Why Jeb Bush wouldn't make a good President


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.

My ass

You have been duped. Democrats don't give a shit about you.
They care about your VOTE only insofar as it keeps them in power, but you as a person, they don't care.....

Wake up
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate
Can you say Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics? It's the American way in Washington. They have habits and routines, and they don't want to change anything. Jeb, or whoever is elected, will do as those before him, no difference.
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate
Can you say Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics? It's the American way in Washington. They have habits and routines, and they don't want to change anything. Jeb, or whoever is elected, will do as those before him, no difference.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hillary would be different... Just because Obama said he would be different and then gave us 8 years of the same, this time the Dems are telling the truth, they promise.

LOL Fucking fools.
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate

None of what you say matters at this point in time.
The Hollywood driven news media has already made that choice for you just as surely as they shoved Obama down Americas throat in the last two presidential election cycles.

Hillary and Jeb are your only choices, like it or not. And in the end, Hollywood is the decider in our elections. Not you.

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the executive branch of the government to spend public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation. This was problematic for Jefferson, who had been elected behind a political philosophy that emphasized small government, low taxes, and "strict construction" of the Constitution—in other words, adhering rigidly to the Tenth Amendment's stricture that all "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

None of what you say matters at this point in time.
The Hollywood driven news media has already made that choice for you just as surely as they shoved Obama down Americas throat in the last two presidential election cycles.

Hillary and Jeb are your only choices, like it or not. And in the end, Hollywood is the decider in our elections. Not you.

None of what Mertex says matters at any point in time. Ever. About any issue.

I do think people are fed up with the media picking our candidates.

I could be wrong again, but I'm maintaining my optimism.


The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the executive branch of the government to spend public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation. This was problematic for Jefferson, who had been elected behind a political philosophy that emphasized small government, low taxes, and "strict construction" of the Constitution—in other words, adhering rigidly to the Tenth Amendment's stricture that all "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

I'm hoping for Paul. He isn't perfect, but a perfect person wouldn't want to be President.
None of what you say matters at this point in time.
The Hollywood driven news media has already made that choice for you just as surely as they shoved Obama down Americas throat in the last two presidential election cycles.

Hillary and Jeb are your only choices, like it or not. And in the end, Hollywood is the decider in our elections. Not you.

None of what Mertex says matters at any point in time. Ever. About any issue.

I do think people are fed up with the media picking our candidates.

I could be wrong again, but I'm maintaining my optimism.

Well I didn't really mean to insult the poster on a personal levelb but rather suggest in no uncertain terms how little control/say, we the voters have in the election process.
...gripped with emotion, a woman composed an urgent email to Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. "Please save Terri Schiavo!" she wrote from her home in Tucson, Ariz., on March 20, 2005. "Do something before it is too late … please! Every parent is watching this drama unfold … and will remember the outcome in future elections." Schiavo would be dead by the end of the month at a hospice near St. Petersburg, but not before Bush took a series of actions that, looking back a decade later, are stunning for their breadth and audacity.

the AUDACITY! ...of government interference into private medical issues ^

Jeb Bush, a governor who was known for his my-way-or-the-highway approach — and who rarely was challenged by fellow Republicans controlling the legislative branch — stormed to the brink of a constitutional crisis in order to overrule the judicial branch for which he often showed contempt. Bush used his administration to battle in court after court, in Congress, in his brother's White House, and, even after Schiavo's death, to press a state attorney for an investigation into her husband, Michael Schiavo.

While many Republicans espouse a limited role for government in personal lives, Bush, now a leading contender for president in 2016, went all in on Schiavo.

"At this moment I am terribly disappointed and embarrassed to be a member of the Republican Party," a woman in Lake Mary emailed the governor during his quest. "How can politicians not realize that the best possible thing they can do for Mrs. Schiavo's parents is to help them to finally grieve for their daughter and move on."

Time has moved on, but the Schiavo ordeal is a stark reminder of how conservative the governor was and how he could dig in when he felt he was right, as was almost always the case. The most wrenching and human crisis Bush endured in his two terms provides a window into a leader who was as commanding as he was polarizing.

"This was all about his personal feelings. It had nothing to do with running the state. To make allegations, when he didn't even know Terri, it was just unbelievable," Michael Schiavo, a registered Republican, said...

