Why Jeb Bush wouldn't make a good President

Why Jeb won't make a good president? How about why no GOP contender would make a good president?????

All's you hear is the same ol bullshit, election year after election year after election year...you people never ever ever ever come to the table with a new message. If it wasn't for so many brain dead mindless white seniors and poor white trash, the Conservative party would disappear off the face of the earth and that is fact!! `14 goobers all wanting to be president in a government, they're all running against, this is the crap comedies are made of, not politics. And now you got Trump the idiot savant running? We're all just waiting on Barfo the Clown and Micky Mouse to announce next their run for the GOP party, its getting that bad.....and the really saddness in all this, should anyone come to the table making any type of sense....you morons isolate them and kick em to the curb...that's how sick the GOP ticket is

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.

My ass

You have been duped. Democrats don't give a shit about you.
They care about your VOTE only insofar as it keeps them in power, but you as a person, they don't care.....

Wake up

Evidence missing from your rant/opinion. Which Big Government Party passed the The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009***, and which Big Government party lobbied against the Equal Rights Amendment?

*** S. 181 111th Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 -- GovTrack.us

The Vote:

For: Dems (55), Independent (2) & Republicans (4)

Against: Democrats (0), Republicans (36)

For those who don't remember, or choose not to, the GOP lobbied against the Equal Rights Amendment.


The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the executive branch of the government to spend public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation. This was problematic for Jefferson, who had been elected behind a political philosophy that emphasized small government, low taxes, and "strict construction" of the Constitution—in other words, adhering rigidly to the Tenth Amendment's stricture that all "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

I'm hoping for Paul. He isn't perfect, but a perfect person wouldn't want to be President.

Ironic that you whine about Obama and instead you want a complete neophyte who swallows the failed Liberatarian dogma drivel!
Feel free to post a link to me whining about Obama.

Why don't we start with your Obama whines in just this thread alone?



Then if you need even more evidence we can do a quick search and take a look at your other 196 Obama whines.


The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the executive branch of the government to spend public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation. This was problematic for Jefferson, who had been elected behind a political philosophy that emphasized small government, low taxes, and "strict construction" of the Constitution—in other words, adhering rigidly to the Tenth Amendment's stricture that all "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

I'm hoping for Paul. He isn't perfect, but a perfect person wouldn't want to be President.

Ironic that you whine about Obama and instead you want a complete neophyte who swallows the failed Liberatarian dogma drivel!
Feel free to post a link to me whining about Obama.

Why don't we start with your Obama whines in just this thread alone?

View attachment 42628

View attachment 42629

Then if you need even more evidence we can do a quick search and take a look at your other 196 Obama whines.

View attachment 42630

Spot on!

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the executive branch of the government to spend public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation. This was problematic for Jefferson, who had been elected behind a political philosophy that emphasized small government, low taxes, and "strict construction" of the Constitution—in other words, adhering rigidly to the Tenth Amendment's stricture that all "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

I'm hoping for Paul. He isn't perfect, but a perfect person wouldn't want to be President.

Ironic that you whine about Obama and instead you want a complete neophyte who swallows the failed Liberatarian dogma drivel!
Feel free to post a link to me whining about Obama.

Why don't we start with your Obama whines in just this thread alone?

View attachment 42628

View attachment 42629

Then if you need even more evidence we can do a quick search and take a look at your other 196 Obama whines.

View attachment 42630
I don't see any whining, except from you.

"wah they are disparaging the Obama"

Shut the fuck up you whiny liberal pussy

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.

My ass

You have been duped. Democrats don't give a shit about you.
They care about your VOTE only insofar as it keeps them in power, but you as a person, they don't care.....

Wake up

What are you talking about. There are a lot of bills that Obama and Democrats have tried to pass that help the middle-class and the poor. What the hell have Republicans done for middle-class? You are just regurgitating talking points you heard one of the clowns spew out.
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate
Can you say Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics? It's the American way in Washington. They have habits and routines, and they don't want to change anything. Jeb, or whoever is elected, will do as those before him, no difference.

Yeah right....because we know Mitt Romney was going to pass affordable health care, push for women to get the same pay as men for the same job, etc., etc.....you're talking nonsense.
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate
Can you say Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics? It's the American way in Washington. They have habits and routines, and they don't want to change anything. Jeb, or whoever is elected, will do as those before him, no difference.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hillary would be different... Just because Obama said he would be different and then gave us 8 years of the same, this time the Dems are telling the truth, they promise.

