Why it’s time for a Trump revolution!

Oh shit a zealot!
Btw Trump is a pos that's why I think about him when I take a shit.
Stupid much?

Well, you are wrong, nothing about him resembles pos. Possibly just the manhood envy kicking in.
I cant even begin to comprehend how someone can call Trump a piece of shit when their party has had the king and queen of shit in the white house for two terms, they have Hillary as their front runner and thought Pelosi and Reid were good ideas.
Just baffling
Trump is a piece of shit ,lowlife, bragertt. Thin skinned pussy .
Now repeat after me..
You forgot, and soon to be YOUR president.
Keep dreamin'
Hope you like Canada, doubt if they will accept you though.
Facisim is frowned on in Canada.
actually, Canada has immigration policies that it actually follows. Nobody is getting in that easy.
of course you U.S hating scum on the left like to criticize any one here that wants our laws followed equally.
Now, say after me.
President Trump.
My friends are worried about me. They insist something is not right and suggest prayer, counseling, even rehab. “Take a break,” they urge. “Get away for a few days and clear your head.”

They are wise and kind, and it would be foolish to dismiss their concerns. Truth be told, there are moments when I doubt myself. Am I making a huge mistake? Am I losing my mind?

Perhaps I am. My friends say that’s the only possible explanation for the fact that I might support Donald Trump for president.

The insanity defense is all that’s left now that the smart set has declared that it’s immoral and indecent to even think about voting for Trump. OK, call me immoral and indecent as well as crazy, because I’m thinking about it.

It’s been a long road to get here. When Trump’s name first popped up, I joked about moving to Canada. When he launched his campaign, I cursed him, certain he was going to create a circus just when Republicans finally had a strong field of candidates......



Trump is is the cure America has been waiting for. End the liberal hysteria, once and for all!
You might just find that the cure is worst than the disease.
I cant even begin to comprehend how someone can call Trump a piece of shit when their party has had the king and queen of shit in the white house for two terms, they have Hillary as their front runner and thought Pelosi and Reid were good ideas.
Just baffling
Trump is a piece of shit ,lowlife, bragertt. Thin skinned pussy .
Now repeat after me..
You forgot, and soon to be YOUR president.
Keep dreamin'
Hope you like Canada, doubt if they will accept you though.
Facisim is frowned on in Canada.
actually, Canada has immigration policies that it actually follows. Nobody is getting in that easy.
of course you U.S hating scum on the left like to criticize any one here that wants our laws followed equally.
Now, say after me.
President Trump.
Oh no not the you're anti American ploy again!
The rest of your post is proof of your idiocy.
Im Anti American? I dont think so. Am I the one that is praising european countries and wanting to change to be just like them?
am I the one that wants to incorporate socialism into every aspect of our lives? no. am I the one that wants to change the face of the country by allowing millions of illegals to stay? no, am I the one that wants to vanish Christianity while embracing the religion of hate? no.
The liberals are.
If you have something that you want to change that much, it is clear that you must hate what it is.
"Why it’s time for a Trump revolution!"

It’s never time for a ‘revolution’ motivated by fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Liberal Dictionary:
fear - common sense
ignorance - common sense
bigotry - common sense
hate - truth
My friends are worried about me. They insist something is not right and suggest prayer, counseling, even rehab. “Take a break,” they urge. “Get away for a few days and clear your head.”

They are wise and kind, and it would be foolish to dismiss their concerns. Truth be told, there are moments when I doubt myself. Am I making a huge mistake? Am I losing my mind?

Perhaps I am. My friends say that’s the only possible explanation for the fact that I might support Donald Trump for president.

The insanity defense is all that’s left now that the smart set has declared that it’s immoral and indecent to even think about voting for Trump. OK, call me immoral and indecent as well as crazy, because I’m thinking about it.

It’s been a long road to get here. When Trump’s name first popped up, I joked about moving to Canada. When he launched his campaign, I cursed him, certain he was going to create a circus just when Republicans finally had a strong field of candidates......



