why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

Sure sure. Americans know what they saw that morning when they both got in front of the TV camera and lied through their teeth about what happened. Obama was so sad that he got on a plane in time for a fundraiser with his high rolling Hollywierd Leftards.
Sure, there might be a few ignorant people remaining, who don’t know what really happened that morning… But you’re not among them. You know better. And the reason I know you know better is because I personally showed you the conclusion from the GOP-led investigation which determined that neither Obama nor Hillary nor Rice lied about that video.

So now the question is — why are you lying and maintaining your bullshit which was debunked long ago?
Nope! They both knew that it wasn't because of the video, but since Obama was running for his second term, he couldn't have the lie that "Al Qaeda is on the run" be exposed by Al Queda actually successfully KILLING our Ambasador. The entire nation saw him get in front of the camera and LIE! But, it is not a crime to lie, nor is it prosecutabl, he wasn't under oath. Politicians do that all the time, and Obama and Hillary were experts at it. Especially when they knew that the media and deep state would give them all the cover they need.
Why are you lying? I showed you where the GOP-led investigation concluded they didn’t lie.
Proving they lied intentionally wasn't the point of the investigation, nor was it prosecutable, especially when the intelligence agencies and the media were providing cover. But Americans knew what they saw and heard...two corrupt, crooked politicians who were willing to do and say anything to stay in power. Why do you think your party lost a record number of congressional and state seats and governorships throughout the eight years of Obama? Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Here's the scum you are defending, must make you proud....

When the Benghazi nuts show as much concern for the 4,500 soldiers who were killed looking for wmds as they do for the 4 who were killed at Benghazi I`ll stop laughing at the partisan pigs. Gomer Bush had 11 Benghazis but he gets a free pass. There were 8 (eight) Benghazi investigations but none for the Iraq fiasco. 25 years of chasing Hillary and they have nothing to show for it.

They would also ha r to care about the 13 Benghazi’s and 50 dead that happened on baby bush’s Watch
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief

Oh don't worry, we're going to get whoever made that anti Islam youtube clip that caused the protests that our Ambassador in Ben Ghazi got murdered.
What does that video have to do with anything?
We are talking about LYING, aren't we? Obama and Hillary lying to the nation about the real reason one of our Ambassadors was murdered, and then Hillary lied to the parents of the fallen, while they are greeting their coffins. Nobody lied like those two, but of course the Left and the corrupt media kept covering up for them.
No, they didn’t lie about the real reason for that attack. The GOP investigated the matter and determined they weren’t lying.
Sure sure. Americans know what they saw that morning when they both got in front of the TV camera and lied through their teeth about what happened. Obama was so sad that he got on a plane in time for a fundraiser with his high rolling Hollywierd Leftards.

No, they didn’t lie about the real reason for that attack. The GOP investigated the matter and determined they weren’t lying.
I did not send or receive any classified emails, nor did I have sex with that woman, and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!

Oh, for fuck’s sake.... the right never again gets to cry about Obama lying... or the Clinton’s lying... or anyone lying.

Not until they own all of Trump’s lies. You can start here —> Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far
If Trump has lied 3000 times then Obama and Hillary have lied 100,000 times. And that doesn't include the rest of the Leftard commie anti-American propagandists!
What are you, about 4 years old?

Still be two years old than you!
Try that again in English
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


Ah yes...more liberal professors "explaining" why the left are getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis! It's because Trump doesn't care if he lies? Actually professors...what Trump doesn't CARE about is what you liberals think of him! He's too busy keeping his campaign promises! Oh God...THE HORROR! A politician who keeps his promises? After eight years of empty rhetoric and outright lies? "Green light" that...
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


Ah yes...more liberal professors "explaining" why the left are getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis! It's because Trump doesn't care if he lies? Actually professors...what Trump doesn't CARE about is what you liberals think of him! He's too busy keeping his campaign promises! Oh God...THE HORROR! A politician who keeps his promises? After eight years of empty rhetoric and outright lies? "Green light" that...
I recall 8 years of sanity and stability and I don`t remember Obama siding with the KGB and throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus. Treason, spitting on our POWS, mocking the handicapped, whoring around on his pregnant wife, etc. Cult 45 stays loyal. I now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink the Kool-Aid.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


Ah yes...more liberal professors "explaining" why the left are getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis! It's because Trump doesn't care if he lies? Actually professors...what Trump doesn't CARE about is what you liberals think of him! He's too busy keeping his campaign promises! Oh God...THE HORROR! A politician who keeps his promises? After eight years of empty rhetoric and outright lies? "Green light" that...
I recall 8 years of sanity and stability and I don`t remember Obama siding with the KGB and throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus. Treason, spitting on our POWS, mocking the handicapped, whoring around on his pregnant wife, etc. Cult 45 stays loyal. I now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink the Kool-Aid.

