIVIL UNREST!!!and Obama's sorry ass knows it.When he looses in 2012 the American people are finally going to see how anti American certain supporters of the left wing party really are.Their will be riots and Obama knows it,and he is going to promote it.If you think that arrogant bastard is going to leave office peacefully i've got some free health care for ya!!:piss2::afro:

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