LOL Fucking fools.

Seems to me you're the fucking fool.......you must listen to Limbaugh 24/7 to come up with such drivel.
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate

None of what you say matters at this point in time.
The Hollywood driven news media has already made that choice for you just as surely as they shoved Obama down Americas throat in the last two presidential election cycles.

Hillary and Jeb are your only choices, like it or not. And in the end, Hollywood is the decider in our elections. Not you.

Well, you may be right about Hillary, but I think the other clowns are going to take Jeb down. He's already proven to be dumber than his brother, surely there are not that many brain dead Republicans to think we need G W all over again.

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Exactly....Democrats want Big Brother to defend the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves. Republicans want Big Government to enforce their stringent and archaic laws that end up hurting the little person, the middle-class, the poor and those who can't speak for themselves.

My ass

You have been duped. Democrats don't give a shit about you.
They care about your VOTE only insofar as it keeps them in power, but you as a person, they don't care.....

Wake up
I did woke up that is why I will not vote republicans or any of these clowns.

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the executive branch of the government to spend public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation. This was problematic for Jefferson, who had been elected behind a political philosophy that emphasized small government, low taxes, and "strict construction" of the Constitution—in other words, adhering rigidly to the Tenth Amendment's stricture that all "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

I'm hoping for Paul. He isn't perfect, but a perfect person wouldn't want to be President.

Ironic that you whine about Obama and instead you want a complete neophyte who swallows the failed Liberatarian dogma drivel!
Feel free to post a link to me whining about Obama.

Oh, so that's your problem....you have a mental block about what whining is when it comes to your comments.....but you sure are able to point them out for others....tsk, tsk...:)
Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

I'm hoping for Paul. He isn't perfect, but a perfect person wouldn't want to be President.

Ironic that you whine about Obama and instead you want a complete neophyte who swallows the failed Liberatarian dogma drivel!
Feel free to post a link to me whining about Obama.

Why don't we start with your Obama whines in just this thread alone?

View attachment 42628

View attachment 42629

Then if you need even more evidence we can do a quick search and take a look at your other 196 Obama whines.

View attachment 42630
I don't see any whining, except from you.

"wah they are disparaging the Obama"

Shut the fuck up you whiny liberal pussy

Well, why am I not surprised that you can't debate without getting your panties all in a wad and uttering your same old rants....can't stand it when your ignorance is pointed out and you are made an example of, child.
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate
Can you say Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics? It's the American way in Washington. They have habits and routines, and they don't want to change anything. Jeb, or whoever is elected, will do as those before him, no difference.

Yeah right....because we know Mitt Romney was going to pass affordable health care, push for women to get the same pay as men for the same job, etc., etc.....you're talking nonsense.
What nonsense? Sure, they all concentrate on the minor issues. How many have you heard mention government corruption, equal taxation, fair trade agreements, the injustices in our judicial system, cutting foreign aid, ending pork spending, cutting subsidies, cutting military spending ( wars ), running illegals back to their home country, stopping our dependency on cheap foreign imports, eminent domain issues, and other very urgent and important issues?
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate
Can you say Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics? It's the American way in Washington. They have habits and routines, and they don't want to change anything. Jeb, or whoever is elected, will do as those before him, no difference.

Yeah right....because we know Mitt Romney was going to pass affordable health care, push for women to get the same pay as men for the same job, etc., etc.....you're talking nonsense.
What nonsense? Sure, they all concentrate on the minor issues. How many have you heard mention government corruption, equal taxation, fair trade agreements, the injustices in our judicial system, cutting foreign aid, ending pork spending, cutting subsidies, cutting military spending ( wars ), running illegals back to their home country, stopping our dependency on cheap foreign imports, eminent domain issues, and other very urgent and important issues?

No they don't.....maybe Bush did. Obama has tried to pass many bills that would have helped the middle-class and below.....the problem was the Republicans being the party of "NO" won't let him. And, I've never heard the Republicans talk about equal taxation........although they probably want the poor to pay as much as the richest 1%....that wouldn't surprise me.

You have been listening to the wrong media sources and not paying attention to reality.
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate
Can you say Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics? It's the American way in Washington. They have habits and routines, and they don't want to change anything. Jeb, or whoever is elected, will do as those before him, no difference.