Trump is is the cure America has been waiting for. End the liberal hysteria, once and for all!
You might just find that the cure is worst than the disease.

How could it possibly be worse than Hillary?
Fuck it..............ROLL ON.................

Trump is a piece of shit ,lowlife, bragertt. Thin skinned pussy .
Now repeat after me..
You forgot, and soon to be YOUR president.
Keep dreamin'
Hope you like Canada, doubt if they will accept you though.
Facisim is frowned on in Canada.
actually, Canada has immigration policies that it actually follows. Nobody is getting in that easy.
of course you U.S hating scum on the left like to criticize any one here that wants our laws followed equally.
Now, say after me.
President Trump.
Oh no not the you're anti American ploy again!
The rest of your post is proof of your idiocy.
Im Anti American? I dont think so. Am I the one that is praising european countries and wanting to change to be just like them?
am I the one that wants to incorporate socialism into every aspect of our lives? no. am I the one that wants to change the face of the country by allowing millions of illegals to stay? no, am I the one that wants to vanish Christianity while embracing the religion of hate? no.
The liberals are.
If you have something that you want to change that much, it is clear that you must hate what it is.

The new patriotism means being opposed to everything America stands for.
Says the guy who doesn't even know how to take a dump without thinking about Trump's teachings.




  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be so super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
  • Be a rassler
  • Stereotype Jews as not wanting to give anyone money
  • Deny entry into the country based on religion "until we know what's going on," including Americans of that religion
  • Praise the mob for the work they did for you.
  • Bask in the adulation of an anti-American who kills journalists and opposition politicians, shuts down the press, annexes the territory of a sovereign nation, and supports those who shoot down passenger planes, then apologize for him by equivocating that America is no better because the US "does a lot of killing too."
  • Introduce the word "schlonged" into the American political lexicon and apply it to your potential opponent, who is female.
  • Say that it is "disgusting" when a female goes to the bathroom.
  • Call a newspaper editor who criticizes you a "lowlife."
  • Believe that "Our military is a disaster."
  • Force Apple to build "their computers and other damn things in the country."
  • Imply that your supporters are mindless drones who lack moral character by saying that they'd still support you even if he stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot people.
  • Retweet a White Supremacist neo Nazi who supports you
  • Refuse to show up for a debate over a petty dispute with a network and anchor
  • Accuse your opponent of being dishonest because "he's Canadian."
  • Tell companies "to go fuck themselves."
  • Confuse a basic fact about the deal with Iran by refusing to pay Iran $150 billion because you don't understand that it is Iran's money. But nonetheless bluster that you would demand the Iranians do exactly what you want them to do or you'd walk out, and say that would force Iran to do exactly what you want. Coincidentally, and without a shred of irony, get into a dispute with Fox News over a debate in Iowa. Demand that Fox News do exactly what you want (remove Megyn Kelly as a moderator), or you'll walk out. And when Fox News refuses to do exactly what you want, you walk out. But Fox News ignores you and goes ahead with the debate anyways. Then, lose the Iowa caucus.
  • Threaten to sue your primary opponent for running negative ads against you.
  • Accuse a former President of deliberately lying to get us into the war in Iraq.
  • Make bringing jobs back from China a centerpiece of your campaign. Have your campaign hats made in China.
  • Say you'd like to punch a protester in the face.
  • Threaten the Speaker of the House
  • Feign ignorance of the Ku Klux Klan when they endorse you.
  • Say you hadn't heard of David Duke, even though he was an active and highly visible member of your party (at the time) when you were considering running for the party's leadership.
Says the guy who doesn't even know how to take a dump without thinking about Trump's teachings.