Oh so now the "deplorables" have become Jim Jones disciples? You libs never learn, August. What's your whine going to be when the Democrats don't take back the House or the Senate this Fall?
actually the fact is trump is getting slammed from the whole spectrum of voters- that is except for the deplorables.


that's ok, marion. us snowflakes are very patient. mueller is gonna get them all.... then where will the deplorables be?

Mueller is going to step right into a trap. :rolleyes:
too late. Your guys already got caught in you right wing, Patriot Act devices.

should have been, more Patriotic.

The Patriot Act was bullshit, boy. It goes directly against the 4th amendment and should never have been implemented.

I'm not for stripping Constitutional rights from Americans because the government didn't do their job, sorry.

W. did that.
yes, the fake news right wing.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


Ah yes...more liberal professors "explaining" why the left are getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis! It's because Trump doesn't care if he lies? Actually professors...what Trump doesn't CARE about is what you liberals think of him! He's too busy keeping his campaign promises! Oh God...THE HORROR! A politician who keeps his promises? After eight years of empty rhetoric and outright lies? "Green light" that...
I recall 8 years of sanity and stability and I don`t remember Obama siding with the KGB and throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus. Treason, spitting on our POWS, mocking the handicapped, whoring around on his pregnant wife, etc. Cult 45 stays loyal. I now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink the Kool-Aid.

Oh so now the "deplorables" have become Jim Jones disciples? You libs never learn, August. What's your whine going to be when the Democrats don't take back the House or the Senate this Fall?
You`ll still be Deplorables and no election results can change that. How is supporting a man who spits on our POWs and trashes Gold Star families not Deplorable?
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


Ah yes...more liberal professors "explaining" why the left are getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis! It's because Trump doesn't care if he lies? Actually professors...what Trump doesn't CARE about is what you liberals think of him! He's too busy keeping his campaign promises! Oh God...THE HORROR! A politician who keeps his promises? After eight years of empty rhetoric and outright lies? "Green light" that...
I recall 8 years of sanity and stability and I don`t remember Obama siding with the KGB and throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus. Treason, spitting on our POWS, mocking the handicapped, whoring around on his pregnant wife, etc. Cult 45 stays loyal. I now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink the Kool-Aid.

Oh so now the "deplorables" have become Jim Jones disciples? You libs never learn, August. What's your whine going to be when the Democrats don't take back the House or the Senate this Fall?
You`ll still be Deplorables and no election results can change that. How is supporting a man who spits on our POWs and trashes Gold Star families not Deplorable?

Since Trump didn't spit on anyone and only attacked those who attacked him in the first place...I'm amused by your claim that I'm "deplorable" because I don't buy into the liberal media smear campaign against him!
You supported a woman who's incompetence got four Americans killed in Benghazi and who then lied to their families about how it happened as the coffins were being off loaded from the plane that brought them home. You want to talk about "deplorable"?
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


Ah yes...more liberal professors "explaining" why the left are getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis! It's because Trump doesn't care if he lies? Actually professors...what Trump doesn't CARE about is what you liberals think of him! He's too busy keeping his campaign promises! Oh God...THE HORROR! A politician who keeps his promises? After eight years of empty rhetoric and outright lies? "Green light" that...
I recall 8 years of sanity and stability and I don`t remember Obama siding with the KGB and throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus. Treason, spitting on our POWS, mocking the handicapped, whoring around on his pregnant wife, etc. Cult 45 stays loyal. I now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink the Kool-Aid.

Oh so now the "deplorables" have become Jim Jones disciples? You libs never learn, August. What's your whine going to be when the Democrats don't take back the House or the Senate this Fall?
You`ll still be Deplorables and no election results can change that. How is supporting a man who spits on our POWs and trashes Gold Star families not Deplorable?