Yeah right....because we know Mitt Romney was going to pass affordable health care, push for women to get the same pay as men for the same job, etc., etc.....you're talking nonsense.
What nonsense? Sure, they all concentrate on the minor issues. How many have you heard mention government corruption, equal taxation, fair trade agreements, the injustices in our judicial system, cutting foreign aid, ending pork spending, cutting subsidies, cutting military spending ( wars ), running illegals back to their home country, stopping our dependency on cheap foreign imports, eminent domain issues, and other very urgent and important issues?

No they don't.....maybe Bush did. Obama has tried to pass many bills that would have helped the middle-class and below.....the problem was the Republicans being the party of "NO" won't let him. And, I've never heard the Republicans talk about equal taxation........although they probably want the poor to pay as much as the richest 1%....that wouldn't surprise me.

You have been listening to the wrong media sources and not paying attention to reality.
Seems to me that reality has totally escaped you. Don't you realize that both political parties play the same game? It's not Republicans or Democrats, it's "The Washington Brotherhood", the entire Congress plus the oval office. We've had the same government in Washington since the early 60's, that's a long time. We've been sold out for many decades now. Our problems didn't just start yesterday, last year, nor 20 years ago. Playing party politics is a big con that politicians hope the American people keep falling for. The worst enemy of professional politicians is a united citizenry. As long as they can keep us divided, keep us blaming one party or the other, they win, we lose. The game is not that difficult to figure out.

The next Presidential candidate we get who is not a proponent of big government will be the first since possibly Thomas Jefferson.

Fucking hilarious watching either side scream that the other side loves big government, when in fact BOTH sides do, they only differ on WHERE they want that big government to be.

Jefferson wasn't an angel either.

Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the executive branch of the government to spend public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation. This was problematic for Jefferson, who had been elected behind a political philosophy that emphasized small government, low taxes, and "strict construction" of the Constitution—in other words, adhering rigidly to the Tenth Amendment's stricture that all "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I'm hoping we get the best advocate we can for a reduction in government power. I think the best possible candidates for that are Cruz, Paul and Walker, and the bed wetters are terrified of that. So is a lot of the GOP elites of course.

If they (the bed wetters and GOP elitist pigs) get their way and try to shove a RINO down our throats I will write in a cartoon character of some sort and wait for president hitlary.

The democrooks know that too, that's why the media is already trying to pretend Jeb is the front runner or inevitable.

Hopefully the majority of the primary voters won't be fooled again.

Cruz, Paul, Walker? what a joke. Give me one example why I should vote any of these clowns?
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate
Can you say Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics? It's the American way in Washington. They have habits and routines, and they don't want to change anything. Jeb, or whoever is elected, will do as those before him, no difference.

Yeah right....because we know Mitt Romney was going to pass affordable health care, push for women to get the same pay as men for the same job, etc., etc.....you're talking nonsense.
What nonsense? Sure, they all concentrate on the minor issues. How many have you heard mention government corruption, equal taxation, fair trade agreements, the injustices in our judicial system, cutting foreign aid, ending pork spending, cutting subsidies, cutting military spending ( wars ), running illegals back to their home country, stopping our dependency on cheap foreign imports, eminent domain issues, and other very urgent and important issues?

No they don't.....maybe Bush did. Obama has tried to pass many bills that would have helped the middle-class and below.....the problem was the Republicans being the party of "NO" won't let him. And, I've never heard the Republicans talk about equal taxation........although they probably want the poor to pay as much as the richest 1%....that wouldn't surprise me.

You have been listening to the wrong media sources and not paying attention to reality.
Seems to me that reality has totally escaped you. Don't you realize that both political parties play the same game? It's not Republicans or Democrats, it's "The Washington Brotherhood", the entire Congress plus the oval office. We've had the same government in Washington since the early 60's, that's a long time. We've been sold out for many decades now. Our problems didn't just start yesterday, last year, nor 20 years ago. Playing party politics is a big con that politicians hope the American people keep falling for. The worst enemy of professional politicians is a united citizenry. As long as they can keep us divided, keep us blaming one party or the other, they win, we lose. The game is not that difficult to figure out.

Seems to me that someone sold you a load of bullshit and you're believing it. Here, acquaint yourself with the differences.

These two parties dominate America's political landscape but differ greatly in their philosophies and ideals.

Democrat vs Republican - Difference and Comparison Diffen
Can you say Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics? It's the American way in Washington. They have habits and routines, and they don't want to change anything. Jeb, or whoever is elected, will do as those before him, no difference.