  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be so super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
  • Be a rassler
  • Stereotype Jews as not wanting to give anyone money
  • Deny entry into the country based on religion "until we know what's going on," including Americans of that religion
  • Praise the mob for the work they did for you.
  • Bask in the adulation of an anti-American who kills journalists and opposition politicians, shuts down the press, annexes the territory of a sovereign nation, and supports those who shoot down passenger planes, then apologize for him by equivocating that America is no better because the US "does a lot of killing too."
  • Introduce the word "schlonged" into the American political lexicon and apply it to your potential opponent, who is female.
  • Say that it is "disgusting" when a female goes to the bathroom.
  • Call a newspaper editor who criticizes you a "lowlife."
  • Believe that "Our military is a disaster."
  • Force Apple to build "their computers and other damn things in the country."
  • Imply that your supporters are mindless drones who lack moral character by saying that they'd still support you even if he stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot people.
  • Retweet a White Supremacist neo Nazi who supports you
  • Refuse to show up for a debate over a petty dispute with a network and anchor
  • Accuse your opponent of being dishonest because "he's Canadian."
  • Tell companies "to go fuck themselves."
  • Confuse a basic fact about the deal with Iran by refusing to pay Iran $150 billion because you don't understand that it is Iran's money. But nonetheless bluster that you would demand the Iranians do exactly what you want them to do or you'd walk out, and say that would force Iran to do exactly what you want. Coincidentally, and without a shred of irony, get into a dispute with Fox News over a debate in Iowa. Demand that Fox News do exactly what you want (remove Megyn Kelly as a moderator), or you'll walk out. And when Fox News refuses to do exactly what you want, you walk out. But Fox News ignores you and goes ahead with the debate anyways. Then, lose the Iowa caucus.
  • Threaten to sue your primary opponent for running negative ads against you.
  • Accuse a former President of deliberately lying to get us into the war in Iraq.
  • Make bringing jobs back from China a centerpiece of your campaign. Have your campaign hats made in China.
  • Say you'd like to punch a protester in the face.
  • Threaten the Speaker of the House
  • Feign ignorance of the Ku Klux Klan when they endorse you.
  • Say you hadn't heard of David Duke, even though he was an active and highly visible member of your party (at the time) when you were considering running for the party's leadership.

That's an impressive list of lies and distortions you made up. It must have taken you all day.
Says the guy who doesn't even know how to take a dump without thinking about Trump's teachings.




  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be so super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
  • Be a rassler
  • Stereotype Jews as not wanting to give anyone money
  • Deny entry into the country based on religion "until we know what's going on," including Americans of that religion
  • Praise the mob for the work they did for you.
  • Bask in the adulation of an anti-American who kills journalists and opposition politicians, shuts down the press, annexes the territory of a sovereign nation, and supports those who shoot down passenger planes, then apologize for him by equivocating that America is no better because the US "does a lot of killing too."
  • Introduce the word "schlonged" into the American political lexicon and apply it to your potential opponent, who is female.
  • Say that it is "disgusting" when a female goes to the bathroom.
  • Call a newspaper editor who criticizes you a "lowlife."
  • Believe that "Our military is a disaster."
  • Force Apple to build "their computers and other damn things in the country."
  • Imply that your supporters are mindless drones who lack moral character by saying that they'd still support you even if he stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot people.
  • Retweet a White Supremacist neo Nazi who supports you
  • Refuse to show up for a debate over a petty dispute with a network and anchor
  • Accuse your opponent of being dishonest because "he's Canadian."
  • Tell companies "to go fuck themselves."
  • Confuse a basic fact about the deal with Iran by refusing to pay Iran $150 billion because you don't understand that it is Iran's money. But nonetheless bluster that you would demand the Iranians do exactly what you want them to do or you'd walk out, and say that would force Iran to do exactly what you want. Coincidentally, and without a shred of irony, get into a dispute with Fox News over a debate in Iowa. Demand that Fox News do exactly what you want (remove Megyn Kelly as a moderator), or you'll walk out. And when Fox News refuses to do exactly what you want, you walk out. But Fox News ignores you and goes ahead with the debate anyways. Then, lose the Iowa caucus.
  • Threaten to sue your primary opponent for running negative ads against you.
  • Accuse a former President of deliberately lying to get us into the war in Iraq.
  • Make bringing jobs back from China a centerpiece of your campaign. Have your campaign hats made in China.
  • Say you'd like to punch a protester in the face.
  • Threaten the Speaker of the House
  • Feign ignorance of the Ku Klux Klan when they endorse you.
  • Say you hadn't heard of David Duke, even though he was an active and highly visible member of your party (at the time) when you were considering running for the party's leadership.

