Why Jeb Bush wouldn't make a good President

Jeb is just another Bush power mongering fool trying to use Daddy's political and corporate connections to buy the oval office.
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate

None of what you say matters at this point in time.
The Hollywood driven news media has already made that choice for you just as surely as they shoved Obama down Americas throat in the last two presidential election cycles.

Hillary and Jeb are your only choices, like it or not. And in the end, Hollywood is the decider in our elections. Not you.

Hollywood is the decider? I think you should stroll on over to votesmart.org and look up where the money is coming from....and going to.

Let's just dial up Ted Cruz, for instance. Ted Cruz s Campaign Finances - The Voter s Self Defense System - Vote Smart

Club for Growth $705,657.00
Senate Conservatives Fund $315,991.00
Woodforest Financial Group $112,500.00
Goldman Sachs $69,350.00
Morgan Lewis LLP $67,550.00
RE Janes Gravel Co $60,600.00
Sullivan & Cromwell $58,900.00
Baker Botts LLP $45,413.00
Jones Day $44,500.00
Wapiti Energy $43,150.00

Republican/Conservative $1,599,057.00
Oil & Gas $951,882.00
Lawyers/Law Firms $934,684.00
Retired $842,200.00
Securities & Investment $745,827.00
Real Estate $589,435.00
Misc Finance $459,939.00
Health Professionals $350,871.00
Misc Business $305,727.00
Business Services $299,512.00

Now why don't you busy yourself with finding out who is behind the Club for Growth for starters and get back to us.

Dude, you completely missed the boat. And sure that's all good information but you failed to see the obvious. All that money, or at least the lions share of it goes to the media. And that gives them the power of king maker.

Obama is a perfect example of shit like that in action. Two election cycles in a row.

And wouldn't you know it, this race is shaping up just as expected. Hillary & Jeb. Whether you like it or not, the media made that choice for you.
I used to be a Republican but I got so sick that I totally abandoned my party.

You and my husband both. We used to laugh that we were canceling each other's vote some years back, then he slowly started leaning left....now he's a stronger liberal than me.
As soon as I found who is the democratic nominee I will start pinning the button on my chest "Vote for Hillary". Then walk around the building and in our quarterly general (first for 16 ) meeting April 8/16.

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.
Who has been telling you that lie?
Obama is a perfect example of shit like that in action. Two election cycles in a row.

You all have a hard time admitting that Obama was a lot smarter than Romney, had more experience as President and is a lot more knowledgeable....but keep blaming it on the media.......bwahaha!

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.
Who has been telling you that lie?

Nobody has to tell me....all I have to do is look at what bills Republicans try to pass in Congress....you should try it...maybe you'd learn something.
And wouldn't you know it, this race is shaping up just as expected. Hillary & Jeb. Whether you like it or not, the media made that choice for you.

No, the media didn't make the choice for us....we wanted Hillary back in 2008, but Obama was more electable....so, we waited. And the media isn't going to choose Jeb....the establishment Republicans are going to choose him, because they are more powerful than your Tea Party lightweights, who are all talk and no power!
If Jeb Bush would candidly denounce his arrogant, elitist sonofabitch brother, and promise to do all he could to repair the damage "Georgie" did to this Nation if elected, I might pay some attention to him. But as it is I see him as a member of corrupt, self-serving, massively damaging dynasty.

George W. Bush is a criminal who deserves to be publicly hanged for what he has done. And his brother has a lot of nerve to ask the American People to trust him.

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