The audacity of Jeb Bush A governor goes all in on the Terri Schiavo case Tampa Bay Times
...gripped with emotion, a woman composed an urgent email to Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. "Please save Terri Schiavo!" she wrote from her home in Tucson, Ariz., on March 20, 2005. "Do something before it is too late … please! Every parent is watching this drama unfold … and will remember the outcome in future elections." Schiavo would be dead by the end of the month at a hospice near St. Petersburg, but not before Bush took a series of actions that, looking back a decade later, are stunning for their breadth and audacity.

the AUDACITY! ...of government interference into private medical issues ^

Jeb Bush, a governor who was known for his my-way-or-the-highway approach — and who rarely was challenged by fellow Republicans controlling the legislative branch — stormed to the brink of a constitutional crisis in order to overrule the judicial branch for which he often showed contempt. Bush used his administration to battle in court after court, in Congress, in his brother's White House, and, even after Schiavo's death, to press a state attorney for an investigation into her husband, Michael Schiavo.

While many Republicans espouse a limited role for government in personal lives, Bush, now a leading contender for president in 2016, went all in on Schiavo.

"At this moment I am terribly disappointed and embarrassed to be a member of the Republican Party," a woman in Lake Mary emailed the governor during his quest. "How can politicians not realize that the best possible thing they can do for Mrs. Schiavo's parents is to help them to finally grieve for their daughter and move on."

Time has moved on, but the Schiavo ordeal is a stark reminder of how conservative the governor was and how he could dig in when he felt he was right, as was almost always the case. The most wrenching and human crisis Bush endured in his two terms provides a window into a leader who was as commanding as he was polarizing.

"This was all about his personal feelings. It had nothing to do with running the state. To make allegations, when he didn't even know Terri, it was just unbelievable," Michael Schiavo, a registered Republican, said...

The audacity of Jeb Bush A governor goes all in on the Terri Schiavo case Tampa Bay Times

Have to agree with one thing here. It's pathetic to see politicians and idiotic citizens turning incidents like Terri into political drama.

Kinda like when a President holds a news conference and announces that the police acted stupidly when the only thing he knows about the case is that the suspect was black.
Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.


The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the executive branch of the government to spend public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation. This was problematic for Jefferson, who had been elected behind a political philosophy that emphasized small government, low taxes, and "strict construction" of the Constitution—in other words, adhering rigidly to the Tenth Amendment's stricture that all "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

I'm hoping for Paul. He isn't perfect, but a perfect person wouldn't want to be President.

Ironic that you whine about Obama and instead you want a complete neophyte who swallows the failed Liberatarian dogma drivel!

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the executive branch of the government to spend public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation. This was problematic for Jefferson, who had been elected behind a political philosophy that emphasized small government, low taxes, and "strict construction" of the Constitution—in other words, adhering rigidly to the Tenth Amendment's stricture that all "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

I'm hoping for Paul. He isn't perfect, but a perfect person wouldn't want to be President.

Ironic that you whine about Obama and instead you want a complete neophyte who swallows the failed Liberatarian dogma drivel!
Feel free to post a link to me whining about Obama.
The republican small government plank is a flat out lie.

No republican president has ever decreased the size scope and cost of government.

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.

My ass

You have been duped. Democrats don't give a shit about you.
They care about your VOTE only insofar as it keeps them in power, but you as a person, they don't care.....

Wake up

You act as if you think the "democrats" are a small powerful group who, using nefarious tactics, control the votes of a vast amount of unsuspecting citizens who don't necessarily agree with the democratic goals. I guess it's hard for you to understand that so many people just disagree with you and actually support the things they say they support.

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.

My ass

You have been duped. Democrats don't give a shit about you.
They care about your VOTE only insofar as it keeps them in power, but you as a person, they don't care.....

Wake up

You act as if you think the "democrats" are a small powerful group who, using nefarious tactics, control the votes of a vast amount of unsuspecting citizens who don't necessarily agree with the democratic goals
. I guess it's hard for you to understand that so many people just disagree with you and actually support the things they say they support.

Actually, I believe BOTH major parties fit that description.
Two Shrubs have taken America for chumps. Jeb hopes this country is stupid enough to be a three time loser. There's not a paper width of difference in the three.

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