Ouch, the butthurt. Can't imagine how long it took you to write that silly list of lies. What a waste.
We need someone that is not afraid to call out members of congress on their total disregard for the constituents that they are supposed to be representing.
Trump might be a bit out there, but the reality is that Trump is the only candidate that wont end up in congress crawling around on the floor giving everyone head.

The best reason to not support Trump is often displayed by Trump supporters.
We need someone that is not afraid to call out members of congress on their total disregard for the constituents that they are supposed to be representing.
Trump might be a bit out there, but the reality is that Trump is the only candidate that wont end up in congress crawling around on the floor giving everyone head.

The best reason to not support Trump is often displayed by Trump supporters.

If we got you a one way plane ticket to Syria, would you go?
We need someone that is not afraid to call out members of congress on their total disregard for the constituents that they are supposed to be representing.
Trump might be a bit out there, but the reality is that Trump is the only candidate that wont end up in congress crawling around on the floor giving everyone head.

The best reason to not support Trump is often displayed by Trump supporters.

The same could be said of Hillary and Bernie supporters.
We need someone that is not afraid to call out members of congress on their total disregard for the constituents that they are supposed to be representing.
Trump might be a bit out there, but the reality is that Trump is the only candidate that wont end up in congress crawling around on the floor giving everyone head.

The best reason to not support Trump is often displayed by Trump supporters.

If we got you a one way plane ticket to Syria, would you go?

Exhibit B.
We need someone that is not afraid to call out members of congress on their total disregard for the constituents that they are supposed to be representing.
Trump might be a bit out there, but the reality is that Trump is the only candidate that wont end up in congress crawling around on the floor giving everyone head.

The best reason to not support Trump is often displayed by Trump supporters.

If we got you a one way plane ticket to Syria, would you go?

Exhibit B.

Syria too far?.... We can now send you to Cuba....legally...Better?
We need someone that is not afraid to call out members of congress on their total disregard for the constituents that they are supposed to be representing.
Trump might be a bit out there, but the reality is that Trump is the only candidate that wont end up in congress crawling around on the floor giving everyone head.
When has Trump done that?????? Was when he was paying money into the establishments campaigns?

The only candidate who has shown to stand up to congress is Ted Cruz.
Says the guy who doesn't even know how to take a dump without thinking about Trump's teachings.