Since Trump didn't spit on anyone and only attacked those who attacked him in the first place...I'm amused by your claim that I'm "deplorable" because I don't buy into the liberal media smear campaign against him!
I`m sure you don`t buy into the media showing Treasonous Trump being treasonous. Video doesn`t lie and he smears himself. He needs no help from the media.
Ah yes...more liberal professors "explaining" why the left are getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis! It's because Trump doesn't care if he lies? Actually professors...what Trump doesn't CARE about is what you liberals think of him! He's too busy keeping his campaign promises! Oh God...THE HORROR! A politician who keeps his promises? After eight years of empty rhetoric and outright lies? "Green light" that...
I recall 8 years of sanity and stability and I don`t remember Obama siding with the KGB and throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus. Treason, spitting on our POWS, mocking the handicapped, whoring around on his pregnant wife, etc. Cult 45 stays loyal. I now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink the Kool-Aid.

Oh so now the "deplorables" have become Jim Jones disciples? You libs never learn, August. What's your whine going to be when the Democrats don't take back the House or the Senate this Fall?
You`ll still be Deplorables and no election results can change that. How is supporting a man who spits on our POWs and trashes Gold Star families not Deplorable?

Since Trump didn't spit on anyone and only attacked those who attacked him in the first place...I'm amused by your claim that I'm "deplorable" because I don't buy into the liberal media smear campaign against him!
I`m sure you don`t buy into the media showing Treasonous Trump being treasonous. Video doesn`t lie and he smears himself. He needs no help from the media.

Treasonous? Why, because he had a private meeting with Putin? Trump has been harder on Russia than Obama was. Until that changes...your entire narrative is laughable.
No, they didn’t lie about the real reason for that attack. The GOP investigated the matter and determined they weren’t lying.
Sure sure. Americans know what they saw that morning when they both got in front of the TV camera and lied through their teeth about what happened. Obama was so sad that he got on a plane in time for a fundraiser with his high rolling Hollywierd Leftards.
Sure, there might be a few ignorant people remaining, who don’t know what really happened that morning… But you’re not among them. You know better. And the reason I know you know better is because I personally showed you the conclusion from the GOP-led investigation which determined that neither Obama nor Hillary nor Rice lied about that video.

So now the question is — why are you lying and maintaining your bullshit which was debunked long ago?
Nope! They both knew that it wasn't because of the video, but since Obama was running for his second term, he couldn't have the lie that "Al Qaeda is on the run" be exposed by Al Queda actually successfully KILLING our Ambasador. The entire nation saw him get in front of the camera and LIE! But, it is not a crime to lie, nor is it prosecutabl, he wasn't under oath. Politicians do that all the time, and Obama and Hillary were experts at it. Especially when they knew that the media and deep state would give them all the cover they need.
Why are you lying? I showed you where the GOP-led investigation concluded they didn’t lie.
Proving they lied intentionally wasn't the point of the investigation, nor was it prosecutable, especially when the intelligence agencies and the media were providing cover. But Americans knew what they saw and heard...two corrupt, crooked politicians who were willing to do and say anything to stay in power. Why do you think your party lost a record number of congressional and state seats and governorships throughout the eight years of Obama? Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Here's the scum you are defending, must make you proud....

You’ve been shown the investigation into Benghazi concluded they did not lie about the video; that it was our intelligence community who was pushing that narrative for two weeks until closed caption video of the attack surfaced. Those videos were about the coffin ceremony, just days after the attack and during that two week period.

You know this — so why are you still maintaining your lie that Obama and Hillary were lying about the video?
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


Ah yes...more liberal professors "explaining" why the left are getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis! It's because Trump doesn't care if he lies? Actually professors...what Trump doesn't CARE about is what you liberals think of him! He's too busy keeping his campaign promises! Oh God...THE HORROR! A politician who keeps his promises? After eight years of empty rhetoric and outright lies? "Green light" that...
I recall 8 years of sanity and stability and I don`t remember Obama siding with the KGB and throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus. Treason, spitting on our POWS, mocking the handicapped, whoring around on his pregnant wife, etc. Cult 45 stays loyal. I now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink the Kool-Aid.

Oh so now the "deplorables" have become Jim Jones disciples? You libs never learn, August. What's your whine going to be when the Democrats don't take back the House or the Senate this Fall?
You`ll still be Deplorables and no election results can change that. How is supporting a man who spits on our POWs and trashes Gold Star families not Deplorable?