Yeah right....because we know Mitt Romney was going to pass affordable health care, push for women to get the same pay as men for the same job, etc., etc.....you're talking nonsense.
What nonsense? Sure, they all concentrate on the minor issues. How many have you heard mention government corruption, equal taxation, fair trade agreements, the injustices in our judicial system, cutting foreign aid, ending pork spending, cutting subsidies, cutting military spending ( wars ), running illegals back to their home country, stopping our dependency on cheap foreign imports, eminent domain issues, and other very urgent and important issues?

No they don't.....maybe Bush did. Obama has tried to pass many bills that would have helped the middle-class and below.....the problem was the Republicans being the party of "NO" won't let him. And, I've never heard the Republicans talk about equal taxation........although they probably want the poor to pay as much as the richest 1%....that wouldn't surprise me.

You have been listening to the wrong media sources and not paying attention to reality.
Seems to me that reality has totally escaped you. Don't you realize that both political parties play the same game? It's not Republicans or Democrats, it's "The Washington Brotherhood", the entire Congress plus the oval office. We've had the same government in Washington since the early 60's, that's a long time. We've been sold out for many decades now. Our problems didn't just start yesterday, last year, nor 20 years ago. Playing party politics is a big con that politicians hope the American people keep falling for. The worst enemy of professional politicians is a united citizenry. As long as they can keep us divided, keep us blaming one party or the other, they win, we lose. The game is not that difficult to figure out.

Seems to me that someone sold you a load of bullshit and you're believing it. Here, acquaint yourself with the differences.

These two parties dominate America's political landscape but differ greatly in their philosophies and ideals.

Democrat vs Republican - Difference and Comparison Diffen
Cute .... very cute ...... funny also. Look, I've been following politics for many many years now. I know what has happened to this once great nation, and I know who and what caused our collapse. You can take sides and play the game all you want, but don't expect those of us that know how the system works to join you.

Do both Republicans and Democrats sell their votes on the floors of Congress? Do we have a Lobbyist controlled U.S. Congress? Do all politicians accept money and favors for their votes on legislation?
The most vocal right-wing claim is that they hate big government, and Jeb Bush proved to be a BIG believer in big brother inserting itself in the most private areas of American lives. Republicans bristle every time Obama signs an Executive Orders and claim he is a bully for doing so (even though G W Bush out-Executive Ordered him) .....so how will they defend Jeb Bush's freewheeling hand signing away some of our freedoms just because Jeb thinks he knows best? Jeb Bush would be making decisions for Americans in the most private and remote areas where truly government has no business going.

How will GOPers defend what they claim they hate?

And that's where the tragic case of Terri Shiavo becomes so important to that narrative. Regardless of the many issues surrounding Right-to-Die civil liberties in America, the Terri Shiavo case paints a stark and drastic picture of Republican BIG Government interference in the individual liberties of everyday Americans. Not only did Jeb Bush publicly express his opinion about the heart-wrenching decisions over life and death being made by Terri's husband, but he used the power of his position to call a special legislative session in Florida for the sole purpose of passing "Terri's Law," a massive government over-reach into the medical decisions being made by doctors, and what the Florida Supreme Court called a violation of the "cornerstone of democracy, that of the separation of powers."
Two Reasons Jeb Bush is Not a Viable Candidate

None of what you say matters at this point in time.
The Hollywood driven news media has already made that choice for you just as surely as they shoved Obama down Americas throat in the last two presidential election cycles.

Hillary and Jeb are your only choices, like it or not. And in the end, Hollywood is the decider in our elections. Not you.

Hollywood is the decider? I think you should stroll on over to votesmart.org and look up where the money is coming from....and going to.

Let's just dial up Ted Cruz, for instance. Ted Cruz s Campaign Finances - The Voter s Self Defense System - Vote Smart

Club for Growth $705,657.00
Senate Conservatives Fund $315,991.00
Woodforest Financial Group $112,500.00
Goldman Sachs $69,350.00
Morgan Lewis LLP $67,550.00
RE Janes Gravel Co $60,600.00
Sullivan & Cromwell $58,900.00
Baker Botts LLP $45,413.00
Jones Day $44,500.00
Wapiti Energy $43,150.00

Republican/Conservative $1,599,057.00
Oil & Gas $951,882.00
Lawyers/Law Firms $934,684.00
Retired $842,200.00
Securities & Investment $745,827.00
Real Estate $589,435.00
Misc Finance $459,939.00
Health Professionals $350,871.00
Misc Business $305,727.00
Business Services $299,512.00

Now why don't you busy yourself with finding out who is behind the Club for Growth for starters and get back to us.

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