  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be so super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
  • Be a rassler
  • Stereotype Jews as not wanting to give anyone money
  • Deny entry into the country based on religion "until we know what's going on," including Americans of that religion
  • Praise the mob for the work they did for you.
  • Bask in the adulation of an anti-American who kills journalists and opposition politicians, shuts down the press, annexes the territory of a sovereign nation, and supports those who shoot down passenger planes, then apologize for him by equivocating that America is no better because the US "does a lot of killing too."
  • Introduce the word "schlonged" into the American political lexicon and apply it to your potential opponent, who is female.
  • Say that it is "disgusting" when a female goes to the bathroom.
  • Call a newspaper editor who criticizes you a "lowlife."
  • Believe that "Our military is a disaster."
  • Force Apple to build "their computers and other damn things in the country."
  • Imply that your supporters are mindless drones who lack moral character by saying that they'd still support you even if he stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot people.
  • Retweet a White Supremacist neo Nazi who supports you
  • Refuse to show up for a debate over a petty dispute with a network and anchor
  • Accuse your opponent of being dishonest because "he's Canadian."
  • Tell companies "to go fuck themselves."
  • Confuse a basic fact about the deal with Iran by refusing to pay Iran $150 billion because you don't understand that it is Iran's money. But nonetheless bluster that you would demand the Iranians do exactly what you want them to do or you'd walk out, and say that would force Iran to do exactly what you want. Coincidentally, and without a shred of irony, get into a dispute with Fox News over a debate in Iowa. Demand that Fox News do exactly what you want (remove Megyn Kelly as a moderator), or you'll walk out. And when Fox News refuses to do exactly what you want, you walk out. But Fox News ignores you and goes ahead with the debate anyways. Then, lose the Iowa caucus.
  • Threaten to sue your primary opponent for running negative ads against you.
  • Accuse a former President of deliberately lying to get us into the war in Iraq.
  • Make bringing jobs back from China a centerpiece of your campaign. Have your campaign hats made in China.
  • Say you'd like to punch a protester in the face.
  • Threaten the Speaker of the House
  • Feign ignorance of the Ku Klux Klan when they endorse you.
  • Say you hadn't heard of David Duke, even though he was an active and highly visible member of your party (at the time) when you were considering running for the party's leadership.

That's an impressive list of lies and distortions you made up. It must have taken you all day.
LMAO that's what you have? Everything Toro posted is true and verifiable.
Says the guy who doesn't even know how to take a dump without thinking about Trump's teachings.




  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be so super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
  • Be a rassler
  • Stereotype Jews as not wanting to give anyone money
  • Deny entry into the country based on religion "until we know what's going on," including Americans of that religion
  • Praise the mob for the work they did for you.
  • Bask in the adulation of an anti-American who kills journalists and opposition politicians, shuts down the press, annexes the territory of a sovereign nation, and supports those who shoot down passenger planes, then apologize for him by equivocating that America is no better because the US "does a lot of killing too."
  • Introduce the word "schlonged" into the American political lexicon and apply it to your potential opponent, who is female.
  • Say that it is "disgusting" when a female goes to the bathroom.
  • Call a newspaper editor who criticizes you a "lowlife."
  • Believe that "Our military is a disaster."
  • Force Apple to build "their computers and other damn things in the country."
  • Imply that your supporters are mindless drones who lack moral character by saying that they'd still support you even if he stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot people.
  • Retweet a White Supremacist neo Nazi who supports you
  • Refuse to show up for a debate over a petty dispute with a network and anchor
  • Accuse your opponent of being dishonest because "he's Canadian."
  • Tell companies "to go fuck themselves."
  • Confuse a basic fact about the deal with Iran by refusing to pay Iran $150 billion because you don't understand that it is Iran's money. But nonetheless bluster that you would demand the Iranians do exactly what you want them to do or you'd walk out, and say that would force Iran to do exactly what you want. Coincidentally, and without a shred of irony, get into a dispute with Fox News over a debate in Iowa. Demand that Fox News do exactly what you want (remove Megyn Kelly as a moderator), or you'll walk out. And when Fox News refuses to do exactly what you want, you walk out. But Fox News ignores you and goes ahead with the debate anyways. Then, lose the Iowa caucus.
  • Threaten to sue your primary opponent for running negative ads against you.
  • Accuse a former President of deliberately lying to get us into the war in Iraq.
  • Make bringing jobs back from China a centerpiece of your campaign. Have your campaign hats made in China.
  • Say you'd like to punch a protester in the face.
  • Threaten the Speaker of the House
  • Feign ignorance of the Ku Klux Klan when they endorse you.
  • Say you hadn't heard of David Duke, even though he was an active and highly visible member of your party (at the time) when you were considering running for the party's leadership.

That's an impressive list of lies and distortions you made up. It must have taken you all day.
Naw..............he's probably just visiting Liberal talking point sites............He as already said he will vote Hillary if Trump wins...........LOL

Maybe we should send him a bumper sticker.


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