Since Trump didn't spit on anyone and only attacked those who attacked him in the first place...I'm amused by your claim that I'm "deplorable" because I don't buy into the liberal media smear campaign against him!
Liar, trump spit [figuratively] on POW’s when he said of soldiers fighting to defend America, ”I like people that weren’t captured.”
You supported a woman who's incompetence got four Americans killed in Benghazi and who then lied to their families about how it happened as the coffins were being off loaded from the plane that brought them home. You want to talk about "deplorable"?
You too have been shown the investigation into Benghazi, held by a majority of Republicans, concluded she didn’t lie. So why are you lying now?
Ah yes...more liberal professors "explaining" why the left are getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis! It's because Trump doesn't care if he lies? Actually professors...what Trump doesn't CARE about is what you liberals think of him! He's too busy keeping his campaign promises! Oh God...THE HORROR! A politician who keeps his promises? After eight years of empty rhetoric and outright lies? "Green light" that...
I recall 8 years of sanity and stability and I don`t remember Obama siding with the KGB and throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus. Treason, spitting on our POWS, mocking the handicapped, whoring around on his pregnant wife, etc. Cult 45 stays loyal. I now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink the Kool-Aid.

Oh so now the "deplorables" have become Jim Jones disciples? You libs never learn, August. What's your whine going to be when the Democrats don't take back the House or the Senate this Fall?
You`ll still be Deplorables and no election results can change that. How is supporting a man who spits on our POWs and trashes Gold Star families not Deplorable?

Since Trump didn't spit on anyone and only attacked those who attacked him in the first place...I'm amused by your claim that I'm "deplorable" because I don't buy into the liberal media smear campaign against him!
Liar, trump spit [figuratively] on POW’s when he said of soldiers fighting to defend America, ”I like people that weren’t captured.”

So do most generals like soldiers who don't get captured...but what do they know!
You supported a woman who's incompetence got four Americans killed in Benghazi and who then lied to their families about how it happened as the coffins were being off loaded from the plane that brought them home. You want to talk about "deplorable"?
You too have been shown the investigation into Benghazi, held by a majority of Republicans, concluded she didn’t lie. So why are you lying now?

When did any investigation EVER show that Hillary didn't lie? She lied repeatedly!
I recall 8 years of sanity and stability and I don`t remember Obama siding with the KGB and throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus. Treason, spitting on our POWS, mocking the handicapped, whoring around on his pregnant wife, etc. Cult 45 stays loyal. I now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink the Kool-Aid.

Oh so now the "deplorables" have become Jim Jones disciples? You libs never learn, August. What's your whine going to be when the Democrats don't take back the House or the Senate this Fall?
You`ll still be Deplorables and no election results can change that. How is supporting a man who spits on our POWs and trashes Gold Star families not Deplorable?

Since Trump didn't spit on anyone and only attacked those who attacked him in the first place...I'm amused by your claim that I'm "deplorable" because I don't buy into the liberal media smear campaign against him!
Liar, trump spit [figuratively] on POW’s when he said of soldiers fighting to defend America, ”I like people that weren’t captured.”

So do most generals like soldiers who don't get captured...but what do they know!
Great, either quote any general in the history of this nation saying that in regards to POW’s or expose yourself again as the liar the forum knows you to be.
You supported a woman who's incompetence got four Americans killed in Benghazi and who then lied to their families about how it happened as the coffins were being off loaded from the plane that brought them home. You want to talk about "deplorable"?
You too have been shown the investigation into Benghazi, held by a majority of Republicans, concluded she didn’t lie. So why are you lying now?

When did any investigation EVER show that Hillary didn't lie? She lied repeatedly!
You’ve been shown our intelligence community believed it was a protest over the video for two weeks, so why are you ignoring that fact now to maintain your lie?
Oh so now the "deplorables" have become Jim Jones disciples? You libs never learn, August. What's your whine going to be when the Democrats don't take back the House or the Senate this Fall?
You`ll still be Deplorables and no election results can change that. How is supporting a man who spits on our POWs and trashes Gold Star families not Deplorable?

Since Trump didn't spit on anyone and only attacked those who attacked him in the first place...I'm amused by your claim that I'm "deplorable" because I don't buy into the liberal media smear campaign against him!
Liar, trump spit [figuratively] on POW’s when he said of soldiers fighting to defend America, ”I like people that weren’t captured.”

So do most generals like soldiers who don't get captured...but what do they know!
Great, either quote any general in the history of this nation saying that in regards to POW’s or expose yourself again as the liar the forum knows you to be.

You think generals like soldiers that get captured? How idiotic do you want to get today, Faun?

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